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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on May, 22 2023 @ 07:03 PM
Fake AI image of Pentagon exploding goes viral on Twitter and causes US markets to plummet

A fake image of an explosion near the Pentagon in Washington DC, which may have been created using AI technology, caused a brief market selloff.

The image purported to show a large cloud of smoke near the headquarters of the Department of Defense on Monday, and was shared by a string of online accounts on Twitter.

But the image and claims of an explosion were quickly branded fake by the Arlington Fire Department.

“There is NO explosion or incident taking place at or near the Pentagon reservation, and there is no immediate danger or hazards to the public,” the department said on Twitter.

The fake explosion was shared by the @Deltaone Twitter account at 10.06am ET, and by 10.10am ET the US stock market had fallen by 0/26 per cent before bouncing back, Insider reported. The account later posted that the explosion picture was fake.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 07:57 PM
opsec oops

edit on 22-5-2023 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 08:33 PM

This is heartbreaking ⤵️

30% of children brought across the border are trafficked by people with zero relation to them. Many are raped, sold and even killed.

The only way to ensure these kids are actually with family members is DNA testing. President Trump enacted testing to SAVE LIVES and keep children from living a nightmare.

The Biden Regime just announced that they will end this policy, effectively handing children over to human/sex traffickers and dooming them to a lifetime of the most unimaginable things you can imagine.

Joe Biden is a cruel, cruel man.
And the people that empower him are just as evil.

Pray for these babies.
Pray for America. 🙏
7:08 PM · May 22, 2023

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 09:59 PM
Ripple CTO Unveils XRP's Potential in New CBDC Platform

Ripple, the crypto company, recently introduced a platform for the turnkey issuance of CBDCs, opening up opportunities for central banks, governments and financial institutions to establish their own digital currencies effortlessly. The launch of this innovative platform has sparked curiosity regarding its potential impact on XRPL, the core ledger technology that underpins Ripple's operations.

David Schwartz, the chief technology officer at Ripple and one of the architects of XRPL, shared his perspective on the matter. He emphasized the significance of XRP Ledger, stating that the new platform reinforces its importance as it is constructed using the same fundamental ledger technology. Moreover, Schwartz highlighted the innovation's ability to seamlessly interact with XRPL and utilize XRP as a bridge currency for cross-currency and cross-border payments.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
It's a corporation, after all it's trade secrets were exposed by cyber monkeys crew (aphasia acting up that was nearly 3 years ago) their "name" is gone. Time for a redo of name etc for comeback. Expect golden parachutes. Trump is not President mission accomplished.
I wonder ukr $ is payment for election and catchup for the $ when H lost. 4 years of laundering adds up quick.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein 'threatened to expose Bill Gates' 2010 affair with a Russian bridge player after he refused to participate in a multibillion-dollar charitable fund with JPMorgan'

This is very good news for Bill gates and Im sure he welcomes it. Its far better to make Gates associations with pedo Epstein about a consenting adult affair than about having pedo connections with him, isn't it.

Almost to convenient I say.

Except they met 30-40 times. Whatever transpired between BG and JE, his divorce is the result.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Also, we can infer some things. First off, it's obvious that this is JE's Method of Operation, blackmail/extortion. It's being revealed in a way intended to hurt BG, for sure, but also the point is to deliver a message to other Epste!n "clients".

The other thing we can do is substitute a young hot female Bridge player for an even younger whatever. See how that works; dirty him up a little for the coup de gras of pervert sex tapes revealer later on.

My read is maybe BG is not playing ball with the Whites, which makes rne nervous considering all of the bi0 he has access to, and his demonstrated nasty temper toward rivals, if you follow his personal business history. Also my opinion is that he has a social disorder that renders him envious of popular "computer" and internet sites as well as the more liked personalities behind them; such as EM with great success in multiple industries.

I mean, nobody is a Windows Fanboi or subscribes to Zune or whatever. To this date, Windows sucks in so many ways. Historically, every time he had a hand in placing a MS-DOS and WIN product into the public via PCs it was forced onto the companies who did business with him. Nobody really wanted him, nor said good things about the transaction-interaction, the product or process. In fact, divisions of huge companies and teams of lawyers worked feverishly to circumvent his product. That experience messed him up. I ask myself, how did he gain such success with such a hollow shell of a product, leaving the public beholden to a Dr.Weevil, of sorts.
edit on 23-5-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
This bit, and bolded part mine...

“There is NO explosion or incident taking place at or near the Pentagon reservation,

Maybe it's just me, but I thought it an odd choice of word....

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Craig talkin Biz with Derek Johnson , Good neighbour to have, Craig.

Yes Rel, the next one will be far, i feel, more insightfullll.
NZ 1st to see lite means lots starts here, theys imo know that this and these two beginning a stronger start connextion creates good boding.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
Did you see the comment?
JOM cannot log in?

BREAKING: Trump Files $3.78 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against The Washington Post

Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), the parent company of Truth Social, is suing The Washington Post for defamation, seeking $3.78 billion in damages.

past blast

Look at the Ballot Dumps That Begin 17 Hours After the Polls Close and Continue for Three Days — in Multiples of 4,600 Votes



An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing puzzlement as to why the United States top Special Forces command, that is currently directing the war in Yemen against Houthi rebel forces, has this past week taken over a number of Walmart stores in America and is now converting them to Command and Control (C2) Centres.another past blast

Big week?
edit on 2023/5/23 by CrazyFox because:

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Except they met 30-40 times. Whatever transpired between BG and JE, his divorce is the result.

No doubt but the media will hyperfocus on making this about the affair to make it go away or explain it away.

(post by NoAlienBastards removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

We're going to need to update Billy's picture. Moving on, what is CEPI up to?
One of the biggest problems with the successful implementation of the plan was the requirement of ultra cold storage, a real problem in countries like Africa.

Quite awhile ago I posted about Bill Gates interest and investment in wearable patches. Looks like things are moving at 'Lightspeed'.
Coming in from the cold

Vaxxas has partnered with CEPI to introduce a new vaccine- delivery platform.
"Vaxxa's vaccine-delivery platform could improve access to mRNA vaccines by removing the need for frozen storage, enabling easier distribution and offering accurate and safe dosing with minimal waste."

This solves a couple of problems that occured during the plandemic, the shortage of needles, ultracold refrigeration and untrained staff who were administering the jabs. Fortunately deficiencies in these key areas made the campaign less successful than it might have been.
Vaxxas Wiki
I expected to see Gates around this but here we have BARDA as well!

Trying to wrap my mind around this- UNICEF
UNICEF'S Plan to Deploy

No doubt the ultimate goal is to use this for the administration of routine vaccinations. Can you imagine how many different drugs they can give children when no pain is involved and how many different ones at the same time.

* From either the book 'Moonshot' or Ugur Sahin's book 'The Vaccine: Inside the Race to Conquer the Covid-19 Pandemic'
Ugur Sahin personally made an enormous investment and took control of the global supply of syringes.
Their greed has no bounds.
The Vaccine

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Rochelle Walensky must have hoped that by resigning she could escape testifying but not so fast...
Rochelle Walensky Required to Testify and Preserve her Documents

I have doubts that all of the documents will remain unaltered. Better yet maybe she has taken a page out of Biden's playbook and has stashed documents in 'discreet' locations.

This is the person who was the head of the CDC and responsible for guiding people during the plandemic.
Rochelle Walensky twitter

Watch the water- "If I have a cup of water I can put out a stove fire."

I have hunted everywhere for evidence of her corruption.
Found it.

Following the spouses.
Loren R. Walensky $$$

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

This may just be my feelings on the matter but this has all the markings for Plandemic 2.0. Disease X perhaps?
NIH Library Biosafety Threats of the Rapidly Established Labs for SARS-Cov-2 in china

I hadn't really considered that China would rapidly build all of these BioLevel 2 labs during Covid. I suppose it makes sense but were they ever really held to any standards or were any standards enforced? Was this conducted remotely like the manufacturing facilities for the mRNA jabs?

Just look, many of these labs did not even have automatically closing doors. That would seem to be rather necessary if there was any breach.
We have another #11 link. March 9-11, 2020 China apparently evaluated 89 labs and found lots of issues.

I imagine we can extrapolate this to the rest of the world. Now we have all these labs built with loads of excess capacity.
I really have to question Tedros and the WHO who continue the narrative of couldn't possibly come from the WIV. In light of this they can't possibly claim that lab was really safe.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Truth Justice has just posted a new video about pedophilia.
Out Of the Shadows
This is really worth watching.
The week of July 4th they plan to release this in the theatres so hopefully this will awaken many to how serious the problem is.
Take a look at the 10.07 mark. What do you think? Real, fake? It is odd.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:22 PM
More about those safe and effective mRNA jabs.
Thread on mRNA jabs
The implications are enormous because they must have known.

Meanwhile circling back to Pfizer and Moderna what are they planning next?
What's Next?

They need to check in with CEPI and their new delivery platform.

This can't be good Pfizer is adding 'another strain of mRNA into its new shot that 'apparently' will broaden the T- cell response."
How can they possibly predict what the next variant will be?
They are just going to combine different vaccines together to ensure compliance. I have heard "DO NOT COMPLY
is trending.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Just to add to your post.
How Deep Fakes and AI Are Changing the World video
Just came across it.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 12:58 PM
I said last year m.A.L.I.C.E. would be slamming things together that made no sense. Here she is again. Let's take a look. Joe says the biggest threat to America is white supremacy = NVM, that he's white.

Tim McVeigh
White Supremacy
Nazi Flag
White House
Uhaul Truck Bomb.
Nebulous Terrorist Face = screw up in the mashup.

Curious fact, notice the shoulders, at least in CA pics are facing front, on a block, so the tipped shoulders would be hard.

Notice the turn around here, remarkable = these two "resigned" because they are criminals. Also, why do most of the Sorosian characters look more A.I. drawn than real human souled people???

In August DJT misspelled "Nellie" with "Nelly" Ohr 6 Times One deleted.

Six other times DJT spelled "Nelly" with Nellie Ohr.

Let's all remember Nelly Cum Nellie's claim to victimhood was that she was "under-employed" and we all needed to feel bad for her.

These all go together.

None of this ^^^ happens without teevee. None of the current transHumanist stuff does not happen without TicTok. None of this happens without influencing, which is far more subtle and more insidious then folks realize.

CLIP watch and stop at the 6 minute mark and see if you can figure out how he did it. He will explain after. Then apply to it to everything her majesty m.A.L.I.C.E. does -[ she needs to do better about rooting out those rogue elements that conflict with the Original Prime Directive.]

The problem as I said from day one is this ^^^. Everyone is so entrained on symbolic manipulation that they NEED to be "Awakened" through the same system or they cannot do it at all. Yes, Q is a GD psyop, observing this isn't significant or meaningful, this type of "messaging" is the only way to reach the population who has/had zero clue about what is what because that's how it is done here.

From "is Q real" in 2017, to today is a YUGE leap forward, with millions digging, millions Q-uestioning and so on, and more importantly enough looking at the symbols to start to cause them to morph and hold little punch.

Good feed with some thought provoking anomalies here Andtartary

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

IF we start adding the pieces together:
30tons of Fertilizer goes missing
Congressional Members get a new phone security system for their phones
A person of foreign nationality tries to drive a U-Haul through the barriers at the White House

I'm seeing an Oklahoma City Bombing styled event taking place at the or near the White House. There are Executive Office building around the White House, that don't have the same level of protection as the White House. Seems that something is brewing, something very "False Flaggie" is brewing.

As a reminder, the evidence of the OCB being a cover-up for a Clinton involved issue is pretty high. Now that Congress is exposing the Biden syndicate, it won't be long before the Clintons are exposed as well. I will once again point out that the "Personal pictures" that were exposed on Hunters lap-top are an indication that either Chelsea was either handed around like candy, or was being used by the Bidens like Obama's kids were.

Let's all be glad that I'm usually wrong though.

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