+4 more
posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to:
First, I respect that decision although I think it's an unwise one. I can see the humanitarian value in you risking your own health for others
I am vaccinated 2x so I can provide a somehow normal life for my daughter. I reacted heavy to the 2nd dose. I will not get a booster because if it's
anything near like the last three months with menstrual cycle complete messed up, kidney pain, stomach pains, weakness, sniffles since 3 months and
now they found out I react alergic to something suddenly. Not complete sure what as of now but the medication is helping. I did get vaccinated by
external pressure and under threat of fines in the area of 5k€. To be allowed to go into stores that sell other things than food or medication.
That's the only reason I got vaccinated. I had COVID in 2020, very early and still had antibodies but it didn't count at all.
If you don't know someone personal, you can PM me and we can find a way to voice chat. I hate talking in English but we can do that. Then you can see
my face, my reaction, my eyes and hear my voice, not some text anyone can write. I can show you my horrible blood results, that I lost weight in the
last 3 months and do not look very healthy.
People like me are out there and I knew it beforehand as I always react heavy to any vaccination or medications in general. My body is sensitive to
it. There are other people like me out there that are afraid, deeply afraid of this. I won't take the booster, before that I will find other ways. I
might get shunned from society but if it means I stay healthy enough for caring for my daughter, then so be it.
I did it to gain rights, what should never be a reason for a medical procedure. The booster that will have according to my ex-doctor 1.5x the stuff
inside it and gives me 20x the antibodies. When I asked how that works in a non linear way he had no answer.
Again, great that you risk your own health for others but I don't consider it a smart move. Humanitarian? Yes, applaudable, but it's your health.
Respect for the decision, I hope you thought long and good about doing that though.