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Funeral Director Sees 500-600% Increase of Thrombosis Deaths in Young Adults

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posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
You just slumming it for the giggles?

Maybe. Or maybe this guy posts massive amounts of bull**** and I was just pointing it out.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

You say that the US is 5% unvaccinated… Sure that sounds small, but with there being far, far more medical staff in the US than in the U.K. that 5% is probably a staggeringly high number for any recruiter try an fill with fully trained and vaccinated replacements.

I was on the low side. That was a number from early last year, current numbers are below that the CDC and external surveys support. This is from Jan 19 this year.

Jan 2022

Orlowski said the CDC’s data, while incomplete, is likely representative of the entire country. The AAMC conducted a survey of 125 academic hospitals several months ago and found results which roughly line up with the CDC’s, she said.

More than 99 percent of doctors and close to 90 percent of nurses were vaccinated, she said. The vaccination rate dropped off substantially — in the 30 to 40 percent range — for those in more operational roles, such as transportation and food service workers, she said.

I'm not sure what is going on to see such a difference in everything comparing Britain and the US.

edit on 11-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

And you believe that?

Let me pose a question...

Who among the population would be in a position to pretend/fake getting jabbed, and do you think someone who knew they could do that and not be found out would do so rather than losing their livelihood?

Actually that was old numbers from early last year, now it is 99%+

Of course that would be your comeback to keep your extreme narratives alive.

So either they got the shots and openly promote others to get it too, or they all faked getting the shots while still openly promote others to get the real one... They would have some really sick minds if they did the second scenario.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
So either they got the shots and openly promote others to get it too, or they all faked getting the shots while still openly promote others to get the real one... They would have some really sick minds if they did the second scenario.

I know there are a very large number of doctors that do not promote the jabs. In fact, the only ones that likely didn't get jabbed and are promoting them are the likes of Fauci.

But to address your point... no, the actual, real doctors - you know, the ones who treat patients, not the fake ones that used to be doctors but switched to being businessmen (like Fauci, those running the hospitals and large medical organizations, and so-called doctors working for big pharma, as well as the govt agencies that are supposed to be overseeing them, etc) - who faked getting the shots would not be promoting the shots, that would be insane.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Xtrozero
So either they got the shots and openly promote others to get it too, or they all faked getting the shots while still openly promote others to get the real one... They would have some really sick minds if they did the second scenario.

I know there are a very large number of doctors that do not promote the jabs. In fact, the only ones that likely didn't get jabbed and are promoting them are the likes of Fauci.

But to address your point... no, the actual, real doctors - you know, the ones who treat patients, not the fake ones that used to be doctors but switched to being businessmen (like Fauci, those running the hospitals and large medical organizations, and so-called doctors working for big pharma, as well as the govt agencies that are supposed to be overseeing them, etc) - who faked getting the shots would not be promoting the shots, that would be insane.

There's plenty of pictures of people getting fake jabbed like politicians. The needle cap is still on or they don't aspirate the needle. Or they do it way faster than normal.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Yes but it's a good analogy, and like everything else, it's all about the timing as well. Iran was a great place to visit and go to in 1965, so best not to go on an old brochure. It is all based on the latest up-to-date information. You can't beat word of mouth from independent sources.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

I know...

No you don't know... you assume...

But to address your point... no, the actual, real doctors - you know, the ones who treat patients, not the fake ones that used to be doctors but switched to being businessmen (like Fauci, those running the hospitals and large medical organizations, and so-called doctors working for big pharma, as well as the govt agencies that are supposed to be overseeing them, etc) - who faked getting the shots would not be promoting the shots, that would be insane.

I agree and here we are with 99% of them saying they are vacced and also support others getting the vaccine. Your idea that a large number of "real" doctors are not supporting, not getting the vaccine is total BS. There is well over 600,000 "real" doctors supporting "real" patients in America, so even if you suggested 600 doctors do not support then that is like .001% of the ones that do.

edit on 11-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That bs has been done to death on here but never mind, you keep on posting it.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

There's plenty of pictures of people getting fake jabbed like politicians. The needle cap is still on or they don't aspirate the needle. Or they do it way faster than normal.

All assumptions really... People see what they want to see...

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: tanstaafl

No you don't know... you assume...

No, I know, because I have watched many of them... at least a couple of dozen separate and individual doctors and nurses who were on the record.

Your idea that a large number of "real" doctors are not supporting, not getting the vaccine is total BS. There is well over 600,000 "real" doctors supporting "real" patients in America, so even if you suggested 600 doctors do not support then that is like .001% of the ones that do.

To use your own words...

You ass-u-me...

What is laughable is that you claim to know the mind of 600,000 doctors and how many millions of nurses?
edit on 11-2-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
No, I know, because I have watched many of them... at least a couple of dozen separate and individual doctors and nurses who were on the record.

So you watched a few dozen push their narratives and that comes out to a "large number"? Many are pushing fear porn, and others are like you...So a nurse a friend of my wife will not get it because it is full of nanobots that will eat your brain when triggered. I'm a pilot and I know some crazy pilots too, just being a professional doesn't mean you can't be

To use your own words...

You ass=u-me...

What is laughable is that you claim to know the mind of 600,000 doctors and how many millions of nurses?

Have you every heard of sampling? It is very accurate, so that is why I said that either they are all lying while supporting it, or they actually got it and support it.

if we looked at 500,000 doctors for us to get a confidence level of 99% +-2.5% we would need a sample size of only 2640. To get +-1% we would need a sample size of 16,000 which is about the limit need for 99% +-1% whether 500k or 300 million.

What this means is if they sampled 2640 doctors around the country they would have a 99% +-2.5% correct reading. The CDC uses different method such as paperwork, so all these doctors would need to summit fake paperwork and lie on the sampling while promoting to the public that it is safe. Pretty damn asinine to suggest this once you look at it.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I'm not sure what is going on to see such a difference in everything comparing Britain and the US.

Who knows, maybe they just have different ways of handling the data.

Tbh and from a purely selfish point of view the more docs and nurses get the jab the better I’ll sleep, since I’ve had 2 of shots 😬

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: tanstaafl

So you watched a few dozen push their narratives and that comes out to a "large number"?

It does when you take into account the fact that they all say the same thing: that no one was allowed to enter anything into VAERS. Multiply that out... if you can do maths...

Many are pushing fear porn,

Yes, you are...

and others are like you.

Speaking truth? Yes, there are many of us who are still sane.

Have you every heard of sampling? It is very accurate, so that is why I said that either they are all lying while supporting it, or they actually got it and support it.

Sampling? You mean like, observational studies that simply ask you questions?

Ever heard of lying? You think a Doctor who was asked if he had gotten the jab, but faked it, would answer that question honestly?
edit on 11-2-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
Who knows, maybe they just have different ways of handling the data.

Tbh and from a purely selfish point of view the more docs and nurses get the jab the better I’ll sleep, since I’ve had 2 of shots 😬

Didn't Britain use a different vaccine at first that had some issues? Maybe that started the whole thing off in a negative way.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

That’s right, we used Astrazeneca, an adenovirus vector vaccine, as opposed to mRNA. However, it later transpired that it can cause myocarditis in a tiny % of individuals (I think the young were at greater risk of this). Being in my 50s I probably don’t qualify as young.

I reluctantly had the first 2 AZ shots; not being an mRNA vaccine I thought on the balance of risk back in early 2021 I’d go ahead. I’m not saying that mRNA vaccines are malign. But imo until we have long term study data they are, in that respect at least, a gamble.

Once the myocarditis issue started getting headlines AstraZeneca was phased out. Now for the 3rd booster shot it’s Pfizer. Having already rolled the dice with AZ and moreover having not yet had any mRNA gene therapy injected, and with omicron hopefully pointing towards covid’s demise the balance of risk dictates that I don’t get the 3rd booster.

As for those poor folk that got adverse reactions from AZ, their families should at least be significantly compensated by the government, if not the pharma corp. But I’m guessing that won’t happen.

No doubt AZ’s bad publicity may have deterred medical staff, as well as the public from being vaccinated. But surely if anyone is qualified to see that AZ and Pfizer are completely different technologies it would be those medical staff, yet they still refuse the jab, so their apprehension isn’t down to AZ’s adverse reaction.

Be interesting to see data on NHS staff uptake of non-covid vaccines among those refusing the covid vaccine; what % are simply vaccine adverse, or covid vaccine adverse?

Also, I’ve no idea of the true demographic breakdown of those NHS workers not being vaccinated. You said in the US it’s not the front line workers and on the msm here we hear about it being ethnic minorities who don’t trust the state due to years of mistreatment. I’m not sure that theory holds much water and sounds more like a convenient narrative piggy-backing the BLM zeitgeist in order to paint their choice as ignorance rather than informed. Surely those working in a medical environment, whatever their role, are more informed than the majority of the public.

There’s a popular piece of footage that went round in the U.K. a month back of Boris Johnson visiting a covid hospital ward and being told by a senior doctor that he wasn’t getting the 3rd booster shot (the doctor wasn’t, not Boris) because he already had antibodies from being infected. I can’t recall if it was explicit, or inferred that he believed the vaccine was riskier than the virus, but that inference is indeed present, or else why not get the booster anyway?

The bbc ministry of truth tried to debunk the doctor by declaring he got some numbers or dates wrong, but these details didn’t change the logic and rationale for his decision, which he went on to reiterate (I think this incident has it’s own thread somewhere on ATS). It was clear this doctor believed the msm mantra that the vaccines were perfectly safe was BS, or else, as I said, why not take the vaccine despite having covid antibodies if there’s no risk?

I’d be more inclined to credit medical staff with more intelligence and assume that many of them have declined the vaccine for reasons similar to that doctor who spoke up.

edit on 12-2-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

That’s right, we used Astrazeneca, an adenovirus vector vaccine, as opposed to mRNA. However, it later transpired that it can cause myocarditis in a tiny % of individuals (I think the young were at greater risk of this). Being in my 50s I probably don’t qualify as young.

Now as we come forward over a year it seems the viral vector vaccines that are closer to the older method has had the vast majority of the issues, especially with blood clots and myocarditis while mRNA has been the Boogieman.

I reluctantly had the first 2 AZ shots; not being an mRNA vaccine I thought on the balance of risk back in early 2021 I’d go ahead. I’m not saying that mRNA vaccines are malign. But imo until we have long term study data they are, in that respect at least, a gamble.

I know the whole "long term study" thing is a huge driving point for many I have asked over and over how long does someone feel is needed? Where do we do it with humans, Africa lol? Has not every vaccine been in the same situation without anyone screaming there is no long term study? You see that the initial statement seem logical, but when you apply it that is when it just falls apart as there is no way to actually do it to the satisfaction of the people screaming for it.

Once the myocarditis issue started getting headlines AstraZeneca was phased out. Now for the 3rd booster shot it’s Pfizer. Having already rolled the dice with AZ and moreover having not yet had any mRNA gene therapy injected, and with omicron hopefully pointing towards covid’s demise the balance of risk dictates that I don’t get the 3rd booster.

I'm not a booster fan unless a variant comes along that starts to be extremely deadly, then I'll get a booster. Risk to reward right? I'm also not a fan of healthy people under 35 getting it, once again risk to reward.

As for those poor folk that got adverse reactions from AZ, their families should at least be significantly compensated by the government, if not the pharma corp. But I’m guessing that won’t happen.

No doubt AZ’s bad publicity may have deterred medical staff, as well as the public from being vaccinated. But surely if anyone is qualified to see that AZ and Pfizer are completely different technologies it would be those medical staff, yet they still refuse the jab, so their apprehension isn’t down to AZ’s adverse reaction.

Agree 100%. Its the old fool me once shame on me, fool me twice... Though mRNA is totally different the situation is the same.

Be interesting to see data on NHS staff uptake of non-covid vaccines among those refusing the covid vaccine; what % are simply vaccine adverse, or covid vaccine adverse?

Also, I’ve no idea of the true demographic breakdown of those NHS workers not being vaccinated. You said in the US it’s not the front line workers and on the msm here we hear about it being ethnic minorities who don’t trust the state due to years of mistreatment. I’m not sure that theory holds much water and sounds more like a convenient narrative piggy-backing the BLM zeitgeist in order to paint their choice as ignorance rather than informed. Surely those working in a medical environment, whatever their role, are more informed than the majority of the public.

That there lies the problem, is there really a huge number of doctors that didn't get it? Looking at the states you have 99%+ doctors getting it, about 90% of nurses, and then it slowly drops off to all other professions to as low as 30% in some cases. Minorites in the states are close to the lowest percentages, and the ones hit the hardest with the mandates, inflation and being high risk in many cases. If I wanted to play the reverse WOKE game I could put forth a logical argument that the liberals are conspiring to destroy minorities, but being evil or stupid can lead to the same results, and so I'll just put them in the stupid category.

I’d be more inclined to credit medical staff with more intelligence and assume that many of them have declined the vaccine for reasons similar to that doctor who spoke up.

But that kind of falls back to my point that we would have a situation where they are pushing it on the public while secretly not doing it themselves, and that is evil. Though I think we can all agree there are evil people mixed into all of this I will not suggest 100,000 of medical people are also evil.

edit on 12-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Xtrozero
So either they got the shots and openly promote others to get it too, or they all faked getting the shots while still openly promote others to get the real one... They would have some really sick minds if they did the second scenario.

I know there are a very large number of doctors that do not promote the jabs. In fact, the only ones that likely didn't get jabbed and are promoting them are the likes of Fauci.

But to address your point... no, the actual, real doctors - you know, the ones who treat patients, not the fake ones that used to be doctors but switched to being businessmen (like Fauci, those running the hospitals and large medical organizations, and so-called doctors working for big pharma, as well as the govt agencies that are supposed to be overseeing them, etc) - who faked getting the shots would not be promoting the shots, that would be insane.

There's plenty of pictures of people getting fake jabbed like politicians. The needle cap is still on or they don't aspirate the needle. Or they do it way faster than normal.

People get fake shots all the time as part of various studies, it's called a placebo, and it's typically a real shot with something harmless in it. It looks and feels completely real (because it is, except for the substance being injected), and in a double blind study even the person giving the shot doesn't know that it's not real.

If politicians were getting fake shots, wouldn't it make about a million times more sense simply to inject them with a placebo?

It would look 100% real, and be next to impossible to prove that it was fake.

Everything that you're suggesting is less likely, and more risky, than simply injecting them with a vitamin shot. So I'm calling BS on it.

I'm also calling BS on the grounds that a lot of these people are liberals who actually believe in the shot and who actually want to get it.

If you were a liberal politician and you were told that you would be getting a covid shot, but you got poked with a needle that didn't break the skin, surely you'd be publicly demanding and explanation.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

It's all about definitions if it is an experimental vaccine. Which the insurance companies claim it is. there is no way a top politician would be allowed to take the real shot.

posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

MSNBC/NBC is slamming these Vaccine-related illness reports really hard today as "Unfounded Conspiracy theories".

For them to pick this subject means there's likely a REAL connection between the Covid vaccines and the increase in mysterious illnesses and deaths.

Remember, when the MSM uses the Conspiracy Theory verbiage (like they did with Hunter, Election fraud, etc., ) it's probably TRUE. Not a "theory".

posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: carewemust

First, you are a tin hat conspiracy theorist, then they brought out fake news. Which the conspiracy theorist guy was pushing. Always attacking the source to discredit the information. The facts in this argument have been discarded, either for ongoing profit or a more malicious purpose. The trouble with facts is that they never go away, As more people realize that they are pushing this vaccine, After it is shown to be at best ineffective, those pushing it will have troubled lives from now on, they have to double down to the point where they have to believe their own BS. You can see it on this site.

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