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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 07:30 PM
They are raising Hell in Brazil over the elections.

Protests outside the Regional Military Command of Southeast in São Paulo right now

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Jim Jordan Sends Final Warning Shot to DOJ, FBI Ahead of Midterms

The Honorable Merrick B. Garland November 2, 2022Page 3Appendix: Outstanding Oversight RequestsJune 8, 20211. 1.Explain the Justice Department’s current efforts to identify and prosecute individualsinvolved in the assaults of Mr. Andy Ngo and other journalists in violation of federalstatutes securing their civil rights; and
2. Explain how the Justice Department, in coordination with other relevant federal and statelaw enforcement agencies, is working to prevent individuals from engaging in violenceand intimidation designed to impair the free exercise and enjoyment of rights and privileges that Mr. Andy Ngo and other journalists possess under the Constitution andlaws of the United States. November 18, 20213.
3.Explain when and how the FBI became aware of the diary purportedly belonging toPresident Biden’s daughter and describe when and why it opened an investigation intothe matter;
4. Provide copies of the search warrants, affidavits, and all other supporting documentsrelated to the FBI’s search of residences of James O’Keefe and other current or former journalists or employees of Project Veritas;
5. Explain the factual and legal predicate for the FBI to conduct raids at the homes of JamesO’Keefe and other current or former journalists or employees of Project Veritas;
6. Describe the process the Department followed when obtaining subpoenas for the FBI toobtain information from, or recor ds of, James O’Keefe and other current or former journalists or employees of Project Veritas, including whether you and/or any otherDepartment officials approved the decision to obtain such subpoenas;
7. Explain what steps, if any, the Department has taken or will take to investigate theleaking of Project Veritas’ information to the New York Times; and
8. Explain whether any official or employee of the Executive Office of the Presidentcommunicated with the Department and/or the FBI about investigating or searching theresidences of James O’Keefe and other current or former employees of Project Veritas.

www.breitbart.c... om/politics/2022/11/02/exclusive-jim-jordan-sends-final-warning-shot-to-doj-fbi-ahead-of-midterms/

I didn't realize I was talking to myself

edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago11 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 07:47 PM
QTSR Nov 2:


Jimmy Chérizier also known by the pseudonym "Babekyou" (or "Barbecue"), is a Haitian gang leader and former police officer who is the head of G9 an fanmi e alye (or G9 Family and Allies), a federation of over a dozen Haitian gangs based in Port-au-Prince. In the  late summer of 2022 Chérizier took control of D.U.M.B.s in [HAITI] that were being runned by the Clintons and Obama's black military projects operations.
_These Underground bases were the centering points for MASS human/children trafficking., BIOLABS, and adrenochrome production through the Caribbean sea that supplied the Epstein/Maxwell ROTHSCHILDs regimen. To this day hundreds of thousands of kids are missing in HAITI. >The missing children of HAITI .. Is openly connected to Investigations where children by the thousands disappear from hospitals every year.
_HAITI was EXPOSED to [ DS] mil. Projects that caused major Earthquakes and floods due to Tectonic weapons.... this intensional was ordered by the ROTHSCHILDS ( DS inside PENTAGON) on behalf of the CLINTONS who were going to be EXPOSED for human trafficking just weeks before. ///// As HAITI COLLAPSE inside the EARTHQUAKES , the CLINTONS stole over 80% of the GOLD RESERVE in HAITI and over through the government in the aftermath through colour revolutions.
_The D.U.M.B.s in HAITI were connected directly to EPSTEIN ISLAND with 3 SUBMARINES occupying the base....
> THE LARGEST CHILDREN TRAFFICKING OPERATIONS RING of the Caribbean sea is CENTERED IN HAITI. With Bahamas , Dominican Republic , Jamaica human/children trafficking operations connected to directly to HAITI Labs. D.U.M.B.s facilities....... Just a stones throw away is the Little Saint James Island.. Also known as EPSTEIN ISLAND.

Today Jimmy Chérizier is Fighting the Deep State and is crucified my the world MEDIA. world Leaders as the EXPOSURE of Child trafficking/adrenochrome/BIOLABS/ inches closer to EXPOSURE as the U.S. White HATS get ready to take public CONTROL ( OVERT) of the United States Mil. Operations connected to the CABAL crime families. OBAMA. CLINTONS. ROTHSCHILDS who are protected by the BLACKHATS IN FBI. PENTAGON. CIA. DOJ ECT.

HAITI is inside a ] DS] MILITARY ATTACK that is about to happen. As BIDEN had sent his Secretary of state Blinken to Canada and try to get U.N. support to invade HAITI. > For many reasons Obama CLINTONS BIDEN went HAITI CONTROL.... FROM THE OIL RESERVE THAT
Jimmy Chérizier IS BLOCKING FROM THE U.S. TO THE [DS] operations the DS u.s. Leaders have involved in HAITI.

THE U.N. ( good white  HATS.. inside UN.*.INFILTRATION)... have denied an invasion of HAITI and so CIA. DS PENTAGON CLINTONS BIDEN have turned to BAHAMAS for military invasion.
[ THEY] are trying desperately to cover CRIMES of HAITI and at the same time Jimmy Chérizier
Knows he has a ♦️ CARD to BLACKMAIL the DEEP STATE REGIMEN/))//
>] WIRES; report ]Chérizier is in talks with RUSSIA for Defence. But also Chérizier is getting too cocky holding this ♦️ CARD and could sell out......


QTSR Nov 2:


_The COLLAPSE of gas, oil and .> DIESEL< has been an EVENT many of us have been expecting in the past year....

Both sides of the OPERATIONS. White hats vs. Blackhats want the same EVENT... For several reasons
> Blackhats wants chaos and climate change and confusion inside the DIESEL COLLAPSE
>White HATS want EXPOSURE of a broken CORRUPT U S. system, that is being guilded by the Democratic party and deep state President taking command from NATO. UN. Forces. DAVOS ROTHSCHILDS..... But one more important THING that White Hats want is Justice for JFK and human/child trafficking.
This all connected to U.S. shipping connected to the U.S. Mafia who control the UNIONS
( THINK JIMMY HOFFA ... how created the UNIONS and how he was killed for the UNIONS CONTROL and how the American Mafia was connected to the Assassination of JFK )/

_ The post 16 months White HATS FBI . secure OATH keepers, Mil. OPERATIONS. Federal Marshals have Arrested, and started a huge MASS investigation into the UNIONS that are controlled by the Mafia who control U.S. shipping, truckers,.. Control all shipping Ports.. This MAFIA Organization controls over half of U.S. shipping of DIESEL.
_ The INFILTRATION of FBI.DOJ . CIA DEMOCRATIC party into the U.S. Italian Mafia crime families was long also established. ( Much like the Black lives matter and ANTIFA operations are CONTROLLED by the Deep State .... But also the heads of CRIME Families of the Mafia are also CONTROLLED on higher levels...... That are connected to UNIONS)///

The Mafia (heads), DEEP STATE CABAL CONTROL the U.S. shipping industry that uses TRUCKING GAS. > DIESEL< for their operations also control the U.S. Human/child trafficking routes... These connections lead to EVERGREEN... WAYFAIR and 7 other MAJOR orgs that sell humans in modern day human slavery..... That's how you get over 840,000 missing kids a year in U.S. Alone with close to near 1.5 million missing adults and kids together annually.

_, CURRENT operations inside closed indictments are on the heals of the ITALIAN Mafia and their compliance to run human trafficking routes through their UNIONS... is at a near END. _

THE LONG JOURNEY OF JFK JR. to destroy the U.S. human trafficking rings and their connection to U.S. syndicated Mafia families that are controlled by [ DS] OPERATIONS are in parallel jeopardy. ( Most people think the Mafia is non existent these days,,, and most other people don't believe in OBAMA syndicate crime family. Or CLINTONS crime family)/////

The operation to shut down the U.S. Shipping system to a near HALT is all EVENT that will restructure the SHIPPING REGIMEN and take control from the ELITES who control the UNIONS and give the TRUCKING operations back to the people in the FALL of 2024_into 2025

The Fall of the CABAL>>> operations in progress//////

Nothing is as you think.


posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 07:51 PM
QTSR Nov 2:

TWITTER [ > BRIGADE < establishimg Military Intel fronts and >POSITIONING///

The COLLAPSE of the Pelosi attack Story was readily EXPOSED by over Hundred million world wide in few hours as MUSK's post went viral and was since deleted........ The EFFECTS of TWITTER is already being felt and PANIC, FEAR. PAIN has hit the DNC. > ///WORLD LIBERAL movements as TWITTER keeps dripping information through the world.

The EXPOSURE of DOJ.FBI CIA DNC direct back door links portals to Facebook ( TWITTER ). .. by Lee Fang and his important DROP went Twitter viral in 24 hours as DEEP STATE operations of the DOJ FBI was uncovered to be controlling FACEBOOK ( coming Twitter/Google reveals) directly....

The MASSIVE drop hit EU with tens of millions of politicians going to TWITTER to retweet the DROP///  

FACEBOOK expected to layoff 15,000 workers And have their nights lost since 2016
I have been telling you how vital MUSK OPERATIONS are too the Truth MOVEMENT
And never waivered my grounds.......
BEHIND the SCENES; USSF is pulling strings

They are coming after FACEBOOK. GOOGLE YOUTUBE//// their connection to world wide OPERATIONS will be MASSIVE that connects the pandemic. The Rockefellers the ROTHSCHILDS.[ DAVOS>] ECT ECT EDGE ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT
🔥 The world is Connected and everything wIll lead back to FISA>>> DARPA/// DARK MIL. OPS. DARK INTEL.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 08:04 PM
comedy has
it's place

a reply to: nerbot

Perhaps getting hell out is ok
a reply to: RookQueen

I keep tell the missus to buy them
It's on table for x mas
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I would not have done any such thing 25 years ago

a reply to: RookQueen


edit on 2022/11/2 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 08:23 PM
Seems like Dan Scavino is expecting something to happen OVERNIGHT with this RED WAVE video:

1) This RETWEET was sent at 11:03pm UTC on Nov 2nd.
The original was on Oct 24th,

2) The music playing to the Red Wave is NESSUN DORMA, famously sung by Pavarotti,

3) NESSUN DORMA means NOONE IS SLEEEPING and comes within 7 days of Elon Musk walking into Twitter with a sink!

4) All of which points to #621

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9c289 No.176185 📁
Jan 27 2018 03:23:35 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 803654 No.176166 📁
Jan 27 2018 03:22:00 (EST)
Holy crap!!! Q, you're killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I'm guzzling coffee to fight it.

God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.

Nobody is sleeping tonight.
Let that sink in.


a) The bolded timestamp encodes OVERNIGHT, Nov 2nd to 3rd, because:
2018 3 = 11.3
23:35 = 11.2 (5+3+3, 2).

Because this is too early for mid-terms, I think it means a RED WAVE of the STOCK MARKET CRASHING?

edit on 2-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 08:36 PM
We are the news now.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

“None shall sleep,
None shall sleep!
Even you, oh Princess,
In your cold room,
Watch the stars,
That tremble with love
And with hope.
But my secret is hidden within me,
My name no one shall know,
No... no...
On your mouth, I will tell it,
When the light shines.
And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!
(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)
Vanish, o night!
Set, stars! Set, stars!
At dawn, I will win!
I will win!
I will win!

Aug 28, 2020:

The Sum Of All Fears (2002) - Payback

The diesel fuel shortage & potential rail strike

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

So good to see this thread is still ongoing!

Thank you!!!

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
We are the news now.

Paraphrased from Elon...

Deus Ex

I see a few anons are already back on Twitter.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 10:07 PM
A Silver lining

Debra Messing Says ‘Goodbye’ to Twitter Following Elon Musk Acquisition

a reply to: RookQueenfrom your link

edit on 2022/11/2 by CrazyFox because:

edit on 2022/11/2 by CrazyFox because: tears

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 10:39 PM
QTSR Nov 2:

When the DEEP STATE General Petraeus talks.. Take WARNING ⚠️

_He's dropping hints what the deep state is PLANNING////

>As I have stated NATO countries ( white hats generals, mil. Commanders inside of NATO have begun SILENT MUTINY and adviced their counter parts not meddle in the RUSSIAN U.S [ DS] MILITARY affairs...... This INFIGHTING among NATO COUNTRIES AND COMMANDERS has put NATO in jeopardy as they lose tens of millions daily////with TURKEY planning to leave NATO and Join RUSSIA /CHNIA ALLIANCE and several EU countries rejecting NATO. UN mil. Agendas.

_NOW Deep STATE is looking outside of NATO!!!!!.... They are planning and trying to bring several countries into the conflict.... With U.S. coalition leading the scenario.

> "We are talking about the intervention of the North Atlantic Alliance in the event of an attack on one of the NATO members. But it is necessary to consider the option of using not NATO forces in Ukraine, but multinational forces that have nothing to do with NATO,” Petraeus, >who also briefly served as CIA director <
In the back channels [ DS] Petraeus is currently trying to gather 60,000 _80,000 troops
To attack Russian forces ///

Russia CURRENTLY has its 350,000 troops in positions this week with an expected 1,000,000 RUSSIAN TROOPS to AMASS By February.

The U.S. [DS] mil. With Nato and 50 thousand Troops in the west UKRAINE are planning a MASSIVE STRIKE in the next two weeks_three weeks..... Before the UKRAINE land freezes and RUSSIA leads a full out attack.......////

Several sources belief 2 scenarios will happen.... First a false flag strike on their own NATO member country ( Poland had declined to be involved in a false FLAG SELF ATTACK..... And scape goat country falls to
_The second SCENARIO of a False Flag event is to sacrifice the 101st. AIRBORNE division
( I had stated this two weeks.. That DS was looking to this plan).... If this happens..MSM. WORLD DS MEDIA is on standby to turn the event into a world 911 scenario//////

CURRENTLY BELARUS MILITARY ON HIGH ALART conducting raids in their country to find terrorist that plan to ATTACK LATVIA, LITHUANIA ( false flag event to blame Russia or Belarus.....////

> OBAMAS waiting for the perfect moment to push the INTERNET KILL SWITCH.




posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Hum? didn't Biden say something about troops in Ukraine? OR am I wrong?

Something that got tossed around in a discussion group I'm in, was that the "so-called" false flag that might be used in the election mess was a Trotskyist hit on Fetterman. If that did happen and the "reported evidence" pointed to the GOP, then I think we can see where things might go.

In other news.
From: My Northwest

The father of a candidate running for a state house seat has alleged that his son lied about his military service among other qualifications in his campaign.

Clyde Shavers, the Democratic candidate for Washington state’s 10th legislative district, has claimed to be an officer serving on a nuclear submarine in the Navy for eight years.

In a letter, his father wrote, “Clyde was never a submarine officer, not even for a day.”

But don't worry because under the bus got crowded.
From the same article:

The candidate sent the following statement to KIRO Newsradio:

“His political letter is inaccurate and, personally, very painful to me as his son. To be clear, this letter is all about politics. While I haven’t spoken to my father for some time, I know that he was at the Capitol on January 6th – At the time of those texts, I was on military duty in Bahrain. I reached out to my father to let him know that I was safe, and he told me about his intention to travel to Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6. This is the kind of politics that’s tearing apart families and communities, and my campaign is about healing and moving forward.”

Is Jan 6th going to be the excuse for family members telling the truth now. I guess we have to wait and see if Ashley Biden was going to the Jan 6th thing next?

It's not that these Trotskyists are a one trick pony, it's that they beat that poor pony to death years ago and think that the current beating is CPR.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

another one just dropped just now too

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: FlyingFox
We are the news now.

Paraphrased from Elon...

Deus Ex
I see a few anons are already back on Twitter.



Does anybody know if this is legit? Who is this? If it’s real, this is how they rig elections.

edit on 2022/11/3 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 11:41 PM
Omg, if this is legit, which i have no doubt it is, and is very doable to a well paid hacker, then we can NEVER again use computers in elections, period.

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I think we may have figured out the reason John Kerry was going to Iran so much back then.

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: CrazyFox

I think we may have figured out the reason John Kerry was going to Iran so much back then.

Why they got planeloads of cash
edit on 2022/11/3 by CrazyFox because: Fixed glitch

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

From: dated MAY 5, 2018

DIPLOMACY WORKS is John Kerry’s operation. In February he spoke at the Munich Security Conference. While declaring he is a great friend of Israel and that Iran does present threats, Kerry declares we did not concede anything with regard to the missile components inside the agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Who are some of the ‘experts’ that collaborate on policy at Diplomacy Works?

Ernest Moniz, Siegfried Hecker, Federica Mogherini, Richard Lugar and even Theresa May. We can add in Ephrai Halevy, Colin Powell and Mike Breen. On the ADVISORY COUNCIL at Diplomacy Works beyond John Kerry is Antony Blinken, Wendy Sherman, Nicholas Burns, Michele Flournoy, Puneet Talwar, Colin Kahl, Robert Malley, David Wade, Jon Finer, Jen Psaki and Jeff Prescott.

John Kerry and his team are working the channels hard to preserve the Iran nuclear deal and that includes having the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on his side.

It is curious there is no mention of Global Zero or Ploughshares on the Diplomacy Works website, nor is Ben Rhodes or others from the Obama administration mentioned such as Susan Rice or John Brennan.

Violation of the Logan Act, but who cares.

From: Fox News Dated February 22, 2021

Biden administration officials, including John Kerry and Robert Malley, had meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif during the Trump administration that were orchestrated to undermine President Biden's predecessor, a recent report from The Washington Times claims.

Zarif held meetings with Obama administration veterans who could return to power "to devise a political strategy to undermine the Trump administration" and usher in softer diplomacy between the U.S. and Iran, according to an unnamed former senior U.S. official cited by The Washington Times.

From: NYPost Dated April 26, 2021

No individual personified the Obama Bros’ supine tango with the mullahs better than then-Secretary of State John Kerry. Kerry, the “statesman” who has been on the wrong side of every major foreign affairs issue since at least the Swift Boats of Vietnam, betrayed his country in borderline-treasonous fashion as Obama’s chief diplomatic lackey. Not content to sell the farm — and scores of unmarked pallets of US taxpayer cash — to a mullocracy with untold American blood on its hands as a diplomat, Kerry then traitorously colluded as a layman with his pal, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, to undermine the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” Iran containment strategy.

Alas, we now know it is apparently even worse. New leaked audio appears to reveal that Kerry, now Team Biden’s special climate envoy, divulged to Zarif the details of over 200 clandestine Israeli military operations taken against Iranian targets in Syria. One might be loath to take on blind faith the claims of a thug like Zarif, but in this case, the shoe fits. This is who John Forbes Kerry is — who he always has been, and always will be.

So, a Logan Act violation, a buyoff for Iranian Hacker Groups, or was this just plain old money laundering? Could have been all three really. At this point given how everything seems to be playing out the reason Israel might be last is because Shin Bet is going to be exposed for what it really is?

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 01:57 AM
Shout-out to Cranky Old Man.

Hope all's well. Miss the 40,000-foot perspective.


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