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LGBTQP+ straight from the horse's mouth

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posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
I can almost smell the fear of public discourse on pedophiles... Why oh why, would that be...

Who has heen running the biz so far? Where do all these desperate women abandon their unaborted kids at?

The catholic church quietly exits the room

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

First, i pointed out that the LGB... lobby or movement or whatever you might call it has been hijacked by those who want to use it to promote the perverted sick agenda of normalizing pedophilia.


They did nothing to stop it. They view was 'the more, the merrier'. Still haven't heard anything from the community opposing the view which "hijacked the movement", where are they?

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 03:44 PM
No one I know who falls under the banner of Gay, Lesbian, Queer, or Transgender has vocalized any support for the normalization of pedofilliacs.

From what I understand, the issue was an attempt to help those who struggle with the attraction for reasons they don't understand and never acted on it because they knew it was wrong and illegal. But they struggled with trying to understand why their brains were wired the way they were but were afraid to seek therapy and counseling for fear of being incarcerated for something they couldn't understand, but never acted on.

There were cases of people trying to find help for this condition, because they didn't want to act on their urges.

It was a moral conflict for them.

Unfortunately, this was quickly overrun by perverts who DID act on their urges and wanted to be allowed and justified in their predatory actions because "Hey man, that's just who I am I have a right to be this way, this is how I was born" and wanted legal protection under the Movement.

It's like the concept of Catholic Venial and Mortal sin.

Venial is when you struggle with an impure thought or ideation, but don't act on it.

Mortal sin is when you actually go through with it.

The wealth of people brazenly defending their right to be attracted to underage children has risen sharply over the past couple of years.

Some stick to watching certain forms of anime and indulging in their attraction exclusively through the worship of these anime images. Loli Con is popular, but these people remain focused exclusively on the cartoon image and never move on to actual children. Their fixation is satified through the cartoon medium.

The problem is the ones who don't care about the actual living child, that child's thoughts or feelings, and simply takes pleasure and pride in the sick power fantasy of violating the innocent. It's a power trip for them and they choose children because they are innocent and can't fight back and can be manipulated easier because they don't understand what is happening.

Those are the sick sons of bitches we should be going after with all impunity.

Child rapists.

The disturbing thing for me is reading reports of how many people out there are downloading and sharing child pornography.

It seems to have increased dramatically within the past couple of years, but no one knows what is causing it.

edit on 8/4/22 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar edit

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
From what I understand, the issue was an attempt to help those who struggle with the attraction for reasons they don't understand and never acted on it because they knew it was wrong and illegal. But they struggled with trying to understand why their brains were wired the way they were but were afraid to seek therapy and counseling for fear of being incarcerated for something they couldn't understand, but never acted on.

Those people SHOULD be able to seek help without judgment. It could possibly stop a lot of them from ever acting on it.

If they do act on it, kill em.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

I know this seems hypocritical because I value the sanctity of life and go to extreme lengths to try and come up with various alternatives to just killing people. But some folks are so pathologically ingrained to their behaviour that no amount of therapy will help them and it's a lost cause.

There are folks who will play the game of rehabilitation and pretend they're "cured" and then just go right back to their behavior when released. Castrate the sons of bitches both chemically and physically. All the tackle, not just the testicles.

Give them sex reassignment surgeries and put them to work in a mens prison as a sexual outlet for the incarcerated men.

I'm sorry, that's brutal I know but these vile bastards piss me off to no end.

edit on 8/4/22 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: LordAhriman

I know this seems hypocritical because I value the sanctity of life and go to extreme lengths to try and come up with various alternatives to just killing people. But some folks are so pathologically ingrained to their behaviour that no amount of therapy will help them and it's a lost cause.

I agree.

Brain scan science fascinates me.

I think people are who they are born -- are who they are wired.

But if that is no fault of theirs -- what do we do? Pedophilia is different because it has a victim.

Voluntary isolation in a walled off area of their own?

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Annee

Pedophilia is VERY often the result of the perpetrator being abused as a child themselves. As I said, if someone is attracted to children and wants therapy for it, they should be able to get it. Digging up and facing their own past trauma very well could "convert" them, for lack of a better term. Cure maybe?

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
I'm partially responsible for letting the thread drift. My OP was about the woman's admission that the LGB... movement has really been coopted by pedophiles and that much of the community is supporting that, either actively or passively.


Then another woman from the community commented expressing her support for the video you also seem to support and was given an unsolicited opinion regarding the way she chooses to live her life. What's the problem here?

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Annee

Pedophilia is VERY often the result of the perpetrator being abused as a child themselves. As I said, if someone is attracted to children and wants therapy for it, they should be able to get it. Digging up and facing their own past trauma very well could "convert" them, for lack of a better term. Cure maybe?

Why is every other sexual attraction an orientation?

I think there can me many factors -- and biology is one of them.

Lust is a desire for sexual gratification. The brain's hypothalamus influences the production of the hormones testosterone and estrogen. This drives our feelings of sexual desire. When we are attracted to someone, our brains release high levels of dopamine and norepinephrine.

Last time I said something like this -- I got jumped on for defending pedophiles. NO -- that is not what I'm doing.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
... but for some reason or another the LGBTQ community feel like they need to defend it and as for the Pedophiles they are just hiding behind the LGBTQ community and like I said they are quick to defend even if they don't fully understand what they are defending .

This points to what I said previously, that one you remove the boundaries and moral anchors, you end up adrift and have no point of moral reference. Then, anything and everything becomes acceptable.

“There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes but that has not been washed from its own excrement.”-Proverbs 30:12.
edit on 4-8-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 04:54 PM
To add something on topic , instead , then what about p I e

It stands for the purposeful information exchange , is uk organisation since the 70s , has current active member s of Parliament associated members since the start eg Harriet Harman .
They wanted to progressive lower the age of consent for a number of partly rational reasons. And of course , other reasons. They still do , and lgbt thing is a tool , likely their tool or vehicle in the very first place.
The whole movement was probably started and staffed by them . There was no need for it eithrr because they changed laws about homosexuality already in 1968 ?
And there's no need for anyone to be sticking their sexuality in anyones face but they do having ' pride' marches through towns. With rainbow hearts on hearts symbols , right in everyone's faces. Old ladies out shopping , everyone's faces, on purpose. What's the need for that ? None, no need.
And that organisation are very dangerous , probably the most dangerous people in the UK , Professional networked child molesters is what they are , make no bones about it. They're thinking all the time about these things, they get murders done when it's necessary , they corrupt and threaten and get licenced by police. They've totally hijacked state services all through including mental health , running a black state inside the blue state , right under anyones radar . They're infesting the place actually , the f dirty c s are everywhere you look.
It's always some good some bad. Everywhere you go. Involve computers and IT records and phone hacking you've got a black state that's very black and won't give up.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: Annee

Oh, I'm sure it occurs naturally. I'm just saying that it could be the product of them suffering past abuse themselves, and that could possibly be cured via therapy.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Annee

I once spoke to a sicko pervert on the old days of yahoo chat private messaging who bragged about his predisposition who lived in a tightly controlled gated community for offenders.

Children were not permitted on the premises.

He was not allowed outside the gates, his food was delivered by parcel but was still allowed internet access to collect and solicit imagery.

He was making requests of single mothers online for certain "staged scenes" and compensating them financially.

Where he's getting his financial fund from, where these communities are located and who's funding them I have no idea.

That's all I can offer.

edit on 8/4/22 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar, edits

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: TDDAgain

I appreciate your perspective. As to your "rights," have any of your fundamental rights ever been denied due to your sexual orientation?

As a point of reference, I firmly believe that any sexual activity outside of traditional hetreosexual marriage is wrong in that it is damaging both to individuals and to society as a whole. I do not feel, however, that this means that I have a right to deny you your essential rights as a human.

What you practice in the privacy of your own home is your business, just as what I practice in mine is my own business. In the context of a personal conversation, I might express my belief to you and explain why I feel that way. Some people would see that as "threatening" or "unloving," but in a free society it is a crucial party if the exchange of ideas. Much of the social tension that exists today is because so many want to parade what they do in public and force people like me to approve of it. I don't parade my relationship with my wife of almost 40 years in public (notwithstanding a remark I made in the previously mentioned thread) and I don't care for others doing it.


I just wanted to say that this was a very well worded and decent reply. It wasn't hurtful, didn't show any prejudice or hatred at all.

I know you were told that, but that is not true. The same posters have called me names for talking about God. And you did mention in a reply, it has more to do with their lack of morality: " the attacks on me just underscore the lack of any solid moral or philosophical foundations for those making them."

Here is a video I like that depicts a scenario where a God-fearing young woman at school has to defend why she isn't engaging with the others in gay rights movement. Your kindly worded replies and the off the cuff insults and rebuffs back at you made me think of this:

edit on 4-8-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Annee

Oh, I'm sure it occurs naturally. I'm just saying that it could be the product of them suffering past abuse themselves, and that could possibly be cured via therapy.

OK, I was just being cautious. That's what I thought you said.

But saying it could be naturally occurring does not go over very well.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: Annee

I once spoke to a sicko pervert on the old days of yahoo chat private messaging who bragged about his predisposition who lived in a tightly controlled gated community for offenders.

Children were not permitted on the premises.

He was not allowed outside the gates, his food was delivered by parcel but was still allowed internet access to collect and solicit imagery.

He was making requests of single mothers online for certain "staged scenes" and compensating them financially.

Where he's getting his financial fund from, where these communities are located and who's funding them I have no idea.

That's all I can offer.

WOW! Sounds like a wealthy family coverup -- unless it's some kind of social experiment.

That they continue to let him solicit is not OK. There's still a victim.

edit on 4-8-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: Annee
WOW! Sounds like a wealthy family coverup -- unless it's some kind of social experiment.

That they continue to let him solicit is not OK. There's still a victim.

Epstein was allowed to leave incarceration for work every day the first time he was convicted

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
I propose a new acronym. ALGBTQ, the A stands for adult because apparently it needs to be underlined.

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: TDDAgain

I appreciate your perspective. As to your "rights," have any of your fundamental rights ever been denied due to your sexual orientation?

As a point of reference, I firmly believe that any sexual activity outside of traditional hetreosexual marriage is wrong in that it is damaging both to individuals and to society as a whole. I do not feel, however, that this means that I have a right to deny you your essential rights as a human.

What you practice in the privacy of your own home is your business, just as what I practice in mine is my own business. In the context of a personal conversation, I might express my belief to you and explain why I feel that way. Some people would see that as "threatening" or "unloving," but in a free society it is a crucial party if the exchange of ideas. Much of the social tension that exists today is because so many want to parade what they do in public and force people like me to approve of it. I don't parade my relationship with my wife of almost 40 years in public (notwithstanding a remark I made in the previously mentioned thread) and I don't care for others doing it.

I am 100% on board with ethical restrictions in the education industry where underage students are at risk, but what you just admitted is prejudice against healthy adult sexuality.

Healthy? Please.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: Annee
But saying it could be naturally occurring does not go over very well.

Some people just aren't wired right. Myself included. I've been suicidal, for no reason at all, since I was 12. Medicine and therapy keep me alive.

Psychopaths of all types occur naturally. Nobody just wakes up one day and wants to become a serial killer or a pedophile. They're sick, and if they seek help before they act on their sick desires, there should be help out there for them.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: Annee
You posted from "politico" so I thought biased sources were ok.

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