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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

a reply to: duncanhidao

I think that WE might be the only Plan.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

But by removing Harris from the VP position, she won't be able to use the 25A against him. From a Jill Biden standpoint moving Harris is a safety play at best.

oddly, on the other hand, Harris could come out the hero of all this by using Joe's appointment as reason to push for a 25A removal. As I said before this appoint meant as well as the Wisconsin voting issue, could be her chance to leave office by not just throwing Joe under the bus, but also by driving the bus as well. The question here is will she allow Joe to be removed, or if asked to be a SCJ will she take that position?

Let's be honest here, if Hillary is somehow made VP, she'll be President after a week or so.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

One of two things….

1) they’ve got a “creative” team that’s making this stuff up as they go

2) they’re releasing every bug they’ve cooked up over in Chyna

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: cherokeetroy

One of two things….

1) they’ve got a “creative” team that’s making this stuff up as they go

2) they’re releasing every bug they’ve cooked up over in Chyna

I believe the white and black hats are playing tit-for-tat in regards to germ warfare. Black hats release Covid and initial variants, white hats release Omicron (cure), so now the black hats are releasing a more deadly strain.

What pisses me off about it is that this was forecasted from the beginning. And I'm not talking about Q. Back during the early days of the pandemic, an anon made a post saying basically exactly this would happen. That they would release several different strains for awhile and push the vax. Then they would release a deadly strain meant to kill many people.

Thing is, with all the vaxxed, their immune systems are weakened big time now. It wouldn't take much to wipe them out. Just a strain that is nominally more deadly than what we have already seen. I fear that those with compromised immune systems are at very high risk.

If this is true, the time is short for the white hats to step in. We better not see a situation where large numbers of people die. I will be pissed of this happens.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

This is overt in Scotland.

Leadership wants the emergency powers to become permanent, and they're going about it in such a way that it won't even be submitted to a vote in the Scottish National Parliament.



posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I am sorry I have no clue what you are talking about...?

Trying to catch up here & still a few pages behind...yes the Snake Handling Churches...
Not sure the only one I can think of with the same 1st & letters the same is Catholic?
I never heard of them being snake handling, these were deep southern churches & I don't remember
the name. I was going to write a paper on them for a folklore class in high school but me mum wouldn't
take me to the church for observation cause she said outsiders would be the first person they hand the
rattle snake to...there is an an awesome documentary on it but unfortunately I cannot remember the name
of it cause it's been too long. I found it very fascinating to watch them them handle, dance, & sing while handling
the snake with live music. They believed they were protected & the snake would only bite evil people.
I am not sure if they were also the ones that drank battery acid or some weird concoction for communion.

Many crazy things go on the Appalachians, some of it is interesting cause it makes one think how & why they
believe & do things no one else would even ponder.


edit on 2812022 by Ektar because: remembered subject

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: Ektar

Aren't the snake handlers pentacostal? The church with the same letters as Catholic is Church of Christ. Dunno why someone would make that cryptic and not just say it. 😂

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Anyone who is a true 'white hat' or just one of the good guys isn't going to deploy a deadly weapon and risk having innocent blood on their hands. If the vaxxed have compromised immune systems as speculated then even a 'mild' strain can be deadly. Good guys allow the bad guys to expend their ammunition or put a stop to it. They're not going to get caught up in the fray.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: gmx0010110
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Anyone who is a true 'white hat' or just one of the good guys isn't going to deploy a deadly weapon and risk having innocent blood on their hands. If the vaxxed have compromised immune systems as speculated then even a 'mild' strain can be deadly. Good guys allow the bad guys to expend their ammunition or put a stop to it. They're not going to get caught up in the fray.

Well, you got the creator of the mRNA vaccines saying Omicron appears to be lab created and is superior to the vaccines. So I don't know. A lot of people are saying that, actually. Q warns that not everything will be clean.
edit on 28-1-2022 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 04:50 AM
Last of Dan

What does it remind you of ? (sec 0.7) 😎
edit on 28-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

Does the 7-day countdown begin?
edit on 28-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
Just catching up....
So African continent, which only has 8% of its entire population injected and yet has the lowest death and infection rates is clearly not going along with 'the plan'...... they have to be punished!

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
If that's the case, if white hats are playing around with these viruses and spreading them into the populace with no guarantee of the safe outcome of this deranged plan then when it all comes out in the open they'll be seen as murderers too. All the people who've lost loved ones... innocent children... I don't see them accepting the reasoning, "we were just trying to cure you guys".

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:14 AM
Share as much as possible.
Thank you

We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
edit on 28-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:23 AM

“Death to Khamenei” Broadcast on Hacked Iranian-State TV

The Islamic Republic’s state broadcaster was hacked for 10 seconds on Thursday, as the country prepares to celebrate the anniversary of the 1979 revolution. (JPost)

Images of exiled opposition leaders appeared during the brief attack on the airwaves - with the message of “death to Khamenei.”

Iran has blamed both the United States and Israel for the disrupted broadcast.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Thoughtful1

The rumor stems from a resolution introduced on Jan. 25 by state Rep. Timothy Ramthun, R-Campbellsport, in which he alleged Wisconsin's electoral ballots were "certified under fraudulent intent and purpose." For more than a year, Ramthun has falsely claimed Trump won the state of Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election.

Ramthun’s proposal was then referred to the Rules Committee, a move that is required under Wisconsin’s Assembly rules. But Republican Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, chairman of the committee, called the resolution illegal and “plain unconstitutional.”

“As chair of the Rules Committee, there is ZERO chance I will advance this illegal resolution,” Steineke wrote in a Jan. 25 tweet. He also disputed The Gateway Pundit’s claim that a vote took place.

So the video of the Resolution getting voted unanimously was fake?

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: carewemust

Because they don't want to deal with the sh**storm that would wash over them if they had to admit their state voting system is completely corrupted.


Well, it is here now. They are trying to keep it back but the doorway is full of people wanting them to quit pussy footing around about it. The sooner it ends the sooner we can get back to being a nation based on the COTUS and Bill of Rights who have fair elections that the records don't have to be sealed to protect the pre selected winners.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: cherokeetroy

One of two things….

1) they’ve got a “creative” team that’s making this stuff up as they go

2) they’re releasing every bug they’ve cooked up over in Chyna

This all isn’t happening by chance.

This is scripted.

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: cherokeetroy

One of two things….

1) they’ve got a “creative” team that’s making this stuff up as they go

2) they’re releasing every bug they’ve cooked up over in Chyna

I believe the white and black hats are playing tit-for-tat in regards to germ warfare. Black hats release Covid and initial variants, white hats release Omicron (cure), so now the black hats are releasing a more deadly strain.

What pisses me off about it is that this was forecasted from the beginning. And I'm not talking about Q. Back during the early days of the pandemic, an anon made a post saying basically exactly this would happen. That they would release several different strains for awhile and push the vax. Then they would release a deadly strain meant to kill many people.

Thing is, with all the vaxxed, their immune systems are weakened big time now. It wouldn't take much to wipe them out. Just a strain that is nominally more deadly than what we have already seen. I fear that those with compromised immune systems are at very high risk.

If this is true, the time is short for the white hats to step in. We better not see a situation where large numbers of people die. I will be pissed of this happens.

Except SARS-Cov-2 is not deadly. It has a 99% survival rate. Deadly would be a virus that has a 25-50% mortality rate.
If you were going to control the population at a higher level than now, more fear will get you there. You need a virus that will kill 10 to 20% of the population and it definitely needs to kill the old, young and those with failing health. What you are left with is the “bell curve” of the population and out of fear alone they will follow. You also wouldn’t use a virus that mutates too quickly. You would use a germ, a biological, that is engineered to NOT mutate. You would slow role the vaccination. Then kill it off but always use the idea of mutations to keep control. You would have a few engineered strains to release from time to time to keep control….just saying.

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