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I am enrolled in a Moderna clinical trial for COVID-19 Vaccine updates

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posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

I knew two from my former town that were in school classes above me, both died from COVID. One over a year ago, he was overweight but it was not lacking self control, medical reason. I just recently heard about the second one and that one was a sporty type, we trained together in self defense about three years ago. Damn isolation, I would have given both the last honor as it should be but many didn't know either. :-(

Often the COVID restrictions were the reason that only like 10-20 people could go to the funeral. I don't know about their vaccine status and I won't ever ask about it. It's horrible enough for the families, both were young, mid 30s.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 07:54 AM
Thanks for your candid approach this complex situation. If there was a lot more of it going on hopefully we would be a few steps ahead by now with all the head scratching going on.

If you don't mind, a couple of questions:

1/ Roughly, what part of the world are you from? Country and state will be fine. With the way the internet is these days, I respect your rights to privacy. There have been a few local variations going on around the place with the way things have gone.

2/ Has 5G been rolled out in your area, did you notice any correlation with covid cases going around if and when it did? With radiation exposure resulting in flu like symptoms it is just one to watch for. Have not seen enough data to take it of the suspect list yet, at least as a contributing factor for why some are hit harder than others maybe?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: pfishy
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The particular study is mRNA-1273-P205 (Moderna).
I'm not prohibited from sharing my participant number, but I am hesitant to do so. What is your reason for wanting to know it, if you don't mind me asking?

One reason would be verification, if you started talking about bodies piling up knee deep I could check and see if it was true.

Also, if I know you in the real world I shouldn't be talking to you on this thread. It would be an ethics violation.

FYI Link
edit on 29-3-2022 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Maybe you wait until he claims that, lend some trust? Because as of now he claimed nothing that you can debunk.

A bit fast pulling your revolver now, I would say. You shouldn't project your trust issues onto everyone else.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Yeah, I can give you another bloody one, about pirates and the Red Sea, it doesn't work as well in English though.
It's odd that this very natural and female part of life is shunned by society, I'm kind of jealous. I only get a headache once a month.

And with that I will stop to veer off-topic
edit on 29-3-2022 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: pfishy

Good luck, and thank you! I am not a Vaccine pusher. I am boosted. My own personal experience, they work. Yes, you can get it, and spread it. It does help from developing serious illness through.

I have read the herd immunity arguments. I know a few people, who have had it twice though. Two of those got much more sick the second time. That was during the Delta surge. They weren't told which strain they had.

Still, in a democracy , my body my choice!

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Terpene
Wrong thread Terpene

but let me tell you we don't poke into the Red Sea here. Yeah I tried that joke with a friend, it totally does not work. To much to explain.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 09:11 AM
You aren’t alone. I try to comply with healthcare recommendations; however, I am cautious. I have 2 “at risk” family members so getting vaccinated for made sense; however, I waited for full FDA approval prior to getting the first 2 COVID vaccines.

I had significant gastrointestinal pain the 2 weeks following the vaccine (almost went to the ER - talked myself out of it because GI issues were common following the second vaccine). Following that I developed joint pain in all of my joints. I also developed chronic runny nose that progressed to chronic nosebleeds. The joint pain and nosebleeds were still present 6 months later. My physician ordered a lot of blood work during my recent annual physical and my ANA, ANA titer and ANA ratios all returned abnormal. I am now being referred to a rheumatologist for work up for an auto-immune disorder. I know the ANA could be a false positive…wait and see. I am also aware that a correlation of events doesn’t mean causation…but I have decided that I will not be getting another COVID vaccine.

Following a reply to: TDDAgain

edit on 29-3-2022 by Buvvy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: Buvvy
According to my ex doctor he jabbed over 4000 people and not one side effect. Not the slightest. But here we are, I read your post and things click.

I have a running nose too since then! Clear film with occasional blood inside. Currently we think it's an allergy and that the nose bleedings are from cortison spray to open up my nostrils. So I can get air at night and not mouth breath what leads to irritated throat and gums again. My elbow also hurts inside the joint on the side I got the jabs, we had concluded it is from a fight I got into (self defense, hit my elbow on the ground) or the work load I have on that arm.

Up and down for months now. I get rid of gastro internal pain, then the kidneys started to act up, tired all the time for weeks. Weekly PCR test I had to do at the doctor to see him, because I showed the COVID symptoms, all negative.

Don't ask how much precious bodily fluids of all sorts I gave them in the last months. My bloodwork showed raised levels for all inflammation markers, only slowly adapting to normal levels. I constantly have set backs. It's like a rollercoaster ride. I have sometimes blurry vision on my right eye and when that happens I get a sort of migraine, just yesterday evening I had it again and puked because I was feeling so ill.

Eye pressure is too high on that eye suddenly, sometimes. I have so much symptoms flaring up and down constantly that when you sit at the doctor he even get's confused.

Never in my life I had any nosebleeds suddenly. The bad thing is, when I defended myself, I got hit on the nose and it bled. So that fight kind of throws off the nose bleeds and elbow for me as a cause where I can not be sure.

Frustrating and what you write about the nose bleeds does not make me too optimistic I will get rid of it again. I won't get another one for sure. Appreciate your forthcoming post very much.

Add: You might be interested in reading this
edit on 29-3-2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 10:55 AM
I've been doing some research on polyethylene glycol (PEG) which is used in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine; J&J uses a close relative of PEG. Apparently, PEG's are used in everything from cosmetics to over-the-counter medications. Serious allergies are considered rare, but what stands out to me is how the symptoms of severe allergy mimic the symptoms of those claiming to be vaccine injured.
One of the possibilities is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Mast cell activation syndrome is a condition that causes mast cells to release an inappropriate amount of chemicals into your body. This causes allergy symptoms and a wide range of other symptoms.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Mast cells are blood cells that are part of your immune system. They help you fight infections, but they are also involved in allergic reactions. Mast cells live longer than normal cells, and they grow in your bone marrow, your gastrointestinal tract, your skin, and your airways.

When you come into contact with an allergen, or substance that causes allergies, mast cells release chemicals called mediators. Some chemicals are released right away, and some take longer.

One of those chemicals is histamine, which might cause allergy symptoms. These include:

Expanding blood vessels
Itchy skin
Swollen skin
Mucus buildup
Tightened airways
In a healthy person, these chemicals help protect and heal. In someone with mast cell activation syndrome, they have a negative effect.

Sometimes mast cells can be activated or triggered by things like:

Insect venom
Reptile venom
People who have mast cell activation syndrome might have a lot of allergy symptoms and lots of episodes of anaphylaxis without a clear cause.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome vs. Mastocytosis
Sometimes mast cell activation syndrome is confused with mastocytosis. These are both types of mast cell disease, but they are different conditions.

Mastocytosis. Mastocytosis is a rare disease in which extra mast cells gather in organs in your body like the spleen, liver, gut, and skin. This is usually caused by genetic changes causing mast cells to make more of themselves.

This causes you to have too many cells and have a random chemical release that can overwhelm your body and make you sick. These cells might grow fast, be very sensitive, and constantly and randomly release chemicals.

This rare disease can cause skin growths and a blood disorder called leukemia.

Mast cell activation syndrome. This condition doesn’t cause extra cells to gather in your organs. Instead, it happens when mast cells release too many chemicals and cause these allergy symptoms.

There are millions of vaccinated people adamantly attesting to the safety of the vaccine. The are held up as proof that nothing is wrong with the vaccine and it works- sort of. Yet there are an untold number of people who have suffered from long-term debilitating effects after being vaccinated, and we are Encouraged to ignore and shun them.

When you have to factions so adamantly opposed to each other, the truth can usually be found somewhere in the middle.

Signs and Symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
There are many different symptoms that affect lots of your body systems all at once. These can happen after eating foods, smelling certain fragrances, exercising, and many other things.

Some key signs include:

Symptoms in more than one system
Symptoms that come and go or are cyclical
Lots of different triggers
Difficulty figuring out what the triggers are
A dramatic change in symptoms
Some key symptoms include:

Chronic pain
Fast heart beat
Low blood pressure
Abdominal pain
Diagnosing and Treating Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Getting diagnosed can be complicated. It’s common for patients to see lots of different doctors. This can happen because there are usually lots of symptoms that might look like other conditions, and it's hard to pinpoint their exact cause.

When you consider all the symptoms of a serious PEG allergy it's easy to see how they can all be blamed on something else; pre-existing condition, obesity, age, etc. Even if the vaccine is responsible for the debilitating issues some post-vaxers are experiencing, I doubt it will ever be proven. Big Pharma is 'too big to fail'.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 11:46 AM
How much are they paying?

a reply to: pfishy

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Puzzled, if knowing them in real life would be a conflict of interest, why would you need to identify them to prove what that say is true?

Surely, the reason for the conflict of interest would give you access to the information they have or even more if you involved in the Study control.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: pfishy

Now, I'm not posting this simply to start arguments or try and make myself feel or look "superior" to anyone, in any way.


I must say I was thinking many things while reading your post and I was questioning many things while reading your post but never once for even an instance did the word " Superior " cross my train of thought .

I assure you no one thinks you are trying to convey superiority by doing what you did I promise you that never ever crossed anyone's mind , But I do find it interesting that you would even consider using the word superior to describe your choices.

I could use many words that are opposite to superior

edit on 29-3-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: More info and Grammar.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: pfishy

Well like anyone that walks willing into the unknown whether they be going to a know conflict of a war zone or a unknown risk of medical experimentation - Thank you for your service.

Done both - not doing it again.

Wondering, if since enrolling have you been more aware of your health - changing diet, lifestyle making healthier choices?

Are you in a double blind study or do you definitely know you received the test shot?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: pfishy


I have had three doses of the Moderna vaccine (2 original, 1 booster). I have not suffered any long-term side effects; only the expected, mild, reactions, each lasting less than a day, following each of the injections.

What I find most interesting though, is that like you, I find that my overall health has improved since my vaccinations, also as quantified by my blood tests and my doctors (primary care and two specialists).

I had thought that the correlation between receiving the vaccine and my improved health was merely coincidental.

But your mention of a similar outcome causes me to question that assumption.

One difference between us is that, to my knowledge, I have not been exposed to the virus in any of its variations (although, admittedly, I have never been tested to verify that assumption).

I wonder if there is something to our shared experience?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: pfishy

Nothing wrong with making the choice to join experimental drugs for the good of humanity, is many trials that have save lives.

Good for you and you are very brave.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 02:38 PM
I see nothing wrong when novel working drugs are tested on volunteers. That's how I remember it being done when I worked in the Pharma industry [R&D].
People got paid handsomely depending on the danger of the test drug.
If living dangerously is your thing, why not?
I wouldn't be so brave though. It's a bummer when you know too much about something and you can not only see how it's working but what could very likely go wrong in the future.
The future could be hours, days up to decades. That's why we need test subjects, to test all this for the rest of us.

What I am against is to be forced to inject something into my blood that I have zero faith in, and more over seems like complete lunacy in the way it works down at the molecular level. There are so many unknown possible interactions, no human could ever calculate them all.
What we can do though is ask volunteers to take it for us, people who may not know or care how something works. I mean ignorance is really bliss in this situation.

I was thinking just the other day how I would have panic attacks every day if I had that stuff in me, imagine what is happening right now inside of me, and every twinch would make me wonder if that is one of the clots or a prion effect on the brain or maybe the beginning of an anaphylactic shock or nerve disprder or maybe death.

I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. But some do. Good luck.

edit on 29-3-2022 by Hecate666 because: grahmerr

edit on 29-3-2022 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: pfishy

I am 72...I have gotten both vaccination's hand a booster shot; plus very recently I was tested and am negative.

I feel fine...I had a sore arm, tired, thirsty....that is it.

So's not all bad.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: pfishy

You say you are as healthy as you've ever been.
I am glad to hear that.

But, if you are in a clinical trial, you do NOT know whether you got the placebo, or the test vax, correct?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: kwakakev
When I got the initial two doses, I lived in California, USA. But I currently live in Louisiana, USA.

As for your second question, no, I didn't notice anything along those lines. And the flu-like symptoms you mentioned from radiation exposure are not going to occur because of the 5G signals. It's ionizing radiation that does that, at near-lethal or lethal foses.

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