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When did we start wishing death on our neighbors?

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posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

Been hearing that since Clinton, and I'm talkin' 'bout Bill.

Revolution, civil war, uncivil war, been there, heard that. Nothing ever really came of it.

We're smarter now. No need for a civil war. Pelosi and gang proved that with their over-the-top fearful reactions to the January 6, 2021 protest.

"Citizen arrest" a few top leaders and all the rest will willingly give in.


edit on 12/16/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:45 PM

President Biden wishes a "Winter of Death" upon the 100 million Americans who don't follow his and Dr. Fauci's urgings (threats) to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

The GRINCH is an angelic-saint, compared to President Joe Biden:

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

President Biden wishes a "Winter of Death" upon the 100 million Americans who don't follow his and Dr. Fauci's urgings (threats) to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

The GRINCH is an angelic-saint, compared to President Joe Biden:

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

It looks like the little kid wouldn't let Joe______ and ________ him, so Joe took his present.

Even his grandchild isn't safe. That's too bad.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

My wife and sons are like you; all magnetic arms and mutated.

We have learned to live together, the mutated and the pure.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: lux666

the US history was built on killing the natives living there.

that country has history hating people: italians, irish, african-black, latino, civil war north-south, the woman rights, the poors, etc

the US history, culture, civilization is built on racism.
split and conquer.
fight an enemy an go there: world war I, world war II, 9/11, more than 100 wars in the last century.

the name means United States of America, which means that "United" is an ideal, the utopy.
but the utopy is not reacheable. it is what they aspire, meaning that they are not as one.

the US culture was the inheritance of the UK empire.
Another empire based in conquer, destroy those that you believe as inferior : the Opium war in China, Africa, etc.

and so on if you go back in history...

USA is a country lacking identity, and they find it by making the other less.

the US was not a county base in the mix of races with the natives there ( like the spanish did), the US was built on killing them.

the problem is that they do not accept the other as one at the same level and with the same blessings than you.

this is not inclued in their social system, nor cultural, nor civiliation.

that is why "the privilege card", the "status" matters so much, and the superficiality rules.

and you have houses of $ 500 million usd in los angeles, while at the same time you have thousands of people living in the steet in los angeles, with the government there pushing them out. the goverment dont consider the poors as human beings with rights, government do not value the life of the poors.

no respect for human life.
no love.
no charity.
no compassion.
no care for the others.
believing that the other are less than you
simple ways of hate, racism.

and now vaccines another way to show their racism, their comon enemy: the other, the unvaccinated .

the hell rules while you do not accept the other.

they believe that the money separated you from lower classes. and you worth nothing if you dont have money .as you are not part of them.
from social class during lunch in schools, to the other social circles in the US like job, neighborhoods, clubs, to the tales being tell to kids, etc.

but in other cultures thousand years ago the women and slaves hare more rights than the americans now.

they dont know them.
they are the lambs with need to have an owner.
their need for being part of something: fraternities, clubs, society, money, social networks, likes. retweets, reality shows.
their need to be accepted by the others.

the USA have been trained, teached, inherited, spoken, lived with segegation as normal.

in the USA civilization to find meaning in their lives, as they are seeing the other as excluded ("Not like them"), they need to find and enemy, or if not, they create one.

it is in the core of the USA civilization and what it represents.

This country was not built on killing people living here. "Natives" is rather subjective since they actually came from somewhere else (Like Asia, Southern Americas, Eastern Europe....) and killed each other while fighting each other for land and natural resources. Possible that the Viking were here far before what most deem to be "Natives".

Everything else is a bunch of BS too.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: JAGStorm

People have always secretly wished death upon others.

Now many have an excuse.

Not just an excuse. A platform(s) that feeds into their narcissistic sociopathy.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: vonclod

Looks like the only topic we disagree on is our personal perception

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 08:30 AM
"If you're not your own doctor, you're a fool".

There is now so much information (data) out there, that every opinion can be "correct" (ie. just broaden the data set, and you can find ANY answer you are looking for, or conversely, prove any position wrong). It really just comes down to how much you can invest in your "position".

On top of this, we know "with just a bit more effort" ourselves, that we could also probably find any answer (just google it)... but who has the time or money?... so we fall back on any "source" to sort through the clutter for us (unless you are your own data scientist), which hasn't stung us too much based on our social circles and broader culture, but we also know we can't completely trust it.

This has led to a broad distrust in "other sources" that may have stung us. There can be no common ground anymore between individuals, because of the minutia differences in everyone's individual "data stack" (their opinions), and the inability to manage our own "data selves", without having to do research on "other's" position's for "truth".

Easier to just say "Ahhh... CNN", or "Oh, ATS".

This "position" (the ever growing "misinformation"... or just us creating ever more data) has unfortunately become so pervasive across almost every activity we do, that the distrust has spread all the way down to family and friend level.

As a result, people don't trust themselves anymore, or each other, out of risk of "being wrong", and the subsequent vilification. We can now only trust a collection of easily "verifiable" sources, just in case we are wrong, and have to shift the blame (or risk an "internet attack" that can defame you or worse, there's been many horrible examples, out of no real fault). We have to "protect" ourselves (or our "data") now... quite literally.

Put simply, people don't trust their gut anymore, so we're pretty much all wrong (in some nit-picking way) all of the time.

When we stop trusting our "doctors", who in the end will never have your self-interest over theirs, we will begin trusting ourselves again.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: lux666

the US history was built on killing the natives living there.

that country has history hating people: italians, irish, african-black, latino, civil war north-south, the woman rights, the poors, etc

- snip - the rest of the garbage in this post...

Just... stfu. Please. Stfu.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: tanstaafl


Correct. No.

It's pretty damn uncomfortable to practically have condolences tossed your way when you admit you're vaxxed amid all the vaxxed will die here, vaxxed will be zombies there, vaxx is all for mind control this, vaxxed will get cancer over that ...

So, maybe don't go around sharing your medical history with people you don't know?

Also, such comments still are nowhere even remotely wishing death upon you.

No one might be openly saying they wish you'll die, but it's pretty obvious this is the tactic they take to feel smug about resisting the shot.

Again - it is nowhere near wishing death upon you.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: tanstaafl

No? It's pretty damn uncomfortable to practically have condolences tossed your way when you admit you're vaxxed amid all the vaxxed will die here, vaxxed will be zombies there, vaxx is all for mind control this, vaxxed will get cancer over that ...

No one might be openly saying they wish you'll die, but it's pretty obvious this is the tactic they take to feel smug about resisting the shot.

Nobody is WISHING the vaxxed will die.
But in order to have honest dialogue about these injections (they are NOT vaccinations) must discuss the very real happenings of death that are occurring from them...and the fact that nobody knows any long term efficacy beyond present day....because 1. we are still in an experimental trial phase and 2. see #1....we haven't had trials long enough.

Discussing the very real fact that people very well may have signed over a shorter life is not WISHING death upon others. It is a valid argument. JUST LIKE telling smokers: fine, go ahead and smoke...but you may just end up killing yourself sooner than if you didn't smoke. No difference at all. Its all choice with real possible outcomes.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
If one thing Covid has opened my eyes up to is how much people wish death on others. It is sad, it is shocking (at least for me)

It’s both side.

I see almost daily some form of the vaccinated saying the unvaccinated should die, they shouldn’t be treated if sick, they should be outcast from society. They are saying good luck if you get Covid in a very sassy way as if they are wishing death only to say I told you so.

Then I see the unvaccinated saying that the vaccinated will die from the jab by heart attack, cancer, or just sudden death at either 6 months, 2 years, and I even heard 20 years, lol. Every manner of sickness is being blamed on the jab.

Not me, I want my family, my friends, my neighbors to all live. I don’t care if they are vaxed or not. I actually don’t even want to talk about it. If they ask me, it’s none of their business. I am very passionate about some of the topics surrounding Covid and the vaccine, but death? When did we become like this?

The easiest way to tear a nation apart is to divide and conquer, who in a million years would have known it would have been because of vaccination status?

Honestly, I do not care too much about the vaccinated. Sad, I know, but I'm being honest. God says to turn the other cheek, but I do not care too much about God either.

I've watched this entire thing unfold, and have been paying close attention since December 2019, and I have the utmost contempt towards the vaccinated and the authorities seeking to remove the rights of the unvaccinated and dehumanise them. I've been quiet... Just watching, observing and following THE DATA (which is the real science; follow the data), and my heart has gone cold.

It is they who started this divide. The unvaccinated were not out there pushing their rights, wills or opinions on anyone. We made our choice, quietly. We never seeked to let our voices be the driving force of how people should live and what they can/can't do, what privileges they have, where they can and can't go, if they cat eat, work, feed their families; it wasn't us. All we were asking was for our personal choice to be respected. We never tried to remove other people's personal choice.

They loaded the gun, and pulled the trigger at us. So, to hell with them! I am waiting, patiently...and I will be there to tell them, "I told you so!"...and they will eventually see for themselves (it could be months, or years) that their ignorance was their downfall, and I will dance gladly. No, I will feel no guilt, and no remorse. I will be perfectly okay with it, and myself. I have darkness in myself, and I accept it. I am not evil. I am not villainous. I am simply human, and I support the weaker, the meek, the downtrodden, the poor, the exploited...the underdog. And I am tired of turning the other cheek. No more! To hell with them! The elite have something in store for them, and by the time they realise what it is, it'll be too late...and I'm perfectly okay with that.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
The problem with our social media today is that small group can push an extreme idea and people think it is the thought of a much larger group of people. I have seen over and over the same statement used 100 times and that is the reality of one person making some crap up and it gets reused over and over. If it was all possible I would love to is the timeline of one statement.

As to the unvacced no one should care but themselves, the vaccine is not for everyone or should be. The vaccine is also not the end be all cure, but does help a great deal especially the high risk and older people to keep the virus at a lower level of illness.

This above is the middle and anything else is pushing to the extreme as you suggest.

All one has to do is say something contrary to government information, and to the righties it’s the gold plated truth no matter if the dots do not connect

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
If one thing Covid has opened my eyes up to is how much people wish death on others. It is sad, it is shocking (at least for me)

It’s both side.

I see almost daily some form of the vaccinated saying the unvaccinated should die, they shouldn’t be treated if sick, they should be outcast from society. They are saying good luck if you get Covid in a very sassy way as if they are wishing death only to say I told you so.

Then I see the unvaccinated saying that the vaccinated will die from the jab by heart attack, cancer, or just sudden death at either 6 months, 2 years, and I even heard 20 years, lol. Every manner of sickness is being blamed on the jab.

Not me, I want my family, my friends, my neighbors to all live. I don’t care if they are vaxed or not. I actually don’t even want to talk about it. If they ask me, it’s none of their business. I am very passionate about some of the topics surrounding Covid and the vaccine, but death? When did we become like this?

The easiest way to tear a nation apart is to divide and conquer, who in a million years would have known it would have been because of vaccination status?

I do not want the vaccinated to get sick or die. But everyone deserves the truth.

Every study done on leaky vaccines in a lab results in ADE/VAED. People need to know that prior to risking heart, nerve, or organ damage with the shot. ADE will happen with atleast one brand of these chemicals.

I pray that doesn't happen and 30+ years of vaccine science is wrong, but while my heart desires people stay healthy my brain tells me it's rather simple logic that these chemicals have gone sideways. They leak and that is DANGEROUS.

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The Make-A-Wish Foundations’ CEO Richard Davis in a recent video announced that wishes will only be granted to terminally ill children who have received the COVID-19 vaccine,” the subhead under the headline says.

This isn’t accurate. The policy says children and their families need to be fully vaccinated if the wish involves air travel or large gatherings. It does not apply to every child and every wish, and it also does not apply to any child who has received an end-of-life prognosis, the organization said.

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
edit on 19-12-2021 by Perfect stranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 10:07 PM
Wow - and our children cannot attend school until they have been vaccinated for polio and measles?
And nobody complains about that...........

posted on Dec, 19 2021 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: shaemac

Know the history.


Americans did not mixed with the natives living there.
Like the spanish did in the rest of the continent. (north, cental and south american continent)

If you dont believe, look the dna of the usa population, there is no native dna in the most of the population, because THERE WERE NO MASSIVE MIX with the natives living there.
Americans set the natives on reserves hoping to die.

2)No one can deny that USA had built and is builting is history BASED ON RACISM:

that country has history hating people: italians, irish, african-black, latino, civil war north-south, the woman rights, the poors,
your division republican vs democrats, etc.

the need of the enemy (true or created). more than 100 hundred wars in the past century tell about it.
In the past decade USA is training against alien invasions.

without any doubt the USA need to have or create an enemy as part of the USA identity.

3)and the need of being part of something, some part of the class, the status, in your culture. the indiference for the poor and admiration for luxury.
check Los Angeles

4)USA history makes easier this: the vaccinated hating the unvaccinated in USA.

maybe the truth hurts you.
but watch it as in a mirror.
no one can deny that racism exists across the USA history, and it shapes the USA civilization.

Thy yourself.

good luck!

edit on 12121212 by lux666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

To wish your neighbours never experience what's called 'death' would be the VILEST curse you can bestow upon them. Wishing them 'death' is wishing them something natural.

Let me explain by pasting a Zen Koan:

-- Koan Begins --

A rich man asked Sengai to write something for the continued prosperity of his family so that it might be treasured from generation to generation.

Sengai obtained a large sheet of paper and wrote: "Father dies, son dies, grandson dies."

The rich man became angry. "I asked you to write something for the happiness of my family! Why do you make such a joke as this?"

"No joke is intended," explained Sengai. "If before you yourself die you son should die, this would grieve you greatly. If your grandson should pass away before your son, both of you would be broken-hearted. If your family, generation after generation, passes away in the order I have named, it will be the natural course of life. I call this real prosperity."

-- Koan Ends --

So you see, to wish them NO-DEATH would be a horrible thing, who wants to live forever in the same physical body?! Can you imagine how painful and smelly it would be after 300 or 8000 years?? Why would you do that? THAT would be extremely cruel!

Also, death REALLY only exists for the body, so why wouldn't you wish it? Your neighbours will never die, they will just change form. Just like you and me.

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