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How many NATO officers are now in Mariupol

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+6 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 03:58 AM
Hello ATS!

I want to say right away that everything I write in this thread is my assumptions and logical conclusions. Official Russian sources are silent on this issue, only occasionally in the briefings of the Russian Ministry of Defense there are reservations that NATO officers and foreign mercenaries are in Mariupol on the territory of Azovstal. Of course, in a situation of a military operation, when any information is a weapon, the Ministry of Defense has its own reasons for disclosing any information. This is fine. Serious Russian media, bloggers and war correspondents are also very cautious about this. Therefore, I have collected indirect information, based on the results of the analysis of which some assumptions can be made.

From the reports of war correspondents, it can be concluded that as a result of monitoring radio intercepts, negotiations are on the air in 6 European languages. From numerous published videos of interrogations of captured members of the Azov regiment and nationalist battalions, it follows that initially there were 20-25 thousand soldiers and officers in Mariupol. There are now about 2,000 left, plus about 200 NATO officers and foreign instructors. All of them are concentrated in the underground concrete premises of Azovstal. There is a whole city under open-hearth furnaces several floors deep and numerous underground passages, where even railway cars used to go.

The results of the analysis of various information.

French President Emmanuel Macron has developed an incredibly active peacekeeping activity, with elements of "shuttle diplomacy" between Kiev and Moscow, for which he was subjected to harsh criticism from people uninitiated in the problems. The fact is that the territory of Ukraine was divided into peculiar zones of responsibility of NATO countries. And in Mariupol there was a large intelligence center of the French Armed Forces, acting in the interests of the alliance and the Kiev regime. At some points, its staff reached hundreds of specialists, but by the time the battle for the city began, there were 53 officers of the French military intelligence DGSE. Why they didn't leave sooner is unknown. It is possible that they decided to continue collecting information to the last. However, when the last opportunity for evacuation came, they could not leave, because the Azov militants with whom the French interacted simply did not let them out. Seeing what was going on, the Nazis decided to use them as a guarantee that they themselves would be pulled out of the boiler.

In addition to the French, there is a group of mercenaries in Mariupol - former and current officers from Canada, Sweden and the UK, as well as a detachment of Syrian Turkomans with extensive experience in urban combat in Syria. The total number of these volunteers is not precisely established, among them there may be career intelligence officers from the Canadian CSIS, the Swedish Must and the British MI-6, who like to use the status of a mercenary as a cover. In general, they, too, were in a trap. In addition, judging by how active Greek diplomats were in this direction, it can be assumed that the military from this country could not have done without. Moreover, Zelensky even showed two Greek mercenaries to the Greek parliament.

In order to pull out his military, Macron began to call the Kremlin by phone, to which he received assurances that the Russian troops, if Paris met a number of conditions (the contents of which were not disclosed by the French), were ready to give a corridor. But in order to resolve the issue with Azov, which does not let foreigners out, one must talk with Zelensky.

But Zelensky does not control the Nazis of Azov, he controls little at all, and is even interested in seeing the French “burned” in Mariupol (which would deprive Paris of room for maneuver and, possibly, contribute to an increase in the confrontation between the EU and Russia). In any case, he was unable or unwilling to help his French colleague.

Continued below...

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 03:58 AM
On March 18, Chancellor Scholz came to help Macron, and on March 20, with the consent of Moscow, a rescue team was sent to Mariupol from officers of the German military intelligence BND. But the “Azov”, believing that this was the only hope for them to escape from the surrounded city, prompting Kyiv to de-blockade it, they turned the Germans into hostages, despite guarantees from the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the representative office of the Azov regiment located in Kyiv.

As a result, not only Macron, but also Scholz began to call Vladimir Putin on the phone. The Russian side (in exchange for a number of certain concessions from Berlin and Paris) agreed to release everyone - both intelligence officers and Azov militants and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but after disarmament and some verification measures in relation to everyone leaving the city. And this proposal was rejected by the Ukrainian side.

After that, the furious Macron on March 30 fired the head of French military intelligence, Eric Vido. This was followed by attempts to evacuate the French and Germans with the help of helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were unsuccessful. Helicopters were shot down by anti-aircraft crews of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the DPR. It is likely that the evacuation agreements with the Kremlin included mandatory, albeit tacit, contact between the evacuees and their Russian counterparts, and an attempt to circumvent this condition caused Russian dissatisfaction, expressed in five downed helicopters. In one of those helicopters that fell into the sea, there were supposedly two Frenchmen. Obviously, "Azov" continued to hold them, and two were released so that they could persuade them to release their comrades. Common terrorist practice. According to radio interception, 21 Frenchmen died on the territory of Azovstal. .

The penultimate attempt to pull out the foreigners was made by the Turks. Erdogan requested a sea evacuation from Mariupol. The Russians agreed, but with a reservation - from the port of Berdyansk. That is, the meeting of Western intelligence officers with Russian colleagues was still a prerequisite. But this attempt also failed.

The last attempt was on April 9th. The official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said during a briefing:

“During the hours of darkness, the Ukrainian dry cargo ship Apache, assigned to the Maltese port of Valetta, under the Maltese flag, followed in a caravan of ships from the Taganrog Bay to the Kerch Strait. At 22:38 Moscow time, 30 km southeast of Mariupol, the dry cargo ship abruptly changed course and tried to break into the seaport of Mariupol blocked from the sea by the forces of the Black Sea Fleet ...
During the movement to the port of Mariupol, the ship conducted a radio exchange, transmitting messages "I am a Maniac, I am coming to you." At the same time, signal fires were observed on the shore".

The cargo ship did not respond to the radio requests of the Russian border ships and even ignored the warning fire on the course. As a result, artillery fire was opened on the Apache, a fire broke out at the stern of the ship, which was eliminated by the crew, the ship went into a drift, obeyed the requirements of the border guards and was towed to the Russian port of Yeysk.

Now all living (if there are still any) foreign intelligence officers and military specialists held in Mariupol are concentrated at Azovstal to serve as human shields for the Nazis. Since the intelligence officers of the NATO countries and Sweden are of great operational interest to the Russian special services, and the very fact of their capture can have a huge propaganda effect, as well as become a serious trump card for pressure on the Western countries, efforts were made to take them alive.

This circumstance greatly hampered the assault on Azovstal and did not allow powerful bombing and artillery strikes against the fortifications of the militants on the territory of Azovstal. But judging by the fact that now the intensity of the work of artillery and aviation has seriously increased, either information has appeared that the foreigners were liquidated by the “Azov” in order to avoid their detention by Russian special services, or, in order not to put the lives of our soldiers at unnecessary risk, they simply waved their hand at them.

Paris urges the Russian leadership not to make public the fact that French intelligence officers are in Mariupol. Macron has an election, and the scandal that erupted could negatively affect his rating and the possibility of re-election.

Thank you.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Definitely people of significance at Azovstal, the Ukrainians have also lost a great number of helicopters through attempted evacuations, I've also heard the rumour of a three-star US general in there

(post by radaghast5 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll


NATO is not a country.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: Zcustosmorum
a reply to: RussianTroll

Definitely people of significance at Azovstal, the Ukrainians have also lost a great number of helicopters through attempted evacuations, I've also heard the rumour of a three-star US general in there

The general was completely fake russian propaganda, give it up already.

Those helicopters are air ambulances, and they have been taking wounded soldiers and civilians out of Marioupol every day for over a month, russia just got lucky after capturing a few Stingers and were finally able to shoot down a few.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:20 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: radaghast5

Shouldn't have Russia collapsed by 07 or something? we should be more worried about our debt here.

(post by radaghast5 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: radaghast5

when they are clearly losing a war.

Are they now.... MSM has never been honest about the conflict since it started.

Is that why the Russians control the skies and Eastern areas? how are they losing?
edit on 11-4-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:24 AM
Mmmmm. Tears taste so sweet. You must be a Democrat

a reply to: radaghast5

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: radaghast5

Biden meanwhile keeps bullying countries like India telling them not import energy from Russia.

What Biden and other EU states had been is not diplomatic let alone his gaffes...

edit on 11-4-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Mmmmm. Tears taste so sweet. You must be a Democrat

a reply to: radaghast5

I don't support murderers or those that defend them.

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Thank you for the continued updates.

I for one appreciate the information provided by all sides except the MSM.

Since your information is diametrically opposed to the MSM, I think you are closer to the truth.

It is the truth that matters.

Please continue to keep us informed even after the endless blunt stingers aimed in your direction.

Need a can of mortein sometimes.


posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:28 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Dude, why are you supporting the invading country ?
If anything you should support the uprising in Russia that wants a new leader, not a dictator.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: radaghast5

originally posted by: Dalamax
Mmmmm. Tears taste so sweet. You must be a Democrat

a reply to: radaghast5

I don't support murderers or those that defend them.

In your emotional state your more likely to be one.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: radaghast5

I don't support murderers or those that defend them.

So you dont agree with anyone that doesn't share your narrative of supporting the current thing?

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

To be honest and fair they need to do more research on Ukraine, MSM has been making emotional over on Ukraine.

(post by radaghast5 removed for a manners violation)

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