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NEW Oxford study shows a big decline in immune system

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posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

His death certificate confirmed he died due to complications from the vaccine

So, his death wasn't covered up, it was publicly acknowledged that the vax killed him, and the government paid out what is frankly an eyewatering amount of money in compensation?

I think that this right here puts pay to most of the conspiracies being peddled on this page.

I don't know whether you think £120,000 is an extremely high amount in terms of compensation. His partner as well as many others think the opposite.

I don't know what is peddled in this site. However there was a discussion about someone else's personal experience i.e he didn't know of anyone who was injured from the vaccine and didn't know anyone else who knew about vaccine injuries.

Clearly you can see that personal experience isn't always a good guide. It's weak evidence in some cases.

In what universe is £120K not a huge sum of money?

That's tax feee, I may add. So in real terms it's about £200K which is what the average person from the UK (Where this happened) earns in about 8 years.

That's a hands down payment, including an admission of liability.

The person who died was only 48 and healthy and we would expect him to live much longer. Usually males retire by the age of 65-66 in the UK or even later on. Hence he had another 17-18 years of earnings and contributions. And his salary may have been well above average by the way. But let's assume it was average.

This is a very small amount of money for a death caused by a vaccine in an otherwise healthy person. It doesn't cover his earnings and apart from that there are damages for the loss of life and what his relatives and friends have to go through. I don't know whether he had children or not.

To remind you that much higher compensations are paid when some high profile individuals are divorced or when allegations are made for sexual misconduct/harassment and the rest, resulting in out of court settlements that are much higher then the amount awarded for a death caused by a vaccine.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

His death certificate confirmed he died due to complications from the vaccine

So, his death wasn't covered up, it was publicly acknowledged that the vax killed him, and the government paid out what is frankly an eyewatering amount of money in compensation?

I think that this right here puts pay to most of the conspiracies being peddled on this page.

I don't know whether you think £120,000 is an extremely high amount in terms of compensation. His partner as well as many others think the opposite.

I don't know what is peddled in this site. However there was a discussion about someone else's personal experience i.e he didn't know of anyone who was injured from the vaccine and didn't know anyone else who knew about vaccine injuries.

Clearly you can see that personal experience isn't always a good guide. It's weak evidence in some cases.

In what universe is £120K not a huge sum of money?

That's tax feee, I may add. So in real terms it's about £200K which is what the average person from the UK (Where this happened) earns in about 8 years.

That's a hands down payment, including an admission of liability.

It also doesn't stop legal action for compensation.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

His death certificate confirmed he died due to complications from the vaccine

So, his death wasn't covered up, it was publicly acknowledged that the vax killed him, and the government paid out what is frankly an eyewatering amount of money in compensation?

I think that this right here puts pay to most of the conspiracies being peddled on this page.

I don't know whether you think £120,000 is an extremely high amount in terms of compensation. His partner as well as many others think the opposite.

I don't know what is peddled in this site. However there was a discussion about someone else's personal experience i.e he didn't know of anyone who was injured from the vaccine and didn't know anyone else who knew about vaccine injuries.

Clearly you can see that personal experience isn't always a good guide. It's weak evidence in some cases.

In what universe is £120K not a huge sum of money?

That's tax feee, I may add. So in real terms it's about £200K which is what the average person from the UK (Where this happened) earns in about 8 years.

That's a hands down payment, including an admission of liability.

The person who died was only 48 and healthy and we would expect him to live much longer. Usually males retire by the age of 65-66 in the UK or even later on. Hence he had another 17-18 years of earnings and contributions. And his salary may have been well above average by the way. But let's assume it was average.

This is a very small amount of money for a death caused by a vaccine in an otherwise healthy person. It doesn't cover his earnings and apart from that there are damages for the loss of life and what his relatives and friends have to go through. I don't know whether he had children or not.

To remind you that much higher compensations are paid when some high profile individuals are divorced or when allegations are made for sexual misconduct/harassment and the rest, resulting in out of court settlements that are much higher then the amount awarded for a death caused by a vaccine.

It isn't a compensation payment and doesn't stop legal means to get compensation.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
My immune system is way too is triggered to fight by some vaccines that stimulate it and overreacts. It goes autoimmune sort of but the symptoms seem to match what would happen if I got a severe case of the disease.

A normal, strong, healthy immune system does not overreact to things. What you are describing is an overactive/hyperactive/malfunctioning immune system. There is a difference.

There are different reasons/causes of such a condition, but in essence they all result in what is called the cytokine storm - the end result of such a condition, and indeed it can be deadly.

The best thing to do is to deal with the underlying cause, by eating a PHD (proper human diet).

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 07:17 AM

An award-winning radio presenter died following blood clots after she received the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, her family has said.

Lisa Shaw, 44, began suffering from "severe" headaches a week after having the jab, which has been linked to clotting, and fell seriously ill a few days later, according to relatives.

The BBC Radio Newcastle presenter and mother-of-one, died at the city's Royal Victoria Infirmary on Friday afternoon having been treated in intensive care for blood clots and bleeding in her head.

link[/u rl]

An 18-year-old student died from a blood cot only two weeks after having her Covid vaccination. Kasey Turner was admitted to hospital after she was experiencing 'thunder clap' headaches.

An inquest heard the headaches were the result of thrombosis in her sinus cavity. She was admitted to Barnsley Hospital's A&E department on the morning of September 23, 2021 with the "worst headache" she had ever experienced. Because of her low platelet count in her blood, doctors initially ruled out a brain haemorrhage.

It was later discovered that the paramedic student was actually suffering from a cerebral venous thrombosis - a blood clot in the sinus cavity.

It is believed the blood clot was brought on by the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, and her inquest found doctors at Barnsley Hospital had "missed opportunities" to diagnose the fatal clot


A trainee solicitor tragically died from a rare blood clot weeks after taking the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, an inquest heard today. Oli Akram Hoque, 26, from Ilford, received a dose of the vaccine on March 19 last year before suffering increasingly 'excruciating' headaches.

His condition deteriorated and resulted in his death at Queen's Hospital in Romford, on April 15, 2021 - one month before his 27th birthday.

In his written statement to East London Coroners' Court, Oli's grieving dad Bablul Hoque described his son as 'bright, intelligent, and ambitious', recalling his impressive CV which included work at Arsenal FC and the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Mr Hoque said the City University graduate had taken the vaccine in Ilford, where he lived with both parents and 'subsequently complained of headaches'.

Britain's medical regulator recommended under-30s should get an alternative to the AstraZeneca vaccine in early April when it became clear that younger people were at greater risk of the clots

Describing the doctor's tone as 'condescending', she added: 'At the very least he seemed to be in a rush to discharge us.'

She said: 'It brings tears and I get overwhelmed with emotions when I remember we were on our way to leave the hospital and Oli stopped and looked very confused, he did not want to leave without a proper diagnosis.'

She told the court they then went back into the doctors room and Oli was offered an injection for his sickness. 'The doctor said everything is fine and gave him the injection, he said it takes about 15 minutes to kick in then he should be fine,' she said.

Ms Hoque then recalled leaving the hospital after she said they were left on their own. However, a representative of the hospital told the court that they were told to wait.

'There was no reason for us to leave,' Ms Hoque said. 'I believe any suggestion Oli left is an oversight and attempt to mislead the coroner's hearing.'

Closing her statement, she said: 'The condition could have been diagnosed if it was given due attention. Young people of his age deserve better. I will not get my brother back. My parents have not recovered from the shock.'


Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said he doesn't believe the announcement will slow vaccine uptake, saying that being 'over-cautious' will 'cost lives'.

He said: 'This is a fascinating issue for the very simple reason that the EMA … is also recommending that the Oxford AZ vaccine remains safe for all age groups.

'That was another thing that was interesting. Individual EU countries have restricted its use, I think that there is a real danger that being over-cautious as is happening in France and Germany will cost more lives than it saves.'

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the Government believes the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is 'safe' and had already countless lives, insisting that Britons who have had a first dose of AstraZeneca should continue to get their second jabs.

The Prime Minister said: 'But the crucial thing for everybody is to listen to what the scientists, the medical experts, have to say.'

Professor Wei Shen Lim, coronavirus chairman for the vaccines committee: 'The Covid-19 vaccines have already saved thousands of lives and the benefit for the majority of the population is clear – if you are offered a vaccine, you should take it.'

A former taekwondo champion who had his leg amputated weeks after receiving the covid vaccination has vowed to battle back.

Dave Mears was crowned world champion in 1984 and went on to build a successful teaching career before moving to Thailand. During his 21 years abroad, Dave qualified as a professional photographer and ran a series of successful bars before Covid-19 caused his business to come crashing down.


Pick the bits of corn out the s-h-i-t if you want. Omggggggg look!!!!!! look!!!! See its safe!!!! omgggg...

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Thats absolutely not true, you can make someones immune system malfunction. This is literally how the spanish flu killed so many healthy people, their HEALTHY immune response caused an over reaction.

You can also cause autoimmune disorders by having antigens that are so similar to your own body parts, your immune system can't tell the difference. You can also cause antibody dependent enhancement which means your adaptive immune system can be trained to produce responses that will infact cause you to be effected even more, due to the lack of neutrilisation or infact prevent other antibodies from attatching to vital areas of an antigen.

Its actually alot more complex than you might realise. This being said, most people are healthy generally. The human body is incredible but we absolutely push it to the limit with all the # we do. Injecting multiple known antigens into someone is bound to cause problems. Its miraculous that the body does as well as it does. Theres hundreds of thousands of novel chemicals around you that basically never existed up until the turn of the 1900's. Our bodies are dealing with ALL OF IT COMBINED, not 1 thing at time. Its all the toxins at once that you're constantly exposed too.
edit on 1-10-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 07:26 AM
Where's all the others?

Feeling lazy?

a reply to: thethinkingman

(post by thethinkingman removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 07:42 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


(post by thethinkingman removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 08:03 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


(post by thethinkingman removed for a manners violation)

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 08:09 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

So ... no coverup?

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I'm writing this from my own perspective.

I was healthy, 40 years old. 20 years hasnt seen a doctor. Eating healthy food, training with weights 3x a week. My immune system was always great, something that everybody admired.
Then I got a corona shot.
Problems started soon.
I started feeling tired all the time
Stopped being hungry as i would be.
My training was weak.

I thought I was crazy. Never believed that shot could be respinsible.
Then various infections started and finished with Guillan Barre syndrom that took my legs and right arm. That little side effect that even J&J put in new instructions book for vaccination.

Now I'm recovering slowly, my immune system is still weak and probably will never use my legs as I did. I drown in pain and numbness of legs every day and night. And nobody is responsible, no one will take the blame.

All I can think of since this started:
Thank you Johnson&Johnson for ruining my health and life, I will never wax again even if I die

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Mandroid7

In fact, if you have got anything wrong with you that your immune system is keeping in check. When the immune system gets hammered so do you. Each successive stab drops it a few more times. Brought to you by Pfizer, Most flu vaccines drop the immune system for a couple of weeks, but this one might do it for a far longer period.

What's concerning is how sloppy the paperwork must be regarding the recipients.
In Detroit they were actively drugging persons as an incentive to not lose your livelihood
whilst getting jabbed. They offered marijuana treats, joints, as a compensation.
It is possible, in the future, for posterity, that those who were vaxed will be hunted, I mean put on lists,
exactly as those who refused were hounded. Perhaps BP can devise a test for who has been exposed?

As for purposes of personal procreation, all athletes are out, easy peasy.
But what about the others?

I remember dating a girl briefly who became famous, her goals fulfilled.
A timeless beauty who seamlessly knocked 17 years off her resume to assist her ascent.
During the hysteria, any hysteria, she was always at the forefront of the push.
Covid was no different. Her insta was plastered with her mug, always masked, touting the vax.
Apparently she dragged down her offspring with the jab requirements as well.
Wonderful. It could have been worse. She could have turned him into a girl,
because she always wanted a daughter.

At least they have money, will not be combing gutters for gravity's entrails;
besides, you need a working immune system to be handling filth. Don't try this, son.
There are more and more rats showing
up in the gutter, some bleeding from the mouth in broad daylight, what a way to climb a curb stone.
Comes with the neighborhood. A cesspool of progressive authoritarianism.

Now she's taking unmasked selfies flipping the bird at SCOTUS, saying 'hands off my body' because this little
every mom matters bono bootlicker wants free access to aborting at any time. I get it.
She likes what she likes. That's how we met. But I don't want immunocompromised
offspring, therefore I'd avoid her flesh today as if it were the throat of Bourla,
because she is vaxed
and wanted everyone else vaxed as well. She's probably busy now deleting all the mask selfies.
Or paying her team to do the work.

Hands off indeed, you blood money hypocrite-whore.

# 1618
edit on 1-10-2022 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
New documentary - SAFE AND EFFECTIVE

The only important message in this thread and 99% of the posters didn’t even watch it.

These vaccines are crippling ppl who were never at risk for severe illness from COVOD-19. This is a fact and that it is indisputable.

posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 04:24 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 04:42 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 1 2022 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: rickymouse
My immune system is way too is triggered to fight by some vaccines that stimulate it and overreacts. It goes autoimmune sort of but the symptoms seem to match what would happen if I got a severe case of the disease.

A normal, strong, healthy immune system does not overreact to things. What you are describing is an overactive/hyperactive/malfunctioning immune system. There is a difference.

There are different reasons/causes of such a condition, but in essence they all result in what is called the cytokine storm - the end result of such a condition, and indeed it can be deadly.

The best thing to do is to deal with the underlying cause, by eating a PHD (proper human diet).

It acts more like a Bradykinin storm. But, my immune system works pretty good at fighting diseases, all my life. The only thing I usually have problems with was slivers or anything going beneath the skin. Had to go to the doctors a few times to get things removed. Learned over fifty years ago I have to clean out cuts really well or they will just fester and never heal up. I will listen to the doctor who witnessed my reaction and never take a flu shot again...the DTAP is a no-no too, but never had a problem with the Tetnus shot alone, it seems to stimulate a whooping cough type over reaction so I am guessing it is the pertusis....the doctor who I talked to at my appointment said they have DT or straight tetnus and I was probably right and that he was taught that some people can have a reaction similar to mine to the DTAP.

We eat about eighty percent healthy these days, feel lots better. But my immune system still attacks anything that is injected or unnatural, especially my hernia patch and SS staples. Brother had to have all the hardware taken out of his hip because of overreaction a year after his surgery too. From what I have experienced, I would never get a tatoo.

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