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Father Plagued with Guilt after 10yr old Son Suddenly Has Heart Attach While Playing at School

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posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 05:22 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: atlantiswatusi
a reply to: network dude

I'm thinking you have a problem understanding nuance.

If you don't trust "Big Science's" information on the virus how could you trust information compiled on the vaccine?

I happen to be vaccinated but i am pro choice on it and anti mandate.
I took a look at research into possible bat coronavirus from about a decade ago and it seemed like they had a pretty good handle on it. So to me the vaccine didn't just pop up in existence--it followed a decade of scientific discovery.

My point is I don't trust the vaccination but didn't feel like there was danger in me getting in.

Big science = big pharma. There's a monopoly on science. You know how people can be paid off? Yeah that can happen in science and medicine too.

Big pharma isn't a single monolithic entity, it's thousands of competing organizations each with different objectives, different agenda, and different political affiliations.

The same goes for Big Science.

A tenured professor who has spent their entire life looking for a cure for a specific disease will have a very different outlook from a sales rep looking to shift as many boner pills as possible.

There are too many people involved in covid research to bribe, and there are so many different groups with so many different agenda that the simple act of trying to bribe everyone would guarantee that you'd come across thousands of people with the opposite agenda to you who would throw you under the bus simply because you'd just handed them evidence against yourself.

If big pharma were to hand me a brown envelope stuffed with cash the video footage would be on Project Veritas or Wikileaks within the hour. I'd blow the whistle purely out of spite, and because I could pay off my mortgage from the book deals and interview that it would bring. If I could prove a conspiracy I could milk that cash cow for life.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: atlantiswatusi
a reply to: network dude

I'm thinking you have a problem understanding nuance.

If you don't trust "Big Science's" information on the virus how could you trust information compiled on the vaccine?

I happen to be vaccinated but i am pro choice on it and anti mandate.
I took a look at research into possible bat coronavirus from about a decade ago and it seemed like they had a pretty good handle on it. So to me the vaccine didn't just pop up in existence--it followed a decade of scientific discovery.

My point is I don't trust the vaccination but didn't feel like there was danger in me getting in.

Big science = big pharma. There's a monopoly on science. You know how people can be paid off? Yeah that can happen in science and medicine too.

Big pharma isn't a single monolithic entity, it's thousands of competing organizations each with different objectives, different agenda, and different political affiliations.

The same goes for Big Science.

A tenured professor who has spent their entire life looking for a cure for a specific disease will have a very different outlook from a sales rep looking to shift as many boner pills as possible.

There are too many people involved in covid research to bribe, and there are so many different groups with so many different agenda that the simple act of trying to bribe everyone would guarantee that you'd come across thousands of people with the opposite agenda to you who would throw you under the bus simply because you'd just handed them evidence against yourself.

If big pharma were to hand me a brown envelope stuffed with cash the video footage would be on Project Veritas or Wikileaks within the hour. I'd blow the whistle purely out of spite, and because I could pay off my mortgage from the book deals and interview that it would bring. If I could prove a conspiracy I could milk that cash cow for life.

The covid plandemic is a criminal act, that's a fact, how they got away with it was easy, release a bio weapon on the masses and blame it on China, then through the MSM and Social Media push a baseless narrative creating fear, stop any and all opposing scientific data that goes against the narrative, falsify the death rate figures then when the masses are fearful enough present them with an untested gene therapy drug and call it a vaccine.

Made billions off a drug nobody other than the very vulnerable needs don't cha know, that's exactly what has happened and thanks to corrupt people, people who are cowards by nature, useful idiots and government shills like you they got away with it.

You are a shill ? you can't be this oblivious to your environment can you, I mean "and I don't mean this as praise" you don't come across as an idiot, what's going on sweetheart ??

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Smigg

The covid plandemic is a criminal act, that's a fact, how they got away with it was easy, release a bio weapon on the masses and blame it on China, then through the MSM and Social Media push a baseless narrative creating fear, stop any and all opposing scientific data that goes against the narrative, falsify the death rate figures then when the masses are fearful enough present them with an untested gene therapy drug and call it a vaccine.

Made billions off a drug nobody other than the very vulnerable needs don't cha know, that's exactly what has happened and thanks to corrupt people, people who are cowards by nature, useful idiots and government shills like you they got away with it.

You are a shill ? you can't be this oblivious to your environment can you, I mean "and I don't mean this as praise" you don't come across as an idiot, what's going on sweetheart ??

The fact of the matter is that I just can't find any evidence that this was planned. By which I mean everybody seems to have been making things up as they went along. They were running almost totally blind. Different "experts" came up with different conclusions, and no two countires were on the same page.

Probably the best example of this is the fact that back in 2019 most everybody (Including the Chinese) put completely the wrong plan in place. They all treated Covid-19 as if it were SARS-CoV-1 from the early 2000s.

SAVS-CoV1 was primarily transmitted over surfaces. Which was why we all went around wiping down surfaces and washing our hands 24 7, and why they said that masks weren't necessary. It also had a CFR of about 10-11 percent which was why governments went into panic mode (That's 10 times more deadly than Covid-19).

Another good example is the fact that most countries simply reverted back to type based on their domestic politics. The best example that I can think of to demonstrate this is the different reactions that England, Scotland and Wales had.

England had a libertarian government, it didn't lock down until after it was too late, they didn't want to bring in movement restrictions, and they absolutely didn't want to close the schools. They didn't even want to close the borders. Their policy was simply to ride things out like a bad case of the flu, and they only locked down due to public outcry after Covid decimated several care homes and killed lots of people's grandparents.

Scotland on the other hand has a hard left government that's wants to be socialist but lacks the resources to fully commit. They locked down hard and early, and would have locked down 100 times harder but they were afraid that people would simply cross the border into England and destroy the Scot's economy. They demanded that the English lock down more so that they could also lock down more, and when the English started to unlock the Scots demanded that they stop.

These are two tightly linked governments in neighboring countries, with an open border between them, yet their covid policies couldn't be more different without one of them bringing in concentration camps.

They clearly didn't plan this in advance, and were clearly making things up as they went along.

The same is true in the US, just look at how different California and Florida are. If there's a plan they obviously didn't agree it with each other in advance.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Smigg

You are a shill ? you can't be this oblivious to your environment can you, I mean "and I don't mean this as praise" you don't come across as an idiot, what's going on sweetheart ??

In order for this to be a conspiracy millions of people would need to be complicit. They'd need to be bribed or threatened to do things that would be abhorrent to them, and I simply cannot find any evidence that so many people have been compromised. Especially when there are people like me out here who want to expose conspiracies, and who want to drain the swamp, and who absolutely would blow the whistle on this so hard.

Nobody has handed me a brown envelope, if they did you'd be hearing about it on Project Veritas. If I could blow the lid on a conspiracy like that I'd be a household name. Id be more famous that Stan Freidman, more infamous than Bob Lazar. I could name my price for book deals and speaking tours, and I'd probably have a movie made about me on Netflix.

Uncovering a conspiracy of that magnitude would put me in the history books.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

The fact of the matter is that I just can't find any evidence that this was planned.

there are none so blind as those who will not see.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Can't find any evidence that it was planned; well, except for two of the individuals who gained the most from this widescale tragedy (Gates, Fauci) were predicting just this outcome.


posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Smigg

The covid plandemic is a criminal act, that's a fact, how they got away with it was easy, release a bio weapon on the masses and blame it on China, then through the MSM and Social Media push a baseless narrative creating fear, stop any and all opposing scientific data that goes against the narrative, falsify the death rate figures then when the masses are fearful enough present them with an untested gene therapy drug and call it a vaccine.

Made billions off a drug nobody other than the very vulnerable needs don't cha know, that's exactly what has happened and thanks to corrupt people, people who are cowards by nature, useful idiots and government shills like you they got away with it.

You are a shill ? you can't be this oblivious to your environment can you, I mean "and I don't mean this as praise" you don't come across as an idiot, what's going on sweetheart ??

The fact of the matter is that I just can't find any evidence that this was planned. By which I mean everybody seems to have been making things up as they went along. They were running almost totally blind. Different "experts" came up with different conclusions, and no two countires were on the same page.

Probably the best example of this is the fact that back in 2019 most everybody (Including the Chinese) put completely the wrong plan in place. They all treated Covid-19 as if it were SARS-CoV-1 from the early 2000s.

SAVS-CoV1 was primarily transmitted over surfaces. Which was why we all went around wiping down surfaces and washing our hands 24 7, and why they said that masks weren't necessary. It also had a CFR of about 10-11 percent which was why governments went into panic mode (That's 10 times more deadly than Covid-19).

Another good example is the fact that most countries simply reverted back to type based on their domestic politics. The best example that I can think of to demonstrate this is the different reactions that England, Scotland and Wales had.

England had a libertarian government, it didn't lock down until after it was too late, they didn't want to bring in movement restrictions, and they absolutely didn't want to close the schools. They didn't even want to close the borders. Their policy was simply to ride things out like a bad case of the flu, and they only locked down due to public outcry after Covid decimated several care homes and killed lots of people's grandparents.

Scotland on the other hand has a hard left government that's wants to be socialist but lacks the resources to fully commit. They locked down hard and early, and would have locked down 100 times harder but they were afraid that people would simply cross the border into England and destroy the Scot's economy. They demanded that the English lock down more so that they could also lock down more, and when the English started to unlock the Scots demanded that they stop.

These are two tightly linked governments in neighboring countries, with an open border between them, yet their covid policies couldn't be more different without one of them bringing in concentration camps.

They clearly didn't plan this in advance, and were clearly making things up as they went along.

The same is true in the US, just look at how different California and Florida are. If there's a plan they obviously didn't agree it with each other in advance.

They danced different dances but they were all dancing to the same tune, there's a bigger picture that seems to elude you.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Smigg

You are a shill ? you can't be this oblivious to your environment can you, I mean "and I don't mean this as praise" you don't come across as an idiot, what's going on sweetheart ??

In order for this to be a conspiracy millions of people would need to be complicit. They'd need to be bribed or threatened to do things that would be abhorrent to them, and I simply cannot find any evidence that so many people have been compromised. Especially when there are people like me out here who want to expose conspiracies, and who want to drain the swamp, and who absolutely would blow the whistle on this so hard.

Nobody has handed me a brown envelope, if they did you'd be hearing about it on Project Veritas. If I could blow the lid on a conspiracy like that I'd be a household name. Id be more famous that Stan Freidman, more infamous than Bob Lazar. I could name my price for book deals and speaking tours, and I'd probably have a movie made about me on Netflix.

Uncovering a conspiracy of that magnitude would put me in the history books.

You just struggle to see our environment for what it is, it could be your age I guess.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Smigg

You are a shill ? you can't be this oblivious to your environment can you, I mean "and I don't mean this as praise" you don't come across as an idiot, what's going on sweetheart ??

In order for this to be a conspiracy millions of people would need to be complicit. They'd need to be bribed or threatened to do things that would be abhorrent to them, and I simply cannot find any evidence that so many people have been compromised. Especially when there are people like me out here who want to expose conspiracies, and who want to drain the swamp, and who absolutely would blow the whistle on this so hard.

Nobody has handed me a brown envelope, if they did you'd be hearing about it on Project Veritas. If I could blow the lid on a conspiracy like that I'd be a household name. Id be more famous that Stan Freidman, more infamous than Bob Lazar. I could name my price for book deals and speaking tours, and I'd probably have a movie made about me on Netflix.

Uncovering a conspiracy of that magnitude would put me in the history books.

You mean like millions of people working together to toward genocide? Yeah we've never seen that before.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Smigg

When the cure is worse than the diseases.

Death from covid for those that young is just 0.03 percent !

If death via heart attack from the vaccine is even 1% then you have your answer.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

i played football pre-teen,.

there were a few fat kids that were so out of shape,
couldnt run ONE lap, they could NOT breathe,

i am surprised THEY never dropped dead,,
and was nearly UNHEARD OF all these years , until now...
now, theres LOTS!

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

Apparently that guy thinks people can feel their heart rate change.. chances are the kid had palpitations. But without a heart monitor on went undetected.

I don't know about you, but I sure enough can't feel a difference between 80 and 100bpm. It literally takes reaching near your "max" to even begin feeling anything.

Even irregular heartbeat which I *do* have, is not physically felt. Enlarged heart sure, you will feel that. But the heart beat itself is very unlikely, and if your a kid of 10years old you will have no fricken idea wtf your feeling. Either hyped or tired..

So yes, the vaccine killing a 10year old is very plausible. Add the fact that there have been kids dropping dead on the spot after the shot, which has been hushed.. (oh there is videos from Australia when they rounded up the kids from school of them collapsing, 3 died and 22 became perm-disabled.).. as you see staff pull white curtains around kids passed out on the floor.. yeah anyone who says it's impossible is a full blown moron.

A lot of that crap made it on TikTok, and other platforms.
edit on 12-2-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Let's look at the evidence, your first reaction to this post was to attack my character,

"Using a family's tragedy to push anti-vax conspiracies is wrong in more ways than I know how to describe"

"Exploiting one family's tragedy to promote false fears is frankly sick"

A purely emotional response to this post with absolutely no justification what so ever, so why would you react this way, a child dying of a heart attack meant nothing to you, your focus was to defend the jab and attack my character. You're way too exaggerated when it comes to the experimental jab and covid, you're trying too hard like it's your job.
Sorry but you're all wrong, we have a natural way to us us humans even when we're being unnatural.
edit on th022244 by Smigg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

The fact of the matter is that I just can't find any evidence that this was planned.

there are none so blind as those who will not see.

That's just evidence of a purge not a conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: Smigg
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Let's look at the evidence, your first reaction to this post was to attack my character,

"Using a family's tragedy to push anti-vax conspiracies is wrong in more ways than I know how to describe"

"Exploiting one family's tragedy to promote false fears is frankly sick"

A purely emotional response to this post with absolutely no justification what so ever, so why would you react this way, a child dying of a heart attack meant nothing to you, your focus was to defend the jab and attack my character. You're way too exaggerated when it comes to the experimental jab and covid, you're trying too hard like it's your job.
Sorry but you're all wrong, we have a natural way to us us humans even when we're being unnatural.

You sought to profit from a family's tragedy and to use it to promote your anti vax agenda.

I reacted with disgust because you sought to exploit a child's death.

Remind me again which one of us saw the child as a tool?

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 05:04 AM

originally posted by: cappie
a reply to: AaarghZombies

i played football pre-teen,.

there were a few fat kids that were so out of shape,
couldnt run ONE lap, they could NOT breathe,

i am surprised THEY never dropped dead,,
and was nearly UNHEARD OF all these years , until now...
now, theres LOTS!

The unfit kids were pushing their hearts too hard.
Their bodies weren't getting enough oxygen so they stopped and took a break.

The fit kids with heart conditions were getting enough oxygen so they kept going, then their hearts short circuited causing them to collapse.

Two very different things.

It's not really happening any more, you're just hearing about it more often. 20 years ago it would have been mentioned in a local print newspaper and you would never hear about it. Unless you lived in that particular area.

Today it's all on social media and you hear about cases from all over the world. You hear about kids collapsing in places that you've never heard of.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Smigg
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Let's look at the evidence, your first reaction to this post was to attack my character,

"Using a family's tragedy to push anti-vax conspiracies is wrong in more ways than I know how to describe"

"Exploiting one family's tragedy to promote false fears is frankly sick"

A purely emotional response to this post with absolutely no justification what so ever, so why would you react this way, a child dying of a heart attack meant nothing to you, your focus was to defend the jab and attack my character. You're way too exaggerated when it comes to the experimental jab and covid, you're trying too hard like it's your job.
Sorry but you're all wrong, we have a natural way to us us humans even when we're being unnatural.

You sought to profit from a family's tragedy and to use it to promote your anti vax agenda.

I reacted with disgust because you sought to exploit a child's death.

Remind me again which one of us saw the child as a tool?

How though, how did I sought to profit ? It's a fact that there is growing concern surrounding the jab and health issues, that is an actual fact, it's not something I've made up to further a narrative or agenda it's a fact. So how is posting a video on the subject exploiting a family who also recognise the concern regarding the jab and is the reason the father made the video, was I stood to the side of him with a gun pointed at his head ? by your logic they are exploiting themselves ??

The only basis for your argument is that there is no growing concern regarding the jab, so you're either so blind and oblivious to the fact that there is growing concern or you're intentionally choosing to ignore that fact. Both are worrying.

edit on th022655 by Smigg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: zosimov

"The Rich Getting Richer" isn't evidence of a conspiracy. It's evidence of capitalism.

Over the last 2 years people making video conferencing and telecommuting software have made a fortune, as have home delivery based business such as Amazon. Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony also made a mighty profit because people started playing more video games. It's the same with video games with microtransactions like Fortnite.

In Europe there was a bicycle shortage because people either took up cycling or tried to avoid using public transport more. It was so bad that people were being mugged for their bicycles. Which hasn't really been a thing since the 1980s.

Are you saying that a 25% rise in the price of a carbon fiber bicycle is evidence that the pandemic was a conspiracy?

What about Doordash?

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: Smigg

You sought to profit by using this family's tragedy to signal boost your cause.

I found this to be disgusting.

This is exactly how groups like BLM do it. They take a tragic death and try to use it to promote their cause.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Smigg

You sought to profit by using this family's tragedy to signal boost your cause.

I found this to be disgusting.

This is exactly how groups like BLM do it. They take a tragic death and try to use it to promote their cause.

But I didn't make the video or add anything in the description that wasn't said by the kids father ? So how do you suppose that I or anyone else take your disgust seriously ?
BLM is a creation, a made up narrative used by TPTB, people becoming ill and dying after receiving an experimental jab is a fact and of growing concern.

So again lets look at the evidence.
your argument that I'm seeking to benefit is based on the lie that people are not becoming ill and dying from an experimental drug, that can only be your defence but the fact of the matter is that people are becoming ill and dying from the experimental drug. In a society it's not unnatural for people to become concerned when people are becoming ill and dying from an experimental drug, "especially when it comes to children" it's perfectly natural. What's wrong with you ?
edit on th022666 by Smigg because: (no reason given)

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