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The US Convoy is Here

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posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

In your opinion, how devistating would your proposition be for working families that are struggling to get by as it is?

I assume you are talking about my statement on the best way to blockade DC.

In my opinion, it could be quite devastating. But I am not the one advocating for this convoy; the active truckers from across the USA are. It's apparently happening, and there's nothing you nor I can do about it.

Personally, I would prefer for things to be going good... that's no Chinese virus, no vaccine mandates, no face mask Nazis, no supply chain issues, no shortages, no inflation, no rising fuel costs... that's my proposition. I'm 60 years old with a bum heart, disabled on a fixed income, probably for the rest of my life. You think I want all this stuff that is happening now? All I want is to be able to live out the rest of my life in peace.

But that's not going to happen. Fuel prices are rising quickly, food prices are jumping up like rocketships, we have a war starting in Ukraine, our President has advanced dementia, we are all faced with mandates over silly stuff because of a virus with a 1% fatality rate, and every attempt to stop it has led to an even faster spread. Crime is rising, even out here in the boondocks of rural Alabama. I have had to install a deadbolt on my door and use it... we used to rarely even bother locking the door. Canada just declared the equivalent of a takeover of the country, sand we have ate least one US state governor who has openly expressed a willingness to send US National Guard to help them with that.

I have news for you: truckers are treated like crap already. It's a tough, dirty, and usually thankless job that pays less and less with more and more hassles every year. Most of the old drivers, the seasoned "Knights of the Highway," are already gone, retired early because they just decided it wasn't worth it anymore.

We are replacing them with young, green drivers as young as 21, with many in government wanting to lower that to 18. They are being trained by drivers with less than 2 years experience in many cases. These kids are just as apt to drop a load as they are to get it there on time and undamaged. They have a greater tendency to road rage while sitting in the hotseat of that 40-ton vehicle. You don't think that will lead to shortages? I do, and it will also lead to more dangerous highways.

Rising diesel prices are driving inflation, and they show no sign of slowing. Everything has to be shipped at some point, some items several times before the finished product is delivered to your local store. How many people even notice the cost of diesel? I do: it's $3.79 a gallon here as of two days ago. 6 months ago it was $2.99. What difference does it make if a product is available or not if no one can afford to buy it?

At least if the convoy succeeds in reducing some of the problems we are having socially, it will do so quickly. If it fails, the shortages will drag out for years, possibly decades to come.

Which do you prefer? Lance that splinter and get it out quickly, or let it fester out and hope it doesn't set up blood poisoning in the process? I prefer the former.


posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I had to pinch myself when shopping in Walmart this evening. The prices on so many items have jumped 15% to 25% instantly.

Most products have all brand new price tags, which is a tell-tale that the price is higher.

It's like Walmart tried to hold back as long as possible, but Biden's inflation caused the lid to blow.

We're screwed if we can't get this idiot out of the White House, or at least neutralized by a Repub Congress.

Kamala Harris said last night that larger price increases are coming due to what Biden has enabled with Ukraine-Russia!

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The prices on so many items have jumped 15% to 25% instantly.

That's nothing. I have seen many prices rise as much as 50% or more in under 3 months. Compounded, that's over 400% per year. Other items that I used to could rely on getting cheaply are not even available. It looks like many have switched form superior to inferior goods, which means shortages for those who depend on generic goods to make ends meet.

The gas station near me had gasoline for $1.89 in late 2020. It is now $3.29 after 15 months, and has started climbing again. That's 56% yearly inflation. Diesel jumped from $1.99 to $3.79 in the same time period... 67% yearly inflation.

And that 67% inflation rate on diesel gets spread to every other item that sits on a shelf. Anyone remember fuel surcharges? Several years ago, when diesel costs went through the roof overnight, they were all the rage. Negotiated contracts were amended to include a fuel surcharge that took effect if fuel costs exceeded a certain level. Those fuel surcharges ceased to exist wen diesel was once again priced low, but they were never removed from the contracts. They'll be kicking in pretty quickly if they haven't already, and that raises shipping costs, which in turn raise the price of everything that is bought... ironically, that includes diesel itself, compounding the problem!

But hey, I guess some people are happy to hide their heads in the sand and pretend it isn't really happening again like it did in the 2010s.


posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Diesel prices are quite a bit higher than that where I am.

I haven't been paying attention to the signs lately, but truck diesel has been well over 4.00 for several months here at large truck stops.
edit on 22-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 04:56 AM
Let's watch how this convoy will be beaten down. The world is watching.

Sometimes choices are not easy, bringing change peacefully will only happen with millions of people. I say 30 million people will do.

No lockdowns!
No mandates!
Stay home!

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 09:39 AM
I wonder how long will the senile biden administration will take before freezing the accounts of those participating in the convoy.

After all he applauded the Regime in Canada when they did that.

Laura Ingraham reveals the similarities between Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau
Trudeau and Biden's leftist edicts are wearing on their countries, Ingraham said

Can no wait to see what the biden regime have in mind for the American convoy.

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