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Does America NEED Migrants

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posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: JIMC5499

It used to be one of the requirements for citizenship was the ability to speak and read English.

I think language barriers will change VERY rapidly.
In my daughters class is a boy from Philippines, he uses software on his phone to translate what the teacher is saying.
It's not perfect but we are getting there.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 12:22 PM
yes we do, white Americans just aren't having enough kids to keep our population growing, black and Latino are growing just fine but their demographics arent large enough for our population to grow as a whole, and unfortunately immigration is at a historic low since the shutdowns so hopefully it goes back to normal or our population will start shrinking if something doesn't change.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Maybe we should have a system where jobs are less about want and more about need.

If people can ignore jobs they don't want, then maybe they get paid too much not to do them.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

we humans have been migrating since we existed. it's our nature. the gdr tried to stop this and built a wall, with the result that the country was swallowed up by history. but of course it's an advantage if you learn the language, it makes integration easier. if someone is willing to fit into society and make his contribution, he should be welcome.

so the question is not whether migration is needed but how to integrate migrants and how to control unrestrained migration.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: JAGStorm

Maybe we should have a system where jobs are less about want and more about need.

If people can ignore jobs they don't want, then maybe they get paid too much not to do them.

I have some white friends who used to work the fields in a vineyard. They are now working at fast food and grocery stores since those jobs are now paying significantly more than field work. Who wants to break their back doing farm work when you can make a better living now by doing less physically demanding jobs.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: tamusan

They're working though. I am talking about ones like cousin Eddie who are "holding out for a management position".

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 01:07 PM
i disagree. been in business for over 40 years. I pay $30 per hour and have been looking for good employee for 2 years now. All that apply is immigrants. But it is hard manual labor. a reply to: Hecate666

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

When I was in Boot Camp (1982) I helped some of the Filipinos in my Company with their reading and speaking English. This was huge with them. We'd do this after Taps, in the restroom area of the barracks because it was the only place where we were allowed to have the lights on all night. The Company Commander came in and caught us one night, he looked around and said why don't you grab one of the tables and bring it in here? We did.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: JIMC5499

It used to be one of the requirements for citizenship was the ability to speak and read English.

I think language barriers will change VERY rapidly.
In my daughters class is a boy from Philippines, he uses software on his phone to translate what the teacher is saying.
It's not perfect but we are getting there.

He must be very very young or didn't go to school because Filipinos are taught American English in school in the Philippines. My GF is Filipino and living in the Philippines, her daughter and son both speak very good English, probably better than her.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 01:27 PM
Every country right now bar a handful in the 3rd world NEED immigration

I don't see a way round it tbh, the numbers are dropping of a cliff globally and if these countries cant fix it within the next decade its almost certainly a one way trip for them `

However, i'm a bit of a hypocrite, i don't support it fully, because by fixing one problem were going to get a much bigger longer lasting more expensive problem

I don't support how were doing it... basically, and i think its madness to not encourage baby booms and offering family's to have or support more children because that's the path of least trouble and expense in the long run

Because the money were going to spend on terrorism and extremist groups is going to eclipse any net gain in the short term

There is a assumption out there that if we have a 15% population increase well get 15% GDP growth and so on..

No... you're going to create your very own cross breed of Israel/Yugoslavia ripe for societal collapse IMO if you don't have the money to fund what comes with it

You're going to import the worlds problems, and get the worlds problems, NOT a very peaceful safe place to live for most people

Honestly, I think that is what you're going to end up with

A country full of divided enclaves which WONT EVER integrate and there are a million examples today as refrences which i wont go through, not only that... they're very easy to exploit by foreign powers

People bringing there world views at odds to Western values and disrespect for our institutions and culture, other ethnic groups who have been killing each other for hundreds of years, now causing mayhem in your own communities with each other or natives, and so on... unfortunately in the end were going to pay a price for doing it IMHO

I don't think the world can live with each other with boarders separating them, why would it be any different inside one boarder??

It wont

Liberals are stupid enough that they thought they could deploy psychological and social engineering to fix it with there bank of mum and dad degrees and PhD's in (i have no real real world experience) but ive got this bit of paper?

It is evidently causing way more issues and problems, who would have thought the anti social nerd could fix anything social?, tbh i wish they'd all just shut up and stop making things worst with their race-baiting social justice warrior anti racism crap, you've already destroyed our economy with your science, you've already screwed our energy Independence and security, and this is what happens when only money suggests your smart enough for university or your race/ethnicity, and not the actual smart kids, that is a huge problem going forward IMO, investing in idiots because they're wealthy... or investing in people who hate the country/West

WHAT, COULD, GO, WRONG??? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and its becoming more apparent each passing day


I'm gonna add this also as a relevant flip side rant

Another thing that annoys me.. lol

Don't complain about immigration it if you got no kids, or one or two, shhhh you've got no right, have more kids and stop being such a selfish consumer status whore, having a family is hard work and dedication, for far two long, decades... i've observed such smugness and disdain for large families, especially at single mother POPPING THEM OUT as they say, at least they're actually doing the country a service, and the BIGGEST BS of them all is that its in anyway a business or profitable in welfare? are you mad?

If i stopped working the benefits we get we'd have £300 to live on for the month, that wouldn't even cover our food, so if there are people out there like society claims having large families to live like kings and so they don't have to work... where? what country? how? who? NOT A CHANCE

I've got 5 kids, bye choice, i work to support them, i'm exhausted all the time hence im a grumpy lol, I'm fully aware how our society judges large families... like SCUM and mostly by brainwashed working class people who are not much better off themselves TBH, yeah you get an extra holiday per year mate because you got no kids but a flash car, clap clap clap, when i had just one or two children the treatment was noticeably positive, and were on holiday or the pub or park, oh the majority of society will be positive, oh that is acceptable, i can treat you A/B

Now... i hardly go to any of those places because of the looks you get, it would just be too confrontational because i'm that type of guy who would just say WTF are you looking at? dont like kids playing and having fun? is one of their tops dirty? have i got a bit of sick on my shoulder have i? should i clean it off for you?

I cant be doing that in front of my kids, some people are just so stuck up their own arse and complete slaves to group think, social acceptances and norms its embarrassing how we've become this society of SNOBS

Its worked out way better anyway, i take them too the woods, nature spots, lakes, fishing, bird watching, animal spotting, with full bug out packs food & drink, Apps to learn about plants trees and the great outdoors most kids don't even know exist anymore, and when you do see the odd rambling old couple they think you're a superstar and comment how amazing it is, always smiles

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 01:54 PM
Well I am an American Citizen who is having a hard time finding a position because I don't speak spanish -
and in this area, we are overwhelmed with illegals.
All I know is, I didn't move to anyone else's country, I am in my own country, but I have to know other people's languages.
Topsy-turvy, bizarro world is all I can say.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
What you must ask yourself is WHY? Why do they want to come to America or any country they cross to get there, and it aint to work. We have exactly the same in the UK. The same as the US, they come because we are a soft touch, bleeding hearts see to that. The countries themselves can't supply enough jobs for their people never mind migrants. Please don't fall for the "but they do all the low paid jobs that the people wont do", these are few and far between.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 02:09 PM
Depends on your Goals.

If it is to make profit from Labour -- yes.

If it is to live in harmony with the Planet -- No.

Simple questions -- if there was 1 world government, with 1 social benefit plan with equal levels of Corruption everywhere.

Would anyone move from tropical climates? Would 2 million a year walk into America if it was not financially better for them?

Only reason to move would be overcrowding in the area.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 02:13 PM
Most Americans are to proud to harvest crops. If illegals don't do it for almost slave labor; How much are you willing to pay for produce that needs to be picked by hand? Or meat from slaughter houses, chicken processors, go look who works in those industries.

And now that China isn't making the junk Americans like, such as TVs, computers, computer chips, computer games, cheap clothes, etc. Who is going to do all the mind numbing, mindless factory assembly, if we become a manufacturing nation once again. We used to make steel in this country, now we make Chick fil A.

In my small semi affluent village; Both parents work and it's the Hispanics that are the nanny's, and staff in daycare centers and clean, build and landscape the million dollar+ architect designed adobe homes.

Illegal/immigrant labor is an integral part of American Capitalism.
edit on 19-9-2022 by olaru12 because: syntax

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 03:10 PM
I've seen both pros and cons of immigration and I've got to say, if the United States really cared, they'd step in and fix the root cause of mass migrations.

If they REALLY cared... they'd actually win this war on drugs, but that'd be like shooting yourself in the foot. There is a lot of money in trafficking to still yet to be made.

We need to stop playing damage control for other countries and mobilize to fix their country ourselves. We essentially cozy up to our neighbor criminal organizations that have always been more dangerous to our homeland than any group in the middle east...

Corruption is the culprit here, any problem to do migration here or from there, it all stems from same problems. It's madness to make sense of it all unless it's all planned. Who's making the plans though?

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

you should probably ask the right question here. Does America need 2.2 million illegal migrants each year?

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm


"The great melting pot"...the land of "huddled masses yearning to breathe free"...Or is that breed free...or does it even matter...

Every one of us here is either first generation...or sons and daughters of...or descendants of migrants...even the aboriginal descendant's ancestors migrated here...

So...yes...we need migrants...we need immigrants...we really only desire that the playing field is level...that a fair and open process precludes any need for illegal immigration...

How we get there is another matter...


posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: PsychedelicJ
If they REALLY cared... they'd actually win this war on drugs, but that'd be like shooting yourself in the foot. There is a lot of money in trafficking to still yet to be made.

When I was in the Navy (1987) we shared a hangar with Customs and DEA. One night after our shift we were sitting at a picnic table outside the hangar drinking beer with some of the DEA guys. One of the guys asked if the "War on Drugs" could be won? One of the DEA guys (a senior one) said that it could be won easily. He said "Legalize them, take the big money out of them and they will go away. Never gonna happen. There's too much money to be made selling them and too much money to be made fighting them and both sides own Congresscritters."

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Until recently all highway signs were in EFFing ENGLISH.

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Go back far enough, and the answer is yes.

Every single one of us.

My own family, the European branch, began arriving around the time the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded. Other ancestors were peering out at the strange looking canoe, most of my ancestors were here by the end of the 18th century

The family relocated to the Ohio River Valley during what are called the French and Indian Wars. The farmstead in western Indiana is still in the family, though much smaller than it originally was. I've never visited, but fully intend to now that I live much closer to it.

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