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My son is injected and manifesting "vaccine adverse events'

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus
People hate on you all the time, but I personally enjoy your sarcasm. It's much needed here I think.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: frogs453

You talk about my small sample size which is actually more than 100 but I just used that number as an example. Yet my sample size is small according to you...

No, it's small according to statistical analysis.

yet members here claim to know 4 or 5 people, if not more that have died from the Vax. So what is their sample size?

First, what their sample size is, is not relevant. it's all probabilities. Maybe they only know 5 people and all of them had a reaction. Maybe it's a family that is allergic to the vax.

Second, I know of one death and three other reactions. Not four deaths. Which member claims to know 4 or 5 deaths?

So you saw two people fall onto a court or field? You've never seen that before?

Yeah I've seen people "fall" this isn't falling though, this is having a cardiac event on the court/field. And no, I've never once seen that in 30+ years of watching sports.

Do you know how many sports players have had heart issues or blood clots before Covid?

While playing, on the field/court? None that I can recall. But if you know of any feel free to link me to their stories/videos.

Did you know that well before Covid, heart issues among teen athletes in the U.S. was the number 1 cause of death?

I did. I also know that I've watched sports avidly (especially college, but some high school and some pro) and never once have I heard of a player collapsing without an external reason before last year. That doesn't mean that it didn't happen it just means that it was very rare as these events are shocking, memorable, and even lead to cancellation of games. Since the vaccines became widespread, these events have become not so rare. I wouldn't say common but they're far more common than they were two years ago.

Why wouldn't people be asking for prayers for ill or deceased family and friends on social media?

Who said they wouldn't?

I work the corporate side of one of the big three auto manufacters. Vaccines are mandated.

Do you think that may be why you haven't seen any emails from work regarding deaths/injuries for coworkers or family members?

Well, when everybody I know or a good number of them drop dead suddenly, I will certainly apologize.

Why would they all, or a good number of them, drop dead suddenly? I certainly don't think the vaccines have a huge death toll. Larger than what they admit to? yes. Large enough that mandating the vaccines is ridiculous? yep. I know a large number of vaccinated people with no reactions or minor ones.

What are your thoughts on this:

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer
a reply to: incoserv

You didn't say when your son was vaccinated. Most of the adverse events reported occur within about 2 weeks of the last shot. If it's been longer than that, whatever he's experiencing may not be related to any vaccination.

Also, of those adverse events you mentioned, only one--the heart palpitations--are associated with the Covid vaccine. However they aren't really associated with the J&J vaccine, only the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Shortness of breath is actually associated with Covid itself. Electric shock-like pains in the legs aren't associated with either Covid or the vaccines, as far as I know.

If he's being tested by competent doctors, they've probably already tested for and ruled out Covid. Don't assume that this has anything to do with Covid or its vaccines. People get sick from a lot of other stuff all the time, you know.

At what point does the reality of the situation become impossible to ignore or refute?

Which source has to tell you something for you to accept it?

One that is "government approved"?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Godabove09

Look, if it doesn't come from the ministry of truth, then it is just rumors or a lie.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:24 AM
Here is an article about how the body mutates viruses to be less of a problem and this explains how it is done in cells too. The cause of the lessening of the power was known previously, and it was thought by many scientists that this would happen with this virus, but there was no previous proof that this virus would follow the same path as other pandemic viruses. So caution had to be taken initially, and I agreed with what was done for the first three months of this pandemic, but it got way out of hand after that, and they should have let this virus spread in the summers more to promote more infections of less risk because the sun actually protected people by stimulating proper vitamin D production.

Ok, here is the

This not only proves what some said here before, but also shows that this virus will most likely keep getting way less of a threat to the world. It will become another seasonal virus.

But remember, you have to remember, this means in most cases the virus will get less problematic. There is also a risk of horizontal transfer of RNA from two or more types of viruses inhabiting the same cell which can occasion make this virus way worse... so this does not mean it always gets better, just the vast majority of the time.
edit on 9-2-2022 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

I think it's sad for the athlete. However this is not new or uncommon. This is just a small sampling of available information from before 2020.

Jaylen Brantley diagnosed with career-ending heart condition

Penn State football player Journey Brown retires from game due to heart condition

Mentioning sudden cardiac
arrest and basketball immediately sparks memories of Hank Gathers and Reggie Lewis. Both stars died on the court from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disorder that causes a thickening of the heart muscle, impeding its ability to pump blood. People with the condition—it is more common in African-Americans—often get short of breath or pass out during exercise. Both Gathers and Lewis had shown warning signs before they died, having collapsed on the court previously.

The NBA seeks to address a spiking problem with heart disease
Sean Rooks’ recent death and others shed light on increasing league issue

The rate of S.C.D. among N.C.A.A. athletes was about five times higher than where previous analyses had pinned it, and college-basketball players had the worst relative odds, one in eleven thousand.

NBA player Chris Bosch retired due to blood clots.





posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: frogs453

A previously undiagnosed heart condition was discovered during Brantley’s preseason medical screening..

most recently an assistant coach with the Philadelphia 76ers — died at age 46 after suffering a heart attack.

and college-basketball players had the worst relative odds, one in eleven thousand.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a condition usually caused by abnormal genes in the heart muscle that cause the walls of the heart chamber to become thicker than normal

So we've got a retirement from a genetic defect, a 1/11000 chance of sudden death (there are roughly 1500 NCAA basketball players each year so this is one every 7 years), a coach who had a heart attack at age 46, and a young guy who developed a heart condition that kept him from playing because it was caught in pre-season screening.

Not exactly slam dunk evidence that players collapsing on the court is "not new or uncommon."

Here's what has happened in the last year: link

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Dfairlite

The link is not in English. Maybe this is better for you? The note of an increase in heart conditions in college athletes before the Vax was available but occurs in those who had symptomatic and asymptomatic covid.

I do not doubt that there may be deaths or injuries from a Vax. That occurs with any vaccination, medication, etc. However I do not agree with so many threads on ats. 60 million will die in a year, cancer with increase over 200%. Athletes are dying left and right from the Vax. We see this study showed a substantial increase before the vaccination. Many of the videos, etc that people are sharing are misleading and not factual.

Now, researchers from Ohio State are publishing new data that suggests up to 15% of healthy college athletes show signs of heart inflammation as they recover from COVID-19.

They were looking for signs of a type of heart inflammation called myocarditis, which can be caused by infections and is thought to be responsible for 7-20% of sudden cardiac deaths in sports. These events are exceedingly rare, but have tragic consequences.

The athletes included in the study represented football, soccer, lacrosse, basketball and track. Twelve of the athletes reported mild symptoms while others were asymptomatic. Those who were symptomatic had fully recovered at the time of their cardiac MRI, which was performed anywhere from 11 to 53 days after a positive COVID test.


posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Dfairlite

The link is not in English. Maybe this is better for you? The note of an increase in heart conditions in college athletes before the Vax was available but occurs in those who had symptomatic and asymptomatic covid.

I do not doubt that there may be deaths or injuries from a Vax. That occurs with any vaccination, medication, etc. However I do not agree with so many threads on ats. 60 million will die in a year, cancer with increase over 200%. Athletes are dying left and right from the Vax. We see this study showed a substantial increase before the vaccination. Many of the videos, etc that people are sharing are misleading and not factual.

Now, researchers from Ohio State are publishing new data that suggests up to 15% of healthy college athletes show signs of heart inflammation as they recover from COVID-19.

They were looking for signs of a type of heart inflammation called myocarditis, which can be caused by infections and is thought to be responsible for 7-20% of sudden cardiac deaths in sports. These events are exceedingly rare, but have tragic consequences.

The athletes included in the study represented football, soccer, lacrosse, basketball and track. Twelve of the athletes reported mild symptoms while others were asymptomatic. Those who were symptomatic had fully recovered at the time of their cardiac MRI, which was performed anywhere from 11 to 53 days after a positive COVID test.


Why did you avoid the DMED thread? That had all the evidence you needed.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I never saw it. Going out for a bit. I'll search for it when I get back.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: frogs453


From that link:

"As doctors and scientists continue their real-time pursuit of information surrounding COVID-19 and its effect on the heart, a new set of findings may influence how college athletes who contracted the virus approach sports and exercise -- even after their symptoms have long disappeared"

So Covid, not the vaccines causing this?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: frogs453

The links are nearly all in English, if you would like to read the document google translate should do the trick. I believe it's in hebrew but IDK, I don't read whatever language it is, but google detects it.

I don't agree that there is going to be a mass casualty event from the vaccine either. I just know a coverup when I see one and there is definitely a coverup with the vaccine side effects.

The DMED info is damning. Their response to pretend its wrong and cover it up is even worse (and blatantly obvious).

Sadly all of us get grouped in with the extremes. We either think the vaccine will kill everyone or the vaccine will save everyone and there can be no one in between in this polarized world lol.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Many viruses cause heart inflammation, including covid. But the vaccine makes it 10x worse because it pits your circulatory system against itself which results in increased inflammation and strain on your heart.

In short, yes, covid is causing some of it. The vaccine is causing most of it.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Dfairlite
a reply to: frogs453

The links are nearly all in English, if you would like to read the document google translate should do the trick. I believe it's in hebrew but IDK, I don't read whatever language it is, but google detects it.

I don't agree that there is going to be a mass casualty event from the vaccine either. I just know a coverup when I see one and there is definitely a coverup with the vaccine side effects.

The DMED info is damning. Their response to pretend its wrong and cover it up is even worse (and blatantly obvious).

Sadly all of us get grouped in with the extremes. We either think the vaccine will kill everyone or the vaccine will save everyone and there can be no one in between in this polarized world lol.

But, there already are mass casualties. It's already started. Vaers is underreported by 40-60x. Simply do the math.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

How many people do you think have died from the vaccine?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

As you have been made aware on numerous occasions anyone can choose to report whatever they wish to VAERS.

It even tells you so in the "About" section of there own website.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

They can report them but they are not published until they are reviewed by a team of analysts if I remember correctly.

Regardless. How many of the reported injuries do you think are fake?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Dfairlite

Far as im aware the system is being misused by anti-vaxxers to terrify the public and punt there doom porn retoric.

Christ they are nearly being sued out of existence.

As to how many of the reported injuries do i think are fake?

Well if you believe that millions of people are dying down to the vaccines because of VAERS information and reports it must be at least a right good few.
edit on 9-2-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

As you have been made aware on numerous occasions anyone can choose to report whatever they wish to VAERS.

It even tells you so in the "About" section of there own website.

Anyone can do anything, it doesn't delegtimize the entire system. You keep using this nonsense statement to try to discredit the entire thing. Vaers was used in the past as evidence to discontinue the use of a vaccine, now all of a sudden its not legit anymore.

Someone would have to know all these doctors NPI numbers and all the vaccine batch numbers as well as other details specific to the patient. It also takes a long time to enter and requires you admit you are committing a felony for lying about putting false information into a government system. The there's the doctors who get called and asked if they entered it.

Just stop with the non sense.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Your VAERs nonsense is mince just like the other dead horse you are trying to punt.

If you post serious credible information to back up your ludicrous doom porn claims ile stop pulling it apart.

Until such time as you can manage that here i am.

Trying to scare people just because it gets your rocks off is sad pal, seek help, there is more to the world than doom porn and fear, just something to consider.
edit on 9-2-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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