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World Wide Laws On Food With Strict Enforcement

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posted on Jul, 11 2022 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: MeatHookReality

We all know what the elites want.

You might not know this, but the "elite" isn't a single group with a single agenda. It's thousands of different groups who all want different things. TPTB, the NWO, the WEF, the Iluminati, the FreeMasons, who knows how many different religious or faith groups, even Amazon and Facebook, they're all different and they're all struggling against each other for power.

Some of them want to build a socialist utopia where everyone surrenders their freedom in return for having their basic needs catered for. Other's want to decimate the population and rebuild it smaller and more controllable. Others are anarchists who want to tear down all borders and all govenments. Some are social darwinists who believe that the strongest should rise to the top. All of this, and everything in between. That's who the elite are.

Do you really thing that Trump and Gates want the same thing, or Clinton and Soros?
I agree 100%
Ive mentioned here on ATS in many different threads throughout the years … that no NWO exists as a cohesive group… The Lee family of China wants different control than the Krupp family of Prussia etc etc etc … They are all trying to dominate each other..
but us common folks are needed & in the way at the same time of all their agendas .

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

Why does India still suffer plague outbreaks & the vast majority of problematic viruses this world has to deal with come from Asian or African countries.
Ill wait for a list of pandemics that come from the Americas, Japan , Europe, Russia, Australia or New Zealand in the last 100 years

Do you really think people eat non-conventional sources of protein because they don’t like prime cuts of black Angus steak? Or they’re too st00pid to go get a hamburger?

Spanish influenza was just over 100 years ago, there’s been a recent outbreak of Japanese encephalitis among the worlds pig population, only reason it didn’t become a problem for humans is the transmissibility to humans. Russia have us the disease of communism which his has killed more people across the globe than bush meat.

Where do you live?
I live in your mind

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

Well by my label of “ bushmeat countries “ would by it’s own definition apply to countries that have large populations that eat disease ridden critters with little to no food safety protocols.
It’s called reading & comprehension skills ..

So all bushmeat consists of disease ridden critters? I think you’ll find it refers to wild sourced meat. People only eat non-conventional animals where hunger and starvation is prevalent, you ought to thank God you don’t have to make that decision to eat a less than ideal animal to stave off starvation or starve.

You carry on like a spoilt trust fund baby with no perception of reality of life for people outside of your little bubble.

You’ve still failed to properly define your own term “bushmeat countries”. Name me a country where people don’t eat some form of wild harvested meat? We eat all sorts in Australia; kangaroo, emu, venison, crocodile, they serve camel burgers in the outback!

Bet you can’t even catch a fish yet you criticise people facing death by starvation while you have the luxury of choice.
Your projection is way off base . Im more concerned with the handling, butchering, cooking & refrigeration.
Have you read the whole thread ? Or did you get so excited that you could call names & act like a child in your response ?
If anyone is entitled here , it would be you .
Only a grifter of comprehension, but you type with a gusto of “ I gotcha yah “ while your words say you don’t belong in an adult conversation.
I mean no harm friend… Im just trying to help you understand the narrative… that flew over your head like a jet .
Lets get along .. besides if I agreed with you , we would both be wrong .
Im a real great guy once you get over my wisdom ..
just joking … lol
Your narcissistic ways are cool by me .. you be comfortable ok ? If your comfortable, then the truth will always be with you .

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 07:15 AM
Tell tale sign of a terrible OP. No citations, no cohesive thought outlined, no debate, insults, jokes and personal attacks instead of proving their point through debate when challenged. Grade A trash thread here.

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

Well by my label of “ bushmeat countries “ would by it’s own definition apply to countries that have large populations that eat disease ridden critters with little to no food safety protocols.
It’s called reading & comprehension skills ..

So all bushmeat consists of disease ridden critters? I think you’ll find it refers to wild sourced meat. People only eat non-conventional animals where hunger and starvation is prevalent, you ought to thank God you don’t have to make that decision to eat a less than ideal animal to stave off starvation or starve.

You carry on like a spoilt trust fund baby with no perception of reality of life for people outside of your little bubble.

You’ve still failed to properly define your own term “bushmeat countries”. Name me a country where people don’t eat some form of wild harvested meat? We eat all sorts in Australia; kangaroo, emu, venison, crocodile, they serve camel burgers in the outback!

Bet you can’t even catch a fish yet you criticise people facing death by starvation while you have the luxury of choice.
Your projection is way off base . Im more concerned with the handling, butchering, cooking & refrigeration.
Have you read the whole thread ? Or did you get so excited that you could call names & act like a child in your response ?
If anyone is entitled here , it would be you .
Only a grifter of comprehension, but you type with a gusto of “ I gotcha yah “ while your words say you don’t belong in an adult conversation.
I mean no harm friend… Im just trying to help you understand the narrative… that flew over your head like a jet .
Lets get along .. besides if I agreed with you , we would both be wrong .
Im a real great guy once you get over my wisdom ..
just joking … lol
Your narcissistic ways are cool by me .. you be comfortable ok ? If your comfortable, then the truth will always be with you .

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: Skepticape
Tell tale sign of a terrible OP. No citations, no cohesive thought outlined, no debate, insults, jokes and personal attacks instead of proving their point through debate when challenged. Grade A trash thread here.

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

Well by my label of “ bushmeat countries “ would by it’s own definition apply to countries that have large populations that eat disease ridden critters with little to no food safety protocols.
It’s called reading & comprehension skills ..

So all bushmeat consists of disease ridden critters? I think you’ll find it refers to wild sourced meat. People only eat non-conventional animals where hunger and starvation is prevalent, you ought to thank God you don’t have to make that decision to eat a less than ideal animal to stave off starvation or starve.

You carry on like a spoilt trust fund baby with no perception of reality of life for people outside of your little bubble.

You’ve still failed to properly define your own term “bushmeat countries”. Name me a country where people don’t eat some form of wild harvested meat? We eat all sorts in Australia; kangaroo, emu, venison, crocodile, they serve camel burgers in the outback!

Bet you can’t even catch a fish yet you criticise people facing death by starvation while you have the luxury of choice.
Your projection is way off base . Im more concerned with the handling, butchering, cooking & refrigeration.
Have you read the whole thread ? Or did you get so excited that you could call names & act like a child in your response ?
If anyone is entitled here , it would be you .
Only a grifter of comprehension, but you type with a gusto of “ I gotcha yah “ while your words say you don’t belong in an adult conversation.
I mean no harm friend… Im just trying to help you understand the narrative… that flew over your head like a jet .
Lets get along .. besides if I agreed with you , we would both be wrong .
Im a real great guy once you get over my wisdom ..
just joking … lol
Your narcissistic ways are cool by me .. you be comfortable ok ? If your comfortable, then the truth will always be with you .
Why do you keep posting to this thread if it trash . I laid out a question in a linear manner .
Im sorry it upset you . Start a new OP with your theories or solutions to wet markets & bushmeat diseases .
I hope this response calms you down , because being angry is not good for one’s health.
You are probably upset , because you have been trying to get a bushmeat food truck going .
The secret to good skunk is to roast it in it’s fur , ungutted & only use old tires as your cooking fuel.

You could call your food truck : Rock n Rolla Ebola

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 08:15 PM
What makes you think im angry or even worth being the discussion subject of your own thread? Im flattered I surpass the subject of the OP (1st world ignorance at best), but can we discuss something more interesting or relevant?

I suggest you provide something of substance for your thread. Like you stated there’s a question you outlined? That’s a whole lot of words for a single question, how about you summarize it for us, funny guy?

a reply to: MeatHookReality

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: Skepticape
What makes you think im angry or even worth being the discussion subject of your own thread? Im flattered I surpass the subject of the OP (1st world ignorance at best), but can we discuss something more interesting or relevant?

I suggest you provide something of substance for your thread. Like you stated there’s a question you outlined? That’s a whole lot of words for a single question, how about you summarize it for us, funny guy?

a reply to: MeatHookReality

So you are a bushmeat eater , thats cool .
My question is is in colloquial English with basic semantics. This is not a telephone conversation , so you can’t blame vernaculars or accents for your confusion of my OP.
It’s ok to be frustrated when dealing with concepts that may elude you .
Do you or don’t you believe that bushmeat & wet markets are dangerous to humanity ?
If that question is hard to comprehend now twice , then I suggest you apply for a position in the DNC or GOP , because they employ countless people who are confused.
We all get confused from time to time , this just happens to be your time . No big deal , as I made a living out of solving complicated problems for very confused people.
Here you are getting wisdom & knowledge free of charge . Not everyone gets to steer the rocket , but everyone thinks they can .

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !
edit on 13-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: W

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

Nice try, covid 19 is lab made.

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

Nice try, covid 19 is lab made.

OF course, you'd be happy to share the data on this one.

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
a reply to: tanstaafl
Your words are foolish.

Your saying so doesn't make it so. They aren't. Yours are. Deal with it.

Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .

What on earth for? I'm an American. I eat American bush meat (beef, bison, elk, goat, etc etc etc).

Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?

No, they are equally repressive on all Americans.

Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .

Did they have a global enforcement arm that enforced these on everyone all across the globe?

That is after all what you were advocating.

Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.

We already know you're supportive of globalist dictatorship powers, but thanks for confirming again.

As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

That is your opinion, nothing more, and it is so ignorant as to defy logic and reason.

Go ahead, say some more really dumb and stupid things, I enjoy laughing at them...

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

Nice try, covid 19 is lab made.
It came from bats in a lab then . The point being is the BAT
I forgive you for your breakdown in linear debate protocol.
edit on 13-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: e

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
a reply to: tanstaafl
Your words are foolish.

Your saying so doesn't make it so. They aren't. Yours are. Deal with it.

Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .

What on earth for? I'm an American. I eat American bush meat (beef, bison, elk, goat, etc etc etc).

Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?

No, they are equally repressive on all Americans.

Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .

Did they have a global enforcement arm that enforced these on everyone all across the globe?

That is after all what you were advocating.

Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.

We already know you're supportive of globalist dictatorship powers, but thanks for confirming again.

As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

That is your opinion, nothing more, and it is so ignorant as to defy logic and reason.

Go ahead, say some more really dumb and stupid things, I enjoy laughing at them...
I would be careful with your insane ideas in public, because there are Red Flag laws coming to all States .
Now you are free to be unhinged all you want here , because no one knows who you are … lol lol lol

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

Nice try, covid 19 is lab made.
It came from bats in a lab then . The point being is the BAT
I forgive you for your breakdown in linear debate protocol.

No it has inserts from HIV, Moderna amoung other modifications. It would not jump from a bat without the modification to the furin cleavage site which exists no where in nature but only in Modernas own patents.

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

Nice try, covid 19 is lab made.

OF course, you'd be happy to share the data on this one.
He has no data & further more virtuoso has zero context of my OP . It’s about bats & non-conventional disease ridden animals as food .
Even if Covid -19 came from a lab , it is the bat at the center of it all .
The reason they study gain of function is , because idiots eat dangerous disease causing animals like the bat .
ATS should require an IQ test to qualify to post or respond here . Im secure in my two Wechsler Adult IQ tests .

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
a reply to: tanstaafl
I would be careful with your insane ideas in public, because there are Red Flag laws coming to all States .
Now you are free to be unhinged all you want here , because no one knows who you are … lol lol lol

Lol is right...

By all means, point out one thing - just one - that I said that is even remotely 'unhinged'...

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
Covid was an eye opener for the world . No matter the source of covid-19 as it’s current worldwide pain in the a$$ … we can all agree that bats are involved.

Maybe, but it is irrelevant.

Wet markets , bushmeat , gutter oil , open air meat markets, etc
contribute to people eating & handling animals that cary horrible diseases .


How long before some West Africans eat an Aardvark spleen burrito & 1/2 the world is dead 6 months latter from Aardvid-23 or something.

WAG: never.

Question for you: why are you so terrified of the world?

but what is more dangerous , allowing all cultures to just eat & prepare any food in any sanitary condition ?
Or to clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods ?

No offense, but these are not only extraordinarily ignorant questions, but they also set up a false dichotomy as well.

Allow me to rephrase your questions:

What is more dangerous, allowing all cultures their God given Rights to self-determination?

Or to create some kind of iron-fisted global authority with the power to 'clamp down on certain culture’s food traditions or preparation methods" - which obviously also includes the power to do anything and everything else said global authority might choose to impose at any time they like.

One fool is more dangerous than an atom bomb

Well, on that we can certainly agree... although I have a sneaking suspicion our definitions of who that fool might be are very very different.
Your words are foolish. Why don’t you fly to Ghana , and eat your full of bushmeat .
Do you think the USDA restrictions on food handling & preparation are repressive to Africans & Chinese in America ?
Native Americans long before the white man arrived, had rules on what animals were ok to eat & not .
Culture of a people is one thing , but when AIDS , Marburg , Covid -19 & bird flus come from Africa & China due to eating , handling & slaughtering of non- conventional foods ..??? Yeah you bet I support a global crack down on tribal stupidity.
As we speak there is a Marburg outbreak in Ghana … want to guess why …? Bushmeat is why !

Nice try, covid 19 is lab made.
It came from bats in a lab then . The point being is the BAT
I forgive you for your breakdown in linear debate protocol.

No it has inserts from HIV, Moderna amoung other modifications. It would not jump from a bat without the modification to the furin cleavage site which exists no where in nature but only in Modernas own patents.

You read that from the internet & you are far far from a virologist . What are your credentials to state such science & don’t use a small minority of cracks , nuts & fruits you watch on TikTok as your foundation of your thesis.
edit on 13-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
a reply to: tanstaafl
I would be careful with your insane ideas in public, because there are Red Flag laws coming to all States .
Now you are free to be unhinged all you want here , because no one knows who you are … lol lol lol

Lol is right...

By all means, point out one thing - just one - that I said that is even remotely 'unhinged'...
You just did

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: MeatHookReality
a reply to: tanstaafl
I would be careful with your insane ideas in public, because there are Red Flag laws coming to all States .
Now you are free to be unhinged all you want here , because no one knows who you are … lol lol lol

Lol is right...

By all means, point out one thing - just one - that I said that is even remotely 'unhinged'...
Lets start with your idea that the USDA is repressive to Americans . With ideas like that I can only imagine how large your Dont Tread On Me flag is & how many tacticool devices you have hanging of a picatanny rail

My Noveske Infidel 3 is plain jane ..

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