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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

When is the last time medical science has found a CURE for something major? A whole lot of monkeys and other animals (incl humans?) have been sacrificed in the name of "medical research".

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:02 AM

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Another thought on this: "What if she does want it passed through?"

She doesn't seem to be happy with being a number two, and I think she realizes that wanting isn't the same as having. I wonder if she'll go ahead with allowing a recount to take place just so she can blame Biden and leave her position with the air of doing the right thing.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Got em!

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:20 AM
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring.


posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:34 AM
💥💥💥 🇨🇦 💥💥💥

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
I recall reading that the pioneers who lived on their own in the wilds with the native tribes in the Midwest would not be disturbed by the Indians because they are taught to stay away from crazy people. You are on to something Dash. I realized in my youth it worked on bullies too when I let them know I could find them not looking and it was going to be hell to pay. After they realized I might just get them back no one wanted any of that. I was a runt. I had to do something. It propelled me into wrestling that didn't end until an injury in college.

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: GUGLiL

My method is to stay one level crazier than the

Love this. Love the meme. And it’s truth. It’s how I’ve survived my own little journey.

Use what’s known about dissociation and compartmentalizations within our mind to create a mind that can’t be figured out…. Can’t be read.

Keep it in a state of chaos that can only be controlled by the programmer.


posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:02 PM
Wisconsin Narrative Hijacking... They are worried...
Another coincidence. The #1 opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal today ...The Best Summary of the 2020 Election.
WILL [Wisconsin Institute for Law and Order] summary was that "the election was not secure, but not stolen, with suburban Republicans splitting tickets to defeat Trump. What are the odds that this is published right when Wisconsin is moving forward over the issue of election fraud?

Biden won the state by less than 21,000 votes. WILL did a rough review of the election and found:
1. Only .2% of absentee ballots were rejected compared to previous elections of 1.35%. The plandemic created a huge increase in the number of absentee voters who were not required to mail in their ballots but could use drop boxes.
2. Drop boxes, illegal, may have increased Biden's votes by 20,736. There was no chain of custody.
3. Non profit linked to Mark Zuckerberg donating a troubling $10 million WILL estimates it lifted Biden's votes by 8000.

Just adding 8000 + 20,736 = 28,736 results in a loss for Biden. That is not even including all of the fraudulent ballots introduced via absentee voters.

WILL only did a hand count of 20 thousand ballots, 1 thousand from 20 wards. Hand counting does not even take into account ballots that were illegitimate. Problems with addresses, it is claimed that they were just missing the city, state or zip code but with only 1000 ballots examined from each ward how could they pick up on the duplicate street addresses.

Lol, Lol, Lol...Trump did not complain until he lost the election!

Prior to the 2020 election WILL had sued the Wisconsin Election Commission trying to have 234,000 voters removed over address issues and had not been successful since everything was on the line to seal the steal.

Wandering over to Twitterverse - WILL@WILAWLiberty the same summary of the election results, not secure but not stolen.
Seems that this Twitt account is not secure and appears to have been stolen. Is Twit using black check marks now instead of blue???
Regardless they did not merit either. We now have the fake narrative.

Wandering over to WILL founder Rick Esenberg there seems to be little information about him but...>opinion>column>rick-esenberg-...
No information is available for this page. Really? Click..."Their target is a lawsuit filed by WILL which seeks to force Wisconsin Elections Commission to take certain steps to deactivate outdated registrations of people who have moved- and are no longer eligible to vote at addresses at which they are no longer registered."< A new tactic to hide information. I've seen it a few times now cropping up.

[Sorry for the mess up with the colors].>wiki>Wisconsin_Institute_fo...>joe-biden-wins-wisconsin_thanks...>Opinion>Review&Outlook

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
That is one way of saving face since she is so far out of her league. She may be incompetent but she is not a fool. This will be worth watching.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao
Thank you for posting that. We have so many friends in Canada that have been really suffering. So many have been forced one way or another to take the vax against their wishes. Some have already received their 4th jab!
It won't be long before there will be some serious food shortages so lets hope and pray that this breaks the back of the Trudeau government.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Psychopaths create the system and the system creates psychopaths. It's a self perpetuating cycle that no one seems willing or able to break. The truth is we all fall somewhere on the spectrum. You have to be a little crazy in order to survive this global insane asylum

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: dashen

Meme related to senator Chuck Grassley's numerous corn statements somehow?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: gmx0010110

They need to come up with a cancer vaccine. The demand that they want will naturally be there. No need to Gin it up artificially with lies and fear.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

1 - We were complaining about illegal activities in Wisconsin long before election day. At least a year BEFORE the election.

2 - NOBODY has looked at the 200k ballots that were illegally cast with no ID whatsoever by illegally claiming they were 'indefinitely confined'.

3 - Nobody has looked at the 150k+ ballots cast by voters over 118 years old (the oldest person alive in Wisconsin is 109).

4 - democrats illegally deleted the surveillance videos of the illegal activity at the illegal drop boxes illegally funded by twitter.

5 - democrats are still preventing anyone from actually looking at the ballots.

Therefore, withdrawing the Wisconsin electors for cause is the only responsible path remaining.

edit on 26-1-2022 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:37 PM
Repost pic with related story. Again, reverse image search by me found not matching pic to the pool post. Economist posts inverse pic. BorgVerse loses crypto control.

Meta to scrap cryptocurrency initiative amid clash with Fed: report

But from the moment Meta and its partners unveiled plans for a stablecoin in 2019, the idea met resistance from regulators, who expressed concern about letting the scandal-plagued company control a chunk of the global financial system. Zuckerberg defended the project in a contentious congressional hearing later that year.

Despite lawmakers’ opposition, Diem and Silvergate Capital — a fintech bank that was planning to issue the stablecoin — had pushed forward with their plans until they met resistance from the Federal Reserve in 2021, Bloomberg reported Wednesday.

Following several rounds of talks, Fed officials told Silvergate in the summer of 2021 that the central bank could not guarantee that it would allow the Diem project to go forward, according to the report. Silvergate was then left with no way to issue the stablecoin, Bloomberg reported.

Conclusion: Central banks are not going to allow splinter "coin" factions to exist, if DarpaBook can't have them in the BorgVerse then no one can. Shutting down BorgVerse is a signal to others.


NanChi announces she is running again,,, in front of the "Full HOUSE" background.

Any Human Soul that still thinks the world is not constructed on symbols needs to rethink their entire existence at this point - if they are self reflective that is.

29 dems stepping down as of today. Minions being cut loose?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:40 PM

Dr. Gallenberger has been a trainer for the past 30 years at The Monroe Institute and created its popular MC² program to teach PK skills, energy healing, and manifestation.

Full podcast if you're interested.

Or maybe this is your cup of tea. (Lue - Advancing The UFO Reality & Cognitive Human Interface)

Lord have mercy this stuff has really gone full afterburners!

Amidst all the turmoil swirling around the planet, it appears another piece of the official government narrative to establish a new human origins story has been quietly released with little notice by a distracted public and media.

Wow: The Milky Way could harbor earth like bodies that have continents, oceans and maybe even sentient life!
Who knew?

Maybe lots of people high up in government and in secret societies who track this type of information, keep it hidden from the public and then leak it out exactly as John Ramirez [another CIA guy] described months ago as part of a tightly scripted narrative that will eventually become the official account according to those in charge.
Veterans Today

I believe the author is referring to John Ramirez 'Retired CIA Officer' discussing an unclassified meeting he attended about "modern human origins", his personal thoughts on the subject, his own personal experiences, and the UFO connection of him and several colleagues that led to their careers.

Keep in mind "human origins" narrative coupled with WEF/Davos Club, LueUfology, One World religion And NASA theologians that will be brewing throughout the year(s).

'Science' often takes an interest in UFO phenomena (which is a massively huge labyrinth), conducts research and responds in good faith to ufology's requests. The problem is when results are not to the liking of ufologists, they ignore, suppress, shame those results and return to crying about science not taking them seriously on their pseudo-scientism beliefs. Much of the narrative (a new podcast everyday!) is regurgitated stories and science from the 50s-60s repackaged to modernized new age thought, branded by celebrities and sold to the sheep.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: gmx0010110
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
I thought that Flynn knows where the bodies are buried? If that's true then he should have a clue as to why Biden is willing to start WWIII with Russia. It has nothing to do with oil or territory.

If you can't figure out what's going on here you just haven't been paying attention.

Yeah maybe I can't figure out what's going on but from my observation it appears I'm not the only one. All these "anons" who are obsessed with predicting the outcome of all this seem to have a rather shallow understanding of all the moving pieces. I admit that I myself have a shallow understanding but at least I can admit it. I'm not trying to hoax people into thinking I'm some kind of decoding genius or future reading guru.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:50 PM

I'm going to do this one time, so the others can see the truth about you and your deceitful ways.

This is the ORIGINAL tweet, the poster, who is soooooooooooooooooooooo upset about something, decided to fake a tweet to make a point, which fails to make the point entirely because the poster doesn't seem to grasp the point in any way shape or form.

This is a very sad display indeed. I always ignore the poster, I just happened to see shameful neon sign trying to get attention while reading the below post. Sad, truly sad.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood
They have also messed with the Dominion Voting machines. Fraud every which way. I believe that the drop boxes were funded by Mark Zuckerberg but you do raise an interesting point as to what role Twitter has played in helping physically with this voter fraud.
There is suppose to be a retired judge on the Wisconsin Supreme Court that is investigating the 2020 fraud and they are hoping for his results by February. The only thing that the black hats can do right now is delay but they cannot stop what is inevitable.
The entire article was once again we will help and just give a summary and just take our word for this. That might have worked in the past but not so much now.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

When attorney general Barr said everything was good with the election, that took all initiative from every high level legal authority to do anything about evidence presented in every state.

To compound matters, attorney general Garland has sent out warning notices to attorney generals in swing States who may be considering investigating 2020 election results.

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