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LGBTQP+ straight from the horse's mouth

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posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Last post so not to derail your thread.

It is. TzarChasm formulated it better than I could: Your prejudice is visible and that you tell me I am destructive for feeling love that I can not control, no one really can, is actually an insult towards everyone not heterosexual.

And it shows you're just talking wise and acting mindful but deep down you are prejudiced and you're not good at hiding it.

signed, a wrong loving human.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
... but for some reason or another the LGBTQ community feel like they need to defend it and as for the Pedophiles they are just hiding behind the LGBTQ community and like I said they are quick to defend even if they don't fully understand what they are defending .

This points to what I said previously, that one you remove the boundaries and moral anchors, you end up adrift and have no point of moral reference. Then, anything and everything becomes acceptable.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:53 PM
Everything is a choice everything. Literally everything. Taking part in this thread all the way to proclaiming one’s sexual identity. Choices top to bottom. Just like you choose who you are friends with you choose who you sleep with….or make the choice to make it not about sex but love another choice.

And if you choose not to decide you still have a made choice… love rush….

Passing off one’s identity as something that requires no choice is such a cop out of personal responsibilities.
a reply to: TDDAgain

edit on 4-8-2022 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: incoserv

This is what happen when some entities want to change society as a whole, with a new ideology, for their own sick benefits, the vulnerable gays and lesbians will take the hit.

But sadly, many been woke generation will agree with anything, regardless, even if they know is wrong.

Soo if you can not defend your own ideas then you deserve not sympathies.

That is my take, pedos have no room in society they belong in jails and anybody that support their sick agendas.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
Chopping the kid up with surgery and hormones literally making him a girl is in the extreme of extremes . . .

Surgery to enlarge or decrease breast size or to change facial features might occur before a person is 18, but surgeries involving reproductive organs are not carried out on people under the age of 18, according to these doctors and guidelines on gender-affirming care.

Clinicians who treat transgender children wait until the start of puberty, which can begin as early as 8 or 9, before considering puberty blockers. Rafferty says most of his patients on puberty blockers are between the ages of 10 and 12. Clinical guidelines recommend starting hormone therapy only on patients who are 16 and older, but Rosenthal said his clinic might start placing 14-year-olds on estrogen or testosterone depending on their individual situation.

As far as puberty blockers go -- male to woman transgender does not want a beard or an Adam's Apple.

Nor does a woman to male want breasts. 20enlarge%20or%20decrease,Welcome%20to%20POLITICO%20Nightly.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Love, real love is never wrong, but the Greek Bible had different works for it depending on what we're talking about. Thus I can love my son and not want to engage in sex with him. We can love our relatives and dear friends and God all without carnal thought and intent and to different degrees.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Annee

Yes, mutilating bodies before the children can experience their own sex, any doctor that agree with this should be put in jail and so the parents, castrating children and mutilating them is the most horrible thing to do to a human being.

Adult can do whatever they want, leave the children alone.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

1 He's not a strawman but he is being unamerican
If he's a Catholic an Atheist or a Muslim scumbag , idgac either.

2 Yes you do know what I'm talking about , he followed that clip with " all women should feel insulted by drag Queens?
He's telling women how to feel now is he ?
You gonna try that sonny Jim?

3If that kid enjoys dressing up and watching whatever that show with Ru Paul is called ( what is it ? ) with his family there what ? If he thinks they're great those Queens then why spoil his fun ? He's a kid you meanies. Let him be.

The moment you detect some proper impropriety then do something , by all means . This is broadcast TV.
And which is worse honestly Cole , drag men or Absolute Monarch Pedo Papalists ?
Who's got the billions of Vatican dollars to spend every year ? ON WHAT ? Dresses for men so men only can sing dumb # in Latin with young boys , in f frocks.

That's not the fault of drag Queens being good at fooling the eye . Is it . Admit that bit please because it's distracting from a proper point of view .

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:05 PM
The P stands for pansexual. Always has, always will. NO ONE in the moment wants pedophilia to be normalized/legalized unless they themselves are a closet pedophilie. Most pedophiles identify as straight men.
edit on 4-8-2022 by LordAhriman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: IsabelleJones

Ah, the old "if you don't like 'em it must be cause they turn you on ... bit gay are you?" thing.

Nothing like a man to show us ladies how to be properly feminine!

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Athetos

I've often said that as a healthy, red blooded male who is at least average attractive, I have some natural urges that I could probably fulfill. I could decide that I am just a serial adulterer and could live that way - chasing shirts and having sex with random women - because it's just what I am. I have chosen, however, to bring that side of me under control and live as a faithfully monogamous married man. It's a choice that I've made and have carried out successfully for nearly 40 years.

I've been propositioned. I distinctly remember stopping by a friend's house one day and he wasn't home. His daughter however, was, and she came to the door dressed in morning but a partially unbuttoned shirt, inviting me to come in anyway. She was s very attractive woman. Her father wasn't due home for que awhile. I ran away. It was my decision to be faithful to what I knew to be right, and going into that house would not have been right.

You are correct; we make choices and those choices define who and what we are, not they other way around.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv

What you practice in the privacy of your own home is your business, just as what I practice in mine is my own business.

Well, most sexual violence, especially pedophile happen in the privacy of family, so...

I also distance myself from any organisation that knowingly harbors pedophiles, but I see a certain hypocrisy especially here.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
... but for some reason or another the LGBTQ community feel like they need to defend it and as for the Pedophiles they are just hiding behind the LGBTQ community and like I said they are quick to defend even if they don't fully understand what they are defending .

This points to what I said previously, that one you remove the boundaries and moral anchors, you end up adrift and have no point of moral reference. Then, anything and everything becomes acceptable.

Moral anchors created by what ?

People are born Homosexuals end of story , it's not a choice . I've met kids who were clearly homosexuals .

That being said I ask again Moral anchors created by what ? It's rhetorical . Religion created these anchors these divides , and people , kids , Little girls , Little boys were made to grow in a world where they thought it was a sin because of the way they felt sexually .

The moral boundaries where pushed only because the LGBTQ Community felt it had to push them , but the truth is the boundaries where false all along.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Well maybe that was the generalization back in the days, in today's insane society with a growing group of ideologies, been created by different groups, pedos seems to be finding new havens from where to operate.

Look at the California gay clubs for children, who do you think is going to be attending this places that up to a few months ago where kept secret even from parents and encouraged by schools.

Why? they were kept hidden from parents, our schools seem to be infiltrated by pedos now wanting to keep children from maturing encouraging chemical hormone blockers.

Pedos only like children, once the child mature is too old for them.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TDDAgain

Love, real love is never wrong, but the Greek Bible had different works for it depending on what we're talking about. Thus I can love my son and not want to engage in sex with him. We can love our relatives and dear friends and God all without carnal thought and intent and to different degrees.

To clarify this...

Eros, filos and agape are the three words translated as love from classical Greek. Unfortunate that we don't have those distinctions in English.

Eros (from which we get the English word "erotic" and other derivatives) refers to the attraction between a woman and a man.

Filos (think Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love) is filial love, as between siblings or close friends.

Agape is in a class by itself and refers to an unconditional, committed love. This is the kid of love that should be the foundation of any long-term, committed relationship, the kind of love.

When the pervs speak of "man-boy love", they are not speaking of any kind of actual love at all, but are using the word to mean a predatory, selfish, abusive, power-oriented dominance.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
Obviously. I didn't think I have to explain different kinds of love and specify exactly:

The same love I feel towards a man that I may want to even procreate and spend the rest of my life, is the same love I am able to feel towards women. There is no difference.

There are different shades of love though, like loving a friend, loving my child, loving family.

And none of it has to do with anything sexual was my point. The OP repeatedly equated love with sex and that my sexuality is destructive. I simply ask: How can it be destructive to a stranger how I love and only when I feel the love I described above, the same kind of love that I can feel towards man, anything sexual would be possible.

That a stranger (not you) equates this love to sexuality, is a strange concept for me. Yes I say I am bisexual, maybe I should write biloving? Maybe that would fit it better but then again, simple prejudiced minds like the OP would have even a harder time understanding it.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: incoserv

This points to what I said previously, that one you remove the boundaries and moral anchors

Moral boundaries to who?

For example, I always thought it was funny when they said do you swear to God to tell the truth....
What about people that don't believe in God, so by swearing on him where does that put them...

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Most love has been boiled down to Eros. I feel it is romantic or simply sexual in nature. It's the one they use anytime they find love in order to prove there was homosexuality - when they claim David was gay, for example. David loved his companion,but it was not eros.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Annee

Yes, mutilating bodies before the children can experience their own sex, any doctor that agree with this should be put in jail and so the parents, castrating children and mutilating them is the most horrible thing to do to a human being.

Adult can do whatever they want, leave the children alone.

Hormone blockers stop the effects of puberty -- allowing time (without the physical change from puberty) to become of legal age to make further decisions.

As far as surgery -- it is a personal and financial choice to be made when of legal age.

Not all transgenders choose surgery.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

What about people that don't believe in God, so by swearing on him where does that put them...

and I do believe in God, just not belonging to a religon.

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