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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 12:54 PM
[Another member of 17 coincidence. Pope Francis birthday is December 17, 1936.

There are some things we are supposed to know. I am not sure what to think at this point.

1. In 2017 for his 80th birthday he held a pizza party for sick children. [article highlighted in red] Why would the article highlight this in red? Comms?

2. In 2019 and 2020 he donated ventilators to a children's hospital in Venezuela. Preplandemic 2019? Now there are so many articles indicating that ventilators caused more harm than good. Maybe he didn't know but still weird. Celebrating his birthday with a ventilator to treat Covid which had not yet been identified makes one go hmmm.

3. He will never return to Argentina. There must be a good reason because that is weird too.

url=]4 things to know about Pope Francis[/url]
edit on 30-6-2022 by Thoughtful1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Why would DS need to steal an election if they owned both sides?

Hunter's labtop in the open? Come on man!

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Caled

People are controlled. No amount of technology that is not controlled matters until people are free to make their own decisions.

People do make their own decision its just that they are given wrong information to make a bad good decision and or they take take it at face value depending on who tells them what they want to hear.

The republicans party conning republicans is a perfect example.

The GOP conned republicans to go full democrat commie and they went along with it . They convinced republicans that it was a good idea to spit on one of their biggest political ideals to let the market dictate the winners and keep gov't out of it , when they agreed to bail out private companies with tax payers money because they were to big to fail.

The GOP conned republicans to make bigger gov't with patriot act and the creation of homeland security and even siding with Federal gov't over state rights on certain issues.

The GOP swamp administration that trump put together slapped him right in the face after they all turned on him and validated Biden as the most popular POTUS ever with 1 Trillion totally legit votes.

The GOP conned republicans when they convinced the people that Ron Paul was nuts and that McCain and Romney were a better candidate.

The GOP also conned republicans with net neutrality and as you can see people here are still regurgitating the BS the rino republicans put out.

edit on 47630America/ChicagoThu, 30 Jun 2022 13:47:58 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: interupt42

Why would DS need to steal an election if they owned both sides?

they didn't steal it from the republican or the democrat party they stole it from the individual voters.

It was BOTH PARTIES that legitimized the election as being the most honest and fair election ever.

Take away all the spin and talk and what are you left off. you are left off with a Biden administration and a strong Deepstate.

Hunter's labtop in the open? Come on man!

Yeah and what is the end result of that. nothing? It was trumps RINO administration that had the laptop and sat on it for a year until Biden became POTUS.

If they didn't own both sides why did the GOP validate the election and sat with the laptop for over a year and did nothing?
yeah I know trust me bro its coming.

edit on 49630America/ChicagoThu, 30 Jun 2022 13:49:19 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: interupt42
All this is supposedly what's being shown to the world, part of the plan is to let them all see,it's certainly felt like all the crazy has been unleashed to me since covid. That's why Trump was never supposed to win in 2020,they have mountains of evidence real time of the cheating,same with covid,big pharma,etc. Now we're seeing parts being undone that facilitate the deepstate or are constitutional like roe v wade,prayer in school, the epa,border policies,policies, been coming rapid fire recently.
That is still going on as we speak, it's evolving so people can see.
This is all allegedly, It's part of what I said about showing people and is said to be happening this way so it never happens again.
I realize this could all be complete bs,but so far it seems to be happening,from now til November will be the real litmus test.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: daskakik

It's not that there isn't a plan, there is enough evidence to support there being one, the issue is that nobody seems to know what the plan is. Nobody here at least. This is why I keep accusing "KU" of gate keeping all the data.

On the otherhand if they are really going to play their hand, then maybe that gate keeping is over.

You are right IMO and Dask has some standing based on your being right. There most certainly is a gate keeper attitude as you think, and the technique is to be used when you need "disinformation so your competition has trouble understanding".

I say roll with it since that is the style the Q has used on us from day one. That is why the false data points are meaningless accept that is false was part of the plan. Enough of the data has to be false to make it hard on the true targets of this supposed sting.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Guyfriday
There being enough evidence is subjective.

I disagree with your gate keeping theory. I don't think Q has any real info to gate keep.

well now you just shot down my theory you were on to something if you were thinking gate keepers.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: interupt42
The 3 hour production,the video,The Fall of the Cabal.
I happened upon it and was really interested since things always felt off to me. Since that day I've been digging for anything I could find,I've consumed a lot,so many things match up with my feelings about what I see and or suspect.
I'll keep saying, it could all be bs,it could be a ruse to identify the Patriots, the bones who in certain situations could be trouble for the government or military should something catastrophic go down,they'd want to know who would fight back,that's all I came up with for a reason as to why this would be presented to everyone the way it was.
I just hope for change, a better world,everything is so corrupt,I'm hoping for real change of the entire diseased system.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:15 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
Battle for Snake Island

Last year, President Volodymyr Zelensky flew to Snake Island, where there are no voters but some sheep, to emphasize that it mattered. "This island, like the rest of our territory, is Ukrainian land, and we will defend it with all our might," he said.

I wonder if there were hidden facilities on Snake Island. Russia took it almost immediately, held for a while despite occasional attacks from Ukrainian forces, and then just decided to pack up & leave. Much like what they did at Chernobyl, really. On the surface, it seems to be a totally insignificant place, but clearly that is not the case.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:23 PM
Alleged Q said WV/EPA SCOTUS decision would come down as 5-4. Came in at 6-3. Roberts sided with the majority.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I think that's the only explanation other than just being a temporary strategic planning option and once the plan has changed they decided they no longer needed it. Or it's a trap

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Just 8 days after the Nov 2020 election, a Corrupted/Compromised AG, William Barr, said an investigation was held and no meaningful fraud was found in GA/PA/WI/MI/AZ/NV.

In just 8 days, multi-state and international forensic audits were completed, allowing and to say it was the most secure election America has ever seen!

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Yeah and what is the end result of that. nothing? It was trumps RINO administration that had the laptop and sat on it for a year until Biden became POTUS.

Humm, how about that collection of partisans in the doj? Tarmac meetings, clearing Hillary for her illegal server, and every step taken to prevent Trump from actually doing his job as potus! How many favors do you wager were called in by dem politicians to the people they helped get jobs? Nothing else mattered but putting Trump on the defensive! Does anyone honestly think Biden could handle those pressures? When you weaponize the federal agencies against a sitting president how does anything get done, especially against the people pushing doing the weaponization? I'm sure that laptop was the highest priority.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 02:48 PM
Mystery Moonshot

Moonshot boomerang
Biden May Stop His Cancer Moonshot’s Launch

But the real brains behind this new exchange formation Intelligence Medicine Exchange (IMX) is Greg Simon. Greg Simon is on the board of IMX and put the various players together to turn healthcare into an exchangeable futures risk management commodity. Simon was integral in the formation of the Telecommunications Act . Back in 1996, The Clinton Administration marketed the idea of a handful of corporations buying out and taking over the process of FCC Regulations and Communications as a good thing for radio and broadcasting much to the chagrin of the thousands of independent media outlets at the time.

Simon was also the Chief Policy Advisor to Al Gore, served as the Executive Director of the Cancer Moonshot Task Force, a 2016 initiative created by President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden. (Despite shutting down in 2019, the program was relaunched in 2022). Simon also joined Pfizer as Vice President of Worldwide Policy in 2009.

Human Health Is Soon To Be Tradable In A Futures Market

Milken Institute

Biden appoints Greg Simon


The @TheCancerLetter is paywalled.🤦‍

ARPA-H placed outside NIH (new entity within the HHS) in authorization bill approved by The House Reps on June 22 voted 336-85 to pass legislation that would establish the authorities of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health (ARPA-H aka HARPA modeled after DARPA), President Joe Biden’s proposed high-risk, high-reward biomedical research agency.🙃

One moar Moonshot because X...

X Development (Wiki)

X - The Moonshot Factory (public X projects) | @The Team at X

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 03:18 PM

Skip to one minute mark.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

edit on 6/30/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: tanstaafl
LMAO you clearly have no idea what you are talking about

MFAO you clearly have no desire for the truth, only vaildating your own personal bias.


Yeah Sure , thats the ticket. LOL

Are you in the tech industry do you even know what internet neutrality principles are?

Here is your quote.

First of all, 'net neutrality' wasn't even a thing until 2015,

Yet the guy credited with creating the web has been on record stating that net neutrality principles is what he built the web on and allowed it to become the success it became.

and funny enough there are even articles dating back to 2008 talking about something that didn't even exist till 2015 according to you.

yeah Im the one validating my own personal bias

Here is another talking about net neutrality principles before they existed pre 2015
edit on 59630America/ChicagoThu, 30 Jun 2022 15:59:18 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 03:52 PM
Humans As Currency.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: interupt42

Just 8 days after the Nov 2020 election, a Corrupted/Compromised AG, William Barr, said an investigation was held and no meaningful fraud was found in GA/PA/WI/MI/AZ/NV.

In just 8 days, multi-state and international forensic audits were completed, allowing and to say it was the most secure election America has ever seen!

exactly all part of the plan.

Source: trust me bro

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 04:01 PM
It's funny.

Oh good, trillions more "finding a cure" that is "just around the corner" but this time.... involving mRNA jabs for sure.


NASA 'bombs' the moon to find water

Really is Never A Straight Answer. They know exactly how old everything ever is, that we're alone, but with however many lenses staring at the moon....

Q "moon"

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