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Child Killed During Christian Ritual

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posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: gkskg
a reply to: detroitnative

I believe you've mistaken my intent, for what it's worth.

You assume I am advancing some sort of political position.

My whole point in all of this is to highlight how children, born or not yet born, are used as props and talking points.

This happens no matter what side of the spectrum you are on , left or right. Liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, theist or atheist

The reason I chose this example of this specific Christian church is because it is an example of when literal interpretations are taken to the very extreme.

Someone reads that Jesus casts out unclean spirits and in an attempt emulate, they then try to cast out unclean spirits themselves.

In this instance, a child was killed. Children have been victims of the designs of men building religions. Christianity is no exception.

There needs to be a real inward look by all of Christendom as to why the patterns of abuse continue and what is the root cause.

And yet, more children are murdered in the name of pagan religions like LGBTQ-G (Groomers), Transgender psychoses, Pre & Post Birth Abortion, modern inner city street warfare and most recently, experimental vaccines.

Whatever the intent, Christian deaths pale in comparison to the "humanist" agenda.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: gkskg
a reply to: chr0naut

Just in then last 500 years, bickering between Protestants and Catholics (in the form of wars and aggression toward each other) has resulted in millions of deaths. Organized religion is capable of some extremely heinous behaviors.

My intent from this isn't to troll Christians or start some inane back and forth about whose sect has the true access to their version of God.

To deny the violence and predatory behavior that has followed in the wake of organized religion , is to ignore European history.

I believe that the whole of Christendom has in a sense allowed earthly strivings for power to ignore one of their core mandates by Jesus, which is to protect children.

I believe there is also a parable about bearing fruit in the Greek scriptures. There is rotten fruit in the tree of professed Christianity.

If your response is to defend your version of protestant Christianity, then I think that is a problem.

I am not a member of a Lutheran, Baptist, or Assembly of God congregation.

I was trying to answer your posts.

I was, however, trying to mount a defense for Christianity in general.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: gkskg

Well they certainly appear to be upright citizens...

Oh wait, they are LatinX and not white CIS people !

Media: "We should ignore this"

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: chr0naut
There are a number of cults with a Christian sounding name, but who cherry-pick little bits of the Bible and Christian doctrine, add their own stuff, and do not hold to the complete canonical scriptures. Mormons, JW's, Branch Davidians, Moonies, Heaven's Gate, .. the list goes on.

Is this one of those 'my flavor of Jesus is the real flavor of Jesus' type posts?

The flavour of Jesus is making me thirsty.


posted on May, 16 2022 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: gkskg

Well they certainly appear to be upright citizens...

Oh wait, they are LatinX and not white CIS people !

Media: "We should ignore this"

I'm not sure if that is the case but I do know that it's not unusual for religious nuts from the Southern hemisphere to do wicked things to their children in the name of God.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:08 PM
"I was, however, trying to mount a defense for Christianity in general."

No, you were not, CIA asset Cynthia G. Buckley DOB 3/7/1970. I'm not at all making light of it, but you were raped as a child at the age of five and you have been making everyone else pay for it ever since, with special emphasis on Christians, resulting in your vindictiveness, your sadism, your spitefulness. I mean, do you remember when we were teenagers in Winchester VA in the late 1980s, and I spurned your advances, and you then slept with an entire local African-American gang ('Bluecrew') and sent them after me?

Of course there might be other factors at work. Why don't you tell the studio audience about the doomsday church your father belonged to as a child. Or, as previously stated in these pages, why not touch upon the pact you made with The Prince of Darkness you made when you were a teenager. Or better yet, explain how and why the CIA came running to your rescue a few years back when your life went to pieces. Of course, you were/are a victim of MKUltra/Monarch Programming, so that might explain that...

edit on 16-5-2022 by Havelok1193 because: - forgot a word

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: Havelok1193

Hey, CIA asset Cynthia Buckley DOB 3/7/1970, as a self-described witch who sold their soul to The Prince of Darkness back in 1985, why on earth are you commenting on any subject regards Christianity? From what I recollect your people were at one point trying to abduct me off the street so as to offer me up as sacrifice to The Prince of Darkness. Probably still are. If so, are the Virginia State Police still involved?

I am a male Australian, living in New Zealand, and born well before this person whom you believe is trying to abduct you. I am also a churchgoing Christian, of the 'born again' type. Please check my posting history.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: gkskg
a reply to: Deetermined

Do you read ancient Greek and/or Hebrew? Are you claiming to understand the full message of the Gospel?

What denomination are you?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:20 PM
"I am a male Australian, living in New Zealand, and born well before this person whom you believe is trying to abduct you. I am also a churchgoing Christian, of the 'born again' type. Please check my posting history."

You are female, you are a wannabe Australian (who frequently posed as such over on the CIA-backed Spiritual Forums), you are currently living in Northern Virginia USA (you have lunch every Sunday with your son who is an undergraduate at George Mason University), as far as being a 'Christian' you worship anything what will aid and abet you in getting me killed, and your posting history proves absolutely nothing.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Havelok1193

Ya, interesting story bud but I think we need a bit of a citation here!

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Sure thing, Zeke...

Cynthia Buckley - [email protected]

...see, you can ask her yourself! And while you are there, you can ask some of her confederates...

Susan Kummli - [email protected]
Catherine Mattens - [email protected]
John Shives - [email protected]
Bryan Burns - [email protected]
Hazel Heckers - [email protected]
Aamer Haque - [email protected]
Ingrid Oliphant - [email protected]
Carol Quaintance - [email protected]
Scott Clough - [email protected]
Brier Clough - [email protected]
Rebecca Korte - [email protected]
Daniel Kazmierski - [email protected]
Deborah Donehey - [email protected]
John Penney - [email protected]
Joleen Feese - [email protected]
Kahle Margalis - [email protected]
David Reidel - [email protected]
Patricia Reckmeyer - [email protected]
Arthur Goff - [email protected]

That should be enough for now, but more available upon request.

Have fun!

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: Havelok1193

Ya, interesting story bud but I think we need a bit of a citation here!

You'd be better off reading the whopping 8 posts this person has made since they registered earlier today. That will tell you everything you need to know.

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Deetermined

Please stop deflecting. They challenged me, I provided proof. That wasn't enough? Okay...

Susan Wildman - [email protected]
Charles Henkle - [email protected]
Leonard Bauserman - [email protected]
Connie Compton - [email protected]
Adonia-Lynn Arteaga - [email protected]
W.W.Dillow - [email protected]
David Ross Rosenfeld - [email protected]
Alan Delmare - [email protected]
David Clement - [email protected]
Tom Tyree - [email protected]
Daniel Grimmett - [email protected]

Should I keep going?

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Havelok1193

Are those the same references you're using to try and prove your second post in your posting history too?

I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that DBCowboy isn't former CIA who shows up to mislead people in "Spiritual Forums". How many people are you going to accuse on this forum of being a plant?

edit on 16-5-2022 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: Havelok1193
"I am a male Australian, living in New Zealand, and born well before this person whom you believe is trying to abduct you. I am also a churchgoing Christian, of the 'born again' type. Please check my posting history."

You are female, you are a wannabe Australian (who frequently posed as such over on the CIA-backed Spiritual Forums), you are currently living in Northern Virginia USA (you have lunch every Sunday with your son who is an undergraduate at George Mason University), as far as being a 'Christian' you worship anything what will aid and abet you in getting me killed, and your posting history proves absolutely nothing.

Ok whether this is True or Not , it is some very very personal information and what on Earth makes you think it is appropriate to post such things ?

Chr0naut maybe a Government asset but chr0naut is our Government asset and he is apart of the ATS family he helps keep this community alive , it comes as no surprise what so ever to any of us on ATS who can think critically that some people are Government assets on these forums .

We need them here because they help us sift through the disinformation , that may not be what they intend to do but at least that is what I use them for .

So pull up a chair mate and contribute something meaningful or kindly fu*k off.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: abigredneck
Average 700 000 abortions a year,
one obscure "Christian" ritual death.
Yea, exactly the same.
a reply to: gkskg

The only problem with this statement is that each of us can only give it one star.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 09:08 AM
In this modern, instant world, majority of us are so quick to apply a label to someone/something so that we can categorize them. Perfect example is the "Christian" label which pins all the failures/misconceptions that are associated with that label to that person. However that method is an absolute fallacy and incredibly ignorant. Take the time to at least understand the person, their experiences and situation before you place judgment.

I don't put myself under the Christian label as it has become corrupted by those wolves pretending to be actual followers of Christ. This has gone on for decades and so many "intelligent" people can't differentiate between a real follower of Christ and those wolves as it takes too much time and a quick, instant label is easier (although not accurate).

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: Havelok1193

Where's the gif of someone eating popcorn when you need it?!

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: Havelok1193
"I was, however, trying to mount a defense for Christianity in general."

No, you were not, CIA asset Cynthia G. Buckley DOB 3/7/1970. I'm not at all making light of it, but you were raped as a child at the age of five and you have been making everyone else pay for it ever since, with special emphasis on Christians, resulting in your vindictiveness, your sadism, your spitefulness. I mean, do you remember when we were teenagers in Winchester VA in the late 1980s, and I spurned your advances, and you then slept with an entire local African-American gang ('Bluecrew') and sent them after me?

Of course there might be other factors at work. Why don't you tell the studio audience about the doomsday church your father belonged to as a child. Or, as previously stated in these pages, why not touch upon the pact you made with The Prince of Darkness you made when you were a teenager. Or better yet, explain how and why the CIA came running to your rescue a few years back when your life went to pieces. Of course, you were/are a victim of MKUltra/Monarch Programming, so that might explain that...

Well this.thread certainly took a turn, didn't it?

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: gkskg

Poor Chronaut...I never knew...makes I feel bad....if ya ever need to talk, I’ll be here.

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