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Asian Americans target of Hate Crimes .

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posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Madviking
You do realize that the media redacts the race of the offenders when it's black people, on a regular basis don't you? You do realize, if you are highly aware of media coverage, that this is a normative practice right?


Not every news organization is American or follows American rules. The one of mine that you're commenting on is British. And there's a photo; one of the ones the cops used in "identify this perp, please" news releases.

Also, the news redacts race in most cases. White, Latinx, space aliens from Regulus, etc, etc.

It's become it's own meme, "if they don't mention the race of the attacker or criminal it can be assumed not to be white." Are you aware of this media bias?

I take it that you didn't read through the sources or look at Table 1?

By the way, race and ethnicity are tracked in crimes and police departments report them to the national crime statistics (Bureau of Justice Department's Statistics page) So if you know where to ask for the stats, you can find them easily enough.

Sure it varies by country and media source (especially abroad), but in the US they almost always cite the race if white, to match the narrative, and redact the race if it doesn't match the narrative. This can be demonstrated, but one has to become aware of this pattern first. This single fact doesn't mean that white people aren't engaging in hate crimes, but instead that their race is highlighted more when they do.

Did you ignore the data in NYC I posted? I'm posting it again here:

Per the FBI statistics, did you know those stats show that the rate of hate crimes as a function of population percentage is disproportionally black? Speaking of your stats. They are overrepresented. This is an inconvenient fact, that leads to narratives such as "well it's still internalized whiteness (...)." Per capita, black people are engaging in more hate crimes than white people, again as a function of population.

We can interpret this in different ways, and there are cogent explanations for this, but we must first admit the data.

Of the 6,780 known offenders:

55.1% were White
21.2% were Black or African American
15.7% race unknown
Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders.

edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Byrd

It probably is mainly Trump supporters who use terms like " China Virus " or " Kung Flu " , I mean after all they are a " Basket of Deplorables" aren't they ? But that is neither here nor there is it , Because most of the attacks on Asian Americans are carried out by African Americans strangely enough . Which of course you completely neglected to mention .

Strangely enough, African Americans aren't doing most of the attacks on Asian Americans. See the links in my previous post (and those contain links to raw data... so... you can check for yoursel.)


The Asian guy in the OP source says otherwise.

As well as the stats for violent assaults in NYC and SF, what this thread was about.

And the 500-1000% increase in one year.

So why bury them in unrelated fbi stats?

Because "Asian guy" may only have information for himself or his buddies or his home town.

Not America.

'Asian guy' is one of those abused by both violent democrats and legal system democrats, is suing the legal system democrats, and is what the OP was based on in the first place.

I'm not going to repeat his name here, in fear that it would open him up to even more attacks from democrats.

Specifically about the recent massive increase in black on Asian violent hate crimes in NYC and SF.

Upset that I simply ignored the useless fbi stats being pushed as part of the democrat party propaganda effort?

Then please discuss the 1000% increase in black on Asian violent hate crimes in NYC over the past year.

edit on 27-1-2022 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Madviking

The fbi stats are also heavily laden with things other than violent assaults on strangers.

Completely irrelevant to the sudden spike of violent assaults on Asians in blue cities, but a pretty effective method to HIDE the trend.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: Madviking

The fbi stats are also heavily laden with things other than violent assaults on strangers.

Completely irrelevant to the sudden spike of violent assaults on Asians in blue cities, but a pretty effective method to HIDE the trend.

Yeah, and there are questions about their methodology.

My NY Post article, which cites the NYC hate crimes report, said a majority of perpetrators were people of color not white.

Now, it could be that this sample doesn't represent all of the US, sure.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: Madviking

The fbi stats are also heavily laden with things other than violent assaults on strangers.

Completely irrelevant to the sudden spike of violent assaults on Asians in blue cities, but a pretty effective method to HIDE the trend.

Yeah, and there are questions about their methodology.

My NY Post article, which cites the NYC hate crimes report, said a majority of perpetrators were people of color not white.

Now, it could be that this sample doesn't represent all of the US, sure.

I see no evidence that this massive increase is happening anywhere except large blue cities, and I've been looking for it elsewhere.

My response was intended for another user, who is using unrelated fbi stats in an attempt to claim that there is no such increase in violent black on Asian hate crimes in those cities.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: Madviking

The fbi stats are also heavily laden with things other than violent assaults on strangers.

Completely irrelevant to the sudden spike of violent assaults on Asians in blue cities, but a pretty effective method to HIDE the trend.

Yeah, and there are questions about their methodology.

My NY Post article, which cites the NYC hate crimes report, said a majority of perpetrators were people of color not white.

Now, it could be that this sample doesn't represent all of the US, sure.

I see no evidence that this massive increase is happening anywhere except large blue cities, and I've been looking for it elsewhere.

My response was intended for another user, who is using unrelated fbi stats in an attempt to claim that there is no such increase in violent black on Asian hate crimes in those cities.

Ah okay, well to the point you're making, we discuss as society ad nauseum white racism and hate crimes. Contrary to social justice activists claims that we "aren't having a frank discussion about racism," we do all the time in society.

However, they are ignoring inter-minority hate crimes and prejudice, except as I noted in the dark recesses of obscure academic research departments.

From the NY Post article, for posterity:

Last week, the NYPD published its hate-crimes report for the third quarter, and the results are troubling. Not that you will hear much about it from “social-justice” types. The incidents involved often defy the left’s neat racial narratives, forcing normally vociferous progressives to go mum.

Start with the anti-Semitism. Over the last 12 months, there were 246 ­anti-Semitic crimes in the Big Apple, up from 144 over the previous 12 months. The number of anti-Semitic assaults jumped to 33 in 2018, up from 17 in 2017, and is on pace to rise again this year, with 19 in just the first half of the year. These attacks brutally target Orthodox Jews, often in broad daylight in Brooklyn neighborhoods that are home to the community.

Then there’s the anti-LGBT violence. The most recent quarterly report tallies 20 incidents, bringing the total number of attacks over the past 12 months to 63, up from 48 in the previous 12 months.

Finally, there’s the anti-Muslim violence, most of which goes ­unreported (and isn’t well-captured in the report as a result). Yet it is possible to track trends by paying attention to local news and other city agencies. Many of the attacks on this community take place in the Bronx.

In January, for example, there was an attack on a Muslim father walking his daughter home from school. Then in May, a young Muslim woman was accosted while taking a bus home from a college event. Four young men harassed her and then beat her up as she exited, resulting in $4,000 in medical bills.

According to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, black Muslim women are at a “notably high risk for bias-motivated assaults,” with 1 in 5 women experiencing physical assault.

Regardless of the victims’ identity, perpetrators too often escape justice. The attackers in the January anti-Muslim case were only caught because the mother of one of them turned in her 14-year-old son. The Muslim woman beaten up this spring, meanwhile, had to track down street-camera footage on her own before police would pursue the case, having initially dropped it after she failed to make an identification.

Yet there is little pressure on the NYPD from activists who are normally quick to denounce hate crimes and bigotry. What explains this silence? The perpetrators have been disproportionately black.


Teen charged with hate crime for 'Slave for sale' Craigslist post
As the investigative reporter ­Armin Rosen pointed out in Tablet, “many of the [anti-Jewish] attacks are being carried out by people of color with no ties to the politics of white supremacy.” As he noted, even in cases where no one is caught, video footage overwhelmingly shows minority attackers. Blacks comprised seven of the nine anti-Jewish hate-crime perpetrators arrested during the third quarter.

In the most recent report, blacks comprised 24 of the 34 (71 percent) perpetrators arrested for all hate crimes. After reaching a high of 61 percent in the second quarter of 2018, the black share consistently declined to 14 percent in the second quarter of 2019 but has now shot back up. The NYPD doesn’t account for this odd oscillation, though one wonders if there is a political component to this, as well.

Black perpetrators are especially prominent in anti-LGBT crimes, comprising 10 of the 12 arrested for those crimes in the latest quarterly report. Overall, since the beginning of 2017, blacks comprised 56 percent — 61 of 108 — of those ­arrested for anti-LGBT hate crimes.

Yet to hear progressive politicians, you would think that skinheads and white supremacists are the only source of bigoted violence in the United States. In a ­recent essay on anti-Semitism, for example, Sen. Bernie Sanders framed the problem as one having entirely to do with far-right, white-supremacist ideology. To be clear, those ideologies are heinous, and we need to remain vigilant against them.

But in many urban areas, the problem is complicated by the fact that many of the perpetrators themselves are minorities. Just because facts make us uncomfortable, however, doesn’t mean we should ignore them.

The social-justice community must take hate-crime stats seriously — even when the crimes aren’t committed by white ­supremacists. We must find the courage to look at the warts in the black community before bigoted violence escalates even further.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Madviking
You do realize that the media redacts the race of the offenders when it's black people, on a regular basis don't you? You do realize, if you are highly aware of media coverage, that this is a normative practice right?


Not every news organization is American or follows American rules. The one of mine that you're commenting on is British. And there's a photo; one of the ones the cops used in "identify this perp, please" news releases.

Also, the news redacts race in most cases. White, Latinx, space aliens from Regulus, etc, etc.

It's become it's own meme, "if they don't mention the race of the attacker or criminal it can be assumed not to be white." Are you aware of this media bias?

I take it that you didn't read through the sources or look at Table 1?

By the way, race and ethnicity are tracked in crimes and police departments report them to the national crime statistics (Bureau of Justice Department's Statistics page) So if you know where to ask for the stats, you can find them easily enough.

Sure it varies by country and media source (especially abroad), but in the US they almost always cite the race if white, to match the narrative, and redact the race if it doesn't match the narrative. This can be demonstrated, but one has to become aware of this pattern first. This single fact doesn't mean that white people aren't engaging in hate crimes, but instead that their race is highlighted more when they do.

Did you ignore the data in NYC I posted? I'm posting it again here:

Per the FBI statistics, did you know those stats show that the rate of hate crimes as a function of population percentage is disproportionally black? Speaking of your stats. They are overrepresented. This is an inconvenient fact, that leads to narratives such as "well it's still internalized whiteness (...)." Per capita, black people are engaging in more hate crimes than white people, again as a function of population.

We can interpret this in different ways, and there are cogent explanations for this, but we must first admit the data.

Of the 6,780 known offenders:

55.1% were White
21.2% were Black or African American
15.7% race unknown
Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders.

the fbi with comey and way and company? they wouldn't lie. lol.

don't forget the most dangerous of all, white hispanic jews!
edit on 27-1-2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:37 PM
Friends at various companies in NY relate that this phenomenon is being taken VERY seriously. Classes and training are being organized to help those of Asian descent spot potential dangerous situations and avoid them.

Most of these training resources are being organized by leadership groups /outside/ the D&I org charts, which in reality should be on their plate, and oddly, it's been described to me that the Asian voices seem to stand quite solitary in calling out this clear threat to their community, again, the core D&I management at these companies have gone rather silent on the matter.


posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Byrd

It probably is mainly Trump supporters who use terms like " China Virus " or " Kung Flu " , I mean after all they are a " Basket of Deplorables" aren't they ? But that is neither here nor there is it , Because most of the attacks on Asian Americans are carried out by African Americans strangely enough . Which of course you completely neglected to mention .

Strangely enough, African Americans aren't doing most of the attacks on Asian Americans. See the links in my previous post (and those contain links to raw data... so... you can check for yoursel.)

Ha ha ha ha ha

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened
Friends at various companies in NY relate that this phenomenon is being taken VERY seriously. Classes and training are being organized to help those of Asian descent spot potential dangerous situations and avoid them.

Most of these training resources are being organized by leadership groups /outside/ the D&I org charts, which in reality should be on their plate, and oddly, it's been described to me that the Asian voices seem to stand quite solitary in calling out this clear threat to their community, again, the core D&I management at these companies have gone rather silent on the matter.


That's because the DEI groups largely are very ideological, and hard left within the current framework of western leftist identity politics.

edit on 29-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

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