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When Trump is Arrested

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posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:44 AM
No matter what side you are on, I think you can agree the reality is Trump will probably be arrested.
When it is done it will probably be done in a public way. This is not shocking.

THIS IS NOT to talk about if he deserves it or if he doesn’t but more what will happen…the fallout. Oh there will be fallout.

I’ve often pondered what another civil war would look like in the US. I think I now know. It will look like the above.
Trump gets arrested and “riots” ensue.

Civil war doesn’t look like N vs S. It looks like conservatives vs liberals. It looks like riots, vs anti riots.
It looks like people vs. business targets. Now I think it will look like Trump followers vs. the government. We’ve seen a few cases recently.
It did not end well. I shudder to think of the possibilities.

I am fairly certain it is going to happen. The news/social media is already putting it out there. They always do tell us before something happens…
I’m under the belief that everything is already calculated and planned, right before November… never a dull moment.

edit on 15-8-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Here is one of many “predictions”

Former President Donald Trump at some point will be arrested live on national television as a way to prevent him from becoming, or even running for, president again, conservative commentator Todd Starnes predicted Wednesday. "Mark my words here: There will be a moment when President Trump is giving one of his big speeches somewhere and the FBI will storm the stage," Starnes said. "They will arrest the president on national television and drag him away. That's how all of this will end up."

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
No matter what side you are on, I think you can agree the reality is Trump will probably be arrested.
When it is done it will probably be done in a public way. This is not shocking.

THIS IS NOT to talk about if he deserves it or if he doesn’t but more what will happen…the fallout. Oh there will be fallout.

I’ve often pondered what another civil war would look like in the US. I think I now know. It will look like the above.
Trump gets arrested and “riots” ensue.

Civil war doesn’t look like N vs S. It looks like conservatives vs liberals. It looks like riots, vs anti riots.
It looks like people vs. business targets. Now I think it will look like Trump followers vs. the government. We’ve seen a few cases recently.
It did not end well. I shudder to think of the possibilities.

I am fairly certain it is going to happen. The news/social media is already putting it out there. They always do tell us before something happens…
I’m under the belief that everything is already calculated and planned, right before November… never a dull moment.

He will be acquitted of all charges just like when Congress attempted to impeach him - after he was no longer impeachable.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

He won't be arrested.
They just don't want him running in 24.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:57 AM
I have been saying for many years now when the gov is reading to disarm US citizens they will orchestrate civil unrest like we've never seen before. Everybody insists it could never happen; they're too many patriots. I still say it IS going to happen.
The UN 'peacekeepers' will hit the country faster than you can blink and eye. They know exactly where to go when Martial Law is declared.

Nearly every pro-2A person has posted something on the internet that makes the list of first targets. 87,000 armed and trained IRS agents? Pffffttt. This ain't my first rodeo.

Granted, there are a lot more people and houses to contend with than Hitler had to deal with, but the manpower is there cover all the bases. Another raging plandemic would certainly help when they drop the hammer.

We may not be at this point yet, but it's getting closer.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: nugget1

That is a good point about the IRS….
Interesting timing.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:05 AM
If "they" are out to get him, yes they will get a rigged indictment. 🤐

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:07 AM
We've seen controlled civil war as recently as 2020 with the controlled (on/off) Floyd riots.

All well documented.

Picture THAT scenario with the "OFF SWITCH" never being pressed !! 😎

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:10 AM
What would be their intention?

If you leave the gate open, the cow will wander off. So if you intentionally leave the gate open, you want the cow to wander off. You can't blame stupidity or laziness. It was INTENTIONAL.

If you cut police budgets, you will get more crime on the streets. So if you INTENTIONALLY cut police budgets, you wanted more crime on the streets.

If you cut back the supply of oil, gas prices will go up. So if you INTENTIONALLY cut back the supply of oil, you wanted gas prices to go up.

If you print trillions of dollars without increasing the supply of goods, inflation will hit hard. So if you INTENTIONALLY print trillions of dollars without more goods you wanted inflation to hit hard.

If you leave the southern border wide open, you get more drug trafficking and human trafficking. So if you INTENTIONALLY leave the border wide open, you wanted more drug trafficking and human trafficking.

If you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February, you'll get a huge shortage. When you KNOW a huge baby formula shortage is coming because of the FDA's actions, and you PURPOSELY do nothing to prevent it, month after month, until the crisis finally hits hard, you INTENDED this crisis.

It is time to recognize the evil people behind that old man. THEY WANT crisis. THEY WANT chaos. THEY WANT riots. THEY WANT conflicts in your town.

Their stated purpose years ago with Obama was to "take the US down a few notches on the world stage." You can feel the quality of your life going down with the country. These are not foolish or misguided people. They are ideologs headed somewhere you don't really want to go.

If/when Trump gets arrested, it's with an intentional outcome, and one must ask oneself, why?

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:14 AM

I don't think it will be done in front of a crowd, likely at a juncture moment while he is transitioning from one place to another like getting off or getting on his jet. Maybe his limo.

It will be well recorded visually, maybe three very good cameras will be trained on the scene so that his reactions can be recorded. He will have to handle it maturely.

He will not be restrained, rather escorted to a waiting vehicle.

Or how about this

They will tell him a warrant for his arrest has been issued at the same time the media will also be told of the warrant. He will be given a day or so to surrender himself to authorities. Yeah, that's the ticket. They will present the charges to him and let him arrange his affairs. It will be respectful as possible. At least that's how I would hope it would happen.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:16 AM
Too close to the elections to arrest him.
It would look too blatantly partisan and political...and would backfire.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:17 AM
Well, of course I hope nothing happens from either side. Violence never resolves anything and makes situations worse. Especially if let's say it's a left/right individual against individual. How would that even work when most families have both in them?

Here is a long thread with about 70 or so individual videos with threats of civil war and warning of attacking IRS. This is just some gathered in the past few days. Not good.


posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

those who speak of civil war, really don't understand war at all. No offence JAG, you weren't active duty. War has sides. And the enemy is usually shooting at you, or trying to find a way to do that. In the US how would you identify "the enemy"? Will we have delineated sides and the left will wear blue shirts and the right will wear red? If not, then how do you identify a commie pinko?

Lots of people are angry, a few are ignorant and think they can make threats or "do something" to the FBI. The best they can hope for is a visit from LEO, a small charge with minimal jail time, and enough alone time to reflect on their poor choices. No matter what you think of the FBI, you can't threaten them. It's like slapping the big guy, then wondering what comes next. the rule is, don't be that guy.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Too close to the elections to arrest him.
It would look too blatantly partisan and political...and would backfire.

Optics are bad but thats never stopped them before.

BTW how is Salt life treating you?

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
No matter what side you are on, I think you can agree the reality is Trump will probably be arrested.
When it is done it will probably be done in a public way. This is not shocking.

THIS IS NOT to talk about if he deserves it or if he doesn’t but more what will happen…the fallout. Oh there will be fallout.

I’ve often pondered what another civil war would look like in the US. I think I now know. It will look like the above.
Trump gets arrested and “riots” ensue.

Civil war doesn’t look like N vs S. It looks like conservatives vs liberals. It looks like riots, vs anti riots.
It looks like people vs. business targets. Now I think it will look like Trump followers vs. the government. We’ve seen a few cases recently.
It did not end well. I shudder to think of the possibilities.

I am fairly certain it is going to happen. The news/social media is already putting it out there. They always do tell us before something happens…
I’m under the belief that everything is already calculated and planned, right before November… never a dull moment.

Trump needs private security willing to die for him and country. Full time surrounding all his holdings.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
What will he be arrested for?
Please be specific.
Thanks in advance.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:33 AM
Thinking on it some more.


It will be a house arrest. Either at Mar-a-lago or at some other of his residences. Let him have his luxury in his own setting where he can be physically comfortable but shut down his communication avenues and only allow him to communicate though his attorneys.

A trial could be handled the same way with him either being allowed to join the proceedings in a courtroom or maybe allow him to remain in his dwelling. Maybe have a proxy sitting in the court room for him. Yeah, like Ivanka, sitting there so demurely looking all innocent and all.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: JAGStorm
What will he be arrested for?
Please be specific.
Thanks in advance.

Something totally fabricated like Russia collusion.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: JAGStorm

those who speak of civil war, really don't understand war at all. No offence JAG, you weren't active duty. War has sides. And the enemy is usually shooting at you, or trying to find a way to do that. In the US how would you identify "the enemy"? Will we have delineated sides and the left will wear blue shirts and the right will wear red? If not, then how do you identify a commie pinko?

Lots of people are angry, a few are ignorant and think they can make threats or "do something" to the FBI. The best they can hope for is a visit from LEO, a small charge with minimal jail time, and enough alone time to reflect on their poor choices. No matter what you think of the FBI, you can't threaten them. It's like slapping the big guy, then wondering what comes next. the rule is, don't be that guy.

Although I was not active duty I do know my fair share about history and civil wars throughout the world. Although a riot in itself is not enough, a series of event can indeed spark one. When a group wants to overtake the government that can be the start. When the population of an area, let’s say Texas wants autonomy that can spark it.

Also it’s silly to think a civil war would look like one in the past. It’s a different world. I think we got a sneak preview during the George Floyd riots. I’ve lived all over the US. One thing you figure out quick is the areas almost always self segregated by political affiliation. It doesn’t mean it’s 100% but it’s obvious enough in most places.

Here is the actual definition

civil war noun

plural civil wars
Definition of civil war
: a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country
edit on 15-8-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: JAGStorm
What will he be arrested for?
Please be specific.
Thanks in advance.

Threats of running for office and defeating the left. You haven't seen that law yet, but they're making this up as they go. Like children writing a fantasy story.

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