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Hospital admissions among the jabbed shoot up like a rocket.

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posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: jamesthegreat

originally posted by: vonclod
It's really put it politely. You guys get so upset, you hate that we are fine, it's like you want us to be injured, so you can dance around like idiots, in your little circle jerk

I am not upset and hate that you guys are ok, I'm glad that most of you fared well after the shots. 99% of the people I know had the shot, some by choice, others forced to as they had to keep their job. Not all of them carry on like you though. You just prove my point that some you think you are superior, by calling us clowns and idiots by chosing not be human guinea pigs for an experimental vaccine. But thanks for taking one for the team.

Never said a word to you, I replied to a post, that you never made, my message was not for you. If you knew sweet f@ck all about me, I have always been against any mandates. I have no problem if you didn't get vaxxed. I had to for work, like so many others.

Woah, settle down tiger. You posted on a public forum for us all to see, didn't realise there were rules in place for who can respond to your comments.
If you are against the mandates and were made to get to shot as you say for your work, then why the name calling and ridicule for those who are reluctant? Yes I don't know you, as such you don't know me, so thankyou for not having an issue with my vaccination status.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: jamesthegreat

You just prove my point that some you think you are superior, by calling us clowns and idiots by chosing not be human guinea pigs for an experimental vaccine.

Smell that irony cooking?

clowns vs. guinea pigs

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: jamesthegreat

Woah, settle down tiger. You posted on a public forum for us all to see, didn't realise there were rules in place for who can respond to your comments.

Funny, never said you couldn't post, I simply explained my position to you, and that it was not directed at everyone.. on a public forum.
edit on 21-4-2022 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Ok, point taken 👍🏻

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: jamesthegreat

You just prove my point that some you think you are superior, by calling us clowns and idiots by chosing not be human guinea pigs for an experimental vaccine.

Smell that irony cooking?

clowns vs. guinea pigs

Yep I smell it.
I will choose my words more wisely next time. 😁

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: jamesthegreat
a reply to: vonclod

Ok, point taken 👍🏻

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed

originally posted by: peter_kandra

TPTB seem to plan on using the long-hauler excuse to explain the rise in specific cancers, blood clot issues, myocarditis, etc. that are absolutely linked to the unnecessary experimental vaccine.

I tend to agree with you, but if those diseases start occurring in much greater numbers in people who have been vaccinated, won't that raise some flags?

It WOULD raise flags if they actually profile who is vaccinated in these cases. But this is a crime cover up that doctors are complicit why would they want to draw attention to the correlation?

Scientific integrity went out the window in 2020.

It's been gone for quite a while actually. Look at the climate issue. There hasn't been scientific integrity on that for decades.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

Remarkably, the British health service UKHSA has stopped sharing information about breakthrough infections, infections that occur in people who have been vaccinated against corona.

I noticed that Australia and a few other countries did the same thing not too long ago... what a coincidence they decide to stop counting the vaccination status of people hospitalized by Covid-19 right at the same time vaccinated hospitalizations are exploding. They loved reporting unvaccinated hospitalizations, but now that most people have been vaccinated, we're seeing more vaccinated people hospitalized than anyone else. In a way I kind of wish they did vaccinate 100% of people, because then 100% of the people hospitalized would be vaccinated, and they would have zero excuses left to explain their false promises. So long as some small fraction of people remain unvaccinated they will blame everything on those people.
edit on 21/4/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

I am not saying the info in either video is true.....I would just like to hear what you think about what they are saying.

The one you posted here is basically true. I have talked about mRNA found in Lymph nodes up to weeks later. The lymph nodes job is to isolate and it seems that is what it does in "some cases" with both mRNA and spike protein. The reason is because the lymph nodes put them into kind of a suspended animation. Its not doing anything, just locked in the lymph node. When mRNA is active doing its thing it has a half life of 8 hours and that is measurable.

But lets go back to my post you quoted. My main point was that whatever the mRNA does the virus does the same thing at a massive level in comparison. The virus is in constant manufacturing of RNA for weeks where the vaccine is a limited number. The Vaccine is mostly in the arm, the virus is throughout your whole body to include all you organs. If you think the protein from the vaccine is bad for you just think this tremendous levels the virus is pumping out.

That is my point....

edit on 21-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: face23785

How many red flags does this vaccine raise? The makers want stuff hidden for over seventy years. They have indemnity if things go wrong. They have to threaten you with income loss if you don't take it. They are now into the fourth booster when a couple were going to end it. They sack any doctor who does not endorse it. The graph show sickness and death increase after a mass rollout. The average all-cause death rates have increased many times. No informed consent. The people tasked with endorsing it are exempt by law. All for a product that if it worked as stated would sell itself.if you cant see this con for what it is you never will by now.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: jamesthegreat
Unvaccinated will always be wrong in what we say, so now I just don't give a sh!t. Take your boosters every 3 months, just get off your high horse, you're not morally superior, just gullible.

No one thinks or says what you are

If anyone needs to get off their high horse its you all. Don't equate what the F'ed up government is doing to people who made a logical decision based on their age, health etc. to get vacced. You didn't get vacced, who gives a F, do you want a medal or something. You deal with it as the rest of us don't care.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
In a way I kind of wish they did vaccinate 100% of people, because then 100% of the people hospitalized would be vaccinated, and they would have zero excuses left to explain their false promises. So long as some small fraction of people remain unvaccinated they will blame everything on those people.

There are more people in hospitals due to being unvacced, that is about it. All of this comes down to how bad does the virus affect you? For most due to age, good health etc, not much, but for others it can be very serious. All the vaccine does is prime the immune pump in your body so that when the real one comes along the body say hey I know what that is and jumps on it quicker to have less days sick and less severe issues. Isn't that enough to justify the vaccine for many?

edit on 21-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The vaccinations were intended to reduce fatal cases of COVID.
Breakthrough Covid after vaccination is still serious enough that some people opt for hospitalization.
The winter COVID numbers in the UK are fudged like they are everywhere but if the hospitals are busy with over 50,000 new cases a week it means something.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Sander1976

People still believe that nothing strange is going on, since when did we evolve like this? Most humans don't care and it's sickening.

I agree , we are regressing as a species. Nothing to do at this point but to sit back and watch it implode

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate It's not case we need to worry about it's immune responses.

UK Coronavirus Dashboard

Patients in mechanical ventilation beds mean more than cases - UK has 349 but they are with a SARS-COV-2 infection in the last 28 days not solely of a COVID-19

People tested positive in the Last 7 days 161,856
so the serious rate is 0.21562376433372873% of current cases.

21891101 - 20477739 = 1413362 cases in the last 28 days
173032 - 163079 = 9953 number of deaths with SARS-COV-2 positive test in the last 28 days not solely of a COVID-19.

Looking at the all cause Mortality it is 5,000 less that expected for the current period.

All-caus e mortality surveillance 21 April 2022 – Week 16 report (up to week 15 data)

So add in the fact of

In England, 98.9% of the adult population were estimated to have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 at or above a threshold of 179 nanograms per millilitre. The percentage of adults with antibodies was 98.8% in Wales, 99.2% in Northern Ireland, and 99.0% in Scotland.
[url=]source[/ url]

Is it likely that a PCR test of unknown number of cycles will not return a positive result and Create the aaagh cases are up media reporting.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: jamesthegreat
I sent you a PM.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: carewemust

Triple jabbed here. Not scared at all, despite all the fearmongers and doom merchants.

As someone who only goes by what specific "authorities" say, you have no reason to be scared.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
There are more people in hospitals due to being unvacced, that is about it.

Well it's hard to find data for Australia because they recently stopped recording it, but I was able to find some data for NSW (the most populous state in Australia). The last report from NSW was back on the 26th of March, after that they stopped reporting the vaccination status of Covid-19 hospitalizations. According to the report there were about 900 people in hospital, and two thirds of those people had received one or more vaccine.

I also found these charts for NSW which shows how the ratio of vaccinated and unvaccinated hospitalizations has changed over time. The charts clearly show there was a massive shift near the start of this year. Unvaccinated people did make up the majority of people in hospital at one point in time, but that ratio rapidly changed just a few months ago. Then coincidentally, NSW stopped releasing data on vaccination status of cases in early February, then they stopped releasing data about hospitalizations in March.

All the vaccine does is prime the immune pump in your body so that when the real one comes along the body say hey I know what that is and jumps on it quicker to have less days sick and less severe issues. Isn't that enough to justify the vaccine for many?

Obviously if a vaccine works, and it is safe, then I would certainly encourage people to get it. But it should still be a personal choice, especially if the vaccine doesn't provide any herd immunity, and we know for a fact the vaccines don't provide herd immunity, in fact they might even help Covid-19 spread because it gives people a sense of false immunity. However I will concede the data also shows that the vaccine does seem to provide some protection against severe symptoms, even if it doesn't provide complete immunity.

My core issue is, I don't think the vaccines are nearly as safe as we've been told, and there is an overwhelming amount of data to back up that conclusion. So it absolutely disgusts me how people were threatened with their careers or their ability to participate in normal society. It's so infuriating and upsetting I can't even begin to put it into words how much I despise the people behind this and also the lemmings who go along with it, mocking those who resist, while thinking they are great people doing the world a service.

The vaccine only provides a temporary protection, it doesn't last nearly as long as natural immunity nor does it provide the same level of protection as natural immunity. So if people think it's worth the risk to get that temporary protection, and they are willing to get a "booster" every few months to ensure that protection doesn't fade, then so be it, those people can get as many jabs as they want. But my immune system isn't a subscription service, and it never will be, honestly I'd prefer to just take the risk of dying from Covid-19.

I haven't had a single vaccine in almost two decades, and I rarely get sick, when I do get sick my immune system always handles it without much trouble. I'm not very old or in a high risk category either, so why shouldn't I be allowed to make my own choices? They used the herd immunity argument for a long time, but now that argument has completely crumbled, what excuses do they have left? Should my most important freedoms be stripped away because a few neurotic fools said so? Sorry that's never going to happen...
edit on 21/4/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I should also point out, even if two thirds of people in hospital with Covid-19 are vaccinated, that isn't necessarily an argument against the vaccine, because 95% of the Australian population is fully vaccinated (that only includes people over 16 years old). So one could still argue the vaccine is reducing severe symptoms, because such a small number of unvaccinated people account for one third of all hospitalizations.

That is a logical argument to make, but my main concern is why there was such a large shift in those ratios near the end of last year. Something suddenly caused vaccinated people to be hospitalized at a much higher rate, and now they make up the majority of hospitalizations. Considering the fact we've seen an ambulance crisis occur in Australia over the last few months, I would bet money on that being connected.
edit on 21/4/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Also I should also point out, even if two thirds of people in hospital with Covid-19 are vaccinated, that isn't necessarily an argument against the vaccine, because 95% of the Australian population is fully vaccinated (that only includes people over 16 years old). So one could still argue the vaccine is reducing severe symptoms, because such a small number of unvaccinated people account for one third of all cases.

That is a logical argument to make, but my main concern is why there was such a large shift in those ratios near the end of last year. Something suddenly caused vaccinated people to be hospitalized at a much higher rate, and now they make up the majority of hospitalizations. Considering the fact we've seen an ambulance crisis occur in Australia over the last few months, I would bet money on that being connected.

Could be the strain, I'm pretty sure the vax was not super effective at dealing with Omicron.

Oh, ambulances, here in B.C. we have been having this issue for many years. We have 6 OD deaths a day here, these people take up a lot of resources, for the 6 who dies, the ambulances probably revived a 100, whilst regular people are stuck waiting hrs. I hear staffing, and unions say, cutbacks
edit on 21-4-2022 by vonclod because: addressed ambulances

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