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FOIA docs reveal Pfizer shot caused avalanche of miscarriages, stillborn babies

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posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: AaarghZombies

What you don't seem to understand is that what we've been "seeing", what is "shown" to the public is very much a deception. The most obvious proof of that is the widespread censorship of any medical expert who strays from the official narrative.

The Powers That Be within the medical industrial complex, and that surely includes a complicit media, suppress and deny all data that contradicts the narrative you defend so often.

This has been a brilliantly planned and executed deception. Some of us are aware of that, some of us have not yet figured it out.

And what you haven't understood is that it would literally take well over a million highly professional people in well over 100 countries to be complicit in order to even start doing what you are suggesting.

The censorship isn't proof of a conspiracy, its proof that censors will censor things. The same people are censoring depictions of smoking in anime, what conspiracy does that prove?

The fact of the matter is that Tel Aviv would be calling this genocide if it were real. Why would they do something that could spell the doom of an entire people. The US can lose a couple of million people and replace them with immigrants to make up the numbers, in Israel even a small drop in the birth rate would be like handing the keys over to Iran.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Your number of 1 million is pure speculation, and likely grossly inaccurate, but that world leaders have participated in the Plandemic has been well established by the facts and evidence discovered by Reiner Fuellmich of Germany and David Martin here in the US.

I suspect criminals within the Tel Aviv government are included.

This has been done by way of The World Economic Forum and its leader Klaus Schwab, operating since about 1972. Trudeau of Canada and Ardern of New Zealand are acolytes of Schwab.

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Your number of 1 million is pure speculation, and likely grossly inaccurate, but that world leaders have participated in the Plandemic has been well established by the facts and evidence discovered by Reiner Fuellmich of Germany and David Martin here in the US.

I suspect criminals within the Tel Aviv government are included.

This has been done by way of The World Economic Forum and its leader Klaus Schwab, operating since about 1972. Trudeau of Canada and Ardern of New Zealand are acolytes of Schwab.

A million is actually a really Conservative estimate. In the US alone every city would have it's own set of people handling the data, as would every county. This would be reported to a team at the state level which would publish their own data which would also be reported to the CDC and then to the WTO. In the US alone this is over 100, 000 people who could blow the whistle. Now expand it to every country that reports covid statistics.

In Israel because of the way that the system is structured you cannot just corrupt a couple of people and get them to change a few numbers on a spreadsheet before they email it out to the WTO, you would need to change the data in every single area individually, if one single area authority did not have their data changed it would stand out.

The leaders of the Kibbutz are notoriously over protective and notoriously nationalist. If even one of them thought that the shot was causing miscarriages the would blow the whistle.

The people that you mentioned made a few accusation but offered no actual proof. They were unable to back anything up.

Answer me this, why do Israel and Iran, hated enemies, would possibly be in this together.

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