a reply to:
Marg is forcing her desire that babies can be aborted at any stage, to the projected perception that a phase of life which does nothing other than to
define where that life is situated, somehow qualifies as 'non-life', or 'brain death'. Is the baby not alive while it is in the womb? Of course it
is. So the projection of the desire to kill, in consideration of an arbitrary matter regarding where the baby happens to be located (inside or
outside the womb), is nothing short of a desire to murder living, conscious babies at will, and it is therefore a repugnant view, almost as repugnant
as the abysmal lack of ethical capacity being demonstrated by the SCOTUS in question.
In my personal view the SCOTUS herself is an aberration, who should be disbarred immediately, compelled to undergo psychiatric testing to ascertain
why she has the psychopathic perspective that life is only arbitrarily to be defined as life based upon whims in accord with the convenience of
whomever desires to rid themselves of the life which is living, conscious, capable of reacting to stimuli, capable of suffering pain, capable of
experiencing comfort & joy - all of which we know to be scientifically evidenced based on previous studies of babies as they develop in the womb.
ANYONE who holds to the aberrant view that a baby developing in the womb is nothing but an inconvenience to be dispatched at will is aberrant in their
ethical judgment, and one day, society will recognise that abortion at any time from roughly 6-12 weeks on is nothing other than the painful murder of
a living child who should be permitted the opportunity to be born, to live, move & have their being in the cosmos which is to be their home. Prior to
6-12 weeks abortion can be effected painlessly, and could be considered an unfortunate yet permissible compassionate euthanasia arranged for the
wellbeing of the person who was careless enough to take on the burden of a life they were ill-prepared to accommodate, and in my view a mandatory
period of therapy should be administered post-abortion, both to ensure the woman is not psychologically harmed by the experience, but also to weigh
upon her heavily with the counsel to not be so bloody stupid & careless again in the future, because there is a very real death on their hands as a
direct result of that careless action.
In spiritual terms, the suggestion outlined above could be considered in the same way that divorce is permissible - because of our foolishness &
hard-heartedness, it is necessary, but it is a serious matter which will weigh heavy on the soul, and it is only permitted out of pragmatic necessity
for the wellbeing of individuals & society as a whole.
The soul of a child is present instantly on the moment of conception - has nobody heard of the fact, documented scientifically, that at the moment of
the unification of the sperm & the egg cell, photons of light are emitted? Is it not obvious that this miraculous event is a visible sign to us all,
as a scientifically mature civilisation, that the 'spark of life, the spirit' is instantly afforded by God when conception is successful? The soul of
the child is present at the moment of conception, so any child that is aborted in the womb would immediately either return to God, in terms of a
reincarnation/heavenly repose type situation, or, more likely, will be immediately 'reallocated' to another couple who at that same moment are also
conceiving a baby.
This situation could in fact be an explanation, psychologically speaking, for all those souls who feel out of place their whole
lives, as though they 'don't quite belong', or were born 'into the wrong family'... I believe this might be the case, having given it some thought.
It seems a reasonable explanation & ties things together neatly.
Children who were supposed to be born into a particular situation, a
particular family, were at the moment of abortion 'diverted to another track', born into circumstances which are not perfect, from a soul destiny
perspective. These sorts might more easily go off the rails as young people, if they feel disaffected in their circumstances, for some unknowable
reason, they just never quite fit with the life they were born into. As one such individual myself, a soul out of time & space, I can buy into
the concept I'm discussing, it seems a reasonable explanation to me. Certainly more reasonable than the 'you are a special starseed indigo child',
which smacks of new age deception.
Cheers, FITO.