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Asian Americans target of Hate Crimes .

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posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: TheAlleghenyGentleman

It’s not that asians are suddenly targeted.

Why do people target asians? People are stoopid and want a visible tangible target. It is easier to bash an elderly asian than it is Pelosi or Jim Jordan. Burn all the politicians.

You are correct. As an Asian American I can go on all day on this topic. My husband was shocked the first time he witnessed it. If you don’t live it or see it first hand a lot of it sounds crazy! When Covid came out I was targeted at a small shop. Three men vs me. I got out quick.
I’ve said it before, my son is a very large tall strong man, (looks similar to Jason Mamoa) nobody has EVER called him a racial slur, or picked a fight with him, funny that!

PS. Last time someone told me to go back to China I told them they go, my family was here and helped George Washington, we are as American as it gets! They didn’t have a comeback.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just curious, have you ever had any of that trouble when in a group of Republicans?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just curious, have you ever had any of that trouble when in a group of Republicans?

Yes absolutely, racism against Asians is equal opportunity.

Whites - Republicans & Democrats
From other Asians

Personally I never experienced it from Hispanics!

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just curious, have you ever had any of that trouble when in a group of Republicans?

Yes absolutely, racism against Asians is equal opportunity.

Whites - Republicans & Democrats
From other Asians

Personally I never experienced it from Hispanics!

I am VERY sorry to hear that.

I've never witnessed anything even remotely like that among Republicans, or I'd likely have a few more teeth scars on my knuckles.

It certainly wouldn't be tolerated by anyone I know, and I lived near you most of my life.

edit on 27-1-2022 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

It certainly wouldn't be tolerated by anyone I know, and I lived near you most of my life.

I live in a very Republican dominated area, you would not believe the things said to me or about my children.

-Go back to China - this is an all time fav of racists. (Ps. I’m not Chinese!)
-Ching Chong
-Being called Corona / Covid
-Being told they have crayons in my kids color.
-How do I speak so well
-Being asked if I work at a Chinese Restaurant
-My all time fav, being told to go back across the border. I guess some can’t tell Asians/Mexicans apart.

PS. In almost all the above I was minding my own business and these things were said to me by Strangers, except for the crayons remark.
edit on 27-1-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Asians, you know the "Other" Minority that is never the center of Conversation .

I understand why the Left ignores Asians

You don't seem to be following the Twitter and Facebook accounts of George Takei, or perhaps you didn't notice that Kamala Harris is Asian-American ( link ) or Tammy Duckworth (who's Vietnamese-American) or any of this bunch of politicians -- only around 1/4th are Republicans

I don't think you've made a very good case there.

Humor me here my little conspiracy theory , I think it's possible that Asians are being targeted by Left extremist groups i.e. 'Antifa ' and 'BLM ' it's possible these attacks are being carried out under orders .

You haven't read the news stories about this, I see. I read a number of news sources.

The attacks recently very often have the aggressor shouting "Wu-flu" and and "kung flu" and so forth. If you'll scan ATS for "Chinese flu" and "Wu-flu" and similar remarks, you'll see a lot of the same labels that are being used to attack the victims.

But, here... let me show you what Asian Americans are saying... source: Fox News

"The xenophobia caused by Trump's rhetoric calling it the China virus and kung flu has created animosity against Asian Americans," he said.

And here's the Conservative British news Guardian

The attacks have shaken Asian immigrant communities already struggling after a year of pandemic-related challenges, including racist taunts of “kung flu” or “China virus” and economic devastation for Chinatowns and other immigrant communities – and four years under an administration whose trade war with China fueled xenophobia

So next time you see someone on ATS refer to the "china virus" or "kung flu" or similar, you might want to speak up for the Asians and insist that these names be dropped because they're racist and encourage violence.

You know... to prove that it's not the Republicans and Trump supporters who are calling Covid by these names. That it's the Evil Democrats who are somehow disguised as Trump supporters who are passing around these labels that make people tired of the lockdown angry at Asians.

You'll be one of the ones stopping this behavior, right?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

It certainly wouldn't be tolerated by anyone I know, and I lived near you most of my life.

I live in a very Republican dominated area, you would not believe the things said to me or about my children.

-Go back to China - this is an all time fav of racists. (Ps. I’m not Chinese!)
-Ching Chong
-Being called Corona / Covid
-Being told they have crayons in my kids color.
-How do I speak so well
-Being asked if I work at a Chinese Restaurant
-My all time fav, being told to go back across the border. I guess some can’t tell Asians/Mexicans apart.

PS. In almost all the above I was minding my own business and these things were said to me by Strangers, except for the crayons remark.

I know the area you live in pretty well, are you sure those aren't democrats? There are a lot of them going through that area every day, including many adult children of your neighbors.

You would obviously know better than me, since I'm not Asian, but its hard to fit your experiences with mine on this issue. Maybe they only turn juvenile racist when I'm not around? That is certainly possible since most folks know I won't tolerate certain things.

Hope the nonsense stops, either way.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: Byrd

So, in your mind, Trump calling the virus by its traditional naming conventions, is somehow causing all the black on Asian assaults in NYC?

Sounds pretty absurd to me.

Maybe democrats shouldn't have changed the virus naming convention at the insistence of ccp.

Then Trump probably wouldn't have seen the need to repeatedly call it the China Virus.

Glad to see that Wuhan-19 didn't kill you yet.

Naming conventions.

And brainwashing.

Not racism.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

You would obviously know better than me, since I'm not Asian, but its hard to fit your experiences with mine on this issue. Maybe they only turn juvenile racist when I'm not around? That is certainly possible since most folks know I won't tolerate certain things.

I don’t think you know what area I live in because what you are describing is not accurate for this area.

Of course it isn’t your experience, if you aren’t Asian. People say some weird stuff.
I could never know what people say to Gay people because I’m not one, but I can imagine, but could I really understand unless I lived it?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: Byrd


AKA China Virus.

I'll call it by it's proper name whenever I damn well please.

That is NOT a call for black folks to start assaulting any more Asians in SF or NYC.

In case democrats are confused about that.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Maybe I'm thinking of a different user.

Just hard to believe that people I call friend would ever do anything like that.

Very possible that they just keep their bad behavior away from me though.

Most people think I'm LEO if they don't know me, and people that know me, know better than to do anything like that when I'm around.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: Byrd

Right AFTER democrats start properly calling it wuhan-19, or tell us why 200 years of naming convention had to be immediately changed because Trump.

Or why using the two century old naming convention equals Trump is a racist xenophobe.

Your nonsense and propaganda has consequences.

This is one of them.

Deal with it.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just curious, have you ever had any of that trouble when in a group of Republicans?

Yes absolutely, racism against Asians is equal opportunity.

Whites - Republicans & Democrats
From other Asians

Personally I never experienced it from Hispanics!

Interesting, I just ran to the convenience owned by a Sri Lankan (hope I spelled that right) family that moved to our small rural town about a year ago and brought up this discussion. 'Everyone' also assumes they are Chinese.

I like to shop late at night so I've gotten to know the father a little.

His comments were surprisingly similar to yours, with a few exceptions. He said they moved here from LA after the shutdown madness and verbal assaults his family was getting from many blacks and some whites (his words), and after a family friend was beaten badly by a group of young blacks for no reason (not a robbery or feud).

But never from Hispanics. He also stressed this.

(Perhaps they all had decent mothers?)

He said he also had problems with 'republicans' in LA, but not here. In this town he said everyone he's met is like me, friendly and curious. Said his kids love the school here and have made many friends, but in this heavily Hispanic area, most kids assume that his kids are also Hispanic.

Not many other Asians here I can ask, but it's starting to sound more like rural vs urban?

And Hispanics know better?

Would that fit with your experience or am I off base with just 2 examples?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: asabuvsobelowSo don't look for many Asians to be voting Democrat at the polls.

They overwhelmingly vote D. 63% voted Biden.

I'm surprised that still persists.

However, Asian populations also overwhelmingly reside in blue urban areas such as San Francisco, LA, and NYC. That may explain some of that. My friends in those locations majority vote Democrat too.

Well, most of my Asian American buddies grew up in corn/potato town in the mid-west or down south and most of them are diehard conservative types, and the rest are apolitical as eff.

Regardless, I don't think skin color has as much to do with how people vote, but the communities and cities they live in.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Byrd

so it's mainly black Trump supporters who picked up on the Asian hate thing. Odd.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Byrd

so it's mainly black Trump supporters who picked up on the Asian hate thing. Odd.


They ain't black if they didn't vote for joe.

Corn Pop said so.

They must be white-blacks.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 06:41 AM
i can't say i'v seen any malice towards east asians,in my fairly long life. south east asians might elicit a comment here and there since 9/11.

right now i'm in the middle of a spat between my 2 good friends. we've known each other for 60 yrs. one is jewish the other is german and sryian.

i'm a redneck italian. we made quite the comb,o called each other every name in the book. when we were young.

anyway one was called a cheap jew. by the other. it hurt him. so i blasted 'chuck" for doing it. i told him to apologize or i'd bust a knee cap with an axe handle.

back to the op. i think it was like back in school between the jocks and the nerds. jocks would show their dominance with bullying because they knew they weren't as smart. jocks weren't shown up on the field but were, in the classroom.

there are outliers of course, a lot of them but between the minorities none wants to be on the bottom so violence is used to dominate. trying to make shortcomings feel not so bad. bring back lobotomies for murder.

well, writing this post is 25 mins i'll never see again.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: asabuvsobelowSo don't look for many Asians to be voting Democrat at the polls.

They overwhelmingly vote D. 63% voted Biden.

I'm surprised that still persists.

However, Asian populations also overwhelmingly reside in blue urban areas such as San Francisco, LA, and NYC. That may explain some of that. My friends in those locations majority vote Democrat too.

Well, most of my Asian American buddies grew up in corn/potato town in the mid-west or down south and most of them are diehard conservative types, and the rest are apolitical as eff.

Regardless, I don't think skin color has as much to do with how people vote, but the communities and cities they live in.

That was my point, I stated it had to do with the majority living in these Blue urban areas. My non-Asian friends in those locations also majority vote Democrat.

Asian population top 10 states

Here are the 10 states with the largest Asian population:

California (6,551,732)
New York (1,839,680)
Texas (1,565,746)
New Jersey (923,811)
Washington (812,035)
Illinois (808,038)
Hawaii (802,551)
Florida (734,880)
Virginia (664,348)
Massachusetts (516,599)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: sarahvital

i can't say i'v seen any malice towards east asians,in my fairly long life. south east asians might elicit a comment here and there since 9/11.

I don’t doubt that, the problem is that people think because they don’t see it, that it doesn’t exist, which isn’t true.
Asians also don’t like to make a big deal over things. The problem is now elderly are being violently attacked and now it is a major problem.

Growing up I was taught, let them call you names, let them hate you for how you look, let them hate, and ignore it all….just study study study… you will be their boss, their landlord, you will have more money, you will look younger, etc. I will say this, Asians parents were the best at pep talks when it came to that stuff.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:17 AM
this is going to be unpopular. i find the way this is worded to be, im sorry, but its offensive.
first, the blanket term 'Asian' , as the continent of Asia is huge..maybe its just me. I believe what is being referred to as 'Asian', are actually what I consider People of The Orient..and the commentary generalizing races of people and thier 'traits'..such as.."i love Asians, they are this and that, and black people are this way while jews are different still." Wow. Just wow..who are the real racists? I see the governments of the orient as completely seperate from the People. Though the governments and people are closely tied.

Why is there any type of hate crime? Because there are hateful people.

The reply that commented on 'Asian' buisness owners being fearless concerning where they will operate was ALMOST a decent non racist asessment. A for effort there.

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