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I am enrolled in a Moderna clinical trial for COVID-19 Vaccine updates

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posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:29 AM
I am enrolled in the Phase F portion of a Moderna clinical trial investigating new mRNA sequences to combat a wider scope of variants. I received the investigational booster on 3 Jan 2022, having previously received the original two doses of Moderna vaccine in the six-month interval.

I had one confirmed exposure to what was likely the Delta variant prior to my second dose, but not in an overly-close contact situation. I had a second exposure ten days after receiving the booster, this time likely the Omicron variant. And in this case, it was my partner who had the virus, and we did not isolate from each other nor abnormally limit physical contact (we still cuddled and while they were sick, because cuddles and hugs are good medicine).

Both times I tested negative, with four separate tests during my partner's illness. Additionally, and backed up with a recent physical and complete blood panel, I am healthier than I have been in over a decade. This seems to be counter to much of the discussion in this forum and many other sites and platforms I am on.

Of course, a sample size of one makes this entirely anecdotal, but I do not know anyone personally that has had any detrimental effects from the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J or AstraZeneca vaccines. And I have made it a point to pay attention to that detail.

Now, I'm not posting this simply to start arguments or try and make myself feel or look "superior" to anyone, in any way. I just want to share my own experience to maybe give a slightly different perspective on the issue than I have been seeing lately. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like, if the mood strikes you, or tell me what a foolish mistake I've made, etc. Or anything in between. I don't mind in the least.
edit on 29-3-2022 by pfishy because: Spelling

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: pfishy
First, I respect that decision although I think it's an unwise one. I can see the humanitarian value in you risking your own health for others though.

I am vaccinated 2x so I can provide a somehow normal life for my daughter. I reacted heavy to the 2nd dose. I will not get a booster because if it's anything near like the last three months with menstrual cycle complete messed up, kidney pain, stomach pains, weakness, sniffles since 3 months and now they found out I react alergic to something suddenly. Not complete sure what as of now but the medication is helping. I did get vaccinated by external pressure and under threat of fines in the area of 5k€. To be allowed to go into stores that sell other things than food or medication. That's the only reason I got vaccinated. I had COVID in 2020, very early and still had antibodies but it didn't count at all.

If you don't know someone personal, you can PM me and we can find a way to voice chat. I hate talking in English but we can do that. Then you can see my face, my reaction, my eyes and hear my voice, not some text anyone can write. I can show you my horrible blood results, that I lost weight in the last 3 months and do not look very healthy.

People like me are out there and I knew it beforehand as I always react heavy to any vaccination or medications in general. My body is sensitive to it. There are other people like me out there that are afraid, deeply afraid of this. I won't take the booster, before that I will find other ways. I might get shunned from society but if it means I stay healthy enough for caring for my daughter, then so be it.

I did it to gain rights, what should never be a reason for a medical procedure. The booster that will have according to my ex-doctor 1.5x the stuff inside it and gives me 20x the antibodies. When I asked how that works in a non linear way he had no answer.

Again, great that you risk your own health for others but I don't consider it a smart move. Humanitarian? Yes, applaudable, but it's your health. Respect for the decision, I hope you thought long and good about doing that though.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain
I'm sorry you had such a negative post-vaccination health experience. And I can also sympathize with the immediate aftereffects on that second dose. I got mine around noon, was light-headed and dizzy by 3, and felt like cold-hammered dog poop for the next 2 days.
Again, any personal experience that either of us has had is necessarily anecdotal, but I don't know anyone irl who has had any of the effects you are experiencing. I'm sorry you're going through that.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I did not know that, I'm very sorry to hear that.
For me, it was a year of not doing much, just a year, I lost nothing and gained a great insight on my fellow citizens.

Winter was no fun, the only place me and my offspring could go legally were the big shopping malls. He still asks me when will we go back there, he seems to have enjoyed it, me not so much

I'm glad I didn't take the vaccine, especially hearing all the stories surfacing now.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: pfishy
I know another guy that came down with serious health issues. Shadow of himself. Directly after the jabs. He now needs a walking aid. MMA fighter before that.

Anekdotal is a two edged sword when we now know there can be these side effects, kidney failure being one of them and myocarditis. It was surpressed in favor so that as many people get the jabs without worry.

But there are people like me that got no voice at all. We were called conspiracy theorist and millions of my fellow countrymen gave a # about people like me. All they cared for was getting back their own personal rights and were ready to support this.

I heard sentences like "I did it and you do it to!!!" or being called one of the reasons they have no rights. That's how brainwashed the people got through fear and media. I am internally, deep down disgusted by the majority of humanity.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: Terpene
I wrote this while it happened, you might have to look under my old name. Friends saw it happening with me. I was always audible about it on ATS about my side effects. And I knew I was getting them beforehand, because of my medical history with jabs and medication.

And for the smart types, no it wasn't psychosomatic coupling, you don't get such bad liver blood values and kidney pain, deep brown urine and allergies and disturbed menstrual cycle from just imagining it. I don't smoke, I don't take drugs, I don't trink much alcohol.

Can you imagine how it feels when you are out in public and even though you use both tampon and an inlay, to never feel secure? I would like to wear a dress now and then again without having fear of blood running down my feet in public so everyone else can see it. My cycle normalized around three weeks ago but I still have cramps there.

This may all come over like cussing at you but it's just words flowing from my heart to my fingers.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:25 AM
The myocarditis, in particular, seems to be tied to the J&J DNA vaccine. At least from everything I've seen. Not much solid data on the renal complications that I've come across so far. If you have any good links regarding that I'd love to check them out.

As far as your deep disgust with humanity, check out my signature line...
a reply to: TDDAgain

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: pfishy

I haven’t had any jabs or any variation of Covid. I’ve been exposed multiple times in the last two years. What put me off getting the jab was that the makers were granted indemnity, it was provided under emergency authorisation, (when other treatments were available which were suppressed)every incentive to take it they could think of was used and they also resorted to shaming and threatening taking away your rights and freedoms unless you got jabbed.

Not to mention that the whole pandemic fear mongering propaganda was pushed so hard it made a mockery of itself. Arbitrary rules and frankly pathetic measures imposed along with catch phrases that didn’t make sense. For example “social distancing” shouldn’t that have been physical distancing? Why say social distancing? Why were so many countries acting in lockstep as if the NWO has reared it’s ugly head? And why should I be expected to listen to bloody Bill Gates about viruses!?

As an anecdote of my own I have a customer who has been triple jabbed and is now in hospital with covid. Her main issue is low blood oxygen levels, she’s struggling to breathe and it’s very similar to altitude sickness like with others that were hospitalised with it. Her husband had it and is ok. I hope she is too. Why it affects some so bad and others barely at all I’m not sure. But it clearly isn’t stopped by any of the ridiculous measures taken.

Which leads me to conclude the is something very fishy going on here pfishy, something not right at all.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: pfishy
You might like to watch Drbeen latest video on yt.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: pfishy

I got Bionanotech. Got sick for a week instantly. The arm itself didn't hurt too much, I had worse pain after self defense trainings. The needle itself, I did not feel it, only the thud of the syringe I felt. All was fine until shortly going to bed. Then the headaches started.

I tried to keep my head over the injection site, for what it is worth.

The next day symptoms started, sweat, headaches and cramps, feeling weak mostly. I reported to the doctor and the only thing he had to say about it was "Well I hope you didn't get COVID after all now after waiting too long". I said right away, "excuse me but you have seen my medical history, I have warned about it, you discarded it and yesterday you saw me in best shape when you gave me the injection, today I feel very sick. Did you forget my medical history in the past?"

Then he circumvented an answer by asking me how long I want to be sick out of work. I told him he can keep his sick subscription because the boss is sitting in front of him, she will accept the sickness as real and not question it.

He really didn't like that comeback and before he could come up with any double personality #, I told him flat out that I am self employed and if I want a vacation I just do it.

He subscribed drops and stuff and sent me home. I reported back after that week and the answer was if there are no new symptoms I should just cure it out. I moved the 2nd jab into the future and I was feeling better when I got the 2nd one. It hit me hours later, I also got itches that kept me awake at night. No I do not do drugs the only addiction I have is good coffee and acceleration.

Fast forward damn 3 months later I am finally seeing some improvements.

edit on 29-3-2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

come over like cussing at you

Not at all dear, I wouldn't know how to feel if I was in your shoes.

All I can add is "mut zum blut" let it flow like your words

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul
I am also at a loss as to why some people have little to no trouble with an infection, while some end up on ventilators or nearly so. Even when they were in comparatively similar health and age beforehand. But I also lost some family to the initial and Delta waves of the virus, as did friends and my own primary care doctor. Both of her parents died within a week of the initial symptoms in May of 20, and both were healthy and only 68 and 69.
Truly, if the vaccine technology had seemingly just appeared out of thin air, I'd probably have been far more hesitant to get it, much less enroll in the study later. But it was already a pretty well understood process at the point they started working on the COVID products. In fact, the rna in Moderna is specifically referring to that technology, as developing it was one of their founding pursuits.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Terpene
Mut zum Blut. *grr*

Hey how about we do a D A CH ATS meeting somewhere? I bring cakes and coffee.
And then we both stand outside and you get a Bavarian fotzn from me, just one I promise

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:47 AM
So you have a previously established sensitivity or adverse reaction to vaccones?

And I never even thought about you being on drugs, if that's any consolation.

Also, your doctor seems like kind of an insensitive or jaded ass. Perhaps you could do better than him.

a reply to: TDDAgain

edit on 29-3-2022 by pfishy because: Physician opinion

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: pfishy
I reacted several years in a row to yearly flu jabs and have it in my medical records that my old doctor (retired) even said we don't need to torture me every year when I am sick afterwards anyways. Then it is better to get it naturally. He noted that down in my files, not exactly like that but he did.

And he remembered, because he often would say on the yearly check, like on a sidenote, while reading the last few entries that "we" (I) do not need the jab. I have to undergo yearly checkups because of an accident in my youth, mostly for cancer and similar unwanted growing. Because of all the scar tissue and injuries inside. And that always happened around start of the new school year / September / October and is also flu season.

I just made the drug comment because I was asked that after saying I sweat so much at night and have itches, somewhere else.

edit on 29-3-2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

just one I promise

you never know, I might like it and ask for more

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

While not at night like you're meaning, I can say you would have a hard time finding someone who perspires more than I do. It's put me in the hospital on multiple occasions already, but it's been a problem since I was a teenager. And no drugs here either. None that could cause that, anyway.

I hope your checkups keep coming back cancer-free.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Terpene
I said this once in hospital, the nurse did not like that

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:15 AM
I have some questions ….Are you a man or a woman ? …. Did your partner have any of the vaccine shots ? … and what blood type are you ?

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:17 AM
Man, yes, they had their second Pfizer dose one week to the day prior to diagnosis, and A-.

a reply to: Meldionne1

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