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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:17 PM
CLIP of Joe Falling.

Maybe it is me, but Joe has said "Putin is a killer" and "our democracy is under threat" and yet Joe falls over and the alleged SS just let folks run right up to him, while he is in a prone position. This makes no sense on any level.

So symbolically, Joe Falls, on his own, with no help from anyone, in pewblick. We know Joe's fall up the AF1 steps was timed out to step 17, hit 3x, and was clearly staged, my guess is this is as well.

Imagine being in the PR department and being forced to defend this through Inversion. That office is like the 911 during BLM's riot fest, no way to get ahead.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Looks like COMMS from this BBC Tweet, at 21:07 GMT (2x17 = 34 = EBS post) - indicates Blackout starts tomorrow, 18th?:

Saturday's Star: "We are not amused" #BBCPapers #TomorrowsPapersToday

Bigger picture

1) Annotated version of the picture:


I look at the headlines on the rags every morning on BBC site... The Star has and always been ... off centre.
A bit like the Enquirer...

I'll try n post a graphic - but until. RE front page of Star.

I'm seeing - Royal - 'Bet with William' the Queen is not amused.

and a couple of Trannies on the Left...

2) References:
a) #34 EBS post Mirror/Completion,

b) 5 by 5 = EYES ON!

c) RECORD BAKER = Call to Anons to record forthcoming events,

d) BLACKOUT/ Ten Days:
"Need a few days orf?"... also orf = ZERO Radio Frequencies

e) From GREASE:

“Summer lovin'
Summer lovin'

Feel free to add any more you see!

EDIT: ...and the £2 graphic has a one legged dancing figure in the mirror
edit on 18-6-2022 by YesTodayTomorrow because: (no reason given)

Sorry I'm a bit pissed (drunk) after a great night in, friends over for a meal. I'm looking back and my response - it may appear to be sarcastic. Its not.
The £2 Bet is the dominant image on the page. The Queen is green and 'muted'...

In the past I worked for the Ogilvy Grp in LND - graphics etc. I try to observe where my eye travels across the page. Every page laid out with intention.

Anyway gotta go get some Zeds.

You are awesome.

edit on 18-6-2022 by YesTodayTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:02 PM
Wow, this new "bipartisan Taiwan Policy Act of 2022" looks to be another huge escalation:
- "designates Taiwan as a Major Non-NATO Ally"
- "$4.5 billion in security assistance"
- "support for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations"

Senate Foreign Relations

They describe it as "the most comprehensive restructuring of U.S. policy towards Taiwan since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979"

What did Blinken say in his seminal 26th of May China speech again?🤔

The Administration’s Approach to the People’s Republic of China

Taiwan is being pushed to the battlefield by the Biden Regime.


The fact that there is a new "plan" or initiative to "counter China" almost on a weekly basis - more often than not indicating previous ones have not come to fruition...speaks to the panic mood in Swampington.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:29 PM
In response to a post a few pages back RE Russian weapons.

Pics from Donbas - "Old USSR ordinance causing big problem" these are 100% gen.

I'll post some more when - to pissed to give a toss again. (I might get told off)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:48 PM

Woman orders chair on Amazon — receives bonus vial of blood

Surprises in the mail are always fun — except when it’s a vial of what appears to be human blood.

Jen Begakis claimed that she ordered a leather chair from Amazon, but then found an unsettling addition to the package when she took it out of the box.

“If I told you the leather chair I ordered from Amazon was packaged with a blood collection tube that is…full, would you believe me?” she claimed in a post to Twitter.

“Because I’m lost for – – – words.”

National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:01 PM

edit on 18-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:27 PM
The CEO of Euro Exim Bank Ltd. :

′ ′ A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy: he doesn't buy cars and he doesn't borrow money to buy them.
He doesn't pay insurance policies. It does not buy fuel, it does not pay to have the car undergo the necessary maintenance and repairs. It does not use paid parking. It does not cause major accidents. It does not require multi-lane highways.
It does not become obese. Healthy people are neither necessary nor useful for the economy. They don't buy medicine. They don't go to hospitals or to doctors. They add nothing to the country's GDP. "

And if a cyclist falls at the right time
he manages to distract the sheep
from the bombshell of having raped his underage daughter in the shower 😎

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Roxstar

"I think this is why they are changing the name [Monkey pox], as a lot of people have probably seen this."

The reasoning is hilarious. Discrimination against monkeys?
Reading the letter from the "unbiased" scientists who recommended the name change, they also want to avoid using the geographic area of Africa where it is normally found.

Any reference to monkeys or Africa reminds people of the remoteness and isolation of the source. We can't have that. People might start wondering about this virus suddenly getting spread around the world, especially now, with travel precautions because of Covid.

The science on TV wants you to believe viruses pop up out of thin air. There might be one sneaking up your driveway right now. You should probably wear a mask when you sleep, close all your windows, and turn off the air-conditioner. You know, just to be safe.

edit on 6/18/2022 by cimmerius because: Formatting

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

Woman orders chair on Amazon — receives bonus vial of blood

Surprises in the mail are always fun — except when it’s a vial of what appears to be human blood.

Jen Begakis claimed that she ordered a leather chair from Amazon, but then found an unsettling addition to the package when she took it out of the box.

“If I told you the leather chair I ordered from Amazon was packaged with a blood collection tube that is…full, would you believe me?” she claimed in a post to Twitter.

“Because I’m lost for – – – words.”

National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200

That's a wild blood story. I can believe given what/who they have these days to pack the boxes.

David Rockefeller clip speaking about population control and how the U.N. should sustain the population.

"Of the major drug firms, none shows more direct connections
with the Rockefeller interests than Pfizer, which banks with the
Rockefeller bank, Chase Manhattan, has as director Howard
Kaufmann, president of Exxon, and Paul Marks of the Rockefeller
controlled Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller Hospital.
In most cases, only one Rockefeller connection is needed to assure
control of a corporation."
― Murder by Injection (1988) by Eustace Mullins; pg 142.

Eustace Mullins - How the Rockefellers Bought Medical Education

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 10:02 PM


After a deeper dive on the impeachment debacle, the webs of corruption are more intertwined than I thought. Ukraine is the keystone. Ukraine has the goods on EVERYTHING.

Back in November 2019, Trump was speaking in an hour long interview on Fox and Friends. He claimed the DNC hid the server with a company in UKRAINE. See quote below:

“A lot of it had to do, they say, with Ukraine. They have the server, right? From the DNC ... they gave the server to CrowdStrike — or whatever it’s called — which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian, and I still want to see that server. You know, the FBI has never gotten that server. That’s a big part of this whole thing. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company?”

This is a rhetorical question from Trump. Of course he and Military Intelligence knew everything behind closed doors, but as soon as he publicly started talking about Ukraine, the Dems launched their impeachment scam, shortly followed by releasing C19 on the world just a month later, and thus they were able to hijack the narrative, and everyone forgot about the Dems’ dirty dealings in Ukraine.

2.5 years later, with more pieces to the puzzle, we can see the DNC set up an entire puppet government in Ukraine and have been using the nation as a proxy to carry out acts of global bioterrorism. Now it makes more sense as to why they sent the crowdstrike server to Ukraine, because Ukraine was a proxy government fully subservient to the Deep State. Fully outside the scope of US government oversight and jurisdiction, yet still in control of the Deep State players.

Ukraine was clearly the Deep State stronghold for the DNC. All the dirty # they couldn’t get away with here in America, they just sent it to Ukraine. Just like they did with the Crowdstrike server, human trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, unethical medical experimentation, biological weapons production. Just send it over to Ukraine, and the US government can’t do anything about it without using military force.

Now it’s starting to make more sense as to why specifically the Democratic politicians in the US were the ones most concerned that Russia might move into Ukraine. As well as to why, out of nowhere, the left-wing and globalist politicians worldwide began publicly worshipping Ukraine. Why Joe Biden and the US establishment are sending tens of billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine. Why the western media complex wants you to believe Putin is literally Hitler.

All of it is because they are desperately clinging to power, and Ukraine is the stronghold for all of their Deep State activity since around 2014. Ukraine is the Deep State Keystone.

For those that don’t know the definition, see below:


-the most important part of a plan depends :

If Ukraine falls, the Deep State falls. Putin is gunning for the head of the snake.


edit on 18-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 10:47 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: therainmaker

What pissed me off was how the government moved everyone's clearance data and background information to an internet-accessible system, and, of course, the Chinese stole it all with a hack. THANKS OPM.

And then their system for checking if one's data had been compromised was so broken that it was impossible to determine if one had gotten stung or not. What BS.


You are describing the system that Hillary had in place with that server in her house. The plan all along was to give all the data over to the Chinese and to take bribes to do so I believe with all my heart. Set up the system so it is easy and give them the keys to the data without anyone being able to stop it.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 11:37 PM
ALL of this below is exactly the scenario the public saw from the government in Ahn Rands "Atlas Shrugged". It is surreal, and as if the actions taken in that novel are being used as the map of what is going to happen next. The people succumb to the lies and the Elon Musk's leave the playing field and start their own economy without the loser liberals even allowed in the community.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
Plausible deniability warfare.

Coal train derailment Lawrence, Kansas.

WSJ (archived)

Oil companies are firing back at President Joe Biden after he sent them a threatening letter that demanded they immediately increase oil production.

What did the letter say?

Biden sent a letter to executives at seven oil production companies — BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Marathon Petroleum, Phillips 66, Shell, and Valero Energy — demanding they increase production.

If they do not comply with his demands, Biden threatened to use "emergency authorities" against them.

edit on 18-6-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 02:31 AM
"Nothing can stop what is coming"

Except a failed conspiracy leading to no action and business as usual.

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 05:04 AM
Beware the bots ...

I was messing around with CleverBot today and found these exchanges curious.

Followed by,


posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Personnally, I think the "time" allotments are indicative of communism, where red tape bogs down an investigation. Why else would it exist?
How does time matter when investigating? Less time = less investigation.
Allows for the guilty to escape further investigation (and the inverse for the innocent)

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 06:23 AM
These bots will only be as smart as the programmer. My professor used to say the computer is only as smart as the programmer's ability. This might be a conservative who is gaming the bot response with the initial coding so people learn the truth. Or it is a liberal who is bragging who set up the possible responses.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Beware the bots ...

I was messing around with CleverBot today and found these exchanges curious.

Followed by,


posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Despite the name, it is not very clever. It knew Trump was the 45th president but somehow didn't know Biden was in the White House (or is he?
) It also claimed Pence was still the VP. So how could Obama be a crypto-president with Pence as his VP? Sort of a babble trying to use elements of questions I had posed to it.

Most of its lines seem attempts at distraction or maybe intel collection (what's your name etc.) When the same question is repeatedly posed, it can seem evasive, but I think it is just a consequence of average programming.

Have to admit the line "Yes he is now" was seemingly on target.


posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky or anyone else; what do you make of this alignment between BITCOIN and ETHEREUM price graphs that I just noticed?

I made an overlay to highlight how closely they correspond:

a) This proves that there is an electronic causal relationship between the two?

b) White Hats are in control and highlighting the relationship to us?

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: YesTodayTomorrow

Cheers for the ADD re £2 on the Daily Star front page, YTT!

I'll be expecting more inputs from your trained eye on future comms!!!

P.s. Feeling a lil hungover myself after an evening of unusual shots with wingwoman. Hopefully the family chinese supper will recover me. Just learnt that my son can't come to the meal as he's gone down with the rona and almost passed out at work... pretty concerning!

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