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LGBTQP+ straight from the horse's mouth

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posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:19 AM
Last time I posted about this, I put it in the Mud-pit. This time I'm using Social Issues because it absolutely is a massive social issue.

I previously suggested that the ever-evolving acronym for the LGB... movement be modified as #LGBTQP+. The apologists came out of the woods, defending the movement and accusing me of saying that all homosexuals are pedophiles, as well as attacking me personally and gaslighting the issue. None of it stuck.

My point was not that all homosexuals are pedophiles, but really was two-fold:

First, i pointed out that the LGB... lobby or movement or whatever you might call it has been hijacked by those who want to use it to promote the perverted sick agenda of normalizing pedophilia.

Second, I said that this is the logical and expected course of any agenda that seeks to normalize and mainstream anything that is, in its essence, outside the boundaries of what is considered normal or acceptable, as once you pull up the moral anchor, erase the ethical compass and destroy the social boundaries there is nothing left to guide you and everything become acceptable.

That said, I ran across this short video today that backs my claims, and it comes straight from the horse's mouth.

Please give it a listen and then tell me how I'm wrong, how I am accusing all homosexuals of being pedophiles, and how the #LGBTQP+ movement is not promoting pedophilia.

ETA: As per her instructions I've downloaded the video to repost in the event that it's censored.
edit on 2022 8 04 by incoserv because: ETA.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Please give it a listen and then tell me how I'm wrong, how I am accusing all homosexuals of being pedophiles, and how the #LGBTQP+ movement is not promoting pedophilia.

I did not see you do that. Same as me, I call it out that LGBTQP is affiliating with pedophiles. Only stupid idiots would equate that to LGBTQ = P.

Don't waste your energy and time on such people. What is clear is that big parts of LGBTQP are trying to pick them up to gain momentum. It's disgusting. And I refuse to associate with LGBTQP at all. I don't want them to speak for me (B) I do not want others to have me associated with a group that is so detached from reality.

Truth is I belong to a minority (B) and while I demand the same rights as everyone else, I also know that I, the minority, have to tune into what the general population wants. As long as it's not lynching me. And that's not what the general population is up to.

I accepted that some people can't accept me a long time ago. Why try to push acceptance? It's not going to happen.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I appreciate your perspective. As to your "rights," have any of your fundamental rights ever been denied due to your sexual orientation?

As a point of reference, I firmly believe that any sexual activity outside of traditional hetreosexual marriage is wrong in that it is damaging both to individuals and to society as a whole. I do not feel, however, that this means that I have a right to deny you your essential rights as a human.

What you practice in the privacy of your own home is your business, just as what I practice in mine is my own business. In the context of a personal conversation, I might express my belief to you and explain why I feel that way. Some people would see that as "threatening" or "unloving," but in a free society it is a crucial party if the exchange of ideas. Much of the social tension that exists today is because so many want to parade what they do in public and force people like me to approve of it. I don't parade my relationship with my wife of almost 40 years in public (notwithstanding a remark I made in the previously mentioned thread) and I don't care for others doing it.
edit on 2022 8 04 by incoserv because: typos.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:46 AM
Thanks for posting the vid. Apparently, there are groups of gay people getting together to condemn this attempt to normalize pedophilia. They do not want to be associated with those sickos.

A couple of weeks ago I did a thread on the disturbing story of an 11-year old drag queen.
This kid appeared on Good Morning America, to a cheering audience. It's insane. If an 11 year old girl danced provocatively for a crowd of adult men, it would be an outrage. People would be getting arrested! But when it's an 11 year old boy in drag, it's not only OK, it's great! He's a hero!

At the 9:35 mark, he simulates snorting drugs while he's hanging out with drag queens.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:53 AM
When I came across B4UACT, years ago, I started warning people that pedos would be trying to jump on the LBG train to try normalizing the behavior.
Everyone I tried telling, scoffed at me.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

It won't be long, if things continue in their current course, that 11 year old girls dancing provocatively on front of grown men will be considered acceptable, as well.

As I've pointed out, once you begin to remove the anchors, points of reference and boundaries, you lose any and all reference points for what is good and acceptable. There comes a point when the culture becomes like a ship adrift on a stormy sea with no stars or sun r compass to navigate by; any direction is as good and fitting as any other. This always leads to perdition. Child molestation will be followed by sanctioned euthanasia, which will be followed by cannibalism.

Slippery slope, you say? Hell, yeah! It's a very slippery slope, and we're sliding down it at break neck speed!

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
When I came across B4UACT, years ago, I started warning people that pedos would be trying to jump on the LBG train to try normalizing the behavior.
Everyone I tried telling, scoffed at me.

Many of them are, sadly, still scoffing.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: incoserv

As to your "rights," have any of your fundamental rights ever been denied due to your sexual orientation?

Not since I left school.

As a point of reference, I firmly believe that any sexual activity outside of traditional hetreosexual marriage is wrong in that it is damaging both to individuals and to society as a whole.

You are entitled to that opinion of course. And what about love? Can you for once forget sex and think about love? Is it wrong to love? I often see it degraded down to sexual acts. I wonder why that is, maybe so people that think like you do not have to consider I am a human being too?

So basically you think I am a wrong human because I am able to feel the same kind of love towards women that you feel towards you women?

That's what I get from your post, no offense though.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
When I came across B4UACT, years ago, ...

That's some sick sh1t there!

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: incoserv

As to your "rights," have any of your fundamental rights ever been denied due to your sexual orientation?

Not since I left school.

As a point of reference, I firmly believe that any sexual activity outside of traditional hetreosexual marriage is wrong in that it is damaging both to individuals and to society as a whole.

You are entitled to that opinion of course. And what about love? Can you for once forget sex and think about love? Is it wrong to love? I often see it degraded down to sexual acts. I wonder why that is, maybe so people that think like you do not have to consider I am a human being too?

So basically you think I am a wrong human because I am able to feel the same kind of love towards women that you feel towards you women?

That's what I get from your post, no offense though.

I think that our ideas of "love" are very different.

Foe me, love is not an emotion or a feeling. Emotions and feelings change. Love is a commitment based on a conscience decision. It can generate many emotions, both positive and negative, but it is not an emotion based thing.

I love many people in my life, both men and women. I have a deep and abiding love for several men that I know well. That love is reflected in my commitment to them, to their families, to their well being. I would do most anything for them.

I never said that you were a "wrong human." I don't even know what that means. You are a human. Period. Your sexial orientation is, I believe, ultimately a potentially destructive thing, but if I am correct, that is something you will have to bear.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Are you quite sure that stirring up hate like the noob does in your video isn't the actual idea in the first place ?

He says women should be insulted by drag Queens?
Wtf has he been living under a rock for the last 200 years ?
Do they have pantomimes where he's from ?
Does he have any what Dickensian where's were often made of underneath. ?

He's a hate filled moron peddling trolldom .

And don't get me wrong , I can be right twice , I'm not disagreeing that pedalo hirers are hijacking the LGB thing , they are . Not everything rainbow coloured is safe , that's for sure.

edit on 4-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: IsabelleJones

I couldn't make sense of a good part of what you wrote, but anybody can see that drag and pantomime are not the same thing. I don't think that that is even arguable for the vast majority of people.

Whether the presenter is a hateful troll is, given the subject matter, not really even irrelevant. You are trying to draw attention away from the sexual abuse and perversion of an 11 year old boy by attacking the person presenting the evidence. That alone is very distributing, comments in your closing paragraph notwithstanding!
edit on 2022 8 04 by incoserv because: clarification.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: incoserv

I think you trying to tell me that my love is different than yours is kind of an insult and it's very hard to insult me on this special topic.

You keep equating sexual orientation with love. That I can get intimate with other women is only possible when I feel deep love. It's a consequence that can happen, not the main reason I love.

Period. Your sexial orientation is, I believe, ultimately a potentially destructive thing, but if I am correct, that is something you will have to bear.

Oh believe me, I don't give a # about intolerant people like you that equate sex with love and keep telling me how destructive I am. Because you forget, I didn't choose this.

That's all.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:28 PM
I propose a new acronym. ALGBTQ, the A stands for adult because apparently it needs to be underlined.

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: TDDAgain

I appreciate your perspective. As to your "rights," have any of your fundamental rights ever been denied due to your sexual orientation?

As a point of reference, I firmly believe that any sexual activity outside of traditional hetreosexual marriage is wrong in that it is damaging both to individuals and to society as a whole. I do not feel, however, that this means that I have a right to deny you your essential rights as a human.

What you practice in the privacy of your own home is your business, just as what I practice in mine is my own business. In the context of a personal conversation, I might express my belief to you and explain why I feel that way. Some people would see that as "threatening" or "unloving," but in a free society it is a crucial party if the exchange of ideas. Much of the social tension that exists today is because so many want to parade what they do in public and force people like me to approve of it. I don't parade my relationship with my wife of almost 40 years in public (notwithstanding a remark I made in the previously mentioned thread) and I don't care for others doing it.

I am 100% on board with ethical restrictions in the education industry where underage students are at risk, but what you just admitted is prejudice against healthy adult sexuality.

edit on 4-8-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: incoserv
Oh sorry about that .

It was supposed to say

Does he have any idea what Dickensian whore's were often made of underneath ?

( it was the auto correct doesn't like the word whore )

Probably not , he's not from 18th century London is he. Or the colonies.
A pantomime , always includes a Dame in case you haven't been historically informed properly either , or you've been religiously subjugated into abject fear up in hill country most of your life. You know what priests are like , all Fire and Bumstone .
You gotta get that chip off your shoulder boy : D
Just decide for yourself which is worse.
And also , don't wait for some kind of agreements or legalese justices just do . Sometimes it's needs must .
There's many a spy has walked away in costume.

edit on 4-8-2022 by IsabelleJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:36 PM
Got to add Vacuum abusers to this as well.

Awfully sorry I just could not resist and actually you are bringing up a very important point that society need's to wake up to and see for the danger it really poses to there children.

(Got nothing against what lonely single males do to there vacuum cleaners though - sorry I once again could not resist this was almost as funny as the guy that got his stuck in a swimming pool water circulation pump).

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:36 PM
Is a sick movement in the nation that sprouted from the land of the mentally insane and pedophilia haven California that is trying to spread all over the states, their goal is to normalized pedophilia they do not give two rat asses about the gays or lesbians the movement is to recruit as many children as they can to increase their acceptance and Californication seems to be very happy with the idea of destroying society.

This the later in their agenda, now if you are in school and call yourself heterosexual you are a promoter of oppression.

San Diego School District sparks outrage by claiming that heterosexuality is a 'system of oppression' and encourages students to call themselves 'two-spirit'

Chris Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, made available training documents the San Diego Unified School District gives to teachers
The documents follow the tenants of academic queer theory, which states that the gender binary is a social construct and is harmful to society
In the training documents, administrators explain that heterosexuality is a form of 'oppression' and encourage students to examine their gender identities
The trainings also encourage teachers to do away with the terms 'men' and 'women' in favor of the terms 'people with a penis' and 'people with a vulva'

The new America the land of the confuse, mentally challenged and social dysfunction.

I say gather all this darn pedos and put them in jail.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: IsabelleJones

Are you quite sure that stirring up hate like the joo does in your video isn't the actual idea in the first place ?

Wow, you actually began your comment with an anti-Semetic slur.

Wtf has he been living under a rock for the last 200 years ? Do they have pantomimes where he's from ?

His video was about the perverting and corruption of an 11-year old boy. I have no clue what you're even talking about.

He's a hate filled moron peddling trolldom .

If you think someone who is trying to protect children is a hate filled moron, then maybe you should rethink your ideology.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

It's not an insult, it's an expression of my view and assumption based on many conversations with many people. Few view "love" as do I. Why does everyone have to take everything as an insult?

As to equating sex with love, no, I don't. I believe that sex should happen in the context of a committed love relationship because it is the ultimate act of exposure, vulnerability and commitment. I'd never dream of having a sexual encounter with someone whom I am not eternally committed to (indeed, I never have).

At any rate, the point of this thread is not too discuss our views on love or sexual ethics, but the pull on the LGB... movement towards support of open pedophilia. Let's keep it in that vein. I'd be happy to continue this discussion in another thread or by DM.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Please give it a listen and then tell me how I'm wrong, how I am accusing all homosexuals of being pedophiles, and how the #LGBTQP+ movement is not promoting pedophilia.

No its an incidental part of the community hiding in the background .

The LGBTQ community has no acceptance level for any sort of Prejudice and that is because of past massive Prejudice against them , and so the LGBTQ community will leap to the defense of almost anything that has to do with persons sexuality or Sexual choices .

Take the Transgender children for example the LGBTQ community see that as a reminder of what they faced when they were younger, Most Homosexuals know they are Homosexuals from a very young age even though they may not fully understand it .

and a little boy saying he feels like a girl and then Chopping the kid up with surgery and hormones literally making him a girl is in the extreme of extremes but for some reason or another the LGBTQ community feel like they need to defend it and as for the Pedophiles they are just hiding behind the LGBTQ community and like I said they are quick to defend even if they don't fully understand what they are defending .

But Pedophilia is not a sexual choice , it's an evil that destroys the lives of the children it affects.
edit on 4-8-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-8-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

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