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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:32 AM
Donning my Analysist Hat...
I have spent a lot of time wondering about the very high compliance rate of the Jewish population in taking the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. In the U.S. the compliance rate is over 80% and in Israel they are on to jab # 4 with enthusiasm, so what is going on here?
Albert Bourla, [Pfizer] is Jewish so he is one of their own and he is from Israel. Bourla and his vaccine product would be much more readily accepted by the people because of trust and nationalistic pride.
Bourla was no ordinary fool. He charged Israel much more for the vaccines than the U.S and the rest of the world but that made it even more attractive and he ensured that they were the first to secure the vaccines. He also set up the Israeli Experiment where his own people would serve as the clinical trial subjects and he would have access to the real world data via the Israeli health system. He even ensured that he had a placebo group, the Haredi Jews who are ultra conservative.

The Haredi Jews limit their exposure to the media and are far less likely to take a vaccine and they have very large families so lots of children and their reactions to exposure to Covid.

Tyres on the Greg Gutfeld Show on Friday night had part of the answer and that was through his discussion about how the BLM vicitimized their own people. They rioted, burned down parts of cities and destroyed many black owned business, essentially harming their own people all for $$$.
He expressed verbally and non verbally his real disappointment and disgust at how the leaders profiteered off of the movement buying expensive jewelry, fancy cars and expensive real estate and returning nothing to the black people but harm.

Now to relate that to Bourla and it is essentially the same. He has no real care or concern for his own people. They are just a tool to be used in his quest for power, prestige and of course the $$$. He has leveraged his position of control over access to the most important thing for people Life Or Death itself, regardless that the vaccine is plagued with problems.
He has been made the king and all world leaders have to come to him and beg for the vaccines. He is in such a powerful position that he can leverage the price of the vaccines at his whim, in other words making or breaking countries. The level of power he now exerts also makes him a King Maker because by denying or providing leaders with the miracle drug he effectively determines who will be made or destroyed.

Now the BLM movement is being dragged from the dark into the light. The same needs to happen with Albert Bourla and Pfizer- BioNTech. The Israeli people need a big, bright spotlight on him!
Hat off.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: Caled
Am I the only one that thinks it is weird that we have two significant happenings today and suddenly someone is filling up the thread with shenanigans?

You think Ron Watkins being outed as Q is 'shenanigans'? The guy is a nitwit and he got exposed. Years of following this dunderhead's inane breadcrumbs has gotten everyone where exactly? Other than duping some LARP'ers into storming the Capitol that is.

edit on 20-2-2022 by AugustusMasonicus because: dey terk er election

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT
We did enjoy it, especially the geography. I have always wanted to see the pyramids and the sights in Egypt. Of course I got some ribbing about being a Poirot in training.
I did not care for the choice of music and I do tire of the constant insertion of the LGB agenda and then of course the race, race, race mantra.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: IAMTAT
We did enjoy it, especially the geography. I have always wanted to see the pyramids and the sights in Egypt. Of course I got some ribbing about being a Poirot in training.
I did not care for the choice of music and I do tire of the constant insertion of the LGB agenda and then of course the race, race, race mantra.

Thanks...I've been a Poirot fan since reading every AC book as a kid...Suchet is still my favorite, though Branagh is growing on me.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:45 AM

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT
I would like some other people to be in the theater though. It is always fun to compare with others as to who they thought were behind the dasterdly deed and how they could have gotten away with it.
Imagine going to a concert with no one there. Doesn't have the same vibe does it?

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: IAMTAT
I would like some other people to be in the theater though. It is always fun to compare with others as to who they thought were behind the dasterdly deed and how they could have gotten away with it.
Imagine going to a concert with no one there. Doesn't have the same vibe does it?

I haven't been to the theater since the China Virus...what with not wishing to infect all those good "vaccinated" citizens with my despicable unvaccinated self.

As for 'whodunits?' They're never a challenge for me....I am always Poirot...and never wrong.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell
Pluto's cute as far as planets/plutoids go


posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
Just for fun.. who is Jeffrey Sprecher and how does he play a roll in 911, The BP oil Spill and profiting off of the Covid-19 Plandemic..

He's definitely an interesting character for sure; his wife too.

Enter the...

Thomas Pynchon already told us who did 9/11 and we just need to figure out how to read the clues.

The book disguised as a 2013 novel is a detective story, with its major themes being the 9/11 attacks and the transformation of the world by the Internet in this very complex novel.

This one a lot of people know about, but the Crying of Lot 49 came out in 1966, which is extremely early to feature a Nazi psychiatrist handing out psycheldic-[D] and doing MKUltra experiments...

The Church Committee would reveal some of the truth about MK Ultra in 1975, with much of it still obscured, and while portions of Operation Paperclip came out in 1946 and following decades, the true scope of that is also still unclear.

Lolita came out in the US in 1958, when Pynchon and Vladimir Nabokov were both at Cornell, and of course it was a huge sensation; there's no way Pynchon didn't read it leaving aside his intuition, one thing Nabokov understood was that if you really value certain things, you don't just come right out and say them. In fact, if you set them up as puzzles and require work from the reader, then...

...that reader will actually deeply value the thing they were required to work to understand. These were insights Nabokov drew upon from his chess puzzles, his love of literature, and Lepidoptery. One of his students at Cornell was RGB.

Pynchon paints quite a sinister picture of dentists in multiple novels, mainly Vineland and Inherent Vice. Probably our greatest living author (US at least) is that he takes Nabokov's insight and applies it to "Things that actually matter" and makes large, elaborate puzzles out of his novels, that never, ever have straightforward "answers" and in his words, “Why should things be easy to understand?”

There's really no shortage of brilliant people who have tried to take on Pynchon before, like the late Crypto Cuttlefish and the D/C guy and so on, academics, and all the Pynchon Wiki people.

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." - William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun.

Pynchon is a man that understands the importance of history.

“Not me, paranoia’s the garlic in life’s kitchen, right, you can never have too much.”

In his book Bleeding Edge, Bill Gates alias is Gabriel Ice, but also the "Eighth Circle" in Dante Alighieri's work; signaling the dual persona disassociation.

AMBOPEDIA = AMerican BOrderline PErsonality DIsorder Association.

And also, in the book he has a female character "Loeffler" which just so happens to be a familiar name...

Another character from "Bleeding Edge" book is a "Czornak"...Really now, setting off alarms, you don't say...

...And also an uncommon spelling for that surname. Also, duly noting that K Czornak was studying the potential for Human Cytomegalovirus to cause glioblastoma...NIH. Russell Targ's daughter was also studying glioblastoma when she contracted glioblastoma and died from it.

The 2013 book is also a deep, complex science rabbit hole which I've said long ago that 9/11 is DIRECTLY connected to the planscamdemic of 2020.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:06 PM
Second point of the triangulation reached,,, 2-20-2022. Folks may have noticed a very stressful last 24 hours, with a release this AM. Two'sday will be the completion. Hang on.

Moving on.

Interesting piece... Key takeaway might be here...

Now, everything in this piece is the exact same language used about Vlad, exactly, to the letter. Make of that what you will.

So back to my first line... super duper duper odd Qoinkydink that this happens at junction two of the two triangulation,,, isn't it?

If you've ever wondered "why the hell can't that stupid reporter just keeping asking the question to get an answer, as some point they have to answer, right?"

Boris Johnson refuses 17 times to answer questions about Downing Street lockdown parties

Boris Johnson refused 17 times

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Caled
Am I the only one that thinks it is weird that we have two significant happenings today and suddenly someone is filling up the thread with shenanigans?

You think Ron Watkins being outed as Q is 'shenanigans'? The guy is a nitwit and he got exposed. Years of following this dunderhead's inane breadcrumbs has gotten everyone where exactly? Other than duping some LARP'ers into storming the Capitol that is.

Maybe you STILL haven't bothered to read the Ray Epps thread?

Those were Nancy's folks doing the convincing on j6, NOT Watkins.

Or 'Q'.

But I don't buy the monkey as 'Q', not intelligent enough to pull off even small larps for more than a couple months at a time.

Not possible for him to be 'Q', whether larp or not.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:20 PM
It is truly remarkable to see "history" being rewritten in real time. As horrifying as it is, it reveals both that history is all fake, and how the Controllers can overwrite our OWN EXPERIENCE with enough eneMedia force and enough EMF, ULF end beyond manipulation. They are working overtime to prove these have always been a thing, no vaxx connection at all.

I've said for sometime, the minions went all in, set too many fires, and now they are all burning uncontrolled. They cannot course correct, as such the above and this reflect the trouble ahead for them. Could Clif's reading be right, where the harmed and damaged folks drag these minion goons and ghouls from their offices because they have zero to loose?

These are an AI polarity product. No human is involved in these sorts of things as this point, so while amusing, they simply expose more of the flaws in the AI 1/0's system.

Team Joe doing their best, the problem is the minions also have the mind control "stfu idiot's I'm so sick of politics, none of this matters, can we just move on already..." response to this stuff being pointed out. Somewhere in a speech Vlad pointed this very thing out about the west degeneracy, cannot find the clip.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Remember Ezra Cohen Watnick?

The Ezra Cohen Watnick General Flynn placed into position.

Remember that interview he gave addressing "QANON" after he left public service?

some quotable noteables

Cohen, who specializes in countering influence of foreign adversaries like Russia and China, says the persistence and sophistication of some of those involved in QAnon have convinced him of a foreign presence in the movement.

“In my professional opinion, being in the intelligence world, it really appeared to be a foreign state actor or a very organized operation,” he said. “I just don’t see that level of sophistication as just an amateur thing.”

Cohen also discovered that someone hacked into an old Hotmail account he no longer used and sought to use it verify other accounts. The intruder then used it to set up a meeting for Cohen with former National Security Agency employee Bill Binney, who has claimed that the hack of the Democratic National Committee in 2016 was an inside job and was not orchestrated by Russia as the intelligence community concluded


(post by AugustusMasonicus removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:26 PM
2/22/22 a couple of events are taking place that I believe (and hope) will have a significant impact on our current trajectory. One of the things happening is The People's Convoy staging in California:

This will be the first convoy to roll out of about 7 others that I'm aware of (maybe more) that are scheduled to hit DC right in time for Biden's SOTU address, March 1st.
DC is aware and making preparation. If the convoys are successful in their mission and if what's happening in Canada is any indication, then this is the time for America Patriots to get prepared. Now is the time to steel your reserve because they will try to break us.

I know not everyone trusts the motives of these movements. There's concern the convoys will be another J6 operation with the goal of implementing Martial Law and ushering in draconian measures of the NWO. Even if it does turn out to be some government operation or the movement becomes infiltrated, they are still going to use it as the impetus to try and break us. So now is the time to prepare, either way. America is about to take center stage. The world is going to see what True American Patriotism really stands for. This is our time to shine and show the world (and more importantly ourselves) what we are truly made of. The time to come together and stand united is NOW.

The second thing taking place on 2/22/22 that I feel will will be significantly impactful is Physicist Nassim Haramein has a new paper coming out. One that he believes will have profound implications for humankind. He claims his paper does two important things -- one is that it unifies all physics and gives the world a whole new framework. Two is that he can mathematically explain the dynamic between gravitational and electromagnetic forces. We will be able to manipulate the gravitational field similarly to the way we utilize electricity and this will enable us to make quantum leaps in the development of new technology.

Here are a couple videos where he discusses his new paper:

Here's a link to the abstract of his paper that's set to be released on Tuesday.

edit on 20-2-2022 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: dashen


Told you.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

He wore an Oxford shirt with a tie and a q pin to congress.

He is a total mess.

And my biggest question about Watkins being The Mastermind is why did he start this whole thing on a rival website?

Q only moved to 8chan after being repeatedly censored off 4chan
edit on 2 20 2022 by dashen because: Q

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: dashen
And my biggest question about Watkins being The Mastermind is why did he start this whole thing on a rival website?

Hopefully someone asks him on the campaign trail, it would be so epic to corner him like that.

Ron Watkins, this is great.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:40 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: dashen
And my biggest question about Watkins being The Mastermind is why did he start this whole thing on a rival website?

Hopefully someone asks him on the campaign trail, it would be so epic to corner him like that.

Ron Watkins, this is great.

Code Monkey is running for something?

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