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NEW Oxford study shows a big decline in immune system

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posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 05:38 AM
The valid research paper shows about 44% drop in the immune system. Alex Jones has some fun with regards to lizards, and a pro-vax doctor is now singing from a different hymn book. Jones maintains that it's all in the plan, to show about two years in that the vaccine was so bad that big pharma will be taken into a WHO committee for continual oversight, when that happens with the new legislation being rolled out, the WHO will be vaccine command center and they will override governments with regards to health issues. but it's too late as the job has been

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I am trying to locate the Oxford study or the New England Journal report to try to validate what is being asserted, but can't seem to find either. I have found reports where the vaccines do have a less potent effect on the Omicron variant, but does not imply a 44% decrease in overall immune system degradation.
I'm beginning to think Jones and this title you use are both severely misleading and far from being truthful.

I'm gonna keep looking.

In the meantime, maybe you can post links to verify what Jones is claiming.

PS: Source

The Oxford study cited in the article looked at how BMI (body mass index) impacted vaccine effectiveness. The detail about a 44 percent greater risk of infection after vaccination (circled in blue) was found in Table 7 of the supplemental material attached to it.
In her email to Lead Stories, study co-author Carmen Piernas, a postdoctoral researcher in Oxford University's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, critiqued the article that cited their work, saying "you can tell these people don't really understand scientific research." Piernas has a Ph.D. in nutrition and epidemiology. She wrote:

It makes me sad that these people are picking out a few specific points to make their anti-vaxx arguments ...

So while the 44% higher risk of infection is the result we got and reported, we don't think this means much because of the lack of negative-tests in our analyses.

The 44% referenced is linked to people with a high BMI index and the decreased immunity only refers to Covid-19, not the immune system overall.
edit on 30-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)


edit on 30-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

Your title turns out to be boldfaced misinformation.
edit on 30-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Antisocialist

This might be the one:

Study reveals COVID-19 vaccine response in patients with impaired immune systems

A national study has found that a significant proportion of clinically at-risk patients with certain immunocompromised or immunosuppressed conditions, mount a low, or undetectable, immune response after two doses of the same COVID-19 vaccine.

The ongoing multi-centre OCTAVE study is evaluating the immune responses following COVID-19 vaccination in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases such as cancer, inflammatory arthritis, diseases of the kidney or liver, or patients who are having a stem cell transplant. Initial data from the study have been published on the Lancet pre-print site.

I'm not sure though. This study isn't saying exactly what Alex Jones is saying. So maybe there is a more recent study we aren't finding, or maybe Alex Jones is just massively misconstruing what the study found.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

No, I think I found the correct study. It specifically mentions, discusses the 44% mentioned in the video.
edit on 30-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

PS: By the way, I avoided that vaccine like it was the plague, from the very beginning.
edit on 30-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

PS#2: I just do not abide misinformation and or lies.
edit on 30-9-2022 by Antisocialist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Antisocialist
a reply to: Boadicea

No, I think I found the correct study. It specifically mentions, discusses the 44% mentioned in the video.

Ahhhh... I see it now! Thank you for the heads up. I'll read it now.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 08:13 AM
ah yes....a greater risk of infection..... so that would be a really good idea to give VULNERABLE, OLD PEOPLE AN INJECTION IN THE HEIGHT OF .....A.....INFECTIOUS VIRUS. You know like december 2020? january know WINTER???? when viruses are spreading and people are inside more????

We prevented healthy, young people from even catching the virus throughout the year so we could build a barrier between the healthy and the vulnerable..... this just prolonged they could give people their untested drug injection for BILLIONS.

Your immune system is obviously taxed if you inject something thats going to force an immune reaction......

it has nothing to do with this study saying this or that, this is a fact that vaccines would do that.

hmmmmm 2 + 2 = 666.
edit on 30-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 08:24 AM
Here's a novel idea.

If you write a title that reads "NEW Oxford study shows a big decline in immune system" then maybe you should have a link to the actual study with a brief synopsis and your own personal opinion as the opening post.

What you have done instantly gives you zero credit as a link to a bitchute video by Alex Jones is in no way credible on any level.

originally posted by: anonentity
The valid research paper shows about 44% drop in the immune system. Alex Jones has some fun with regards to lizards, and a pro-vax doctor is now singing from a different hymn book. Jones maintains that it's all in the plan, to show about two years in that the vaccine was so bad that big pharma will be taken into a WHO committee for continual oversight, when that happens with the new legislation being rolled out, the WHO will be vaccine command center and they will override governments with regards to health issues. but it's too late as the job has been

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 10:22 AM
claiming the vaccines ability to prevent mild or severe covid when 99+% of people would only have mild symptoms at best is absolutely dumbfounded.

Thats like claiming lemsip cured my cold because i eventually recovered. errrr no....immune system.

But this is what they're doing. Omgggg you have antibody levels omggggg gotta boost those antibody levels. herpderp. What you're less healthy if you're over weight omggggg revelations guys, wanna spend another few million to work that out? Oh what if you're like 85 and have several diseases, you can quite easily die??? oh but if you happen to test positive for covid??? hmmm OK.
edit on 30-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 10:23 AM
My immune system is way too is triggered to fight by some vaccines that stimulate it and overreacts. It goes autoimmune sort of but the symptoms seem to match what would happen if I got a severe case of the disease. Since injecting genetic material right into the body triggers my immune system to think the virus has gone into my blood and most of the symptoms of a disease are caused by your own immune system, hyperactivating it is not such a good idea if you have this kind of immunity.l

Had the covid twice now, the first time I was sick for a few days but not bad, and kind of rundown for about a week....a loss of energy for the next two weeks was present too, but then again, it happened in the winter so there was not much to do but shovel snow and plow anyway which I could do. The second time I got it I had a fever of ninety nine point five for a day, and I felt a little congested and run down for less than a week, which is about the same amount of time that I experienced a weird gross taste to most foods...that same taste was present in the first time I had it...that sucks, can't even make good medicinal soup if you can't taste right.

When the wife gets the flu it lasts for seven to ten days, I get it for a day. Which is about the same with covid, both of her bouts with it lasted way longer than mine did and she slept a real lot. My immune system tends to react swiftly to diseases so I do not get very sick unless I get a flu shot or pertusis shot and probably would do bad with the covid vaccine too because that is what evidence shows will happen, you are not supposed to get the covid vaccine if you have ever had a bad reaction to a vaccination....I believe this to be true in my case.

The wife may need vaccines, but I don't. I was informed by my doctor who witnessed the reaction that I should not take the flu shot that when I get real old, I might be able to take my eighties or possibly a little earlier depending on how things go. Till I start getting real sick from flues, I should avoid the flu shot according to him.

So, since I am overweight, and have a wild immune system, maybe it is better that my immune system has been dampened a little. I also know many ways to stimulate the immune system...I presently avoid these foods that do that, but I can utilize them to stimulate it if needed. Just because I over react to some food chemistries does not mean that I cannot use them to stimulate fighting if needed. I will not give up eating these things, just moderate consumption low or I may get intolerant to them. Most of my intolerances stimulate over reaction...dont want to trigger RA, or Lupus, or Ankylosing spondylitis....which run in my close family members and I have the genes to get.

Also, there is healthy fat and bad fat, depending what is in the fat cells. It is not just fat in those cells, there could be toxins stored in them that the liver and kidneys could not detox too. If overloaded the organs will slow down and trigger the abosorption of these chemicals into the fat cells to later detox...releasing these quickly can be problematic. We have been eating healthier for over ten years now, we have lots more energy to do things increasing over those years as the body detoxes things. A quick release of toxins stored in fat cells is bad news if it is triggered. So we now have less of these things in our fat and muscle stores which is good. You cannot just say being overweight is bad, lots of overweight people are not at extra risk of loss of immunity. Lots of meds dampen immunity as part of their action to do their job, it is a side effect that is actually fairly common.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 10:48 AM
I've just had a look at what I think is the correct study in question.

Either the esteemed Mr Jones has intentionally misunderstood and represented the results of the study or he is completely unable to comprehend the results and should not be attempting to voice an opinion on the subject.

Given his track record either of these are plausible.

a reply to: Antisocialist

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
claiming the vaccines ability to prevent mild or severe covid when 99+% of people would only have mild symptoms at best is absolutely dumbfounded.

Thats like claiming lemsip cured my cold because i eventually recovered. errrr no....immune system.

But this is what they're doing. Omgggg you have antibody levels omggggg gotta boost those antibody levels. herpderp. What you're less healthy if you're over weight omggggg revelations guys, wanna spend another few million to work that out? Oh what if you're like 85 and have several diseases, you can quite easily die??? oh but if you happen to test positive for covid??? hmmm OK.

Except the vaxx makes your immune system performance worse than if there was no vaxx. So instead of 99% chance of mild illness it's a "40% reduction in severe illness", so a 60% chance of mild illness instead of 99%.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

jesus #ing christ, i cant believe this is STILL happening. Do people literally need a clip of the pfizer ceo sitting in dark room stroking a cat saying "this is the best scam we ever came up with".

And to be fair, even then people would still be like aww look at the cute kitty!

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
claiming the vaccines ability to prevent mild or severe covid when 99+% of people would only have mild symptoms at best is absolutely dumbfounded.

Thats like claiming lemsip cured my cold because i eventually recovered. errrr no....immune system.

But this is what they're doing. Omgggg you have antibody levels omggggg gotta boost those antibody levels. herpderp. What you're less healthy if you're over weight omggggg revelations guys, wanna spend another few million to work that out? Oh what if you're like 85 and have several diseases, you can quite easily die??? oh but if you happen to test positive for covid??? hmmm OK.

Sources in my signature show that the vax is about 86 percent effective at reducing serious sickness or death.

It's not the ordinary people you need to watch, it's the people with comorbidity.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: thethinkingman
claiming the vaccines ability to prevent mild or severe covid when 99+% of people would only have mild symptoms at best is absolutely dumbfounded.

Thats like claiming lemsip cured my cold because i eventually recovered. errrr no....immune system.

But this is what they're doing. Omgggg you have antibody levels omggggg gotta boost those antibody levels. herpderp. What you're less healthy if you're over weight omggggg revelations guys, wanna spend another few million to work that out? Oh what if you're like 85 and have several diseases, you can quite easily die??? oh but if you happen to test positive for covid??? hmmm OK.

Except the vaxx makes your immune system performance worse than if there was no vaxx. So instead of 99% chance of mild illness it's a "40% reduction in severe illness", so a 60% chance of mild illness instead of 99%.

Everytime you say this I challange you to provide even a single study to confirm this, and every time you either refuse to respond or respond with something along the lines of "U paid big cash money by big Farmer, U have Zeeeero credit ability here".

So, once again, source for literally everything that you've said.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I've just had a look at what I think is the correct study in question.

Either the esteemed Mr Jones has intentionally misunderstood and represented the results of the study or he is completely unable to comprehend the results and should not be attempting to voice an opinion on the subject.

Given his track record either of these are plausible.

a reply to: Antisocialist

The study actually says that people who are overweight are at greater risk from Covid. But we've known this since 2020.

Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, renal failure and lung disease are the primary comorbidity associated with covid deaths.


posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I'm sorry bitchute twist to the far right ala Q conspiricies as Raw Story twists to the left. Perhaps there is valid information somewhere in the middle.

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:07 PM

^^^^^^ danger ^^^^^^
edit on 30-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Not bothered to read the study, then?


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