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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Roxstar

I'm just re-viewing his speech and I think we need to review a TRANSCRIPT!

There are some significant statements that seem to be traps for the MSM (and us) to misinterpret:

1) "China played a very active role in the 2020 election... Just sayin, Just sayin...(HANDS UP)... I'm sure that didn't happen",

2) "China, Russia, Iran and North Korea were in CHECK!"

3) "My opponents made me out to be a warmonger and just a terrible person, who would immediately go into war. They said during the 2016 campaign that "if he becomes president there will NEVER be a war within weeks - and we will have wars like you've never seen before. It will happen immediately"... and yet I'VE GONE DECADES - DECADES - WITHOUT A WAR! The first president to do it for that long a period"

4) "Unlike previous presidents, I kept my promises - I KEPT THEM!" (Lifts bottle of WATER and pointedly drinks from it)

5) "ARE YOU GETTING READY? ...AND I AM TOO, I AM TOO!" (Lifts bottle of WATER and pointedly drinks from it)

6) "I do want to point out that, in the midterms, my endorsement success rate was two hundred and 32 wins and only 22 losses.

7) "...And this is an ELEGANT NIGHT and an ELEGANT PRESS... er PLACE and I'm not going to use the term FAKE NEWS! media... So we're going to keep it very ELEGANT!"

Gematria for ELEGANT PRESS =




Definitely needs a deeper re-read and analysis!

Great analysis as always Rel.
There's a lot to unpack here. But overall and from here on out, I think the final chess pieces will be moved into position as best they can before 2024.
With McCarthy as speaker, it's hard to predict right now, what he may do to help.
A lot depends on this moving into the next election. The fraud must be fixed beforehand. Otherwise, as last week has proved, it will be stolen as well. Along with any future elections. This has to stop now.
He looked pretty confident up there as well. Delivered a lot of big threats to the DS. Basically saying, it's on boys, lets rock.
He has many Trump cards to play I'm sure.
We're just getting started.

ETA: Nancy Pelosi got fired tonight.
and is going to another country lolol

edit on R2022x3130pmTue, 15 Nov 2022 23:43:31 -0600 by Roxstar because: (no reason given)

edit on R2022x5930pmTue, 15 Nov 2022 23:43:59 -0600 by Roxstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2022 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I think #1415 applies TOMORROW, Nov 16th, which is 11.3 on the Julian calendar:

NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440 📁
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)

Anonymous ID: db3003 No.1472035 📁
May 19 2018 16:29:27 (EST)

They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.

Meaning, DS thought it was coming at the announcement tonight but it will be tomorrow on 11.3... as per #26:

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147449624 📁
Nov 1 2017 00:41:54 (EST)
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

Bolded timestamp encodes Nov 16th.

edit on 15-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 12:11 AM
I'd like to dedicate this song to the movement.

Fight the Good Fight - Triumph

One of Canada's top rock bands. Amazing talent and always wrote inspiring lyrics. Rick Emmett is absolutely one of the most talented guitar/singers I've ever seen.

We need to get back to our ground roots and take a step back for a minute and appreciate what we had, and what we're fighting for.

This video is from the US Music Festival 1983

Lyrics below as well


The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long
Feels like we're running out of time
Every day it seems much harder tellin' right from wrong
You got to read between the lines

Don't get discouraged, don't be afraid, we can
Make it through another day
Make it worth the price we pay

The Good Book says it's better to give than to receive
I do my best to do my part
Nothin' in my pockets I got nothin' up my sleeve
I keep my magic in my heart

Keep up your spirit, keep up your faith, baby
I am counting on you
You know what you've got to do

Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
It's your only way

All your life you've been waiting for your chance
Where you'll fit into the plan
But you're the master of your own destiny
So give and take the best that you can

You think a little more money will buy your soul some rest
You'd better think of something else instead
You're so afraid of being honest with yourself
You'd better take a look inside your head

Nothing is easy, nothing good is free
But I can tell you where to start
Take a look inside your heart
There's an answer in your heart

Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay

Every moment of your lifetime
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay


posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 12:43 AM
Vive' la France

edit on 16-11-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 12:45 AM

1 minute from launch...

Possibly relates to #771

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.95 📁
Feb 15 2018 14:28:16 (EST)
Civilian Puppet.
Player in the game?
We play for KEEPS.
Need help sleeping?
How was your meeting w/ Pelosi?
Protection offered?
Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you.
T-minus [12:34]

a) Timestamp encodes Nov 16th, today.

b) Does [b[-minus give 2x minus = PLUS?

c) Watch out for + 12:34 into the flight!

edit on 16-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 03:33 AM

November 16, 2022
Madison, WI

Statement by Office of John F. Kennedy Jr.
“This is an official announcement for 2024 election.
I am going to take back the White House as Vice President of the United States.
We are the majority, we are the winner.
The best is yet to come.

Trump JFK Jr. 2024"


Has anyone else seen this. Here


posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 03:39 AM
Uh, guys... a Supreme Court case regarding the 2020 election just hit the docket

> it involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress

> This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”)

Check the document for the full list.

Also, it is about the congress ignoring over one hundred claimants, on J6, that the election was rigged. They did not investigate the claim, as they should have, and installed Biden. Under the constitution this is treasonous, as they were aiding the enemy.

> When the allegations of a rigged election came forward the Respondents had a duty under law to investigate it or be removed from office

Supreme Court Docket

DropBox to document


This case has not been taken up by the court. This is a writ application. To which the defendants have not responded. The court very rarely hears these types of cases. My bad, everyone. 🍻

Thanks for keeping this going, Dashen. 🍻
edit on 16-11-2022 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 05:13 AM
Say IT isn't So

Mitch McConnell BUSTED Taking Zelensky’s Stolen FTX Money According To New FEC Docs

According to the documents, someone from FTX, the crypto business that failed last week, donated $2,500,000 to McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund. reports: The money goes from taxpayers, is sent as “aid” to Ukraine, which gives a good chunk of the laundered money to FTX, which contributes to the Uniparty Swamp. This prompts the Uniparty Swamp to repeat the process, and as we’ve seen over the past several months, it’s working wonders. Corporate media barely reports on all the money getting laundered there on a weekly basis. No Democrats and very few Republican politicians bring up the issue. Nearly everyone is on the take.

McConnell is among the top recipients that we’ve found so far.

If you’re going to run a con, you have to keep people from following the money. Sadly, if FTX hadn’t collapsed it’s very likely this con would have continued unabated for years, even decades. That’s the state of geopolitics today.

edit on 11162022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Say IT isn't So

Mitch McConnell BUSTED Taking Zelensky’s Stolen FTX Money According To New FEC Docs

According to the documents, someone from FTX, the crypto business that failed last week, donated $2,500,000 to McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund. reports: The money goes from taxpayers, is sent as “aid” to Ukraine, which gives a good chunk of the laundered money to FTX, which contributes to the Uniparty Swamp. This prompts the Uniparty Swamp to repeat the process, and as we’ve seen over the past several months, it’s working wonders. Corporate media barely reports on all the money getting laundered there on a weekly basis. No Democrats and very few Republican politicians bring up the issue. Nearly everyone is on the take.

McConnell is among the top recipients that we’ve found so far.

If you’re going to run a con, you have to keep people from following the money. Sadly, if FTX hadn’t collapsed it’s very likely this con would have continued unabated for years, even decades. That’s the state of geopolitics today.

Exec Order 13848

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Can you imagine the report concluding Mitch and others took money from a foreign entity that was originally intended as aid and given by our own Govt....then used it to directly interfere in the outcomes of several election results....

He was part of the approval process of this aid money to begin with............

How many of our politicians actually visited in person and were pictured with Zelensky? Now we know why.....

edit on 16-11-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: pheonix358
Raises hand.
Unrelated but an interesting has anyone seen This.

Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation (4:20-cv-00447)

Last Updated: Nov. 15, 2022, 5:26 p.m. CST
Assigned To: Amos Louis Mazzant III
Date Filed: June 1, 2020
Date of Last Known Filing: Nov. 15, 2022
Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act
Nature of Suit: 890 Other Statutory Actions
Jury Demand: None
Jurisdiction Type: Federal Question

edit on 2022/11/16 by CrazyFox because: When You knoW You knoW

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Roxstar

That was the biggest take away for me was that Nancy was Fired and I thought he said was IN another country. My guess is that country was Cuba and was in a firing squad.

I also find it interesting that he did not mention the year he was running. While disappointed other things were not brought up I wasn't really surprised that he had this announcement, I still think it is early and I don't think the US has seen or went through enough turmoil. Compared to much of the world we have not seen the hardships and I think that is coming. The US economy has been a huge part of funding the cabal and it needs to totally collapse to remove all other avenues.

There are a lot of ways this can go and I still firmly believe that the current form of Government will not be maintained and his presidency will not be the traditional presidency that we are all familiar with. Power back to the people and links to Articles of Confederation are all over the place. Its my opinion that is more of the direction we are headed.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 07:49 AM
Found something, maybe

FXT - Autograph (NFTs) - Tom Brady (GOAT), PGA Tour

Article from 2021
Tom Brady’s Autograph adds FTX CEO, The Weeknd to the Board of Directors

The NFA megastar has decided to look into opportunities related to the crypto sphere and has added multiple times Grammy winner Abel Tesfaye, better known as The Weeknd, and FTX CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried to Autograph’s Board of Directors.

Back in early 2021, FTX held a Series B round, raising 900 million USD for the growth of their platform.
Autograph was also part of the round as an investor.

Sam Bankman-Fried, aka SBF, will also join the board and SCS Chairman Peter Mattoon and Discovery Land Company Chairman Michael Meldman.

Bunny Trail
I came across this as I was researching more about the PGA Tour and LIV tour battle. Apparently...

The PGA Tour has a deal with Autograph, to sell NFTs of its players.

The PGA Tour has agreed a long-term partnership with the Tom Brady-co-founded web3 brand Autograph.

Part of the gripe from the tour players has been that they have to sign away their media rights if they want to play on the tour. So this, is a potential huge money maker for the PGA Tour. The individual players would have no say or pice of their own NFTs

US-based Autograph will create digital collectibles of the tournaments best golfers using tour competition video data, as well as imagery and other competition assets.

That seems pretty unreasonable to think players would be cool with that.

Besides my bunny trail about the PGA Tour. Is there anything worth taking a deeper to look at with this connection between Autograph, FTX and other major celebrities?

ETA: I fixed quote and added more info from first article
edit on 16-11-2022 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

Hard to take that guy seriously with his broken English.

According to recent attack of ISIS to the tomb of Iranian sufi Shahcheragh it is good to know that the founder of ISIS is Former Commandor of IRGC Qasem Soleimani who killed millions of Syriyan kid

Iranian larper?


posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 08:19 AM
We don't need the military.
If you can't print out pamphlets and put them around town then get on twitter and meme your ass off.

We don't need Trump.
We don't need Q.
We don't need the military.


Do what ever you can to spread the word.

Print out pamphlets to post around town with Vaccine ingredients.

Study what they're doing to us, reflect upon it, and then reverse it back on them.

We are winning make no mistake about it, and we will win with or without Q or Trump or anyone else.

This is about us, the people, no one else.

We didn't make it this far to just bitch out like rainbow haired cowards. Grab your balls and throw up your middle finger. I see many frustrated people around the internet, so figured why not?

Love you all.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 08:43 AM
I agree with this. At best, this was a distraction to keep people...complacent...for a bit longer.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
There's something very odd about President Trump's candidacy announcement tonight - which makes me think it's a smoke screen!

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Vive' la France

"Let's have the world cup in Qatar, cause they hate the gays." Also, "they use slave labor which is a bonus." Then, "we can virtue signal about gays and slaves." Cleary a win/win.

Hugo is in for a world of hurt. (your vid isn't showing up in my timeline)

What's crazy to me is waaaaaaay back I used to have a joke about going to a gay requirement meeting. It was funny because there were none,,,, were.

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:48 AM

Fascinating clip. Xi is in charge, Castro is doomed - at least this version.

Now, what is revealing is this version is programmed poorly, only says what it is programmed to say,,,,,,, which, in this context was quite possibly the worse thing it could have said. Notice how it attempts to close space, to gain control = fine with a slave/voter but not XI. Situational Awareness is not a strong suit of the replicants.

Now, folks who don't get it, won't understand. Xi, Vlad, BRICS+++, has doomed the Old Guard, the only issue on their side is can they both root out the Old Guard in their midst, CCP+Oligarchs etc.?

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:48 AM
QTSR Nov 16:

QTSR Nov 16:

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:49 AM
This is a very interesting read.....FWIW....YMMV....

White Hats in Turmoil

It’s happened before, and it’s happening again.

Another chasm has opened between White Hat leaders who support President Donald J. Trump and those who say Trump’s time is up and that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis now represents the future of American conservatism. As reported previously, officers under Gen. David H. Berger’s command have repeatedly waffled over whom to back, with half bemoaning the general’s unwavering endorsement of Trump. And last week three high-ranking White Hats defected to the Deep State following the midterm steal.

“Defeatism is in the air. There are those among us who feel the Deep State is unbeatable, that we’re engaged in an unwinnable war, that we don’t have the manpower to affect change, so they’re jumping ship and swimming to what they think will be the winning team. This is opposite of what we saw two years ago, after the 2020 steal, when officers and NCOs up and down the board were calling Gen. Berger and saying ‘get me in this fight.’ It’s problematic,” a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

He also said lack of political support has cast doubt on whether White Hats can restore order to the Republic.

I wonder who the 3 defectors are?

posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 10:51 AM
QTSR Nov 16:


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