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How close to breaking point are we with costs?

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posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:10 PM
I’ve seen, you’ve seen it.

People are already talking about skipping traditional Thanksgiving because of the cost and doing a more toned down meal.
They are also saying things like it’s about togetherness and not the food. I do agree with that, however turkey is traditional. When we can’t afford turkey one day of the year something is REALLY wrong.

I went to our normal neighborhood grocery store and a box of butter was 7 dollars, SEVEN dollars for four sticks of butter. I live in the Dairy state!
Dog food is getting so pricy that it is actually cheaper for me to make my own. I buy a little extra beef and veggies and cut them up real good and my ol’ girl is happy as can be.

Gas seems to be stabilizing a bit, but I noticed our very low electric bill went up quite a bit this last month.
Luckily we don’t have water costs as we are on a well, but my friend that do have a water utility are getting charged left and right.

People are treading water right now and I suspect a lot of people are living off of credit cards, and it’s going to be real ugly when the floor falls out. I really don’t think we are there yet, but we are sure close. I think we are going to find out after Christmas.

Also restaurants in my area are now starting to close some days, and have shorter hours. Stores are closing on Sundays, which is normally one of the busier days of the shopping week. Two of my favorite restaurants that I’ve been going to my entire life are starting to alter menu items due to cost. Man is it sad when that happens!

On the positive side. I think more people than ever will start cooking from scratch. I think people will probably lose weight and be healthier. More people will have to grow a garden, even a small one. More people will pay attention to what is filling and nutritious. I think junk foods will be more of a luxury (seen how much a bag of chips are now!! 😳)

Now for a shocking story. I was out of town this weekend and just wanted a small breakfast. My husband got me an avocado toast from a coffee shop… It was 11 dollars!!!!! And it was just one piece!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I don’t think we are there yet.

This is like the 4th time I’ve seen people mention the cost of turkey. Turkey was dirt cheap to begin with, and highly overrated (tryptophan anyone).

For me personally, it’s diesel prices. I’ve got 5 vehicles that use a crap ton of diesel. Beyond that, it’s the number one cause of inflation for other goods.

Joe Bai-Den keeps talking about how gas prices are going down. Well big fu##in deal Joe! It’s the diesel prices that affect inflation the most. He’s really good at playing into the idiots.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:31 PM
Turkey is 98 cents a pound right now lol.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

According to the polticans in the US.

For UKRAINE! Its worth every penny.

edit on 26-10-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

I often shops for imported Asian groceries. I’ve noticed more and more items missing.
I imagine it is just not worth shipping low profit items with the cost of fuel right now.

On my trip this weekend I noticed there just weren’t as many trucks on the road as there used to be.

Throughout history there were a couple of ways the Rich loved to differentiate themselves from the poor,
Food, clothing and shelter.

Food is being attacked first. Can’t have peons eating steak and crab!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Turkey is 98 cents a pound right now lol.

I bought mine already and have it in the freezer. A lot of people don’t realize the birds have been frozen for a long long time. Some people literally don’t have the extra 30 dollars to spend ahead of time. Pretty sad!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:39 PM
Eggs are $7.49 for an 18 pack, at my local Kroger/PicknSave

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:56 PM
It's a scam, what makes anybody think that corporate America is going lose their butts over the last 2-3 years and not try and make it up by gouging the crap out of the consumer when they can. Plant a few stories here and there, say there will be shortages, and bam we got 7 dollar carton of eggs

NSFW cursing

FWIW here's another reason we got these high prices...
edit on 26-10-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

There's always a price drop late October. It went from 1.27 to .98 where I'm at today. Getting mine today.

originally posted by: SourGrapes

$3.12 in mid Missouri.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:04 PM
Spend $400 at our local Shop Rite during the month and get a free turkey.
We're buying most of our groceries there anyway, so may as well get something for free - especially as eggs are $7 for a dozen (unheard of!), a box of stuffing is $4, and an envelope of gravy mix is $2 now!
We're shopping sales only, gravy was 99 cents this morning, so I purchased several.
It's really sad, and I just have to say that WE are paying more and more, as more and more illegals are running over here.
And I want to know why they don't have to pay for anything, I have the feeling we're all paying for them!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I’ve seen, you’ve seen it.

People are already talking about skipping traditional Thanksgiving because of the cost and doing a more toned down meal.
They are also saying things like it’s about togetherness and not the food. I do agree with that, however turkey is traditional. When we can’t afford turkey one day of the year something is REALLY wrong.

I went to our normal neighborhood grocery store and a box of butter was 7 dollars, SEVEN dollars for four sticks of butter. I live in the Dairy state!
Dog food is getting so pricy that it is actually cheaper for me to make my own. I buy a little extra beef and veggies and cut them up real good and my ol’ girl is happy as can be.

Gas seems to be stabilizing a bit, but I noticed our very low electric bill went up quite a bit this last month.
Luckily we don’t have water costs as we are on a well, but my friend that do have a water utility are getting charged left and right.

People are treading water right now and I suspect a lot of people are living off of credit cards, and it’s going to be real ugly when the floor falls out. I really don’t think we are there yet, but we are sure close. I think we are going to find out after Christmas.

Also restaurants in my area are now starting to close some days, and have shorter hours. Stores are closing on Sundays, which is normally one of the busier days of the shopping week. Two of my favorite restaurants that I’ve been going to my entire life are starting to alter menu items due to cost. Man is it sad when that happens!

On the positive side. I think more people than ever will start cooking from scratch. I think people will probably lose weight and be healthier. More people will have to grow a garden, even a small one. More people will pay attention to what is filling and nutritious. I think junk foods will be more of a luxury (seen how much a bag of chips are now!! 😳)

Now for a shocking story. I was out of town this weekend and just wanted a small breakfast. My husband got me an avocado toast from a coffee shop… It was 11 dollars!!!!! And it was just one piece!!!!!!!

We have already decided here with Mom's surgery and recovery we aren't getting together and having a huge dinner. Plus none of us here need to be pigging out anyway.

Luckily from my early years, I learned how to do Thanksgiving on the cheap, a Jenny O turkey breast, a small pan of dressing, a jar of gravy, 5-6 potatoes for mashed taters, green beans and I got a damn good homemade cranberry and orange sauce recipe somewhere. Now the only problem is we all need to skip the bread, but we really are gonna need a dessert to go with that after dinner coffee

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:09 PM
Also to keep food costs down, I shop at the local Polish delis -
I purchase cooked meats such as roast beef for my husband and chicken for myself, at decent prices. Then I make my own side dishes - whatever vegetables are on sale, make different types of potatoes, and garlic bread when it's on sale.
Blueberries were on sale this morning for $2.00 a pint, I'm making blueberry pancakes from scratch tomorrow for lunch, they're easy, cheap and delicious!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I’ve seen, you’ve seen it.

People are already talking about skipping traditional Thanksgiving because of the cost and doing a more toned down meal.
They are also saying things like it’s about togetherness and not the food. I do agree with that, however turkey is traditional. When we can’t afford turkey one day of the year something is REALLY wrong.

I went to our normal neighborhood grocery store and a box of butter was 7 dollars, SEVEN dollars for four sticks of butter. I live in the Dairy state!
Dog food is getting so pricy that it is actually cheaper for me to make my own. I buy a little extra beef and veggies and cut them up real good and my ol’ girl is happy as can be.

Gas seems to be stabilizing a bit, but I noticed our very low electric bill went up quite a bit this last month.
Luckily we don’t have water costs as we are on a well, but my friend that do have a water utility are getting charged left and right.

People are treading water right now and I suspect a lot of people are living off of credit cards, and it’s going to be real ugly when the floor falls out. I really don’t think we are there yet, but we are sure close. I think we are going to find out after Christmas.

Also restaurants in my area are now starting to close some days, and have shorter hours. Stores are closing on Sundays, which is normally one of the busier days of the shopping week. Two of my favorite restaurants that I’ve been going to my entire life are starting to alter menu items due to cost. Man is it sad when that happens!

On the positive side. I think more people than ever will start cooking from scratch. I think people will probably lose weight and be healthier. More people will have to grow a garden, even a small one. More people will pay attention to what is filling and nutritious. I think junk foods will be more of a luxury (seen how much a bag of chips are now!! 😳)

Now for a shocking story. I was out of town this weekend and just wanted a small breakfast. My husband got me an avocado toast from a coffee shop… It was 11 dollars!!!!! And it was just one piece!!!!!!!

Now the only problem is we all need to skip the bread, but we really are gonna need a dessert to go with that after dinner coffee

Just a hint - Martha Stewart just put out a great Frozen Carrot Cake in the freezer department, I tried it on sale the other day for $8.99, it's really good!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:15 PM
Most people knew the eviction mandate would cause rental prices to soar once it was lifted so apartment owners/corporations could make up for lost profit.

I guess there could have been some sort of EO to prevent that from happening, but there wasn't. For those who weren't unable to meet the increases on their existing wages, they were forced to join the homless population or move in with family in a lot of cases. Those who could barely absorb the cost ended up taking it from their grocery allowances in a lot of cases.

Inflation is reducing options for those struggling to stay afloat.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul has become the norm. The last time anything like this happened began 1973 (thanks, Nixon) and it took decades for wages to catch up and things to even out; even at that, many things were sacrificed to eek out a half-way decent existance- like stay-at-home mom's.

I'm sure the gov. will come up with a program soon to throw a few crumbs at the growing number unable to stay afloat.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:15 PM
But the real question is:
When is this going to end??

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

We have been hitting the local meat market for our meats and stocking garage full size freezer. So far prices of meats at meat market is still great, but that does not mean that those prices won’t change. Even though I am saving by going to the meat store, my grocery prices are the same that I used to pay, when I did include meats in the shopping cart. These prices are really getting bad.

I am afraid, once the mid term is over, and Republicans do not win in house and Senate, then the Democrats will double down on their plan to destroy America, and there will be nothing left of this country.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:24 PM

$3.12 in mid Missouri.

Do they ship well? My family eats a ton of eggs.

Also, butter. We only ever use real butter. It's
$4.99 for Kroger brand and $6+ for name brands. That's $1.25+ per stick!

With baking season coming up, I'm going to go broke.
edit on 26-10-2022 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: JAGStorm

I am afraid, once the mid term is over, and Republicans do not win in house and Senate, then the Democrats will double down on their plan to destroy America, and there will be nothing left of this country.

Exactly what I am thinking - the only people who will be able to afford anything will be those on total benefits, which includes thousands per month on that food stamp card.
And free rent at a gorgeous apartment.
One woman told me that she sold her 2 family house (she owns a few) because the only people coming to look at it were those with free benefits, and one woman told her she is 'allowed up to $2,000 for her rent' - so she would be willing to pay $1,800 and wanted the landlady to give her $200 in cash every month.
The woman was so offended she told her off and sold the building. She told this woman that she is already paying for her free benefits, and now she wants even more.
If the average American really realized where our tax money is going, we would be furious.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

There are a lot of people getting benefits but I don’t think that is going to last forever.
Remember a government that gives is a government that can take away, this one is going to burn a lot of people.

Here is what I think will happen.

They will raise prices more and more, and hope that people will have to work. It still won’t be enough people.
They will have to get some of the people on benefits to work. The only way to do that is to reduce benefits.

Remember these companies are making record profits, they don’t have to raise prices, they want to. They want more people working.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:37 PM
I cant say with any certainty how close we are, but I think we are close enough to touch it.

If dems manage to cheat, er, win in November then we will immediately hit the current bottom and start burrowing lower. If republicans win there is a chance we can undo some of the damage already done and maybe get things back on track by spring. Fixing this won't happen overnight, but it sure as hell won't happen at all with dems running the show.

Edit: There is an Italian deli in my old neighborhood. Our family has been shopping there since they opened in the 1940's. They are currently closed three days a week. I think the only reason they are still open at all is because they have owned the land they are on since the 60's. All they have to do is beat their operating expenses and pay the taxes. It was still a bit of a shock to see them closed three days a week.

edit on 26-10-2022 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

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