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Asian Americans target of Hate Crimes .

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posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: Byrd

So, in your mind, Trump calling the virus by its traditional naming conventions, is somehow causing all the black on Asian assaults in NYC?

Sounds pretty absurd to me.

Maybe democrats shouldn't have changed the virus naming convention at the insistence of ccp.

Then Trump probably wouldn't have seen the need to repeatedly call it the China Virus.

I have said before that your choice of information sources is not very accurate, and I'm afraid you got that from a site that assumes its readers are too stupid to google "how do they name viruses?"

So here's what you would have found if you asked that question:

Viruses are named based on their genetic structure to facilitate the development of diagnostic tests, vaccines and medicines. Virologists and the wider scientific community do this work, so viruses are named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).

You can check for yourself that this is true. SARS was wasn't called SARS because it came from Sarsyl-vania. MERS wasn't given that name because it came from Ferry-Across-The-Mersey. And then there's bird flu, swine flu, Chikungunya (which isn't a place but a word meaning "bent")... and so forth. All named within the past 40 years.

Mind you, they weren't "named" by Donald Trump. They were named by the scientists who name viruses.

And you did provide a perfect example of my point.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Byrd

so it's mainly black Trump supporters who picked up on the Asian hate thing. Odd.

Erm.... that's your conclusion after reading the thread?


Certainly wasn't mine. I said nothing about ethnic identity of anyone, only remarked that Democrats elected far more Asians than Republicans did and noted that the problematic phrasings that are being shouted by attackers are phrases used here on ATS... but not by Democrats.

I don't know the ethnicity of people here on ATS who use those words. I'm a little skeptical about the idea that our users who favor those terms are overwhelmingly Black, but if you have data to the contrary, I'd be interested in seeing it.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
There are some truly bizarre voting trends with American minorities. For example, how in the hell does the party which so openly disparages Israel also manage to have 70% of the Jewish American vote locked down? That makes literally zero sense.

They (generally) live in communities exclusive to themselves.

**Deleted War Story**

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Byrd

so it's mainly black Trump supporters who picked up on the Asian hate thing. Odd.

Erm.... that's your conclusion after reading the thread?


Certainly wasn't mine. I said nothing about ethnic identity of anyone, only remarked that Democrats elected far more Asians than Republicans did and noted that the problematic phrasings that are being shouted by attackers are phrases used here on ATS... but not by Democrats.

I don't know the ethnicity of people here on ATS who use those words. I'm a little skeptical about the idea that our users who favor those terms are overwhelmingly Black, but if you have data to the contrary, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Let's look at the facts, the large percentage of Asian hate crimes are being conducted currently by Black people. A majority of them vote Democrat. That doesn't mean the specific individuals are Democrat/liberal leaning, but it's quite a stretch to attempt to claim this is a Republican or Trump issue. I could use fallacious reasoning like so many, that due to their voting patterns "by golly it's a Democrat issue."

I'm aware you present yourself as a skeptic or intellectual on ATS (I've been lurking for years). However, the false claims that this is all due to "white supremacy" and Trump's rhetoric, when inter-minority racism and hate crimes extend back years, is nothing but faux-intellectual, partisan hackery. The white supremacy angle is just ideology.

As they say on ATS, "deny ignorance." You are smart. Check your ideology at the door.
edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: didntasktobeborned
this is going to be unpopular. i find the way this is worded to be, im sorry, but its offensive.
first, the blanket term 'Asian' , as the continent of Asia is huge..maybe its just me. I believe what is being referred to as 'Asian', are actually what I consider People of The Orient..and the commentary generalizing races of people and thier 'traits'..such as.."i love Asians, they are this and that, and black people are this way while jews are different still." Wow. Just wow..who are the real racists? I see the governments of the orient as completely seperate from the People. Though the governments and people are closely tied.

Why is there any type of hate crime? Because there are hateful people.

The reply that commented on 'Asian' buisness owners being fearless concerning where they will operate was ALMOST a decent non racist asessment. A for effort there.

Yes, but that's how the media and left refer to racial groups too. "White people do x, white people have no culture. Asians are victims of hate crimes. Blacks feel this and that." Can you remind me the last time that a leftist didn't refer to White people with one sweeping gesture, rather than Germans versus Swedes versus Irish, etc? Do you extend your critique to all racial categories? If you do, then I agree with you.
edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Madviking

i absolutely extend it to all racaial/ cultural categories. Cant be any other way. These broad sweeping gestures as you so aptly put it, do nothing but strengthen lines of division and foster inequality. Hate is hate.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:34 AM
Then why is Kamala Harris being presented as an African American?

They seem to shift her identity based on what is most politically expedient.

The reason it's being referred to as the "China flu" is because the media and Fauci tried to minimize the connection to China and Wuhan, and CCP malfeisance. They lied, they covered up, they obscured the gain of function research by Fauci and Ecohealth in partnership with the Wuhan lab (which was illegal), and even allowed flights out of Wuhan to Europe while closing down flights in China from there. Pelosi et al were calling Trump a racist for shutting down flights from hotspots, and telling people to ignore any precautions (including masks on the subway or not attending Chinese New Year celebrations) immediately before Covid blew up. I know, I was in NYC at the time.

George Takei is an extremist, partisan hack. He has besmirched his legacy with his politicaly absurdities, including about vaccine mandates and demonizing the unvaxed. For all those people who claimed they were "antifascist" under Trump, so many are seemingly flashing the real totalitarian and oppressive colors. So many wanting to destroy the careers of the unvaccinated, stop them from accessing public spaces, censor their opposition across major problems. I don't know, kinda fashy over there.

Actor George Takei, famous on Twitter for his us-vs.-them rhetoric, urged hospitals to treat unvaccinated COVID patients last. “The willfully unvaccinated who wind up in hospitals from COVID should not receive priority medical care over other very sick or injured people who are as much in urgent need of medical care.”

a reply to: Byrd

edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:39 AM
Then we are in agreement. Yes. The issue as you know is this how the reductionist narrative goes in the US. "Asians, blacks, whites," etc.

originally posted by: didntasktobeborned
a reply to: Madviking

i absolutely extend it to all racaial/ cultural categories. Cant be any other way. These broad sweeping gestures as you so aptly put it, do nothing but strengthen lines of division and foster inequality. Hate is hate.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Byrd

so it's mainly black Trump supporters who picked up on the Asian hate thing. Odd.

Erm.... that's your conclusion after reading the thread?


Certainly wasn't mine. I said nothing about ethnic identity of anyone, only remarked that Democrats elected far more Asians than Republicans did and noted that the problematic phrasings that are being shouted by attackers are phrases used here on ATS... but not by Democrats.

I don't know the ethnicity of people here on ATS who use those words. I'm a little skeptical about the idea that our users who favor those terms are overwhelmingly Black, but if you have data to the contrary, I'd be interested in seeing it.

it's probably just my imagination.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Asians, you know the "Other" Minority that is never the center of Conversation .

I understand why the Left ignores Asians , They defy all the common stereotypes of a Minority that the Left just loves to beat there drums over . Asians require no special governmental attention to Run a successful business , nor do they overwhelmingly live in poverty , nor do they require special assistance to get into good schools quite the opposite in fact most schools limit the Number of Asians they intake.

Asians are very family oriented , Disciplined and they Don't complain or Blame others for there Problems , and many Asian Americans came to America to escape an oppressive Communist regime , So don't look for many Asians to be voting Democrat at the polls.

But this targeting of Asian Americans I do find kind of odd , Correct me if I'm wrong but in the Past I don't recall Asians being the Target of hate crimes . Now I suppose you could blame Covid-19 as the culprit for this irrational hate , but I think it runs a little deeper than that because the Asian hate crimes started before the Wuhan Flu hit .

Humor me here my little conspiracy theory , I think it's possible that Asians are being targeted by Left extremist groups i.e. 'Antifa ' and 'BLM ' it's possible these attacks are being carried out under orders .

These Groups are very antisemitic and Asians are very similar to Jews in many ways , Just a Theory .

Except when we were at war with Japan and Vietnam. Do those hate crimes count or is that ancient history unrelated to modern prejudice? Let's also briefly note the fact that many Americans not so secretly blame China for the pandemic and quite publicly for communism.

And out of curiosity, what exactly do Asians have especially in common with Jews in your esteemed opinion? For the sake of discussion.

edit on 27-1-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Byrd

You don't seem to be following the Twitter and Facebook accounts of George Takei, or perhaps you didn't notice that Kamala Harris is Asian-American ( link ) or Tammy Duckworth (who's Vietnamese-American) or any of this bunch of politicians -- only around 1/4th are Republicans I don't think you've made a very good case there.

Oh mate you got me there I do not Follow Twitter or Facebook for anything at all Left or Right , Aside from the Fact that Twitter is complete Chaos filled with nothing but Trend followers and Facebook Fact checkers by there own admission in court said there " Facts" are actually opinions .

" Perhaps I didn't notice Kamala Harris is Asian "" Please God tell me your Joking First they run her as a Black Woman now she is Asian or Pacific Islander when it suits her . Mate If she is Asian then I'm a Cherokee Indian and an Australian Aboriginal get out of my conversation with your soap box bull .

Pointing out the exception to the Rule does not make your case mate , though you Lefties love to stand on the Exception like it's the over whelming majority.

You haven't read the news stories about this, I see. I read a number of news sources. The attacks recently very often have the aggressor shouting "Wu-flu" and and "kung flu" and so forth. If you'll scan ATS for "Chinese flu" and "Wu-flu" and similar remarks, you'll see a lot of the same labels that are being used to attack the victims.

I said very clearly in my Post that Covid-19 is a possible motivation for these attacks , but I also said that this irrational Asian Violence started before Sars-Cov19 . And as far as people yelling Racist things before a Racist attack , I'm not sure why you find that surprising ? I'll say it again the point of this post is to find out the reason for the 600% uptick in Asian Hate crimes.

So next time you see someone on ATS refer to the "china virus" or "kung flu" or similar, you might want to speak up for the Asians and insist that these names be dropped because they're racist and encourage violence. You know... to prove that it's not the Republicans and Trump supporters who are calling Covid by these names. That it's the Evil Democrats who are somehow disguised as Trump supporters who are passing around these labels that make people tired of the lockdown angry at Asians. You'll be one of the ones stopping this behavior, right?

It probably is mainly Trump supporters who use terms like " China Virus " or " Kung Flu " , I mean after all they are a " Basket of Deplorables" aren't they ? But that is neither here nor there is it , Because most of the attacks on Asian Americans are carried out by African Americans strangely enough . Which of course you completely neglected to mention .

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Madviking

I'm aware you present yourself as a skeptic or intellectual on ATS (I've been lurking for years). However, the false claims that this is all due to "white supremacy" and Trump's rhetoric, when inter-minority racism and hate crimes extend back years, is nothing but faux-intellectual, partisan hackery. The white supremacy angle is just ideology.

As they say on ATS, "deny ignorance." You are smart. Check your ideology at the door.

Deny ignorance... here's the statistics

Allow me to quote

A new report out analyzing the race of suspects in anti-Asian attacks found in 184 incidents analyzed, news articles identified 89% of the suspects as White.

The report relied on information culled from news accounts. The authors from the University of Michigan’s Viral Hate Project reviewed 4,337 stories connected to 1,023 unique incidents.

You can look up the guy responsible for a series of 31 incidents (destruction of property) against Asians in San Francisco. You can see the security camera photo of him in action at this news story

I don't believe he identifies as Black.

Or scroll down to Table 1 in this paper summarizing years of statistics

So that's where I get my information from (and FBI crime stats, etc.)

...and your sources are...?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Byrd

It probably is mainly Trump supporters who use terms like " China Virus " or " Kung Flu " , I mean after all they are a " Basket of Deplorables" aren't they ? But that is neither here nor there is it , Because most of the attacks on Asian Americans are carried out by African Americans strangely enough . Which of course you completely neglected to mention .

Strangely enough, African Americans aren't doing most of the attacks on Asian Americans. See the links in my previous post (and those contain links to raw data... so... you can check for yoursel.)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Except when we were at war with Japan and Vietnam. Do those hate crimes count or is that ancient history unrelated to modern cultural prejudice?

Your right that's a Fact , But the 600% uptick in Asian hate is a Fact as well .

And out of curiosity, what exactly do Asians have especially in common with Jews in your esteemed opinion?

They are a small mostly independent wealthy minority in America that does not lean on the Government for anything at all.
edit on 27-1-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Madviking

I'm aware you present yourself as a skeptic or intellectual on ATS (I've been lurking for years). However, the false claims that this is all due to "white supremacy" and Trump's rhetoric, when inter-minority racism and hate crimes extend back years, is nothing but faux-intellectual, partisan hackery. The white supremacy angle is just ideology.

As they say on ATS, "deny ignorance." You are smart. Check your ideology at the door.

Deny ignorance... here's the statistics

Allow me to quote

A new report out analyzing the race of suspects in anti-Asian attacks found in 184 incidents analyzed, news articles identified 89% of the suspects as White.

The report relied on information culled from news accounts. The authors from the University of Michigan’s Viral Hate Project reviewed 4,337 stories connected to 1,023 unique incidents.

You can look up the guy responsible for a series of 31 incidents (destruction of property) against Asians in San Francisco. You can see the security camera photo of him in action at this news story

I don't believe he identifies as Black.

Or scroll down to Table 1 in this paper summarizing years of statistics

So that's where I get my information from (and FBI crime stats, etc.)

...and your sources are...?

Those stories identified the race of the suspects in just 18 percent of the incidents. In those incidents, the stories identified 165 of the offenders as White and 10 as Black.

You do realize that the media and some government agencies redact the race of the offenders when it's black people, on a regular basis don't you? You do realize, if you are highly aware of media coverage, that this is a normative practice right? Did you know they often group Hispanics in with whites for these stats, obscuring the data on "hate crimes by white people?"

This is one of many examples. Now, you can agree with these practices, but at least admit it's occuring.

Transport bosses refuse to release surveillance footage of a rash of train robberies on the BART to 'avoid racist stereotyping of suspects'
BART told its board of directors in a memo it wasn't releasing video of robberies
There have been three high-profile incidents in recent months, including one where about 60 young people boarded a train and robbed at least seven people
BART official Kerry Hamill said: 'Elevation of crimes on transit interfaces with local media in such a way to unfairly affect and characterize riders of color'

Last week, the NYPD published its hate-crimes report for the third quarter, and the results are troubling. Not that you will hear much about it from “social-justice” types. The incidents involved often defy the left’s neat racial narratives, forcing normally vociferous progressives to go mum.

Start with the anti-Semitism. Over the last 12 months, there were 246 ­anti-Semitic crimes in the Big Apple, up from 144 over the previous 12 months. The number of anti-Semitic assaults jumped to 33 in 2018, up from 17 in 2017, and is on pace to rise again this year, with 19 in just the first half of the year. These attacks brutally target Orthodox Jews, often in broad daylight in Brooklyn neighborhoods that are home to the community.

Then there’s the anti-LGBT violence. The most recent quarterly report tallies 20 incidents, bringing the total number of attacks over the past 12 months to 63, up from 48 in the previous 12 months.

Finally, there’s the anti-Muslim violence, most of which goes ­unreported (and isn’t well-captured in the report as a result). Yet it is possible to track trends by paying attention to local news and other city agencies. Many of the attacks on this community take place in the Bronx.

In January, for example, there was an attack on a Muslim father walking his daughter home from school. Then in May, a young Muslim woman was accosted while taking a bus home from a college event. Four young men harassed her and then beat her up as she exited, resulting in $4,000 in medical bills.

According to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, black Muslim women are at a “notably high risk for bias-motivated assaults,” with 1 in 5 women experiencing physical assault.

Regardless of the victims’ identity, perpetrators too often escape justice. The attackers in the January anti-Muslim case were only caught because the mother of one of them turned in her 14-year-old son. The Muslim woman beaten up this spring, meanwhile, had to track down street-camera footage on her own before police would pursue the case, having initially dropped it after she failed to make an identification.

Yet there is little pressure on the NYPD from activists who are normally quick to denounce hate crimes and bigotry. What explains this silence? The perpetrators have been disproportionately black.

Teen charged with hate crime for 'Slave for sale' Craigslist post
As the investigative reporter ­Armin Rosen pointed out in Tablet, “many of the [anti-Jewish] attacks are being carried out by people of color with no ties to the politics of white supremacy.” As he noted, even in cases where no one is caught, video footage overwhelmingly shows minority attackers. Blacks comprised seven of the nine anti-Jewish hate-crime perpetrators arrested during the third quarter.

In the most recent report, blacks comprised 24 of the 34 (71 percent) perpetrators arrested for all hate crimes. After reaching a high of 61 percent in the second quarter of 2018, the black share consistently declined to 14 percent in the second quarter of 2019 but has now shot back up. The NYPD doesn’t account for this odd oscillation, though one wonders if there is a political component to this, as well.

Black perpetrators are especially prominent in anti-LGBT crimes, comprising 10 of the 12 arrested for those crimes in the latest quarterly report. Overall, since the beginning of 2017, blacks comprised 56 percent — 61 of 108 — of those ­arrested for anti-LGBT hate crimes.

Yet to hear progressive politicians, you would think that skinheads and white supremacists are the only source of bigoted violence in the United States. In a ­recent essay on anti-Semitism, for example, Sen. Bernie Sanders framed the problem as one having entirely to do with far-right, white-supremacist ideology. To be clear, those ideologies are heinous, and we need to remain vigilant against them.

But in many urban areas, the problem is complicated by the fact that many of the perpetrators themselves are minorities. Just because facts make us uncomfortable, however, doesn’t mean we should ignore them.

The social-justice community must take hate-crime stats seriously — even when the crimes aren’t committed by white ­supremacists. We must find the courage to look at the warts in the black community before bigoted violence escalates even further.

edit on 27-1-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:29 PM
Oh. Whups. Almost forgot...

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Byrd
I said very clearly in my Post that Covid-19 is a possible motivation for these attacks , but I also said that this irrational Asian Violence started before Sars-Cov19 .

If you do some searching, you will find that the Asian Americans reporting this are all saying that the uptick has come from people correlating Chinese (hence, Asians because most non-Asians can't tell the difference) with Covid.

The report isn't talking about things as if it's new.... it's talking about a jump in these statistics.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Byrd

It probably is mainly Trump supporters who use terms like " China Virus " or " Kung Flu " , I mean after all they are a " Basket of Deplorables" aren't they ? But that is neither here nor there is it , Because most of the attacks on Asian Americans are carried out by African Americans strangely enough . Which of course you completely neglected to mention .

Strangely enough, African Americans aren't doing most of the attacks on Asian Americans. See the links in my previous post (and those contain links to raw data... so... you can check for yoursel.)


The Asian guy in the OP source says otherwise.

As well as the stats for violent assaults in NYC and SF, what this thread was about.

And the 500-1000% increase in one year.

So why bury them in unrelated fbi stats?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Madviking
You do realize that the media redacts the race of the offenders when it's black people, on a regular basis don't you? You do realize, if you are highly aware of media coverage, that this is a normative practice right?


Not every news organization is American or follows American rules. The one of mine that you're commenting on is British. And there's a photo; one of the ones the cops used in "identify this perp, please" news releases.

Also, the news redacts race in most cases. White, Latinx, space aliens from Regulus, etc, etc.

It's become it's own meme, "if they don't mention the race of the attacker or criminal it can be assumed not to be white." Are you aware of this media bias?

I take it that you didn't read through the sources or look at Table 1?

By the way, race and ethnicity are tracked in crimes and police departments report them to the national crime statistics (Bureau of Justice Department's Statistics page) So if you know where to ask for the stats, you can find them easily enough.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: Byrd

It probably is mainly Trump supporters who use terms like " China Virus " or " Kung Flu " , I mean after all they are a " Basket of Deplorables" aren't they ? But that is neither here nor there is it , Because most of the attacks on Asian Americans are carried out by African Americans strangely enough . Which of course you completely neglected to mention .

Strangely enough, African Americans aren't doing most of the attacks on Asian Americans. See the links in my previous post (and those contain links to raw data... so... you can check for yoursel.)


The Asian guy in the OP source says otherwise.

As well as the stats for violent assaults in NYC and SF, what this thread was about.

And the 500-1000% increase in one year.

So why bury them in unrelated fbi stats?

Because "Asian guy" may only have information for himself or his buddies or his home town.

Not America.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Mate that study is looking at only 184 incidents between 2020 and 2021

There have been thousands of incidents in that time frame , so why only look at that particular 184 ?

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