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How close to breaking point are we with costs?

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posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yeap, just yummy HUNGRY-MAN turkey and stuffing tv dinners for now on as long as the inflation and recession loving democrats rule us all!

Bun apetito pilgrims! ~John Wayne 🦃🍗🍷❌
edit on 26-10-2022 by DoomsdayDude because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Last night I watched a vid on youtube entitled "is the UK heading for civil war" The guy had some interesting stats from the police. Saying that most of the old guys are getting out, most are suffering from PTSD. Recruitment is down big time, many are taking stress leave. They are fed up with the BS. At the moment it's one cop for five hundred people in the uk. Crime is skyrocketing. and you only get the electrical rebate if you are on the automatic deductions, which seem to be going up really fast each billing period. Inflation is double the government inflation figures, and there have been massive demonstrations in London that never get reported in the MSN. The new PM is a WEF guy who will just plow ahead with the agenda.
He made the point that the British only revolt when they have nothing to lose. He says it has happened before, and if you are in the vast majority earning less than thirty thousand pounds a year, they are almost there. You actually can't live on the wages with the price structure which is existing at the moment. So it should be interesting as the year progresses, most western countries are in the same position.It is fairly obvious that the same people that have driven the cart in this direction are not the people to get us out of this dire situation, so something will have to give.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

It's really sad, and I just have to say that WE are paying more and more, as more and more illegals are running over here.
And I want to know why they don't have to pay for anything, I have the feeling we're all paying for them!

"Equalizing of wealth" , Marxism at work

edit on 26-10-2022 by ancientlight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Those of us living middle-class or better aren't feeling it as bad.

But it IS starting to hurt the bottom line.

We had bison roast and smoked ham this year for 5 of us (The wife and I, 2 boys and one girlfriend), the Bison was $54 for 4 lbs and the smoked ham was $30+ for 6 lbs is I remember correctly. Insanity.

I don't think we've seen the end of it yet either.

edit on 10/26/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:01 PM

How close to breaking point are we with costs?

What time is it now?:

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:47 PM
It is a lot of work cooking everything from scratch. I now cook most of our meals and help the wife prep when she cooks. She helps me a little, but when I cook I also do the dishes most times as I am making them.

We went to the Hong Kong buffet last saturday. It wasn't that expensive, about twenty bucks for the senior lunch with water to drink plus a three buck tip. That is the first time we went out to eat in a month, although the wife did go to eat at a local small restaurant with her friends from the diabetic club they formed. I call it the fat club because all they do is eat and BS for a few hours every Monday...most times they met in a park and packed their lunches but it is getting too cold for that now. I guess they are going to start meeting at one of the woman's home starting next week, sort of a potluck once a week.

I make most of our bread and we are using a lot of stuff we bought a year ago, we have three big freezers and sixteen feet of shelving units for cangoods. Also the first floor spare bedroom closet has shelves in it full of stock we cannot keep in the basement where we store the cangoods. Plus seven five gallon buckets with extra stock in rotation. We are mostly just restocking when we shop and we buy almost everything on sale because we can go months between good sales to restock a product. We are a little low on rice, only about twenty pounds, but I need to get another five gallon bucket with a good lid to boost that up somewhat.

We have about twenty five pounds of butter left in the freezer, all rotated, it has a one year freeze life and still tastes great. We bought twelve pounds to boost up reserves about a month ago, it was two fifty a pound on sale and butter is really expensive now. Doesn't look like it is going to go down to even three bucks a pound anymore. Wallmart has some decent priced whole chickens and leg quarters yet, I think it is a buck twenty two a pound for whole chickens there now and their chickens are pretty decent. The leg quarters I use for soup and they were seven ninety six for ten pounds...I split the packages and vaccum pack them in one huge pot of soup packages. We have ten whole chickens and twenty pounds of leg quarters in stock along with about five pounds of skinless boneless breasts. Hopefully we don't have a long power outage, it is a lot of work watching over the generator when you are also using the wood cookstove and hauling water from the basement.

We started stocking food supplies to save money and lessen trips to the store. We used to have to run to the store to buy things every day, now it is one day a week and we could go a month without going to the store. During the first part of the covid, we got to try our stock system, we only had to go get a few things from the store every other week, we have since fixed the deficiencies in our food pantry.

It is nice to have everything in stock to make anything you want to make but to get to the point we are at, a person would have had to spend a couple of grand and that was based on prices from two years ago when things were much cheaper. It may be close to three grand now.

We actually scored some cans of tiny shrimp about two weeks ago from a store to make our shrimp stores around here had any for three months and the holidays are here, and I wanted them even though they were up to three forty nine a can now...we got greedy and bought the only three on the shelf....and there has not been any restocking done anywhere anymore.

Things are going to get a lot worse before the end of inflation comes. I predict at least nine more months before stuff stabalizes and starts coming down a bit.

But you need to have freezers and the right kind of freezer needs defrosting every year.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 12:58 AM
edit on 10/27/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 05:20 AM

edit on 10/27/2022 by TheRedneck because: Removed for Spam

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

as a process and in terms of building anger i think we are at least 8 to 12 weeks away..

though I think given the west is holed beneath the waterline, like a sinking titanic that is the part that'll show first and start the masses panicking.. that'll poss become visible in 4-6 weeks..

this can't be masked for long nor can the addition costs be born by the corps, SMEs or wider public..

and in picking apart nation states and national IDs those in power have left themselves nothing for the masses to rally around..
edit on 27-10-2022 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-10-2022 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:43 AM
Remember kids, the whole concept behind money is so that smart people can squeeze the life-blood out of the stupid.

The markets are manipulated like a sponge to soak up as much as possible (supply fears, price gouging, fees, interest, etc.) but in order for rich peoples' money to have any value at all, an acceptable level of stability in the global market must persist.

So, no, it's not going to all come crashing down. It's just a board game for the elite. They won't let it crash completely because the tables would soon turn against them. Your subservience is what's desired, not your total elimination.

After all, we are their life-blood, not the other way around!

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:37 AM
staff edit
edit on Thu Oct 27 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:30 AM
I see several comments of “I don’t think we are there yet”. What I do not see is just exactly what defines us being “there”. AKA just exactly at what point are we “there”.

I would like to answer that. There means “simply not affordable” without precedent. I will not address the “why” of it, as many of us know that answer. Those who do not? Well. They simply don’t know.

Answer: Revelation 6:5-6 “a quart of WHEAT for a denarius.”

I had a link here to CNBC noting the uptick people going to food banks, but my disdain for that media is such I simply could not bring myself to link it. Suffice it to say food banks are indeed in demand big time.

Indeed prices are up dramatically.

So what does a quart of wheat signify? If you buy a 4 pound bag of flour you will work for it for almost an entire week. This is what that scripture means. Because this is not a quart of flour, but a quart of wheat. Grind down a quart of wheat and you get perhaps two cups of flour. Enough for a single loaf of bread. And don’t forget you will need yeast.

What is a Denarius? It was a silver coin in most cases that one would work for in the fields, and it was the wages for approximately 12 hours of work.
This was for the average laborer. It was a full days wages 2000 years ago when this prophecy was written.

So. You will work a full day, in order to buy a single loaf of bread. That my ATS friends from 2000 years ago is the prophecy of just one Horse in chapter six of revelations. That is the breaking point.

Many of us here are prepared physically, food wise etc, and also many of us are prepared spiritually and mentally for this.

So the answer of are we there yet is no. And when we have to work all day just to survive on bread alone, then…..we will be there. And it is close.
And the Breaking Point? No one really knows what that is going to look like. But we can speculate with some accuracy. Expect widespread hunger in areas that it has yet to happen.
Davids Hope
edit on 27-10-2022 by DavidsHope because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: MykeNukem

Those of us living middle-class or better aren't feeling it as bad.

The thing is, we may not feel it as we are financially secure, however I’ve seen crime skyrocket.
That’s where it will really start affecting everyone. Crime is taking place at a lot of retail and grocery stores.
As those places start to tighten up, and they have, these people will start hitting others. They know where the money is too.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: DavidsHope

I see several comments of “I don’t think we are there yet”. What I do not see is just exactly what defines us being “there”. AKA just exactly at what point are we “there”.

simply because our respective govs have not radicalised enough people yet, people will try to survive first and hope things will get better, but the radicalisation is happening across a number of arenas which are being countered by extensive propaganda being spread by mass media but like the soviet union before the fall people know its all false and the groundswell for real change is growing..

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

the middle class are as impacted as everyone else but not in some arenas like finance, but certainly with topics like safeguarding the vulnerable groups be they young, elderly or female.. and the desperate will then always target the richer groups where they'll find the things they want or need..

here is the issue with Hollywood's treatment of end of world topics with the middle class portrayed as hoarding stockpiles being burned into society imagination.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: MykeNukem

Those of us living middle-class or better aren't feeling it as bad.

The thing is, we may not feel it as we are financially secure, however I’ve seen crime skyrocket.
That’s where it will really start affecting everyone. Crime is taking place at a lot of retail and grocery stores.
As those places start to tighten up, and they have, these people will start hitting others. They know where the money is too.

I agree.

I just meant we aren't feeling it "for now".

If I lived in a city, I'd be leaving, because of the reasons you state.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

If I lived in a city, I'd be leaving, because of the reasons you state.

I don’t live in the city, I like in a quite rural area but the crime is spreading.

Drugs are a massive issue too as people will try to numb themselves from the realities of life.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I agree with you it's getting bad..most people can't afford gas in their cars. I am on a mom's group, women have been quitting their jobs, which means no daycare. They have cancelled cleaning services, no more take out restaurants. Some have cancelled door dash, etc. Some people barely have money in their bank accounts. Wait until you aee people's heads explode over heat costs. People up North are afraid to use heat or are looking into alternative heating.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 04:53 PM
Me & my wife laughed about 6 months ago on a visit to a local supermarket after noticing the prawns had been security tagged.

On a visit to the supermarket a couple of weeks back I noticed the larger packs of butter had been security tagged.

When/if the smalleror standard size packs of butter are being tagged, I believe it will speak volumes with regard to hitting breaking point.

Perhaps an odd way to describe the current situation, but hopefully effective!

In summary, I don't think breaking point is far away.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: starlahazelnut

They have cancelled cleaning services, no more take out restaurants. Some have cancelled door dash, etc. Some people barely have money in their bank accounts. Wait until you aee people's heads explode over heat costs. People up North are afraid to use heat or are looking into alternative heating.

This is a whole other topic. People have been making poor financial decisions for quite a while.
How anyone is using door dash is beyond me. I've never used it once, maybe i'm old school.

The fringe "luxury" services are going to get hit first. I've already seen our health club offering massive massive discounts, like 1/5 the normal monthly price. Cleaning people are realizing they can't name their price anymore, same for handymen.
I needed some topsoil delivered and this guy wanted to play back and forth with me and I said look, I can call several others and they will be here in two hours. He was shocked. This is how it is going to be. You know all those house project and building projects, if you need people, just wait a smidge, you'll see. There will be people begging for the work.
I've seen this happen before.

Also just fyi if you ever need trees taken down, CALL several places, I got prices from 1200 per tree to 100 per tree. The lowest place was the most experienced and licensed too!

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