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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on May, 12 2023 @ 08:25 AM
I will go on record to say yes Hoagland was correct. He had solid proof and the people were chastised by those some people here that others treated then as little "g" gods. Those people, one comes to mind but not calling him out, were applauded when they slammed anyone who didn't see Hoagland and his Scientists sharing their data as a pack of liars.

The exact same book, using the exact same page 1 from the Cabal manual we see rinsed and repeated.

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: nerbot

Richard Hoagland's take on it was that they went, but what they found there was so wild that they had to fake the landing footage to cover it up. Lots of large crystalline structures most notably.

There are some historical anomalies that Hoagland cites to support his theory. There is a transmission during one Apollo mission where the astronaut sends: "We're down among them now", when they were nowhere near the lower elevation that would have put them even or close to even with any lunar mountaintops.

You also have Aldrin taking the controls and changing the landing location at the last moment, completely unplanned supposedly.

Another odd anomaly are astronaut Bean's odd paintings of the moon, which show quite a different landscape from the one we are told exists up there. Bean gave some very strange accounts of his experiences on the moon, and I think he was said to have had some "mental health" episodes which kept him out of the public eye for many years.

Hoagland went into quite a bit of detail on these things in the book that he and Mike Bara co-wrote, "Dark Mission". Fascinating read.

a reply to: Guyfriday

It's certainly not exclusive to the Swiss aristocracy, though it's a safe bet the Swiss aristocracy are thoroughly involved. Marrs does a good job of detailing some of the Johnny come lately families in "Rule By Secrecy". It's been a few years since I read it, so I can't remember the names. I think the Warburg family was one such though if I remember correctly.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: Thoughtful2

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
sadly, not shocked

“DEVELOPING: This is the most important developing story in the country. The COVID-19 murder for money scheme in the hospitals appears, in many cases, to have been carried out by fake doctors and nurses,” Renz wrote on Twitter.

So much bad news these days.
Not much to say except I'm not surprised.
Then this...

And finally this...
Barr & Geraldo, two peas in pod

It feels like the crazy got turned up a few notches. Even the most jaded among us must have trouble with those thre stories/
Damn, I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

I wonder how many people have done something similar to these nurses who were not nurses. I mean could there be that many guns for hire to actively participate in mass murder. We can add those governors that ordered Covid +ve into nursing homes, Fauci's Remdesivir, faulty manufacturing practices for the jabs and now the test kit. The list goes on and on.

Now we can add this, apparently a whistleblower has come forward claiming that Rochelle Walensky was not really the CDC Director but rather just a Senior Advisor.
Lisa McGee from Vaxxchoice

Also why are there so many Director and senior level positions in government not officially filled but just temporary placeholders?
Just watch her position will be filled with someone who will be assigned as "acting" Director vs being the formal Director.

Maybe I'm just not interpreting this correctly but look at this> Acting HHS Director
Why not just say Director?

It wouldn't really take as much organization and orchestration as you might think.

Most medical professionals follow the protocols established by the medical institution that they work for. If they don't, they're likely to find themselves looking for another job, if they still have a license once the smoke clears.

The AMA is every bit as fascist as some claim as far as I can tell. The boards that control the licensing of medical professionals are basically part of the same club, if they aren't actually a part of the AMA. Any dissenting professional can have their credentials pulled on the say so of a very small group of people.

The alopathic school of medicine is fairly fascist in nature, and defends its fiefdom very vigilantly. You can see this in the large schism between alternative medicine and alopathic medicine. Sure pharmaceutical companies play a large part by providing such powerful incentives, and with their criminal activities, but the philosophy and institutions behind it are essential to the power those companies wield.

If the FDA, AMA, and other similar institutions weren't so compromised, or didn't enjoy so much control over the medical industry, we would live in a different world.

Anyhow, they wouldn't have had to compromise the line workers, just the administrative officials that determined and enforced the protocols. Step on dissent, and repeat. By the time the flawed practices were discovered, the damage had already been done.

Edit to add that fraud tends to be commonplace within the medical industry. Mistakes are often made and subsequently covered up on a day to day basis. This is the culture of the industry. As a result, a large portion of professionals in that industry have been conditioned from day one to close ranks in situations like these where they have messed up pretty badly. Some speak out, sure, but these tend to be the exception, not the rule. Most of those complicit will not own up to any of this if they can possibly avoid it. It's the culture of the industry.

Well placed harsh words that come off like Orange man was good and these people really are horrible people as POTUS 45 keeps pointing out, correctly I might add. If those people doing this were wise they would know to thank DJT, but we know they are not wise. Evil is not wise, but clearly it can be sneaky smart.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

'sneaky smart'

Yep, animal cunning. Not the same thing as wisdom or genius.


posted on May, 12 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Hoagland's theory seems to best fit all of the known and unknown details. There are anomalies with the moon landing broadcasts, but the "we never went to the moon" theory doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

It always seemed to me like the answer was probably somewhere in between those two answers of "yes we went and everything happened just like the official accounts say" and "we never went and the entire thing was completely fake."

I also subjectively considered Hoagland's writings and words in interviews on this subject to be credible, but that is of course only my subjective evaluation.

a reply to: Justoneman

That's what it is. You'll rarely if ever see it reported on or written of because of the powerful incentives that tend to prevent it, and because it is very much a part of the culture of the industry.
edit on 12-5-2023 by TheBadCabbie because: To add a quotation mark

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Thinking about it, the Left using the rape smear at every chance is intended make people indifferent about the subject when Epstein-level crimes become known.

Well, rape smears except Tara Reade, Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick, Leslie Millwee, Kathleen Willey of course. Those don't count.
edit on 12-5-2023 by SideEyeEverything because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 12:40 PM

The reason for LLC's, bagmen, family members etc. involved in Quid Pro Quo, or taking bribes, is so that one cannot tie the actions of the donator to the target. That's how it works.

So, we're going to see the most hilarious talking points coming this week in This Week In Revelation Joe.

"Look, the truth is, there is no evidence that Joe ever gave favors to anyone in exchange for money given to his family through LLC's, trusts, tax differed accounts etc. no evidence of a Quid Pro Quo, what about Trump we know he was guilty of sexual assault."

Watch for it. The apologists here will also throw in "intent" related to: "well Joe didn't actually know about the exchanges, because the system was too complicated and he never met with these folks and there is no evidence they even wanted favors anyway."

This should out the paid stooges once and for all, but it won't.



Boxed into a corner, sending out the media matters goon squad with this absolute garbage response is amazing.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:09 PM
I don't want the thread to become about this, but it is slow and does expand the bigger picture.

The Lunar Lander seems to be a real life TARDIS.

Sat broadcast was in it's infancy. This is a current TV uplink truck, in the 60's they were huge, and did not power themselves.

I have no idea what tech they would use to track the lander taking off from the moon, but judging by how folks use cell cameras even today, that was a remarkable feat given the power supply is leaving, as well as the uplink, though I'm sure they left just enough lead acid battery power and a primitive GPS type tracker to follow it perfectly, just one take and they nailed it. Unlike real life.

Then there is the issue of all the equipment fitting into the module, seems pretty small, look at the oxygen pack, two, two bodies, and the truck equipment needs to fit. They need a huge amount space in that thing to help each other put on the gear, no open doors, and the gear is hella awkward to me.

Most folks never set up a live link, it isn't easy, and really wasn't back then. They had to broadcast through the VA Radiation Belt, and I have no idea how they would test that out before going or how it didn't get scrambled, as the Sun can and does scramble signals if too strong - "solar flare waring communications may be affected." They sent pics back for the NY times to print in hours, remarkable given they were not tv techs using experimental equipment. Ever tried to set up something for the first time? Every tried to do it in scuba gear on land?

I also find it curious the film for the Hbad cameras didn't get fried when it went in or out of the belt.

Having seen a few pieces at the museum, scuba gear is hardier.

As I said, do not reply folks, I don't want this to be the discussion here, just things folks don't often think about would lead one to conclude: Either the event was too valuable to be left to chance, so everything we "see" is fake to assure it was just perfect, and or, the tech was sooooo damn good, they hid it from the population, and still do.

This is the ultimate "yes it is, not it isn't" and there is no answer and it doesn't matter any more than the CIA actually revealing they meddled in the death of JFK: The Ultimate CT, the Top Effing DOG, and the revealing of more facts resulted in not even a blip here at ATS.

It isn't the truth people are after, they don't actually care for the most part, as integrating that information into their lives is too hard, they want the puzzle to be a lifetime process for the most part and the ability to argue a polarity point safely. "Yes they did" is safe, "No they did not" is safe, the gray area is scary.

The bigger question looms. If we went as they said, why no return? Why not even a bot? Why does it really just seem the trip was at a time when folks would cheer, get it over with, never to revisit again without a complaint, but remarkably fund NASA with a gazillion dollars oversight free for the next 50 years.

Young folks really have no problem with... because "we lost the tech" "costs too much, mars is cheaper" "no political will" "climate change stops it" "bigger issues, stop asking."

That's the more interesting part to me, the fact that the current generations are happy with cheering about weakass pics from Mars (which may be coming from Canada) as the bomb and believing they are going on the trip to mars to be saved from global warming. That's the problem, the screenagers have arrived in force and doing things is not their forte, neither is really reformulating their collective consciousness to stop accepting the Original Narrative as Ultimate Truth.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

The reason for LLC's, bagmen, family members etc. involved in Quid Pro Quo, or taking bribes, is so that one cannot tie the actions of the donator to the target. That's how it works.

So, we're going to see the most hilarious talking points coming this week in This Week In Revelation Joe.

"Look, the truth is, there is no evidence that Joe ever gave favors to anyone in exchange for money given to his family through LLC's, trusts, tax differed accounts etc. no evidence of a Quid Pro Quo, what about Trump we know he was guilty of sexual assault."

Watch for it. The apologists here will also throw in "intent" related to: "well Joe didn't actually know about the exchanges, because the system was too complicated and he never met with these folks and there is no evidence they even wanted favors anyway."

This should out the paid stooges once and for all, but it won't.



Boxed into a corner, sending out the media matters goon squad with this absolute garbage response is amazing.

Really surprised, I thought Catherine Herridge was more honest than that.
Replacing Trump Era "China policy" on intellectual property and espionage, wouldn't that be a policy change?
Biden changed Trump policies on China espionage
How about asking more than one question, like asking;
Why did the entire Biden family receive money?
Also, maybe it's not just policy maybe it's allowing a satellite balloon with technology to see, hear etc.. traverse the country over military bases and other sensitive areas without any push back or even a phone call.
It could also be selling our oil reserves to China.
It could be allowing Chinese nationals to cross our borders.
There have been others, how weak, Catherine Herridge should be ashamed just like all the press.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 01:31 PM
Jim Jordan says Obama's top spy confirmed Hunter Biden letter was 'all political'

"He sat for [a] four-hour interview, Jesse. He further confirmed that this thing was all political," Jordan said on Fox News Channel's Jesse Watters Primetime.

The Ohio Republican then took issue with Rep. Dan Goldman's (D-NY) dismissal of the matter, with the Democrat saying that Brennan was a private citizen when he signed the letter in October 2020.

He also testified there was no russian collusion, despite going on teeeveee as a "private citizen" as saying there was.

So they are going with the "private citizen" defense here again, as they did with Hunter.

Fun Fact: They will parse this even more, watch for them to say "the 51 never said IT WAS, they said it had all the hallmarks of, which means it might not have been" as "all they were doing was point out that russian compromat looks like this and we should be careful."

See, that's ^^^ lawyer speak, what they say is true, but JB, or this version of JB, saying it was political nullified the "Private Citizen" thing and the disclaimer aspect, but Goldman Goon had no choice but to go with talking points Lawfare/Brookings handed him and the rest of the idiot class.

Interesting. Remember Circle Back Jen saying they weren't invited over to Space Force?

edit on 12-5-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything

I meant fictitious stories.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Well, there's a legal principle where you can infer intent through actions, an ipso facto of sorts.

Shady foreign businessmen don't hand out $10MM to the VP for nothing.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Thinking about it, the Left using the rape smear at every chance is intended make people indifferent about the subject when Epstein-level crimes become known.

Well, rape smears except Tara Reade, Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick, Leslie Millwee, Kathleen Willey of course. Those don't count.

Good point and I think the reason why is those women were raped and the media dared not give it much light of day or serious scrutiny. It was always about that "slut" or she was asking for it scenario. The kind of thing women's rights fake leader Gloria Steinman of NOW was against all of that until it was her team caught doing that and more. After the D's get exposed she gave only the sound of crickets in the night....

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I believe the Lunar Module had lots of O2 and you can pressurize a tank to several atmospheres above normal for slow release. They were running at 5 atmospheres from data I have seen. It is all in how good the valves are to hold back the high pressure that would determine how high that went and the size of the tanks would be the limiting factor so they had to get off the moon in short order.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: crankyoldman

I believe the Lunar Module had lots of O2 and you can pressurize a tank to several atmospheres above normal for slow release. They were running at 5 atmospheres from data I have seen. It is all in how good the valves are to hold back the high pressure that would determine how high that went and the size of the tanks would be the limiting factor so they had to get off the moon in short order.

I love you, but you just made my point. Yes, there is an explanation for everything, there is also Never A Straight Answer, there is also the fact the CIA demanded we accept the Lone Gunman, which, wasn't true. Interesting point, if you argue in favor of the Original Narrative all there is to go on is approved of information, like the JFK stuff for decades, Russian Collusion, etc. so to argue the polarity opposite you have to go outside the lines, which, always lead to "yes it is - no it isn't."

I really don't care either way, I actually think the whole argument is silly at this point, I didn't go, can't go, no one is ever going again, and I get nothing from the stories that either boost by esteem or shape my world view. I did watch it as a kid.

I have reached the point, for good or ill, that the Original Narratives on everything are suspect at best, therefor no reason for me to invest in any aspect of argument except to see how it shaped us all. The minute folks fight over an Original Narrative, it's more likely than not a lie, the more passionate, the more likely a lie to manipulate deeply the spiritual nature of the human population.

Symbols become the real giveaway at some point.

Reminded me of this for some reason.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 05:59 PM
Something going on here, symbols matter.

This is very on point, the admission the information was out there is pretty clear.


This excerpt is taken from page 14 of a United Nations document entitled:

“Guide to COVID-19 vaccine communications : a practioner's guide to the principles of COVID-19 vaccine communications”⠀

It is available on the UN Library. ⠀

Smart people are most vaccine hesitant - I wonder why?⠀

She admits we are interrupting the data correctly- read that back again.

This document outlines how to communicate to the public about taking the jab. There has been an incredible amount of planning and thought designed to get the public to accept their rights being stripped and restricted. There has also been an incredible amount of effort put into making sure as many people take this shot as possible - consequences be damned. ⠀

To be clear, from my POV, everyone was given a choice. They didn't have to like it, didn't even have to see it, but it was there. Everyone but the NPC's, they cannot process choice so they followed the Original Narrative.

I never feared The Rona, never bothered with testing, never bothered with masking, never added to my "gee I am nothing but LUCKY I didn't die" basket of dodged another. I never considered the jab, never altered my world view, never had a single moment of waver, doubt, and never justified my position or my truth = No reason. I'm probably unique in that way, so the "choice" for me wasn't one, my choice in that process existed elsewhere, not within that frame.

Why do I say that? Because during that time, I never had occasion to justify myself, because I carried no weakness within, which meant that reality existed side by side of me as contrast and no on challenged me. It also meant, my choices to avoid the drama were there, unusual, but there, and it meant altering my existence to accommodate - the results of those accommodations are reflected in my world today.

We are now seeing the conseQuences of those events here in 2023.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: RookQueen


posted on May, 12 2023 @ 06:22 PM
Whip mentioned this three years ago.

Defense Dept. Explores Crypto Use Cases With Blockchain Startup Constellation

The Defense Department, or DOD, has just finalized a contract with a six-year-old blockchain startup — a significant step for the industry.

Established in 2017, Constellation is a privately backed, founder-led blockchain ecosystem with a keen focus on processing big data. Its infrastructure is pitched to support decentralized data marketplaces and maintain data provenance and integrity.

Look to the stars
Constellation is the architect of what it calls the Hypergraph Transfer Protocol (HGTP). It’s a tool for Web3 developers to encrypt, authenticate and handle data across various digital platforms.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I will go on record to say yes Hoagland was correct. He had solid proof and the people were chastised by those some people here that others treated then as little "g" gods. Those people, one comes to mind but not calling him out, were applauded when they slammed anyone who didn't see Hoagland and his Scientists sharing their data as a pack of liars.

The exact same book, using the exact same page 1 from the Cabal manual we see rinsed and repeated.

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: nerbot

Richard Hoagland's take on it was that they went, but what they found there was so wild that they had to fake the landing footage to cover it up. Lots of large crystalline structures most notably.

There are some historical anomalies that Hoagland cites to support his theory. There is a transmission during one Apollo mission where the astronaut sends: "We're down among them now", when they were nowhere near the lower elevation that would have put them even or close to even with any lunar mountaintops.

You also have Aldrin taking the controls and changing the landing location at the last moment, completely unplanned supposedly.

Another odd anomaly are astronaut Bean's odd paintings of the moon, which show quite a different landscape from the one we are told exists up there. Bean gave some very strange accounts of his experiences on the moon, and I think he was said to have had some "mental health" episodes which kept him out of the public eye for many years.

Hoagland went into quite a bit of detail on these things in the book that he and Mike Bara co-wrote, "Dark Mission". Fascinating read.

a reply to: Guyfriday

It's certainly not exclusive to the Swiss aristocracy, though it's a safe bet the Swiss aristocracy are thoroughly involved. Marrs does a good job of detailing some of the Johnny come lately families in "Rule By Secrecy". It's been a few years since I read it, so I can't remember the names. I think the Warburg family was one such though if I remember correctly.

What we know about building 6 during 9/11?

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 08:03 PM
Michael Flynn sues conspiracy theorist over lurid QAnon claims

“Mike Flynn, the worst traitor in history who stole 2016, created Q, planned the insurrection,” Stewartson tweeted on Wednesday, more than a week after burning a cease-and-desist letter from Flynn's attorney related to his allegations.


“You stay in good health Michael, get ready, okay, it’s not long, only a year and a half, just stay healthy,” Trump said in a speech last month.


edit on 5122023 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

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