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The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform

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posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: vkey08
What if the election machines were programmed to flip the vote to Biden, then auto purge the command after every vote entered, with a random number generator to make some for Trump et al just to give the appearance of a legit election. Given the ease in which I was able too program my home desktop to do it, and then ask one of the lab boys to see if they could find where the votes were "flipped" (hint" they couldn't and these are professionals) it seems more likely this was done

1). Before the election when the machines were being prepped, a USB drive with the algorithm would be all that was needed.

2) Hard coded time to do it, which could explain everyone's 3AM hangup

3) Auto Scrubbing, no people actually handled the data, no mess to clean up and silence, the machine does it all.

Well, from a legal perspective, it's nearly impossible.

33 of 50 states have anti-tampering laws with only 6 of those states being classed as misdemeanor's, otherwise as felony. Additionally, there is a requirement to safely store voting equipment away from unauthorized access until election day.

What you're suggesting here is that every county, of every state has employees willing to put their careers and reputation on the line in order to skew voter results by allowing unauthorized personnel into a secured area, in a JIT fashion, to upload an algorithm onto ALL of those machines (also multiple algorithm types taking into account direct versus indirect machines), every single time there is an election.

The level of conspirators needed to do that would almost ensure that some people couldn't keep their mouths shut and would bring the whole thing down. Also, you would need to account for the turnover - people retire, or pass away - and that torch of deceit would need to be handed down so they continue their conspiratorial crime spree.

Now for the logistics of it, there are approximately 2^24 distinct single precision possibilities and 2^53 distinct double precision possibilities in modern era computer systems stored in a finite fashion. "pseudorandom" numbers are the best we can get in modern day computing (unlike reality where there are technically infinite possibilities between 0 and 1), so they are rounded up or down to their closest integer value. This would render in the nieghborhood of 10 to 20 million chances of it either being a 0 or a 1. If the object of this particular game were to give the appearance of "legitimacy", it could backfire spectacularly in that the random function has no control. It could well give more votes to whom they DONT want to win than those "flipped". And as network dude said, on indirect machines that contain this algorithm, where a paper ballot must match machine read ballots, the discrepancy would immediately show itself.

It's a good thought, but in practice i just don't see how a conpiracy this large in scope is even possible.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: alphabetaone

Forget the anti tampering laws for a moment, we are talking about an illegal action to begin with.

It's not an impossibility to think that someone with enough skill could set that up and make it happen under everyone's noses...

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: carewemust
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is over-the-top angry that Republicans have killed the so-called "Voting Rights" bill.

Mad as hell:

Why so angry over this particular filibuster, considering how many filibusters occur overall?

It's all because John Lewis's "Name" is all over the Bill, and the quash makes great fodder for racist smears and lies 🦇

The same John Lewis whose wife is under criminal investigation for spending government grants on personal items, instead of getting rid of Baltimore RATS, as it was intended?

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

Unfortunately, Runbeck printers don't have printer "stenography", which means nothing about the ink can uniquely identify the machine that printed it. So there is no easy way to tell the difference between a ballot printed by someone else, and one printed by them, if the print data is the same.

Does Runbeck use "Election Secure" or "Approved" paper?

I'm asking because I heard Jovan Pulitzer say that they didn't find any "Election Secure" paper in Maricopa county.

I also remember people saying that there were ballots with no creases in Maricopa county and in Georgia, if not other places as well.
edit on 5-11-2021 by IndieA because: spelling

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Unfortunately, Runbeck printers don't have printer "stenography", which means nothing about the ink can uniquely identify the machine that printed it.

I'm curious how you know this to be true - as a techie, I find this un-freakin-believable. If there were any situation/purpose for such technology, it would be for printers that printed elections ballots.

Personally I find this to be criminally negligent, if true.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: carewemust
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is over-the-top angry that Republicans have killed the so-called "Voting Rights" bill.

Mad as hell:

Why so angry over this particular filibuster, considering how many filibusters occur overall?

It's all because John Lewis's "Name" is all over the Bill, and the quash makes great fodder for racist smears and lies 🦇

The same John Lewis whose wife is under criminal investigation for spending government grants on personal items, instead of getting rid of Baltimore RATS, as it was intended?

No that Congressman (who also died) is not Lewis.

He was Elijah Cummings.

Although Cummings and Lewis sure did look like Brothers 😎

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Unfortunately, Runbeck printers don't have printer "stenography", which means nothing about the ink can uniquely identify the machine that printed it.

I'm curious how you know this to be true - as a techie, I find this un-freakin-believable. If there were any situation/purpose for such technology, it would be for printers that printed elections ballots.

Personally I find this to be criminally negligent, if true.


This is almost as blatant of a red flag as the whole Wayfair cover-up.

I also just noticed that they advertise tractability. I wonder how that is accomplished.

edit on 5-11-2021 by IndieA because: Added Quote

edit on 5-11-2021 by IndieA because: added info

edit on 5-11-2021 by IndieA because: added info

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: vkey08

The anti-tampering laws though, were the smallest part of what i had said.

Sure a "someone" has the requisite skills to do this, in fact any entry level developer has enough skill to do this. What you're talking about is a conspiracy on such a grand scale that the possibility of pulling that particular scenario off, is incredibly small.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Unfortunately, Runbeck printers don't have printer "stenography", which means nothing about the ink can uniquely identify the machine that printed it.

I'm curious how you know this to be true - as a techie, I find this un-freakin-believable. If there were any situation/purpose for such technology, it would be for printers that printed elections ballots.

Personally I find this to be criminally negligent, if true.


I mean seriously why? The only real things that have that kind of security when printed are, yeah you guessed it Money !!!

Other than that the sheer expense of special inks (even the MICR inks they use on checks is expensive, but not out of range for a home user to get) and papers etc, printing ballots for one time use, it's not economically feasible. So no your outrage is misplaced on that, simply from a cost benefit perspective.

And don't shoot bak with "well if elections aren't worth it" they are worth it, but not every single year after year after year... not in the least when it comes down to spending.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone
a reply to: vkey08

The anti-tampering laws though, were the smallest part of what i had said.

Sure a "someone" has the requisite skills to do this, in fact any entry level developer has enough skill to do this. What you're talking about is a conspiracy on such a grand scale that the possibility of pulling that particular scenario off, is incredibly small.

Not really a huge group. 1-5 people maybe all working together on behalf of some mysterious personage, they could hypothetically pull it off, no grand conspiracy no massive amount of people, one little command line in the software, just one, most people updating via the USB dongles they send out would't even know they had infected the machines..

it's just logic if you really look at it..

everything else has major logistical problems.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 10:15 PM
Wow! This was pretty darn awesome... definitely watch until the end!

NBC National correspondent comes to town to interview Kari Lake.... watch until the end.

FYI: Kari Lake resigned as a long running very popular Fox Phoenix news anchor earlier this year. She is now running for Governor of Arizona -- leading the Republican pack -- with Trump's endorsement.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: vkey08

Not really a huge group. 1-5 people maybe all working together on behalf of some mysterious personage, they could hypothetically pull it off, no grand conspiracy no massive amount of people

Are you theorizing that in this scenario they have unfettered access to the machines before election day when they are still in secured areas?

If not, you think 1-5 people could easily get to all 50 states on election day with a flash drive, where they have unfettered national clearance by which to bypass those same security protocols?

That's a huge stretch in my opinion.

originally posted by: vkey08

, one little command line in the software, just one, most people updating via the USB dongles they send out would't even know they had infected the machines..

I assure you, it would take significantly more than a single line of code. Assuming you knew what language the original was coded in, in the first place. Not to mention there are compiler issues, the code would have to be injected in machine language if the entire firmware wasn't being recompiled.

originally posted by: vkey08

it's just logic if you really look at it..

I did, I even slept on it, and i found it far too unwieldy and needing far too many people involved to be effective without it being blown wide open.

originally posted by: vkey08

everything else has major logistical problems.

I still agree with this sentiment.
edit on 5-11-2021 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: alphabetaone

We tried it with a system that was not mission critical a few years back. Told every office they needed to run this special update via floppy. Sent out the floppies and every single office updated their machine (a very specific one in each office)

One week later every machine showed the same message after being used


our code had silently changed every single financial report to Kopecs

no trace that it was done until we told them

Our team had 7 individuals in it, and we got 500 machines

it can be done

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: vkey08

For certain I know it can be done.

My biggest question is only one: Access.

Access to the machines. I'm left questioning how a small group could easily access them in a timely fashion.

In your scenario you already had access to the machines. But someone wanting to change votes with unauthorized changes wouldnt necessarily have that luxury.
edit on 5-11-2021 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

Who needs access, send out the "required update" to all licensed users, simple..

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 02:08 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: carewemust
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is over-the-top angry that Republicans have killed the so-called "Voting Rights" bill.

Mad as hell:

Why so angry over this particular filibuster, considering how many filibusters occur overall?

It's all because John Lewis's "Name" is all over the Bill, and the quash makes great fodder for racist smears and lies 🦇

The same John Lewis whose wife is under criminal investigation for spending government grants on personal items, instead of getting rid of Baltimore RATS, as it was intended?

No that Congressman (who also died) is not Lewis.

He was Elijah Cummings.

Although Cummings and Lewis sure did look like Brothers 😎

Weird how they looked so alike and died so close together time-wise. Thanks for clarifying which one has/had the corrupt wife.

By the way, CNN is running a major hours-long special on Trump trying to steal Democracy by ramping up his election fraud accusations, with the help of Republican "insurrection supporters". I'm watching it now. Amazingly, it's live and is rotating through various nervous, angry, and scared looking "experts" and other strange people who "know things", but have proof of nothing. (i.e. Trump is planning to steal the election in 2024, says this "retiring GOP lawmaker" named Charlie Dent.)

IMO, Something BIG is about to happen, or be revealed.

As DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz laid out in one of his reports, CNN is a "go-to" outlet for Democrats.

President Biden will ONLY hold Town Halls with CNN.

CNN knows about the "Election Fraud Organization", Joe Biden bragged about, 13 months ago.

CNN's President, Jeff Zucker, is pulling out all the stops to ignore the various 2020 Election examinations and investigations, while bashing President Trump and Republicans for even uttering anything about potential 2020 election fraud occurring.

CNN is wondering why Joe Biden's attorney general (Merrick Garland) is allowing Special Counsel-Prosecutor John Durham to continue investigating "baseless claims" that Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration attempted a coupe against the incoming Trump Administration. (Note: In their defense of Hillary/Obama, dumb CNN just described what happened, lol.)

AT&T is spinning off CNN and other money-losing operations. The future of CEO Jeff Zucker is unclear. Zucker is behind the "trashiness" aspects of CNN over recent years..making it an embarassment to U.S. icon, American Telephone and Telegraph corporation. Info:

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Thank you for the description of the CNN show. Live even. Yes, does sound like something's up. Whether it's something contrived, or something new and damning info coming out, or something contrived to counter the damning info coming out... That's an awful lot of time to spend beating a dead horse otherwise.

And CNN has gotta know they're beating a dead horse. The people sure do.

Biden has given too many people too much else to worry about. The Trump boogeyman has given way to the Biden reality. Not that I think for a minute that Biden is actually calling the shots... I don't think we can even trust Biden to know what day it is... and I think most people know that as well. All news media has taken a huge hit in viewers, except maybe Newsmax. I think their new show has gained viewers, but probably because they are new and only had one way to go... and lots of ex-Fox viewers needed somewhere new to go.

However, too many people are still in their thrall. As I read comments about the Virigina election, I was surprised at how many people still believed that the so-called KKK Tiki Torch carriers were genuine White Supremacists and considered the Loudon rape cover-up "race baiting"... they didn't like being schooled by others who were pretty darn disgusted by it all.

But I digress. It's becoming more and more difficult to blame Trump, especially as more and more people are finding out they've been lied to. Sometimes it's just one thing that they were absolutely sure was true, that they had based their entire world outlook upon, and when they can no longer believe one lie... they begin to question more and more. Anyone watching that show would have to at least wonder why nothing is mentioned about the 2020 election issues. Sometimes what isn't said is more telling than what is said...

That's what I loved about the Kari Lake interview I posted. I hope you watched it. Literally after the interview ended, and Kari had removed her mics, she began talking to the reporter, asking him why they didn't dig into the audit report, imploring him to do his job, reminding him that the people NEED the media to find the truth and to tell the truth. It was more powerful than the interview -- which was also powerful. Kari Lake doesn't mince words! I'm sure it won't be long until the national media is attacking her as well as the local media... She won't stay under the radar long.

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

imploring him to do his job

Because telling the truth or even having interest in what it is, is not the job of a disinformation agent.

Harsh, but there it is. The United States of America in 2021.


posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: vkey08
in reply to: tanstaafl

I mean seriously why? The only real things that have that kind of security when printed are, yeah you guessed it Money !!!

The fact that you would even ask such a question proves the answer would be beyond your ability to comprehend.

Other than that the sheer expense of special inks (even the MICR inks they use on checks is expensive, but not out of range for a home user to get) and papers etc, printing ballots for one time use, it's not economically feasible. So no your outrage is misplaced on that, simply from a cost benefit perspective.

To put the above another way - you're just freakin clueless.

It would cost nothing. In fact, it probably costs more to disengage the technology than it does to utilize it, because I believe it it exists by default in every printer sold today..

And don't shoot bak with "well if elections aren't worth it" they are worth it, but not every single year after year after year... not in the least when it comes down to spending.

See above...

posted on Nov, 6 2021 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Give it a rest sparky…apparently NONE of the trump wins had absolutely no election irregularities, it’s just the places where Biden won that had fraudulent votes
Apparently none of you Russian loving righties thought that unusual as well, logic is your friend, but you snuggle up to right wing emos

edit on 6-11-2021 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

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