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The US Convoy is Here

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posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: olaru12
If this Convoy disturbs the corporate trade routes and disrupts lawful national commerce.

If I'm not mistaken, it's the willingness of Truckers doing their jobs, that is the definition of lawful national commerce.

So ... if they're not willing to do their jobs ... are they 'guilty' of something in your eyes?

Commerce is a much broader subject then just truckers hauling goods over the road.

I sympathize with the truckers on the mandates for covid. But not for keeping others from getting to their place of employment thru blockades and intimidation.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: violet

Am also feeling guilty, about not being 100% behind them, and questioning parts of it all.

Have been encouraging the Freedom-Convoy and all that, because : what else are we gonna get-behind ?

Just like the Official™ Narrative™ is not supposed to be questioned by anyone : it feels like we have a counter-narrative that is also unquestionable.

That just doesn't sit right with me...

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

I knew that many people would disagree. I'm ok with that. Its odd to me that the people's convoy is so heavily organized, but hasn't involved the people. There's too many red flags for me.

You say millions of people are against the mandates, well our courts keep knocking them down. Also, the convoy is to protest an end to the emergency act I believe.

I don't hold the view that the Canada convoy was a success. I thought it was bad strategy and open to too many risks. Likewise, I don't think the strategy will work here.

Some people support it, and I don't blame them. We all want to see some kind of push back. But, protesting just because its something to do isn't a good idea. Sometimes, doing nothing is the right answer.

There are 3 stakeholders to consider: government, people, and the workers making the covid scam continue. The workers are the center of the board. The conversation needs to be on winning their disobedience.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: carewemust

That's a baited question if ever there was one.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

It wasn’t a success in that it never achieved its initial goal; to get rid of the Covid started off as that. It ended up doing much more in waking people up to us being controlled on a bigger level that we never imagined existed. Yeah we all knew it was coming, but not this soon. Or that this emergency act lay dormant ready to enact.

Who knew you could just whip up a bunch of new laws. What kind of BS is it that they say it gets voted on to approve it in 7 days (tomorrow) but you get to use it until then? If it’s approved tomorrow they can use it for a full 30 days. What other surprise laws are in this thing? Meanwhile they say, not so fast, if you think you got to walk away from the protest and avoid arrests or criminal charges, they can come get you any time once their drone footage and social media scanning for “evidence” is collected. Ditto for your bank being “frozen” even though they keep using “seized”, as in you ain’t getting your money back and more accounts may still be open to seizing. They get to keep 3.8 Mil or whatever the amount is, plus they get to keep the big rigs they seized to sell them. I bet the organizers never imagined what they did could destroy them financially like this. Lost their insurance and truckers license as well. They took all the license plates off them. I feel sorry for innocent every day people who joined in by either attending or donating and get caught in this net. None of this is right.

I sort of feel this was staged to achieve the aforementioned goals. It was allowed to blow up until they got the optics needed to enact this secret law, where everyone agrees it was a good thing to do.

And lesson learned, don’t protest, keep your mouth shut and just obey or lose everything.

edit on 21-2-2022 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: violet

To be honest, I really think most of the seizures are warnings. Last i heard, the police had actually towed something like 35 vehicles out of thousands upon thousands of trucks alone. I don't know about the bank seizures, but I imagine the number is similar.

The reason is simple: Canada cannot survive economically without trucks! Take away the truck and the finances needed to operate it, and that is freight that doesn't get pulled. Trudeau may be a tyrannical dictator, but even he knows better than to do to the country what he is complaining about the truckers doing.

The USA is even moreso dependent on drivers, and I believe our Constitution is a bit more slanted toward personal property ownership. This will not be like January 6th; those people could be taken out of the work force and replaced. Truckers cannot be so easily replaced, as not many are willing to go through the daily grind they are forced to deal with. At the most, there will be a few examples made. But too many examples, and the drivers will find something else to do and the cities will empty of food within days or, at best, a few weeks. Then you'll see the real riots start.

Simply put, it's all a bluff... with a few actual instances thrown in to try and make it believable.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

It was never thousands of trucks.Was about 200 parked on Wellington.. A few trucks missing won’t do much damage to freight deliveries. Some truckers got out of it before it got out of hand, likely knew it wasn’t good to stick around. They began fighting amongst themselves who was in charge and left. One main guy, Dave, went home and now he hardly cheers them on. His buddy Pete went quiet also and others that left early on. Others left early because they brought their company trucks they didn’t own and obviously their bosses wanted them out.

There were so many groups or factions, it was hard to keep up who the main one was. Other trucks were going to Toronto or other places. It’s the Ottawa ones that got seized, some left willingly.

The banks freezing accounts is real. Personal and corporate accounts. There are innocents who only donated $25 that got frozen. This law forbid anyone funding this group, which is unfair since you didn’t know that at the time of donating. I never donated thank God. It’s supposed to be the big numbers who got frozen but smaller donors fell through the cracks and got hit, or they were spouting off on fb attracting attention. It’s left up to the banks descretion to freeeze accounts.

That said, real facts are hard to know. Nobody expected it to gain so much momentum. The whole country joined in. Not everyone but people from all over since it was all over social media. At first they just stood on overpasses waving flags to cheer them on, but it looked exciting so why not go there. Or go to another one. There are still other cities with protests going on. Not on this scale.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:48 AM
Double post pls delete
edit on 21-2-2022 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Last I saw (outdated by now) was 103 trucks, 191 arrests, and bank seizures of 206 entities, from the Ottawa protests alone.

This doesn't include tow driver arrests or bank seizures, or roughly 40-50 of the largest wreckers I've ever seen that were 'temporarily confiscated' and repainted last week to remove logos and names.

Most of the Truckers left just before the wrecker convoy arrived due to 'outsider' warning (wisely).

Same as Windsor earlier in the week.

Trudeau needs better opsec, God help Canada if they ever order international military operations with Trudeau in charge.

Banana republics had better opsec in the 80s.

Seriously, if this is the best they can do, we are better off leaving Canada out of any kind of coalition military ops or planning for now.

I suspect ccp and russia are having an easy time stealing American technology and intelligence through Canada based on what was so easily acquired by multiple amateur operators in the last week.

Absolutely shocking how little Trudeau seems to care about or understand even basic security protocols.

Canada is definitely not playing in the big league with Trudeau in charge.

Surprised the heck out of me, I expected opsec similar to at least an individual American state, and what I saw was high school if trying to be kind to Canadians, but I'd honestly trust a random group of middle school kids with national security secrets before Trudeau.

Not trying to demean Canada about this, but it must be fixed ASAP for everyone's safety.

The numbers in this post came from Ottawa PD Twitter around 12 hours ago.

The 35 number that the city is threatening to sell at auction is included in those 103 trucks, and my understanding is that those 35 were owner operators, while the other 68 they plan to return were corporate owned.

This also doesn't include the 50,000+ bank accounts frozen for donating, or the 100+ local businesses getting the same treatment for staying open during the protests.

No idea if he is bluffing or not, but Trudeau has followed though with every threat so far (or tried).

I doubt any of it holds up in court, but significant pain for some right now.

No idea if any of the above numbers are accurate (why would anyone believe Trudeau about anything), but it is what Ottawa PD reported via twitter earlier.

Those numbers do not include the many actions in other cities and crossings.

Also, I think most of the Ottawa Truckers were 'falling back', not surrendering. I guess time will tell on that part.

edit on 21-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: violet

It was never thousands of trucks.Was about 200 parked on Wellington.

I call BS on that. I saw the videos of the convoys, and I personally counted a lot more than 200 trucks in individual convoys. Add to that information from truckers who are familiar with what was happening to support what I saw.

You have been misinformed.

A few trucks missing won’t do much damage to freight deliveries.

You do not understand the mentality here. True, a few missing trucks won't do much overall, but there will be more than just those who were impounded that leave trucking. Would you work in an industry where you know your entire livelihood and bank account can be seized at any time? I certainly wouldn't.

And don't forget the "driver shortage." Government regs already have a lot of drivers leaving for other jobs, so much that the US is considering letting 18 year olds drive 40-ton semis! You don't fix a shortage by removing what supply there is.

Now, maybe I'm wrong about the number of bank seizures. I'll admit that is a possibility. But if this continues, there will be serious freight shortages. No one will drive... no one CAN drive... without the means to drive. Take away their trucks and their ability to buy fuel, and you take them off the road. It's as simple as that. Threaten to do that and you'll drive more drivers into other jobs.

If the figures are as high as you say, Trudeau may have just destroyed Canada's economy for the next 30-40 years.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

Looks like your "U.S. Convoy" thread has been converted into a discussion of what happened and didn't happen with the Canadian protests.

You probably want to start a replacement (and nurse it better) when we get close to the USA Protest/Convoy launch date(s).


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Last I saw (outdated by now) was 103 trucks, 191 arrests, and bank seizures of 206 entities, from the Ottawa protests alone.

This doesn't include tow driver arrests or bank seizures, or roughly 40-50 of the largest wreckers I've ever seen that were 'temporarily confiscated' and repainted last week to remove logos and names.

If my information is that outdated, then Canada has a serious, serious problem. You think there's a driver shortage now? Just give it a few weeks. Most Owner-Ops are probably trying to figure out what to do with their truck (sell it, garage it) and most company drivers are probably sowing job applications like grass seed. They'll mostly drive until they can find another career path, then it's bye-bye trucking.

I have direct reports from early on in the protest from some of the truckers I have kept in contact with over the years. That does not go to what happened the last several days, though, nor to the bank/truck seizures. The info line is mostly quiet now; no one wants to talk about what happened. That's scary enough.

Most of the Truckers left just before the wrecker convoy arrived due to 'outsider' warning (wisely).

That's a good thing, but still... knowing that their livelihood and savings can be taken away at the drop of a hat is not conducive to driver retention.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The US Convoy is going to hinge to a large degree on what happened in Canada.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck


Please pass along anything you learn from the info line over the next few days.

Might help us predict what's going to happen here over the next 60 days.

Unless Canadian Truckers decide to continue/restart the protests, I'm pretty much done with Canada research.

Going to write up the horrendous national security problems I witnessed in Canada as best I can and pass it along to a trusted 'agency' contact I know though my employer, then call Miller Time.

Others (mostly Canadian) may still intend to take further action about Trudeau, but I'm done.

Unless I see Truckers in need of support again anyway.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The drifting of the thread somewhat highlights my point about disagreeing with the strategy.
When I look at the Canadian convoy as a whole, I remember f-Trudeau, finding guns, UN troops, and a woman trampled by a horse.
These are all things that promote fear in the public. What I don't remember is whatever the trucker's message was, talk about covid not existing, the fact that no coronavirus strain has ever been isolated, or that it is unethical to manipulate human genes in the first place.
The news feed has been distracted from important topics in my opinion.
I can't say that the Canadian convoy was a success, and I don't see that changing for any US version.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

If I receive any new info through the grapevine, I will of course pass it along. So far, what I got was mainly just verification of what was already on ATS. MykeNukem, especially, has been absolutely fantastic in getting us real-time information. He has earned my respect.

We'll see where this leads in Canada, and of course I am watching the US convoy closely. I for one will support the truckers; I like having grocery stores with stocked shelves.

Not to mention, there's this thing about diesel fumes... once they get into the bloodstream, they don't come out. Once a trucker, always a trucker.

Shiny side up, and wheels between the ditches.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

If I receive any new info through the grapevine, I will of course pass it along. So far, what I got was mainly just verification of what was already on ATS. MykeNukem, especially, has been absolutely fantastic in getting us real-time information. He has earned my respect.

We'll see where this leads in Canada, and of course I am watching the US convoy closely. I for one will support the truckers; I like having grocery stores with stocked shelves.

Not to mention, there's this thing about diesel fumes... once they get into the bloodstream, they don't come out. Once a trucker, always a trucker.

Shiny side up, and wheels between the ditches.


Myke is the reason I stepped forward to do whatever I could.

Don't know him, didn't have any private discussions about what either of us were doing, and had little personal interest in a Canadian protest, but was just full of pride at what a fellow ATS member was doing and felt the need step forward.

'Old ATS' at it's finest.

Absolutely inspirational.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 05:02 AM
I will say it again. Those that that deliver goods and services to liberal states and cites just need to stop. If you own a truck and deliver to Washington go to Florida.if you work for a company that tells you to go there work for one that doesn’t.

Don’t wait their tables, mow their grass, clean their houses, stock their shelves. Just move. The less you have the easier it is to move. Strangle their big cities to submission. Then force them to move their industry to rural areas.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Those that that deliver goods and services to liberal states and cites just need to stop. If you own a truck and deliver to Washington go to Florida.if you work for a company that tells you to go there work for one that doesn’t.

It don't work that way. A driver is assigned a load and delivers it to its destination. The driver has zero say in what the destination is. If someone ordered the load in California, the driver does not get to just decide to deliver that load to a warehouse in Dallas instead.

Imagine if the mailman just decided to put your mail in a different box? Or the UPS driver decided to send your packages to another town?

How it works is this: the dispatcher (sometimes the driver if an Owner-Op) chooses a load for the driver to pick up and deliver within a specified time. Some companies allow an Owner-Op to pick their own loads, but it is still from the company's load board. When the driver gets unloaded, he/she alerts dispatch and they assign a new load, preferably one that picks up close to the driver's location (dead-heading... driving without a load... is expensive; the trucks still use fuel, but no one is paying anything). If the driver is scheduled for hometime, dispatch will try to get a load that either delivers close to the driver's home or at least goes nearby it so another driver can finish the delivery.

Only someone driving under their own authority gets to pick and choose what states they will and will not go into. There are few of those drivers left, because the big companies have locked up most of the freight lines. Also, it is expensive to get one's own authority; it is much cheaper to just lease the truck onto a company. The company maintains the authority and handles all the red tape, then takes a percentage of the load pay... and if a driver runs short of cash, the company has the resources to cover fuel or maintenance/repair costs.

If there is a nationwide slow-down of freight, it will affect everyone.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

What do you think about this?

USA may get a bunch of new 'Canadian Expat' Truckers?

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