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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:22 PM
Found one more of these fake videos. Says it's in Russia but can be anywhere in the world.


You can hear people shouting 'нет войне.'

DISCLAIMER: due to my selective hearing, I could be wrong in translating and they also could be shouting 'arrest this CIA agent.'

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: wordforword

What points to this being fake ?

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: wordforword
Found one more of these fake videos. Says it's in Russia but can be anywhere in the world.


You can hear people shouting 'нет войне.'

DISCLAIMER: due to my selective hearing, I could be wrong in translating and they also could be shouting 'arrest this CIA agent.'

Only the tip of the iceberg.

Putin tried to online blitzkrieg.

We saw it coming, and were prepared.

Helps to have some Anonymous Frens.

You REALLY wouldn't believe the stuff russia is pushing to the world at extremely impressive volume. (Trying to anyway)

Isn't really having much effect on anything 'west', but we're gonna have to deal with some extremely brainwashed third worlder brain zombies when this is over.

edit on 2-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: da pickles
a reply to: wordforword

What points to this being fake ?

Oh no, it's just my sarcasm. The video is real. I'll stop with my nonsense, promise.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:35 PM
So so fake.

I mean you can't make this stuff up. Or can you? Don't be manipulated. These Ukranians are cinematic experts.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:38 PM
Feeble old lady, and Blockade survivor, arrested for protesting in St Petersburg. At least the police treated her with kid gloves.
No sign of the protests slowing down, prison be damned.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:40 PM
How times change....

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican
So so fake.

I mean you can't make this stuff up. Or can you? Don't be manipulated. These Ukranians are cinematic experts.

Never said different.

I've never seen anyone be more effective in this than Ukraine, and never saw anyone as absolutely ineffective as russia in this.

A bit shocking actually.

(About russia, already knew Ukraine added an 'MOS'.)

Impressive to watch eh?

At least for those of us that see it.

#1 Rule for this tactic:

The videos must ALWAYS contain 'enough' honesty, and NEVER a direct lie of any significance.

They lose the propaganda war the minute either of those is violated.

(russia already got caught red handed with 100% fakes and hasn't been able to recover)

MANY recent and historical examples available.

So we get fog & deception from a war zone.

That shouldn't really surprise anyone.

Not a True American anyway.

edit on 2-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Wow! How scary. Here is some video clips of tanks intentionally firing at citizens in their homes.

Edit: the first clip is in Ukraine. The other two are not, at least I'm fairly certain.

Longer version of the ukrain clip:
edit on 2-3-2022 by WeDemBoyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: wordforword

Catching up on todays posts and skipped a few pages . My bad

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: wordforword
You can hear people shouting 'нет войне.'

DISCLAIMER: due to my selective hearing, I could be wrong in translating and they also could be shouting 'arrest this CIA agent.'

You know some of the stupid on ATS is getting to you when you take a post seriously enough to the point you have to use a translator to figure out if its actually sarcasm... and im normally fine recognizing sarcasm.

I honestly had to double check though lol... since who knows in a place like Russia maybe they were infact shouting 'arrest her'.

Edit:- Lol looks like im not the only one that got caught in the sarcasm trap **tips hat to a master**
edit on 2-3-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:56 PM
Turkey has refused to allow the Russian frigate Admiral Kasatonov, one of the most active ships of the Russian Navy, to cross the Straits into the Black Sea.

Because this warship is connected to Russia's Murmansk Naval Base.

If true, wouldn't that constitute "interfering?" So now Turkey is targeted too, I suppose. No shortage of targets for good old Putin. You sure you got enough bombs for all this, Putin?

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: da pickles
a reply to: wordforword

Catching up on todays posts and skipped a few pages . My bad

Oh yeah, those where I was baited and did unnecessary long replies that proved them nothing. Will try to stick to the topic in the future.

Ukraine: people are dying, truth is out there, Putin loving haters gonna hate.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: WeDemBoyz

Just had an interesting thought...

Is FSB intentionally making russian propaganda such poor quality in an effort to ensure Russia eventually recovers from putin's national suicide attempt?

That might actually explain a few things.

Would also win "Most Hilarious Patriot 2022".

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Who knows how Russia will view it but, by Treaty, Turkey has a right to close it to warships during wartime.

NATO ally Turkey borders Ukraine and Russia in the Black Sea and has good ties with both. Under the 1936 Montreux Convention, Ankara has the right to limit transit through its Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits during wartime.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican
Turkey has refused to allow the Russian frigate Admiral Kasatonov, one of the most active ships of the Russian Navy, to cross the Straits into the Black Sea.

Because this warship is connected to Russia's Murmansk Naval Base.

If true, wouldn't that constitute "interfering?" So now Turkey is targeted too, I suppose. No shortage of targets for good old Putin. You sure you got enough bombs for all this, Putin?

Oh, to be that fly on putin's wall...

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: WeDemBoyz

Just had an interesting thought...

Is FSB intentionally making russian propaganda such poor quality in an effort to ensure Russia eventually recovers from putin's national suicide attempt?

That might actually explain a few things.

Would also win "Most Hilarious Patriot 2022".

Given that whole bit with the Chechnyen(?) hit squad that got wiped out supposedly due to someone tipping the Ukraines off about it... I think there are people in the FSB and else where in the Russia system who are actively trying to screw this up for Putin, like the west they have to walk a hell of a fine line.

Its good to know though that maybe even in the highest places of Russian government, theres some who are not ok with what their leader is doing... just gotta wait for them to act, hopefully soon.
edit on 2-3-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: WeDemBoyz

Who the heck gives a crap about treaties? Both the US and Russia were signatories to the Budapest Memorandum. Not doing Ukraine much good now, is it? That'll teach countries to give up their nukes, and believe Russia OR the US, ever again. Please Mr. Asteroid, can we get a little help here?

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican
a reply to: WeDemBoyz

Who the heck gives a crap about treaties? Both the US and Russia were signatories to the Budapest Memorandum. Not doing Ukraine much good now, is it? That'll teach countries to give up their nukes, and believe Russia OR the US, ever again. Please Mr. Asteroid, can we get a little help here?


The ONLY thing anyone with 70+ IQ cares about right now is getting russians out of Ukraine without putin following through with his global nuclear annihilation threats.

I'm sure you know what those under 70 are accurately (though offensively) called.

EVERYTHING else is negotiable for now.

edit on 2-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

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