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The US Convoy is Here

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posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Hmmm... I see good and bad for the USA in this.

Good: we certainly do need to grant asylum to persecuted people, and these Canadian truckers are certainly persecuted now. It will also relieve a lot of our own driver shortage and hopefully stave off some future supply-chain disruptions.

Bad: it will decrease the effect of the US Convoy and give our government more incentive to use heavy-handed practices like are being used in Canada. Also, the regs are different here than they are in Canada; there would be an adjustment period for the truckers... very short for those who regularly crossed the border though. They would already be familiar with US regs.

The real question in my mind is, will this bill ever see the light of day? Unless the GOP can convince a substantial number of Democrats in Congress to agree with it, the bill will have to be signed by Biden to become law... and Biden has been praising Trudeau's actions left and right. I don't see him signing off on assisting those who took on Trudeau.

Of course, I don't see Biden doing a lot of things. He wakes up in a new world every morning, so I guess anything is possible.

All in all, I would support that bill for moral reasons.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Those that that deliver goods and services to liberal states and cites just need to stop. If you own a truck and deliver to Washington go to Florida.if you work for a company that tells you to go there work for one that doesn’t.

It don't work that way. A driver is assigned a load and delivers it to its destination. The driver has zero say in what the destination is. If someone ordered the load in California, the driver does not get to just decide to deliver that load to a warehouse in Dallas instead.

Imagine if the mailman just decided to put your mail in a different box? Or the UPS driver decided to send your packages to another town?

How it works is this: the dispatcher (sometimes the driver if an Owner-Op) chooses a load for the driver to pick up and deliver within a specified time. Some companies allow an Owner-Op to pick their own loads, but it is still from the company's load board. When the driver gets unloaded, he/she alerts dispatch and they assign a new load, preferably one that picks up close to the driver's location (dead-heading... driving without a load... is expensive; the trucks still use fuel, but no one is paying anything). If the driver is scheduled for hometime, dispatch will try to get a load that either delivers close to the driver's home or at least goes nearby it so another driver can finish the delivery.

Only someone driving under their own authority gets to pick and choose what states they will and will not go into. There are few of those drivers left, because the big companies have locked up most of the freight lines. Also, it is expensive to get one's own authority; it is much cheaper to just lease the truck onto a company. The company maintains the authority and handles all the red tape, then takes a percentage of the load pay... and if a driver runs short of cash, the company has the resources to cover fuel or maintenance/repair costs.

If there is a nationwide slow-down of freight, it will affect everyone.


I do not understand how you can’t get what I’m saying. You know where you are driving and can say you are not going. If it’s not a choice you can move to some place it is. Nobody should go or work in these states with their draconian measures. We feed them. They are on an island and we can create a virtual blockade by simply refusing to take their money.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

It's simply not possible to pick and choose which states one will or will not go to.

Let's take an example and maybe you can see why.

There's this manufacturer that makes widgits. These widgits are sold all over the USA. The manufacturer has contracts to supply Walmart, Target, Costco, and several smaller chains with their widgits. In order to do this, the manufacturer needs a way to transport their widgits to all the different stores. So they put out a request for bids.

Trucks Inc (made-up name) gives the best price for delivery. So the manufacturer signs a contract with Trucks Inc. Trucks Inc will be the default transportation company for the manufacturer.

Trucks Inc has several drivers to deliver freight. They have also acquired other freight lines that begin and end in certain common areas to decrease dead-head and make more money.

Now, Trucks Inc gets a list of loads from the manufacturer, detailing what loads are expected to be ready, when they will be ready, and where they will go. Most of these loads are to larger cities, because larger cities have more people buying more widgits. Most of the return freight lines also pick up in these larger cities, because there's more stuff being made in the large cities. So Trucks Inc sends loads to their various dispatchers. The dispatchers then decide who will get what loads. This is usually based on how dependable the driver is, how important this particular load is, and how long a driver will have to wait to get a close return load. It is also based on how much the dispatcher likes the driver.

Occasionally a dispatcher will give a dependable driver a choice between two or three loads. That's a reward for good service, and it is nowhere near common-place.

The driver is sitting in his truck waiting for a load. He is being paid nothing... not one thin dime. Dispatch then sends a load to the truck and requests a confirmation. The driver has three choices:
  • Accept the load,
  • Explain why they cannot accept the load (out of hours, truck needs repair, etc.), or
  • Quit and find their own way home (which means leaving much of their personal property behind, since they can't physically carry it all).
If they quit and go to another company, it is set up the same way. There is no such thing as a trucking company that lets the drivers decide where they will and won't go. They do not exist! If they tried that, some of the freight would not be hauled, and the trucking company would be in violation of their freight contract and lose their freight line... too many losses like that and they go bankrupt because no one will give them freight to haul.

Owner-Ops can quit and go home with their truck... but still at their cost. Fuel is expensive, and they still face the problem of the next lease having the same problems.

Independent truckers can pick and choose their freight... they have their own authority and handle their own red tape. But they do not get the good loads, either. They have to deal with companies so small as to not have enough freight for anyone to be interested in signing a contract with them. As I mentioned, there are precious few of those left.

Now, do you see why what you suggest is not possible? It would destroy the entire supply chain everywhere. The best a driver can do is quit, and not haul any freight... they simply do not get to pick and choose where they go, any more than an employee gets to decide which hours and how many they will work.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 10:35 AM
I understand caution and taking precaution when necessary but this is downright paranoia. So if multiple convoys roll into DC and it's thousands of trucks not just hundreds, are you still going to believe every person participating is in on a staged operation? The Canadian truckers wouldn't have gotten as far as they did if the Canadian people hadn't rallied and supported them. If American people are going to be too afraid to rally around the truckers and stand up for freedom then exactly when will you decide that you've had enough of tyranny and make the choice to raise your voice against it? Or will we continue to cower in fear and paranoia watching, as the rest of the world takes on their corrupt leaders, from the safety of our anonymity on social media...what makes you think we will gain another opportunity to stand against tyranny? Fear will be our demise. Paranoia will destroy ya.

Land of the free home of the brave my ass
edit on 21-2-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 11:08 AM
CARPE DIEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:47 PM
Good Afternoon All....

So on C-SPAN the WEF is discussing “ Climate Change “ with John Kerry, Bill Gates and panel on some sort of Zoom call and I swear to God, when they were introducing everyone there was an almost water dripping type noice in the background that was very unpleasant, it made you want to turn it off !

I’m trying my best to listen and report back, but the poor quality echoes and vibrations in the sound system ( aren’t these folks using cutting edge tech ? ) feel almost like a physical assault on my senses. Kerry is gushing over “ Bill’s “ great work, lol, because of course the proven psychopath at the core of so much misery with this World wide Plandemic is who we should look to for solutions for “ climate change “.....uggg sorry guys, don’t think I can take it, seems to me a think tank of how BUSINESS can profit, more than any realistic solutions, seriously this is purposely hard to listen to, imo.

My time will probably be better spent making some signs to cheer on the Freedom Trucker’s coming through CA, having considered whether or not the American Convoy is some sort of Phy-Op, trap or well planned Peaceful Protest that mimics Canada, my instincts tell me the least we can do is get out there and show strong public support !

Opps, thought I was putting this in the Q thread, sorry for going off track

edit on 21-2-2022 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

It's simply not possible to pick and choose which states one will or will not go to.

Let's take an example and maybe you can see why.

There's this manufacturer that makes widgits. These widgits are sold all over the USA. The manufacturer has contracts to supply Walmart, Target, Costco, and several smaller chains with their widgits. In order to do this, the manufacturer needs a way to transport their widgits to all the different stores. So they put out a request for bids.

Trucks Inc (made-up name) gives the best price for delivery. So the manufacturer signs a contract with Trucks Inc. Trucks Inc will be the default transportation company for the manufacturer.

Trucks Inc has several drivers to deliver freight. They have also acquired other freight lines that begin and end in certain common areas to decrease dead-head and make more money.

Now, Trucks Inc gets a list of loads from the manufacturer, detailing what loads are expected to be ready, when they will be ready, and where they will go. Most of these loads are to larger cities, because larger cities have more people buying more widgits. Most of the return freight lines also pick up in these larger cities, because there's more stuff being made in the large cities. So Trucks Inc sends loads to their various dispatchers. The dispatchers then decide who will get what loads. This is usually based on how dependable the driver is, how important this particular load is, and how long a driver will have to wait to get a close return load. It is also based on how much the dispatcher likes the driver.

Occasionally a dispatcher will give a dependable driver a choice between two or three loads. That's a reward for good service, and it is nowhere near common-place.

The driver is sitting in his truck waiting for a load. He is being paid nothing... not one thin dime. Dispatch then sends a load to the truck and requests a confirmation. The driver has three choices:
  • Accept the load,
  • Explain why they cannot accept the load (out of hours, truck needs repair, etc.), or
  • Quit and find their own way home (which means leaving much of their personal property behind, since they can't physically carry it all).
If they quit and go to another company, it is set up the same way. There is no such thing as a trucking company that lets the drivers decide where they will and won't go. They do not exist! If they tried that, some of the freight would not be hauled, and the trucking company would be in violation of their freight contract and lose their freight line... too many losses like that and they go bankrupt because no one will give them freight to haul.

Owner-Ops can quit and go home with their truck... but still at their cost. Fuel is expensive, and they still face the problem of the next lease having the same problems.

Independent truckers can pick and choose their freight... they have their own authority and handle their own red tape. But they do not get the good loads, either. They have to deal with companies so small as to not have enough freight for anyone to be interested in signing a contract with them. As I mentioned, there are precious few of those left.

Now, do you see why what you suggest is not possible? It would destroy the entire supply chain everywhere. The best a driver can do is quit, and not haul any freight... they simply do not get to pick and choose where they go, any more than an employee gets to decide which hours and how many they will work.


The hell it’s not.nobody can force you to go to work. It’s a strike

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Thank you ML I will be showing my strong public support as well. My intuition tells me this is our path to liberation.

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:10 PM
I'm not sure if people in America realize it, but an important decision will soon be made in Florida.
The Florida legislature passed an extension of liability immunity for covid:

The measure, Senate Bill 7014, extends a law passed last year that made it harder to sue health care providers in COVID-19 cases. The liability protections, which have drawn criticism from patient advocates, are set to expire March 29; the bill would extend those protections until June 1, 2023.

This bill goes to Desantis next. If he chooses to side with the people, it could set a precedent for other governors too.
Of course, if Desantis decides to side with big pharma, then the scam and unnecessary harm continues.
It will be interesting to see which way it goes.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: carewemust

I don't think Truckers in Canada can legally carry firearms, like they do here in America.

I don't know of any fleet that allows firearms in their trucks for any reason. Owner-Op companies frown on it pretty hard as well, and some will even prohibit carrying a firearm. They lease the truck, and they use that to say when something is and is not allowed to be carried. The various state laws and the sporadic reciprocity laws make it almost impossible for a trucker to legally carry a firearm anyway (maybe legal in this state, but not in that one), and the companys don't want the legal hassle.

Firearms for truckers are effectively illegal in the US. Ball bats, iron pipes, and long, sharp, pointy things not so much.


Truckers need to load up with 5 ton rocks and drop them where needed.
Think of the problems a bunch of big rocks dropped on highways around DC would cause.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Yes, it would be a strike... but that strike would be country-wide. It simply cannot be in certain places and not everywhere. The industry simply cannot do that.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: ANNED

No rocks needed. I know that Beltway, drove all over the damn thing. All the trucks need to do is keep filling the Beltway with trucks; keep circling and allow trucks entering from any of the on ramps in line. Pretty soon the traffic will naturally stall. As it stalls, let more trucks on. It will finally come to a complete stop. When that happens, keep the trucks within a couple feet from bumper to bumper.

Then get out and walk away. Lock the truck and bleed the air lines, engaging all the brakes.

It is hard enough to tow a truck in a tight space; two feet of clearance? It'll take hours per truck! Add in that every wheel is locked down tight with empty air tanks, and nothing is going to move for quite some time. It wouldn't stop traffic completely, as there are other roads in and out... but they are simply not made for not capable of handling all that traffic. The entire area will be under an economic blackout.

And it looks to me like that's what these trucks are thinking.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Yes, it would be a strike... but that strike would be country-wide. It simply cannot be in certain places and not everywhere. The industry simply cannot do that.


Sure it can.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree completely, but it sure would be funny to see hundreds of tilt trailers filling the beltway with thousands of 20-30 ton boulders

Not really, that's a horrible idea, but it's fun to imagine it happening.


Roads must at least continue to allow emergency vehicle traffic, just like the Canadian Truckers did at all times.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: Wisenox
a reply to: TrollMagnet

I knew that many people would disagree. I'm ok with that. Its odd to me that the people's convoy is so heavily organized, but hasn't involved the people. There's too many red flags for me.

You say millions of people are against the mandates, well our courts keep knocking them down. Also, the convoy is to protest an end to the emergency act I believe.

I don't hold the view that the Canada convoy was a success. I thought it was bad strategy and open to too many risks. Likewise, I don't think the strategy will work here.

Some people support it, and I don't blame them. We all want to see some kind of push back. But, protesting just because its something to do isn't a good idea. Sometimes, doing nothing is the right answer.

There are 3 stakeholders to consider: government, people, and the workers making the covid scam continue. The workers are the center of the board. The conversation needs to be on winning their disobedience.

There are still mandates. People are being denied transplants, the medical community is still under mandates. Not sure if the misinformation you are spreading is intentional, or if you are just ignorant. Just because I am not a nurse or in need of a transplant does not mean it does not or will not affect me.

You are just trying to be one of the many voices convincing people its a lost cause. That's ignorant of history.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

In this thread you have done a brilliant job educating me on truckers and the trucking industry, your posts always are of a high caliber.

Some of my first memories are road trips cross country, and trucks honking at me in the back of the station wagon pumping my fist was always my favorite thing, I also remember truck stop breakfasts being legendary.

Anyone risking their livelyhoods to protest these ridiculous mandates and esp the emergency act gets my support just like in Ottawa. It's healthy to be suspicious of any large, anonymous backers tho, whose intentions could be to smear or hijack the movement to discourage anybody supporting it.

A truck is involved in every single item I use or consume, they deserve my respect

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Whatever. Believe your own fantasies over an actual trucker.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Aliquandro

You just brought a smile to my face, remembering the kids I used to honk at. They still do that, you know.

Thank you.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

In your opinion, how devistating would your proposition be for working families that are struggling to get by as it is?

Look I'm all for peaceful protesting but the supply chain is already shaky as hell. You take thousands of trucks out of the network and we're going to have some real problems. Is that what you want to happen to "wake" people up?

If people are hungry in the cities it's only going to lead to one thing, violence and death.

Please think about what you may be inadvertantly advocating for.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: TheRedneck

In your opinion, how devistating would your proposition be for working families that are struggling to get by as it is?

Look I'm all for peaceful protesting but the supply chain is already shaky as hell. You take thousands of trucks out of the network and we're going to have some real problems. Is that what you want to happen to "wake" people up?

If people are hungry in the cities it's only going to lead to one thing, violence and death.

Please think about what you may be inadvertantly advocating for.

You are talking to the wrong people.

democrat fascists did this to us for 2 years, while you stayed silent.

Do you think ANYONE cares about democrat complaints now?

Then you aren't very intelligent. Or observant.

Elections have consequences.

Stealing an election has more.

This is one of them.

I was on the fence about supporting a total nationwide trucking strike until right now, reading posts like yours.

After two years of hearing democrats blame US for the vile things they were doing, and the deaths they were causing, I no longer share your concerns.

Park every damn truck over 5 tons in the country permanently as far as I am concerned, until the democrats fold on their fascist vax schemes.

At this point I would even support shutting down every single highway in the country until joe and EVERY single and democrat and rino resigns.

Arrest or murder a single Trucker and resignations are no longer enough, so I'll support the strike until EVERY elected democrat and rino are jailed for life

Not kidding.

Keep it all shut down for years if necessary.

If democrats want a shooting war, let them go out to the highways and get it.

Far better than getting sucked into the urban warfare democrats have been hoping for.

With FAR fewer potential deaths and economic losses than we've already suffered as a result of the democrat's covid scams.

And no more ability for democrats to give half a country to russia.

edit on 22-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

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