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My son is injected and manifesting "vaccine adverse events'

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posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 09:19 PM
Shortness of breath sounds like a heart problem. Some people can be very bullheaded and they either gotta die or hit rock bottom before they come full circle. Shortness of breath is no joke sign of something major is going on.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
I don't know what good it did to post this, but just thought I'd share it. Maybe cathartically. Maybe thinking it resonate with others who are experiencing something similar.

My beautiful young niece and nephew (late teens, early twenties) have gotten the vax, despite my warnings to the mom and dad. I live in terrified fear that something will happen to them, but what can you do?

edit on 8-2-2022 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: 1947boomer
a reply to: incoserv

You didn't say when your son was vaccinated. Most of the adverse events reported occur within about 2 weeks of the last shot. If it's been longer than that, whatever he's experiencing may not be related to any vaccination.

Also, of those adverse events you mentioned, only one--the heart palpitations--are associated with the Covid vaccine. However they aren't really associated with the J&J vaccine, only the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Shortness of breath is actually associated with Covid itself. Electric shock-like pains in the legs aren't associated with either Covid or the vaccines, as far as I know.

If he's being tested by competent doctors, they've probably already tested for and ruled out Covid. Don't assume that this has anything to do with Covid or its vaccines. People get sick from a lot of other stuff all the time, you know.

Also, they consider you unvaccinated for the first 2 weeks after you got vaccinated, yet that's when all the side effects occur? So those are happening in an unvaccinated person, right?

You were correct in saying MAY NOT be related. The thing is since there is no long term testing we will not know. And with that statement, supporters of vaccinations will not investigate if there is a relationship. They used to do long term testing before and that long term testing did show problems with vaccines and they never got approved. Which is important to consider when approving a vaccine that has not been used successfully before. It is by no means limited to two weeks, short term effects will show up in that time, but long term effects could take a year or more to show up

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: starviego

originally posted by: incoserv
I don't know what good it did to post this, but just thought I'd share it. Maybe cathartically. Maybe thinking it resonate with others who are experiencing something similar.

My beautiful young niece and nephew (late teens, early twenties) have gotten the vax, despite my warnings to the mom and dad. I live in terrified fear that something will happen to them, but what can you do?

As an adult you should be concerned for the youth in your family. I don't think there are many adults anymore, just people playing the role of the adult and trying to convince others of that fact.

We are ruled by the adults that got participation awards, never tried to do better, the mentally inept parents and the minority of people that don't even know what gender they are.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Don't a lot of these turn out to be due to anxiety?

Try convincing Eric Clapton that he lost the feeling in his hands and feet for two weeks because he was suffering from anxiety. I think he would beg to differ.

Tingling, muscle spasms and cases of temporary paralysis are real outcomes. Heck, even the CDC lists Guillain-Barré Syndrome as a possible side effect of the vaccine. You should check it out sometime.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: Grenade

And that is truth, any parent that kniw this for what it is, will not only fight against a vax, but if someone trys to put it in their chikdren they are ready for hell, not, oh I warned him, it feels like he's already dead to me, eh! But tried to justify beforehand with, we had drifted apart... Aye OK but if you had been there you would have been the influence that made the stay away from the vax, FS

A parent does not talk like Inconserv FACT, and if this OP is true then the poster needs to give themselves a fKing slap, and realise it's not about vaxxed and unvaxxed it's about family. And this is war

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: starviego

Try not to worry. My daughters and all my youngest daughters friends and boyfriend all got them as required to go away to college. It will be a year in April. They are all fine, the athletes included.

You may read differently on ATS, but the chance of some sort of adverse reaction does seem slim. There's been no adverse reactions in my neighbors, friends, extended family, coworkers, and their friends, family etc. I do know unvaccinated recently hospitalized or dead from Covid though.

ETA: Be very careful what you read. There's a very vocal woman in my area claiming her son got a traumatic brain injury from wearing a mask and is suffering from seizures and migranes. A little digging shows the family had covid before this and she herself has been suffering from extreme migranes that the docs can't find a reason for well before Covid. With these factors it seems more likely that he also had covid and/or hereditary factors are at play. People just take what she is saying at face value and spread the story. She includes videos of her son in pain for additional effect. Forgot to add she now has a flourishing gofund me also.
edit on 9-2-2022 by frogs453 because: Add

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: incoserv

It's the age old trick. Convince an idiot they're smart and you can make them do anything. They'll do the dumbest things and believe whatever you tell them if they think that following you will make others think they're in the know.
Celebrities and entertainers crave attention and have huge egos, ergo they are easily manipulated into doing what they're told to do by those they respect or fear. Athletes... same thing. The rest of us, the free thinkers, the independents, the ones not afraid to question authority... we're outcasts made to be hated and ridiculed and feared.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:27 AM
I can relate. although on my end...seems like right after I gave up, they came around.

it was weird. all the inverting lately.

now the same people who were aggressively critical of my skepticism and warnings, have completely 180'd and embraced everything that I said.

and it happened as soon as I backed off.

some people learn through discovery, let them discover.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: 1947boomer

The electric shock pains are definitely vax related. I've seen it reported dozens of times when I have read through vaers reports and that's just the ones I've read.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: frogs453

You know the medical issues of all of your neighbors, friends, extended family, and coworkers? Impressive.

I personally know 3 people with vaccine injuries from the covid vax and 1 death.

My goodness, deaths among the young are up huge, like 40% huge. I wonder why? Certainly not covid vaccines, anything but that, right? Soccer players killing over on the pitch? Just normal. Definitely not vaccine related.

That said, sure there are some people who are falsely attributing their illness to the vaccines. But those are few and far between, unlike the mountains of evidence that the vaccines are not safe nor effective. It's far more common that people refuse to blame the vaccine for the injuries they cause than it is the other way around.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: 1947boomer

Of the handful of people I know who've died from the shots, 1 died only 4 hours later, another died 3 days later, and the rest averaged about 3 months later, with hospital interventions at the 1 month and 2 months marks. Strokes and organ failure were the predominant events.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

As everyone is very open about discussing who has been ill, etc, they would not discuss anyone hospitalized or dead from the Vax or any other reason? We have not received any emails from work regarding deaths for coworkers or family members. In the last week we had one from a coworker who died in India from Covid, he had been hospitalized for a while and another for the father of a coworker who had passed after battling cancer for a few years. In all of these people, if it was occurring as much as claimed, it could not be hidden. I would personally know what at least 10 out of 100 people dead or injured from the Vax right?

Have you read the threads on the sports players or student athletes that have supposedly collapsed or died from the Vax? The misinformation has been pointed out. Many of the claims are erroneous. Videos of previous years showing a collapse or fainting are being claimed to be current. Some are people that when you research actually had a cramp or an injury.

As for the 40% increase.

Notably, Davison said that even if COVID-19 is not listed on a person's death certificate, that doesn't mean the virus didn't play a role. For example, Davison said a person can contract COVID-19 and recover, but the virus could have triggered a separate illness that eventually leads to death.

"It may not all be Covid on their death certificates, but deaths are up in just huge, huge numbers," Davidson said.

Micah Pollak, associate professor of economics at Indiana University Northwest, told The Guardian that high rates of mortality with COVID-19 along with disability are likely to continue to go up as more people catch the virus.

"We really don't know what the tail of this thing looks like. The further you get out [from infection], the longer time you have to potentially develop some kind of complications," said Pollak.

In any of the articles there is not one claim that the increase is caused by the vaccinations. Which does make sense. ATS seems to be a hub of thousands of vaccinated deaths, but if you peruse any social media, people link to those they know ill with covid, seeking prayers or a gofund me, however there are not nearly any of people linking to friends or family that have supposedly died from the Vax.

40% Increase- The Hill

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: sean
Shortness of breath sounds like a heart problem. Some people can be very bullheaded and they either gotta die or hit rock bottom before they come full circle. Shortness of breath is no joke sign of something major is going on.

It is also a sign of pulmonary clots. It can be a number of small clots in the lungs that don't necessarily kill someone, but would cause shortness of breath or low blood oxygen levels.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: frogs453

As everyone is very open about discussing who has been ill...

They are? None of them have ever hidden being sick from another person? Your insight into people is quite deep.

We have not received any emails from work regarding deaths for coworkers or family members.

Did your employer mandate the vaccine?

I would personally know what at least 10 out of 100 people dead or injured from the Vax right?

No. Not only is it not likely 10%, your small sample size means you might know no one.

Have you read the threads on the sports players or student athletes that have supposedly collapsed or died from the Vax?

Here on ATS? No. I haven't. But I have witnessed it live. In 30+ years of watching sports I've never seen someone collapse out of no where and need to be carted off the field. Yet last year I watched it happen 3x. Twice in soccer and once in basketball.

As for the 40% increase.....

Ahh yes, covid silently killed them! That's far more plausible than the vaccine that we started mass distributing. Never mind that covid was around the prior year and no such thing happened. I swear, the amount of gullible people in the world has never been higher.

In any of the articles there is not one claim that the increase is caused by the vaccinations.

and you don't find that the least bit suspicious? Like we have this sudden unexplained rise in deaths in a year we start a mass vaccination program with a vaccination type that has never been able to pass approval and yet not one article says "hey, maybe it's that new thing that led to this new increase in deaths!" Just put your blindfold on and go about your day, ignorance is bliss I guess.

ATS seems to be a hub of thousands of vaccinated deaths, but if you peruse any social media, people link to those they know ill with covid, seeking prayers or a gofund me, however there are not nearly any of people linking to friends or family that have supposedly died from the Vax.

I am shocked that people who refuse to believe the vaccine could cause injuries aren't self reporting their vaccine injuries on social media. On top of that it is the policy of many social media companies to delete such things as "covid/vaccine misinformation" so I am double surprised.

BTW, I have a bridge I am looking to sell in Brooklyn. Are you interested? $500 and you can charge all of the tolls. Thousands of dollars per day.
edit on 9-2-2022 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

We will agree to disagree. You talk about my small sample size which is actually more than 100 but I just used that number as an example. Yet my sample size is small according to you, yet members here claim to know 4 or 5 people, if not more that have died from the Vax. So what is their sample size?

So you saw two people fall onto a court or field? You've never seen that before? You've never seen one collapse because they are ill,dehydrated,injured? Do you know how many sports players have had heart issues or blood clots before Covid? There are very many. Did you know that well before Covid, heart issues among teen athletes in the U.S. was the number 1 cause of death?

Why wouldn't people be asking for prayers for ill or deceased family and friends on social media? ATS members have practically claimed thousands have died. There is all sorts of claims that are erroneous and still up on social media and not removed such as the brain injury from wearing a mask claims.

I work the corporate side of one of the big three auto manufacters. Vaccines are mandated.

Well, when everybody I know or a good number of them drop dead suddenly, I will certainly apologize. And you may want to buy that bridge yourself.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
So you saw two people fall onto a court or field?

I saw a video of a ball girl at the Australian Open fall on the court. She obviously clotted up from having 10-12 vaxes or she passed out from the heat. Being that she didn't drop dead I'm going with the former since heat kills.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

A clip often included with that one is a female tennis player coughing and collapsing. That is from a previous year due to horrible smoke from wildfires that they are claiming is this year from the Vax. There's another one of a soccer player they said collapsed from a heart issue. If you research it, it's a player who had leg cramps and was dehydrated. You can even see him clutch his legs. Some others were athletes that were actually recovering from Covid itself.

People seem to just believe it though without ever researching what really happened.

edit on 9-2-2022 by frogs453 because: Add

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Nope. They all won the clottery and are now dead, dead, dead.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:32 AM
As a fellow parent I feel your pain. I stand to lose my whole immediate family if they got something bad in the jab.

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