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Abortions - Why so bad?

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posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Grenade
Honestly, I do not believe they can form one objective thought between them.

They can not argue facts, only subjective feels on why their choices mean more than another human beings entire life

These folks are deranged.

Human rights mean NOTHING.

Life in general, means nothing.

Control, no matter who they kill is ALL that matters.

It is ALL about them, their feelz and what effects them.

They are the most shallowest form of life I have ever witnessed.

Perhaps, when one of these go in for an abortion they should be aborted instead of the innocent human being they have condemned

Sickening, selfish, single minded behavior. Childish even.

They are deranged.
They have the EXACT same mindset as slavers and Nazi. An ENTIRE group of human beings are property or "less than" human.....

It is all about what THEY want. What BENEFITS them.
All of human kind and what it actually means to be human BE DAMNED.

Seriously sick, selfish individuals.

I think I am done with you selfish, single minded, scum of the earth.

Abortion IS the premeditated, Violent killing of another human being for convenience in 99% of cases.


Abortion has become the "easy button" for people who have absolutely NO business making adult decisions.
Simple minded, moronic killers.
edit on 6-12-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

Dear Mods.
I know this will be reported.
I know you will feel obligated to delete it.
This is not the Mud Pit.
But this IS the objective truth.
These folks are WAY to comfortable with killing, as can be seen in the last 70+ pages.
Abortion may be needed at times but it has become a form of birth control and that was not even the reasoning behind Roe v Wade.
It has been hijacked by feminist Nazi's who hate they were born female.
Do what you will.
Peace be still.
edit on 6-12-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

The mods likely empathise with your struggle against stupidity. The mods on this site are generally well balanced individuals with strong ethics and independent minds.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.
edit on q000000421231America/Chicago4242America/Chicago12 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

Not everyone feels like you do and so here we are.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

Not everyone feels like you do and so here we are.

See that is were we differ.
Your feelz:
"I wanna kill, when I want to kill, MY orgasm is worth another human's life"

Objective facts:
Sex is how we reproduce.
The human life cycle begins at conception.
In the MAJORITY of cases, abortion is the violent, premeditated killing of another human being for convenience (because your one experience is worth more than someone else's lifetime of experience).
You have a choice.
You have reproduction rights.
What you want is the right to kill.

Just admit it.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

Not everyone feels like you do and so here we are.

See that is were we differ.
Your feelz:
"I wanna kill, when I want to kill, MY orgasm is worth another human's life"

Objective facts:
Sex is how we reproduce.
The human life cycle begins at conception.
In the MAJORITY of cases, abortion is the violent, premeditated killing of another human being for convenience (because your one experience is worth more than someone else's lifetime of experience).
You have a choice.
You have reproduction rights.
What you want is the right to kill.

Just admit it.

Some of what you say is true, some is not. Nobody goes into having a sexual liaison thinking it will all end in killing a human being. I do hope government gets off their lazy butts and find ways to assist women and children instead of just taking the easy way out and taking away someone's rights. It's time to put some blame in the hands of your leaders.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

Not everyone feels like you do and so here we are.

See that is were we differ.
Your feelz:
"I wanna kill, when I want to kill, MY orgasm is worth another human's life"

Objective facts:
Sex is how we reproduce.
The human life cycle begins at conception.
In the MAJORITY of cases, abortion is the violent, premeditated killing of another human being for convenience (because your one experience is worth more than someone else's lifetime of experience).
You have a choice.
You have reproduction rights.
What you want is the right to kill.

Just admit it.

Some of what you say is true, some is not. Nobody goes into having a sexual liaison thinking it will all end in killing a human being. I do hope government gets off their lazy butts and find ways to assist women and children instead of just taking the easy way out and taking away someone's rights. It's time to put some blame in the hands of your leaders.

The majority of people KNOW where babies come from, how they are created.
No one's rights "are being taken away".
Everyone has the right to choose.
Most abortions are due to a choice made before pregnancy.
As for "reproduction rights"?
Reproduction of what?
A human being.
After conception, CONGRATULATIONS, you successfully exercised your right to reproduce.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

Not everyone feels like you do and so here we are.

See that is were we differ.
Your feelz:
"I wanna kill, when I want to kill, MY orgasm is worth another human's life"

Objective facts:
Sex is how we reproduce.
The human life cycle begins at conception.
In the MAJORITY of cases, abortion is the violent, premeditated killing of another human being for convenience (because your one experience is worth more than someone else's lifetime of experience).
You have a choice.
You have reproduction rights.
What you want is the right to kill.

Just admit it.

Some of what you say is true, some is not. Nobody goes into having a sexual liaison thinking it will all end in killing a human being. I do hope government gets off their lazy butts and find ways to assist women and children instead of just taking the easy way out and taking away someone's rights. It's time to put some blame in the hands of your leaders.

The majority of people KNOW where babies come from, how they are created.
No one's rights "are being taken away".
Everyone has the right to choose.
Most abortions are due to a choice made before pregnancy.
As for "reproduction rights"?
Reproduction of what?
A human being.
After conception, CONGRATULATIONS, you successfully exercised your right to reproduce.

No matter what rights are taken away women will still go underground to abort (dangerously) so they can live the life they choose including choosing the sex life they want. It's just the way it was and will be if abortion rights continue to be taken away, without a dollar being spent on alternatives to women choosing life.

Not all women have a maternal instinct, not all women want to bring a child into this society/world, not all women have the mental capacity to raise a child, not all women are old enough to physically bear a child without harm, not all women can get off drugs to carry a child without harming it, not all women want to bring a child into an abusive relationship, not all mothers have the ability to pay for childcare to work or get higher education, not all women want to live in poverty with their children...etc.

Your leaders just took the easy way to get their political/religious agendae ticked off.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

That's a bad thing? You should try having an open mind yourself sometimes, rather than basing beliefs on articles which do nothing other than confirm your bias.

I don't for example think abortion is in anyway a good or virtuous act. That is the topic of the thread after-all. Who does except extremists, racists and bigots.

It's the other way 'round, I have beliefs based on life experience and the inequal reality women face in society - you on the other hand are not a woman, so perspective is everything.

The articles I refer to are mainly pointing out the injustice of forcing women to carry to term even to the point of harming them.

I want to dig deep into how anti-abortion measures without alternatives can harm minority already-disadvantaged women, but you don't want to go there. I think abortions could be reduced greatly with the right counselling and measures in place - that is my position.

Your beliefs, your experiences are subjective.

If subjective then I'm among the majority worldwide that agree on the same reality.

They do not apply to all.

Nevers aid it did

Try to think objectively otherwise YOU are showing more faith than the most religious among us.

Objective thinking and subjective thinking are the same thing for those swimming in their own self-made confirmation bias, that goes for almost everybody here, so don't leave yourself out.

Abortion is the premeditated, violent killing of another human being for convenience.

Not everyone "feels" the same way you do, yes "feels" seems to be the operative descriptive word. So how do you know how anybody "feels"? Also the definition of a viable human being has already been established by the medical field and lawmakers, so overturning the laws to abortion won't make it go away, it may drive it underground where women will be harmed - where is pro-life on that reality?

Abortion has become an answer for frivolous decisions in the majority of cases.
So once again, is that few minutes of pleasure, that ONE experience, worth another's ENTIRE LIFETIME of experiences?
Will you answer?
I don't think you will.

For one thing, my entire lifetime of experiences was in reply to another poster's women's inequality reality not to anything related to the topic of abortion, so I wonder as to your emotional state where you cannot differentiate to what subject I am replying to. Back to abotion and a woman's freedom and human rights, where are these in relation to the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Again, my stance is those that would take away a woman's freedom and right to choose and thus a basic human right, offer no alternatives for a woman to choose life and also succeed, thereby ensuring her children also succeed. But everyone wants to skirt this issue.

Your stance is based on the one simple fact that, in the MAJORITY of cases, they made a choice.
They did so FREELY and WILFULLY for a moments pleasure.
The man and woman had a choice.
They made the choice.
Another human being should not lose their entire life time of experiences for a flippant decision.
Try again.
Think objectively.

Are we not sexual creatures, following nature's plan? Some of us have no choice but to follow our sexual desires, but we do have a choice in the outcome and how we want to shape our lives.

Are we not humans?
Does humanity mean anything?
Is one orgasm worth a human beings entire life?
Have you ever stopped to think why sex feels so good?
If you didn't enjoy it, would you do it?
Sex is how we reproduce.
When you make the choice to have sex, you know that pregnancy is a possibility as there are only 2 forms of 100% effective birth control.
Abstinence and the violent premeditated killing of another human being.

Not everyone feels like you do and so here we are.

See that is were we differ.
Your feelz:
"I wanna kill, when I want to kill, MY orgasm is worth another human's life"

Objective facts:
Sex is how we reproduce.
The human life cycle begins at conception.
In the MAJORITY of cases, abortion is the violent, premeditated killing of another human being for convenience (because your one experience is worth more than someone else's lifetime of experience).
You have a choice.
You have reproduction rights.
What you want is the right to kill.

Just admit it.

Some of what you say is true, some is not. Nobody goes into having a sexual liaison thinking it will all end in killing a human being. I do hope government gets off their lazy butts and find ways to assist women and children instead of just taking the easy way out and taking away someone's rights. It's time to put some blame in the hands of your leaders.

The majority of people KNOW where babies come from, how they are created.
No one's rights "are being taken away".
Everyone has the right to choose.
Most abortions are due to a choice made before pregnancy.
As for "reproduction rights"?
Reproduction of what?
A human being.
After conception, CONGRATULATIONS, you successfully exercised your right to reproduce.

No matter what rights are taken away women will still go underground to abort (dangerously) so they can live the life they choose including choosing the sex life they want. It's just the way it was and will be if abortion rights continue to be taken away, without a dollar being spent on alternatives to women choosing life.

Not all women have a maternal instinct, not all women want to bring a child into this society/world, not all women have the mental capacity to raise a child, not all women are old enough to physically bear a child without harm, not all women can get off drugs to carry a child without harming it, not all women want to bring a child into an abusive relationship, not all mothers have the ability to pay for childcare to work or get higher education, not all women want to live in poverty with their children...etc.

Your leaders just took the easy way to get their political/religious agendae ticked off.

Where does personal responsibility come in?
Why rely on the government?
If you make adult decisions, you should be able to handle the consequences of your choices.
No one should have to die.
No one else should be held responsible.
It was a FREE AND WILFUL choice in the MAJORITY of cases.

Again, all you continue to write can be boiled down to:
"I want to kill when I want to kill. My orgasm, or lack thereof, my experience is worth more than another humans life. Why doesn't the government fix my poor decisions........"

edit on 8-12-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:12 PM
Blaming women needs to stop and advocating for government to acknowledge and address societal problems is where forward movement now needs to go.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
Blaming women needs to stop and advocating for government to acknowledge and address societal problems is where forward movement now needs to go.

Where did I blame only women?
You read what you want to read to try and give the pro-death validation.
To try and move the conversation to somewhere you are feel more comfortable.
Or do you mean the government is blaming women?

How about personal responsibility?
Does that have any role in killing?
Do you tell yourself that's why so many humans are killed?
Explain, pleaee.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Where is government offering assistance, e.g. subsidized childcare? Where is government spending dollars to make the father accountable, garnishing wages? Non-existent! It all falls on the woman no matter her state of mind, body or spirit. Where is societal responsibility? A phrase keeps coming to my mind "It takes a village to raise a child" yet here everyone would force that great responsibility on women who have no assistance from 'the village'.
edit on q000000421231America/Chicago2424America/Chicago12 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

In the UK fathers are automatically docked up to 15% of their wage, even if the mother refuses them access to the child.

Fathers 4 Justice

The 1989 Children Act abolished “The rule of law that a father is the natural guardian of his legitimate child” and replaced the “archaic” concept of guardianship with a loosely defined collection of rights under “parental responsibility”. PR was awarded automatically to mothers, but fathers only acquired it dependent on their relationship with the mother.

Fathers have no legal right in law to see their children. The Government states that ‘it does not believe that a legal presumption to contact would be helpful’.

This position was reiterated again in 2001 by the Chairman of the Family Justice Review whose conclusion was that fathers have no rights and should have no rights. Family Justice Review, 2011.

Fathers only have a right to apply to a court to see their children after separation.

Fathers have been denied a legal presumption to ‘shared’ or ‘equal’ parenting which would ensure they had the same rights as mothers.

A father’s only legal responsibility is to provide financial support for their children, not emotional.

In 2008 The Labour Government introduced the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act which removed the ‘need for a father’ and changed it to the need for ‘supportive parenting’.

There is more legislation protecting animals, than there is protecting fathers.

edit on 8/12/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Where's your U.S. stats on this?

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I don't live in the US.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: quintessentone

I don't live in the US.

Most of this thread's discussion relates to Roe v. Wade being overturned nd American women being deprived of the rights they held for over 40 years.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

No, the topic was hijacked to politicise the rights of women. The thread is about the morality of abortion.

I see my links and statistics are an inconvenience to your narrative so you’re now changing the subject. You brought it up, not me.

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