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Grocery Check

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posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2
I don't see any food protests so I can only assume the vast majority of people are ok with the price increases. Maybe people's salaries have kept up?

You’re right, but I think we are getting close to a tipping point.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yes indeed, the prices have gone up. I've also noted that your big box grocery stores often don't have normal products like chicken pieces (mostly thighs) but our local sourced fancy pants store has plenty. For $16 per 10 thighs. I've done the grocery shopping for nearly 40 years and I remember every price inflation period very well and this one is the worst aside from the great corn to ethanol switch meat increases.

I've often commented to the wife that I couldn't imagine still having to work and try to afford the grocery prices right now. For instance, today I ordered 4 lb. butter, chocolate chips, cascade, 3 bags frozen fries, chicken nuggets, 5 lb potatoes and 15 eggs from Walmart. $97. Don't even get me started on beer prices.

I think that it's to the point where people should be educated to use whole birds when cooking poultry and using the carcasses to make soups and stews. What we've started doing is buying our whole chickens, ducks and turkeys from a friend who raises them.

A the beginning of this inflation spiral, I set up a greenhouse and grew enough veggies (tomatoes, green peppers) to make 20 gallons of venison chili. I also made 10 gallons of turkey stew and set aside enough venison shoulders and legs to make roasts. Next year, I'm tripling the crop.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: billxam

I buy whole birds, but I know how to butcher them pretty well.
I also make an amazing broth out of the carcass.

I guess it’s time for this generation to learn to do these things.

Meat has been the main course for so long, but looks like it will revert back to a side or for flavor like was done in years past. One silver lining is that people might not waste as much now, which has been a huge problem.

Next year, I'm tripling the crop.

Same, and luckily I have some things already set up pretty well.

edit on 12-12-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

My treat around Christmas time is a box of chocolate-covered cherries. I was shopping with my wife and there they were at the price of $4.79. Needless to say, there they stayed

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Tarzan the apeman.
a reply to: JAGStorm

My treat around Christmas time is a box of chocolate-covered cherries. I was shopping with my wife and there they were at the price of $4.79. Needless to say, there they stayed

Man...that's sad!

I almost want to send you $5 so you can enjoy your Christmas time treat!

Chocolate covered cherries shouldn't be too much for a man in America to want!

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

It's ok, my wife bought me a box as a surprise.

edit on 12-12-2022 by Tarzan the apeman. because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: Tarzan the apeman.
a reply to: jerryznv

It's ok, my wife bought me a box as a surprise.

Oh good! What a nice wife!

A surprise for Christmas...well...have a merry one!

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas also.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 10:06 PM
I went shopping today 7kg bag of weight control dog food PC brand 39.99
One small bag of mandarin oranges containing about 12 small oranges 7.99
24pack of Pepsi 15.99
4pack of sliced peache cups in syrup 4.99
Pack of 2 chicken breast 8.50
One 2L milk 3.99
6oz pack of raspberries 6.99

Oh and I bought my wife a treat from the bakery section 6 macron cookies…9.99….
edit on 12-12-2022 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I went grocery shopping a few days ago. I had to laugh.
The prices are ridiculous.

A six pack of soda $8.
I saw a normal spiral ham, medium sized, it was $79
Bacon $9
Eggs were 6-9 depending on type.
Dog food is insane so we are making our own now.
Veggies and fruit were all up across the board except for oranges, they were 5 for $5
Things like spices, coffee and tea are going up exponentially.

Milk and butter are pretty reasonable here as we are the dairy state.
There was a display of apples, and the organic ones were on the top of the “pyramid” and I’m short so it’s hard to reach.
I had to really lean in there. That’s when I noticed I was being watched.
I noticed this guy following me through the store. I’m sure it was loss patrol, I was about to stop him and say I was the one being robbed!

I bring all that up, but luckily my family is mature and able to handle the costs. I just think about young people, or a young family. How the heck are they surviving? I think about a family struggling with a lot of kids. This has to be a nightmare.
The ones that make to much for assistance, but not enough through their pay.

Rates are going up again next week and that’s bad news for those putting groceries on credit.

Those prices seem similar to here in podunk Indiana. For example: I bought 2 dozen brown eggs the other day and it was almost $14.00 - $6.42 per dozen on the shelf tag but they rang up at $6.13 each! The store brand white eggs were almost the same price so I went ahead and got my normal brown country eggs.

Rib eye steak is $15.99/pound.

I bought 6 fairly large apples (but what used to be normal size...) to go with the apples I already had to make Apple Cider butter. It was $9.32 for those 6 apples.

Chunky soups (I paid 1.50 each for the ones I have left in my pantry) are now $4.09 per can.

Coffee is up.

90%/10% ground beef is 7.99 / lb.

Fruits and veggies - 1.69 for (1) one red bell pepper, and most of the items look pretty poorly at the store, and bananas for some reason go bad within a day or two.

almost $7.79 for (1) roll of Jimmy Dean Breakfast sausage.

Bush's best chili beans - usually about 1.30 per can, is now 1.82.

A gallon of Prairie Farms whole milk has stayed at 4.99 until just this last week. Now it is 5.42 at the store I shop at locally.

$8.29 for a package of 8 Oscar Meyer beef hotdogs.
$6.55 for one tube of Pillsbury bake at home cinnamon rolls.

Was going to get a head of cauliflower for Christmas and try to learn to like it, but it $5.99 a head so I didn't get it! lol

Continued cat food shortages but not dog food, do not know why.

I don't buy all these items, but suffice it to say most things are going up little by little still, and I am still seeing lesser amounts of many items in stock. More and more bare looking shelves. Some pretty empty and several very low stock on hand.

I just don't know how people with kids are feeding their families right now, just breaks my heart for them and wish things would get better soon.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: Tarzan the apeman.
a reply to: jerryznv

It's ok, my wife bought me a box as a surprise.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: billxam
A the beginning of this inflation spiral, I set up a greenhouse and grew enough veggies (tomatoes, green peppers) to make 20 gallons of venison chili. I also made 10 gallons of turkey stew and set aside enough venison shoulders and legs to make roasts. Next year, I'm tripling the crop.

As I type this comment, I'm sitting about two feet away from some tomato plants I'm growing inside the house this winter. They're sitting right next to the window in my library to get sunshine, and at night they get a grow light on them. When all my outside plants died due to the cold moving in, I already had these plants going with the intention of never transplanting them outside. I/we have to do things that we can to help ourselves as much as possible.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 11:56 PM
As prices go higher on everything, you will of necessity find a "hook up". Amish farmers, regular farmers, craftsmen & craftswomen of all kinds, and esp. people like mechanics (gunsmiths) or those who produce liquor, beer, wine, tobacco and other luxury items.

Just get out there and get friendly with those people that will have the hook up you will need. They are out there and likely within a reasonable distance of your location. There are probably some local clubs and organizations that will help with your hook up network. Keep an eye out for signs on the street for things like farm fresh eggs or handy man or firewood and what have you. Social media can help build the network too, find people that sell stuff that "fell off a truck", Wink - Wink. You may need to talk to that guy's cousin that your brother in law knows to find a specific needful thing.

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 09:14 AM
And yet they were touting on see b.s. news this morning that inflation was down, what a load of crock. I used to get a 6# bag of dry cat food for $6, now that same bag is $11. And sams club is running Folgers coffee on instant savings this month, the 51oz container I bought last time is now 43oz but the price is still the same!!

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 09:18 AM
I guess this just isn't happening in Missouri. Things have gone up some, then back down a little, and gas is at pre-covid prices again. Most items listed here are about twice what I pay for them.

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 09:33 AM
I am already on the Hutterite train for farm fresh chickens.

a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

find people that sell stuff that "fell off a truck", Wink - Wink. You may need to talk to that guy's cousin that your brother in law knows to find a specific needful thing.

Oh I guess you don’t know about the new generation of trucks.
The ones with GPS that can be disabled remotely.
the one with multiple cameras, and hidden ones. The ones with sensitive weight recordings.
It won’t be long before robots are driving these, or self driving with AI security.

I think it’s going to be even harder for things to fall off than they ever were.

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

People are conditioned to look for price tags that have the word "Sale" attached. It's laughable that the "Sale" is still 40% higher than the price was just 18 months ago!

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 10:03 AM
I know this isn't exactly grocery related...actually it is...some how someone is spending money to fuel a vehicle to get groceries either to the store or to your it relevant!

In any my local hometown Facebook group...posts like this are becoming more and more frequent as we all try to save a bit of money wherever we can! It's tough times out there and they are only getting worse!

I catch posts of local farmers, local crafters (yes beer and liquor too), baker, meat processing...all kinds of neat and efficient ways to save a few bucks over the local supermarkets!

All of it is 100x healthier, without preservatives and additives, and often half the cost! There's also a ton of bartering going on and neighbors are more than willing to do some "horse trading" for stuff!

We all enjoy seeing gas a bit lower (not where it was 18 months ago) but lower than it's been for the last 12+ months!


edit on 13-12-2022 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2022 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

Bought my mom a 4lb boneless ribeye roast just last week for $27USD, per her request.

Sliced it up into 5 steaks, each about an inch thick, vacuum sealed them and delivered them to her frozen.

Five inch thick boneless ribeye steaks for less than $5.50 each.

When the going gets tough, the tough get....creative.

Just buy a 1/2 cow from a rancher... about 3.80 per pound.

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