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The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform

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posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

You’re pushing for audits in counties where republicans won too I assume. Nah…

edit on 3-11-2021 by knoxie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
a reply to: Boadicea

You’re pushing for audits in counties where republicans won too I assume. Nah…

Of course! As you should already know, as I had posted in the last thread (to which you were a frequent and regular visitor) regarding the calls to audit ALL counties -- for example from AZ House Rep Kelly Townsend and AZ GOP Chairman Kelli Ward -- as well as AZ Senator Wendy Rogers' call to audit all 50 states, decertify where appropriate, and her nationwide petition to do so.

More important, mechanisms for triggering audits -- including thorough and extensive forensic audits, not just recounts or testing voting machines -- should be part and parcel of every state's election reform legislation that I am also pushing for.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Remind me again are you pro cyber ninjas or against. Are they going to release their findings and methods?

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
a reply to: Boadicea

Remind me again are you pro cyber ninjas or against. Are they going to release their findings and methods?

I am pro-truth, pro-accountability, pro-informed public, and pro-election integrity.

If and where Cyber Ninjas is part of achieving those ends, I am happy and grateful for their efforts and contributions.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Same here and I am fine with what the Cyber Ninjas did. The thing that seems to slip many people''s mind is the Cyber Ninjas have done something never done before. There has never been a forensic audit of an election before. Did the Cyber Ninjas do everything perfect, no they didn't but at least what they did was give us some type of standard from which to grow and improve.

Ive said it in the previous thread that regardless of the outcome all elections should have some form of auditing done and I am surprised that it is not the norm. There are all kinds of quality control audits done in numerous industries to find flaws and identify ways to improve the process. Then the next question that comes up is who is going to pay for it? If the Government spent tax money correctly there would be more than enough money for audits as well as other things.

I think from what we have seen so far from the audits and various accounts of what was going on around the country is the reason there are no audits and lack of accountability for the election process is that some people both parties are in it together and the outcome is really not important to them based on who has the biggest pocket book. For the most part the political class is on the same team and the people just get to stand to the side at the end and eat the Sh#t Sandwich and fake that it tastes good.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
a reply to: network dude

Trump whined and cried if he lost it meant the election would be rigged.

Why didn’t he do anything about it when he could?

why don't you ask him. And, you are aware he isn't president anymore, right?

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: network dude
amazingly enough, as proven with your previous thread, election integrity is the last thing the left seems to be interested in. What should be a bi partisan push for transparency, turned into a left vs. right rumble with lies and leftie talking points, against a search for truth.

But well done sticking around on this topic. It's hugely important, and like so many topics, if left alone for a few minutes, will fall into the memory hole. Kudos for your work!

Election integrity does not equal a witch hunt and general insurrection.

Sorry the minute the right became vulgar about it, it lost any credibility in my eyes..

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Boadicea

Same here and I am fine with what the Cyber Ninjas did. The thing that seems to slip many people''s mind is the Cyber Ninjas have done something never done before. There has never been a forensic audit of an election before. Did the Cyber Ninjas do everything perfect, no they didn't but at least what they did was give us some type of standard from which to grow and improve.

Excellent point -- thank you! As our election technology grew, and our voting options grew, our election laws -- especially safeguards for ensuring all LEGAL votes are counted and ILLEGAL votes are not counted -- failed to keep up. Whether by design, or by incompetence, or both, our ability to verify integrity and accountability became virtually impossible.

This audit was unprecedented, but exactly what was/is needed.

Ive said it in the previous thread that regardless of the outcome all elections should have some form of auditing done and I am surprised that it is not the norm. There are all kinds of quality control audits done in numerous industries to find flaws and identify ways to improve the process. Then the next question that comes up is who is going to pay for it? If the Government spent tax money correctly there would be more than enough money for audits as well as other things.

I agree. And I do think taxpayers should pay for it because these are OUR elections. If we want to be the boss, we've gotta pay the cost.

I think from what we have seen so far from the audits and various accounts of what was going on around the country is the reason there are no audits and lack of accountability for the election process is that some people both parties are in it together and the outcome is really not important to them based on who has the biggest pocket book. For the most part the political class is on the same team and the people just get to stand to the side at the end and eat the Sh#t Sandwich and fake that it tastes good.


posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

My world does not stop at borders... it's a general statement applicable to any voter based government.

I don't care how you guys handle your business, well i kind of do, after all it affects the whole world.
I'm quite happy the way things are handled here, although the voter base is the tames sheep flock I've ever seen. I'm pretty curious how the vote for harsher corona laws will turn out.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: vkey08

originally posted by: network dude
amazingly enough, as proven with your previous thread, election integrity is the last thing the left seems to be interested in. What should be a bi partisan push for transparency, turned into a left vs. right rumble with lies and leftie talking points, against a search for truth.

But well done sticking around on this topic. It's hugely important, and like so many topics, if left alone for a few minutes, will fall into the memory hole. Kudos for your work!

Election integrity does not equal a witch hunt and general insurrection.

Sorry the minute the right became vulgar about it, it lost any credibility in my eyes..

do they plug things into your head, or do you just get the programming the old fashioned way?

It's amazing how lost you truly are. (the capitol isn't big enough to hold all of the right, so some of us had to stay home.) DERP!

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Boadicea
Pro sunshine

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 06:25 PM
Well done Boadicea for staying on it. Good to hear some places are working through these challenges, bad that other places are in gridlock from the corruption.

One big risk on the radar was the attempt to nationalize the election once Joe got in. So far it sounds like the plan has been put on hold. Watch out for a last minute push to try this again as the next election nears to take over with all the chaos and disruption it will cause.

I don't really know, but if I was a corrupt, power hungry mad man it is one thing I would try to make it easier to steal.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 06:31 PM
From my new awesome Governor:

Democrats Reduced to Histrionics as DeSantis Announces Full-Time Police Unit to Catch Election Cheats

Amazing how Florida Dems see stopping election fraud as a personal attack.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 06:37 PM
I hope it's real and not just a circus show to keep the masses pacified.
Now with a republican win for Virginia , I wonder if he will expose the MSM lies and the true meaning/plans behind agenda21/30 ? :rollseyes:

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Well done Boadicea for staying on it. Good to hear some places are working through these challenges, bad that other places are in gridlock from the corruption.

That's about it. All progress is progress.... and there will probably always be room for progress. Real progress -- not progressivism!

One big risk on the radar was the attempt to nationalize the election once Joe got in. So far it sounds like the plan has been put on hold. Watch out for a last minute push to try this again as the next election nears to take over with all the chaos and disruption it will cause.

They really tried to ram it through quick. i think that you're right that this will raise its ugly head again while they still have the numbers to actually make it happen.

I don't really know, but if I was a corrupt, power hungry mad man it is one thing I would try to make it easier to steal.

No doubt. Doesn't matter who votes... only who counts the votes.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

"Real progress -- not progressivism!" -Boadicea

You must be progressive and continue progressivism to achieve progress.
Your statement is itself a contradiction.
I do like your thread and also agree that elections are our (we the people's) insurance on the elected and the power they hold as a result.
Without a safe and secure election we have absolutely no power and it would then be our duty to bring it back to for the people by the people.

In the recent election cycles here in the states I do not see evidence of fraud that could sway an election.
Now with that said, if so many people do honestly feel that fraud was indeed widespread, then we obviously have an issue. Feelings and own views aside, I want my fellow Americans to feel satisfied with any and all results regardless of the outcome.
Obviously as of recent here in the states this has become of concern for many fellow Americans and that is unacceptable and proves something has failed.
So I am in full support for progressivism.
edit on 2/19/2013 by Allaroundyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 09:06 PM

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: vkey08

originally posted by: network dude
amazingly enough, as proven with your previous thread, election integrity is the last thing the left seems to be interested in. What should be a bi partisan push for transparency, turned into a left vs. right rumble with lies and leftie talking points, against a search for truth.

But well done sticking around on this topic. It's hugely important, and like so many topics, if left alone for a few minutes, will fall into the memory hole. Kudos for your work!

Election integrity does not equal a witch hunt and general insurrection.

Sorry the minute the right became vulgar about it, it lost any credibility in my eyes..

do they plug things into your head, or do you just get the programming the old fashioned way?

It's amazing how lost you truly are. (the capitol isn't big enough to hold all of the right, so some of us had to stay home.) DERP!

Did you just seriously suggest that I am "left programmed?" Me? A former Republican lifer now an 'I'?


OMG, this is good, take a little time off and people forget how conservative you really are.

Anyhow to answer your question, I mentioned in the other thread that I am no fan of Joe Biden. I will not however resort to using things like "let's go Brandon" because it's code for the other more vulgar saying. The minute you resort to these kinds of actions, your argument dies and you have zero credibility.

The problem is most of the Republicans nowadays, bow to Trump and kiss his rear. They refuse to use some critical thinking and actually understand what is happening. It's all about the **TRUMP** and how they can please him. He is a criminal, plain and simple, the worst kind of demagogue, one who thrives on personal loyalty and when the loyalty is gone, he tosses them aside.

No sorry, this is not a hunt for election integrity, it never actually was.

It was ONE MAN upset he lost, and couldn't understand that he lost.. Couldn't handle that he lost, and threw a tantrum, a tantrum most of the uneducated in this country (and sadly a few educated ones) bought hook line and sinker so that he could grift more money for himself.

That is my take on this, not as a Democrat, not as a Republican, as someone who has BLED for this country and gotten almost killed more times than I care to mention for this country and will die for this country if I have to.

I will not die for Trump, [snipped] or anyone that pushes this lie.

Just me, sorry if you can't handle an intelligent woman making up her mind.
edit on Wed Nov 3 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 09:33 PM

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posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
NJ "Punch" the donkey problem with electronic screen


Sound familiar?

There was literally a 3am vote dump in NJ that annihilated Republican Ciattarelli's lead.

Image of before/after the vote dump:

Maybe there will be an investigation, if enough people in New Jersey demand one.

edit on 11/3/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

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