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The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform

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posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Unfortunately, Runbeck printers don't have printer "stenography", which means nothing about the ink can uniquely identify the machine that printed it.

I'm curious how you know this to be true - as a techie, I find this un-freakin-believable. If there were any situation/purpose for such technology, it would be for printers that printed elections ballots.

Personally I find this to be criminally negligent, if true.

I'm sorry. I should have posted the link I have for that when I said that.

A local AZ newspaper was interviewing Runbeck's CEO and he said his printers don't have stenography.

The workers may have been referring to something called "printer stenography," which is a digital watermark some color laser printers and copiers leave on pages that allow people to trace back where the document was printed.

But Jeff Ellington, the CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the Phoenix-based election services company that prints the county's ballots and purchases the ballot paper, said the HP printers they use to print ballots do not use printer stenography, and no yellow dots or colors were applied.

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: vkey08
What if the election machines were programmed to flip the vote to Biden, then auto purge the command after every vote entered, with a random number generator to make some for Trump et al just to give the appearance of a legit election. Given the ease in which I was able too program my home desktop to do it, and then ask one of the lab boys to see if they could find where the votes were "flipped" (hint" they couldn't and these are professionals) it seems more likely this was done

1). Before the election when the machines were being prepped, a USB drive with the algorithm would be all that was needed.

2) Hard coded time to do it, which could explain everyone's 3AM hangup

3) Auto Scrubbing, no people actually handled the data, no mess to clean up and silence, the machine does it all.

Well, from a legal perspective, it's nearly impossible.

33 of 50 states have anti-tampering laws with only 6 of those states being classed as misdemeanor's, otherwise as felony. Additionally, there is a requirement to safely store voting equipment away from unauthorized access until election day.

What you're suggesting here is that every county, of every state has employees willing to put their careers and reputation on the line in order to skew voter results by allowing unauthorized personnel into a secured area, in a JIT fashion, to upload an algorithm onto ALL of those machines (also multiple algorithm types taking into account direct versus indirect machines), every single time there is an election.

The level of conspirators needed to do that would almost ensure that some people couldn't keep their mouths shut and would bring the whole thing down. Also, you would need to account for the turnover - people retire, or pass away - and that torch of deceit would need to be handed down so they continue their conspiratorial crime spree.

Now for the logistics of it, there are approximately 2^24 distinct single precision possibilities and 2^53 distinct double precision possibilities in modern era computer systems stored in a finite fashion. "pseudorandom" numbers are the best we can get in modern day computing (unlike reality where there are technically infinite possibilities between 0 and 1), so they are rounded up or down to their closest integer value. This would render in the nieghborhood of 10 to 20 million chances of it either being a 0 or a 1. If the object of this particular game were to give the appearance of "legitimacy", it could backfire spectacularly in that the random function has no control. It could well give more votes to whom they DONT want to win than those "flipped". And as network dude said, on indirect machines that contain this algorithm, where a paper ballot must match machine read ballots, the discrepancy would immediately show itself.

It's a good thought, but in practice i just don't see how a conpiracy this large in scope is even possible.

You know the woke movement breeds lunatics, right? A zealot will always believe their cause is just, and whatever wrong they do will be outweighed by the good.

Just like all the people in government who "illegally" spied for the Soviets during the Cold War era, because they believed in Communist idealism.

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: vkey08

it's just logic if you really look at it..

I did, I even slept on it, and i found it far too unwieldy and needing far too many people involved to be effective without it being blown wide open.

This is the thing many people don't understand yet about the computer age: it doesn't take "far too many" people.

Computer stuff usually doesn't. One guy writes the code, one time. Then you just need one "woke" zealot per election office. How strong of a security check do you think those people are put through?

edit on 9-11-2021 by bloodymarvelous because: bold

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

It's most peculiar that Runbeck advertises ballot trackability on their website, yet claims that the ballots they provided Maricopa county had no trackability.

The CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the company that orders the ballot paper and prints ballots for the county, told The Arizona Republic on Wednesday that there are no tracking marks or watermarks on the paper they used in this election. Maricopa County's Election Department also said there are no watermarks on the paper.

Does anyone else find it odd that a major printing company of election ballots is using HP printers with no trackability?

Jeff Ellington, the CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the Phoenix-based election services company that prints the county's ballots and purchases the ballot paper, said the HP printers they use to print ballots do not use printer stenography, and no yellow dots or colors were applied.

Ellington said there is nothing about the paper that is unique to the county, or traceable.

"I wish I could figure out what they are looking for in the UV lights," Ellington said.

Whatever it was, I have a strong feeling that Jovan found it.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 10:12 AM
Something that came up last evening after I posted the inkjet comment.

Got a call back from the person that handles making sure the election ballots for the major elections are printed in the state I live in. Thy informed me that they neither use inkjet nor laser printers to print the ballots that go out to people that request an absentee ballot, but rather use a company that prints them using an offset printer such as when money and newspapers are printed.

There is a plate made and the printer prints.

No lasers, no inkjet and no distinguishing marks, just regular, offset printing.

Like every single FEDERAL election is supposed to be apparently.

Hope that helps. (I didn't know this either until last evening)

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
You know the woke movement breeds lunatics, right?

Of course. However, the existence of a wide swath of lunatics is not the same as that wide swaths ability to keep it quiet. Which was my point. You cant have a conspiracy on that grand a scale without it being known.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

A zealot will always believe their cause is just, and whatever wrong they do will be outweighed by the good.

Interesting, I hadn't noticed that before.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

This is the thing many people don't understand yet about the computer age: it doesn't take "far too many" people.

I lived/live the computer age. I doubt there's anything you could teach me that i dont already know.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

Then you just need one "woke" zealot per election office.

There are 3,006 counties in total across the USA. In criminal activity you can't get 5 people to keep their mouths shut, 3,006 of them certainly wouldn't...assuming of course each and every one of them were your described "woke zealots", which is highly unlikely in itself.

Again, IMHO, its too grand a scale to pull off effectively.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: IndieA

Does anyone else find it odd that a major printing company of election ballots is using HP printers with no trackability?

I find it incredibly odd. That the CEO doesn't even know what products he sells sure. If we're talking about the Sentio on Demand printing system they use Lexmark printers.

originally posted by: IndieA

Whatever it was, I have a strong feeling that Jovan found it.

If we're talking about using the services of Runbeck, the inarguable leaders in the industry for Election services, well theres this

And this a look inside their facility

And this showing the process

And this, a view of some of their printing equipment

None of which "prints" in quite the way being suggested here, like some Laser printer sitting next to a workstation.

So, the fact that there are no "identifiable" marks on large scale high capacity printing machines should really shock exactly no one.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: vkey08
Something that came up last evening after I posted the inkjet comment.

Got a call back from the person that handles making sure the election ballots for the major elections are printed in the state I live in. Thy informed me that they neither use inkjet nor laser printers to print the ballots that go out to people that request an absentee ballot, but rather use a company that prints them using an offset printer such as when money and newspapers are printed.

There is a plate made and the printer prints.

No lasers, no inkjet and no distinguishing marks, just regular, offset printing.

Like every single FEDERAL election is supposed to be apparently.

Hope that helps. (I didn't know this either until last evening)

Except the CEO of Runbeck said HP printers were used.

Are you suggesting that HP makes offset plate printers, and that only those printers are used to print ballots in all 50 states?

And if so, how come no "election secure" ballot paper was found in Maricopa county, ballots without folds were found, and ballots with major offsets were also found?

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:05 PM
Here's the most recent interview with Doug Logan:

One of the things Doug Logan mentions is the importance of cleaning up and properly maintaining and securing the voter rolls across the country. He said it helps to have extra room if you are trying to cheat.

He mentions a computer software program that gives people access to the voter rolls across the country, saying it's primarily in the hands of Democrats, and he doesn't know for a fact, but was told that it had read write capabilities.

They also discuss Jovan Pulitzer's upcoming kinematic analysis.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:10 PM

So, the fact that there are no "identifiable" marks on large scale high capacity printing machines should really shock exactly no one.

I'm shocked and don't see why I shouldn't be.

I want our elections to be secure as reasonably possible, and Runbeck advertises ballot trackability on the main page of their website. Honestly, what's going on here.
edit on 9-11-2021 by IndieA because: spelling

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:18 PM
Here's a short update from Jovan.

It looks as though at least 20 videos will be released along with his report. o3Gz5RRkVHthLdc9bQqJ6WJX3zYCzfT0

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Thank-you for explaining ONE REASON why so many dead people vote...and vote Democrat.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: IndieA

So, the fact that there are no "identifiable" marks on large scale high capacity printing machines should really shock exactly no one.

I'm shocked and don't see why I shouldn't be.

I want our elections to be secure as reasonably possible, and Runbeck advertises ballot trackability on the main page of their website. Honestly, what's going on here.

Not to even mention professional counterfeiters like North Korea.

NK is the #1 (least detectable) counterfeiter of U.S. Currency and others 😎

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: IndieA

I'm shocked and don't see why I shouldn't be.

Because they're not in the LoJack business, and there are plenty of checks and balances with their service.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 06:24 PM
My apologies all -- I just realized I never posted the links I had this morning! And now some of them have been updated so I need to go through them all and update/replace as necessary. So sorry!

So in the meantime I'll just post these two videos from Rumble. I have not watched them. Rumble videos are impossible for me to watch because they say a few words and then it freezes... they say a few words and then it freezes... and repeat. Sometimes there's two or three pauses in one sentence!

Anyway, they're on topic, so if anyone can/wants to watch, I'd love to hear a summary. The second link is actually a series of five interviews with Doug Logan of Cyber Ninjas.

Liz Harris – The Election Fraud Is Worse Than Originally Thought, Coordinated From The Top

(UPDATED) Arizona Today Interview with Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Hewlett Packard does make an offset printer or two, not many and they are a design they have been making for 40 years, but they do sell a few.

As far as "election secure paper" there's really no such thing, again, the only paper that is held to that kind of standard, you or I would never get access to the manufacturing, it's the paper they use to make money. Heck even secure bond paper (the stuff bearer bonds are printed on) can be had if you look hard enough for it.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

Then you just need one "woke" zealot per election office.

There are 3,006 counties in total across the USA. In criminal activity you can't get 5 people to keep their mouths shut, 3,006 of them certainly wouldn't...assuming of course each and every one of them were your described "woke zealots", which is highly unlikely in itself.

Again, IMHO, its too grand a scale to pull off effectively.

You don't need all the counties. Just one big county per swing state.

So somewhere between 7 and 13 people.

How many dudes were willing to beat up or even kill that Kyle Rittenhouse kid? One group like that meets together, decides on a plan, and each takes a separate bus to a separate state maybe?

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: IndieA

I'm shocked and don't see why I shouldn't be.

Because they're not in the LoJack business, and there are plenty of checks and balances with their service.

That's the problem. Sometimes it pays to have someone who thinks like a thief on your payroll.

The "honor system" isn't a very good security protocol.

posted on Nov, 9 2021 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: vkey08
a reply to: IndieA

Hewlett Packard does make an offset printer or two, not many and they are a design they have been making for 40 years, but they do sell a few.

As far as "election secure paper" there's really no such thing, again, the only paper that is held to that kind of standard, you or I would never get access to the manufacturing, it's the paper they use to make money. Heck even secure bond paper (the stuff bearer bonds are printed on) can be had if you look hard enough for it.

I think any paper that doesn't easily bleed through would be the basic requirement ballots.

The Maricopa county BOS claimed to have used "election sure," or something to that effect, paper, but Jovan claims they didn't find any and bleed through on ballots was reported by many people.

edit on 9-11-2021 by IndieA because: added info

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 06:08 AM
Let's start with Georgia this morning. Lots happening there...

Georgia State Election Director Authorized Destruction Of Ballot Evidence
At the link, there is a (very blurry) partial screenshot of an email asking if the memory cards can be cleaned, because it is time "to start L&A and Dominion want no extra cards with the equipment." Apparently -- according to Heather Mullins of Real America's Voice -- they were told to go ahead and clean (erase) the memory cards.

BREAKING! GEORGIA! @VoterGa announced that 74 of GA's 159 counties cannot produce original ballot images for Nov 2020 election, violating State & Federal laws. An email from the State Election Director instructed election officials to overwrite the memory cards.

And, as noted in the above --

BREAKING: Georgia Can’t Produce Over 17k 2020 Election Ballot Images Required By Law, More Than Margin Of Error In Biden ‘Win’

From a press conference with Garland Favarito with VoterGa:

74 Georgia Counties Can’t Produce Original 2020 Election Ballot Images

56 Counties Admit Images Not Available Despite Federal, State Retention Laws

Atlanta, November 9, 2021 – VoterGA today announced that their ballot image analysis team determined 74 Georgia counties have been unable to produce all the original ballot images from the November 2020 election. The team obtained admissions from 56 counties that most or all of the images created automatically by the Dominion voting system for results tabulation have been destroyed. VoterGA volunteers made the determinations by submitting Open Records Requests (ORR) for the images to each county.

VoterGA showed written confirmation from former State Election Director Chris Harvey granting permission to erase in-person ballot images from the memory cards. “These violations are yet another glaring reason why Georgians cannot trust the Secretary of State’s office,” said Garland Favorito, co-founder of VoterGA. “We desperately need a multi-county audit of the 2020 election to resolve these serious problems before 2022.”

Raffensperger is all over it though:

Raffensperger aims to "set the record straight" on 2020 election

[Georgia] Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said he wrote his new book "Integrity Counts" to "set the record straight" about what happened — and didn't happen — during the contentious 2020 presidential election.

And in the meantime:

GA House Speaker Ralston Continues Retribution Against Conservatives By Redistricting Out Republicans Who Fought Against Election Fraud

A little more background on the gerrymandering here:

New proposed legislative maps would split northern Coweta

Yes, lots going on in Georgia...
edit on 10-11-2021 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 06:22 AM
And from New Jersey:

“I’m Not Looking to be Rudy Giuliani Standing in Front of a Mulch Pile” – New Jersey Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Obviously Hires Wrong Election Attorney

Oh no! The New Jersey Republican gubernatorial candidate who had his election stolen from him by Democrats and the corrupt tyrant currently in office hired an attorney with no appreciation for Democrat election crimes.

“We’re not hearing any credible accounts of fraud or malfeasance or anything like that,” Sheridan said. “I’m not looking to be Rudy Giuliani standing in front of a mulch pile. My goal is to make sure that we get an accurate count and then we make a reasonable decision based on the law and the facts to decide whether or not we’re going to recount this.”

So what could he/should he be doing if he's sincere about accuracy and accountability?

If he was serious he would have ensured no ballots were counted after he was hired without proper representation on hand for the counts. He would have demanded all ballots since election night when his client was in the lead be accounted for. He would have had all voting machines subpoenaed as well as the ballots and he would already have a team hired who could get to the bottom of this. And most importantly, he would demand that every ballot has proper chain of custody documentation today to ensure the ballots’ validity.


Ciattarelli weighing recount demand in New Jersey governor race

But the Republican does not believe there was fraud

He sure doesn't sound especially sincere to me...


New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight

More Fraud in New Jersey’s Election Uncovered – Voting Machines Would Not Allow Citizens to Vote for Republican Governor Candidate

New Jersey Gubernatorial Election Worker: “I’ll Let You [Non-Citizen/Non-Registered Voter] Fill Out a Ballot Right Now” (VIDEO)

BREAKING: Republican Ciattarelli Announces He Is Not Conceding in New Jersey Governor’s Race

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 06:43 AM
From Wisconsin:

New complaint filed against Green Bay mayor over handling of November 2020 election

The complaint states Genrich mishandled the November election by allowing a non-resident to run Central Count operations.

In the City of Green Bay Code of Conduct, the code states that "members of the Common Council and the Mayor shall maintain the utmost standards of personal integrity, trustfulness, honesty, and fairness in carrying out their public duties."

Green Bay resident Kimber Rollin alleges Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich violated that code in a complaint filed with the city on Thursday.

This comes after --

Green Bay asks for residents' elections complaint to be dismissed

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WLUK) – The City of Green Bay wants a complaint dismissed that was filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission over the city’s handling of the November 2020 election.

Five residents, including Republican Party of Brown County chairperson Jim Fitzergald, filed the complaint in April. The group claims the city violated state and federal laws by changing conditions of the election. The conditions were part of a $1.6 million grant from the Center for Tech and Civic Life, according to the complainants.

Teske wrote, "I believe the Clerk's office was in solid position to oversee the November 2020 as we debriefed from the April 2020 election and began planning the November 2020 elections. However, as the planning process progressed the office's ability to fulfill the obligations for the election were greatly hindered and diminished by outside interference. Unfortunately, we are now left with the need to respond to serious complaints given the decisions and actions of others outside the Clerk's office."

Read the residents' complaint filed to the WEC.

Read the city's response to the residents' complaint.

From Virginia:

Democrats Take Back Conceding the Virginia House and Are Now Pushing for Recounts in Two Seats

So, no, it's not just Republicans and butthurt Trumpsters who challenge election integrity...

From everywhere:

Here’ s The Eric Coomer Deposition In Defamation Lawsuit Against Joe Oltmann

Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems sued Joe Oltmann for defamation. Here is Coomer’s deposition. There are a lot of gaps in the video due to court procedures and the deposition doesn’t start until minute 20:00 approximately.


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: On Election Night 2020 the Edison Reporting System Displayed Bizarre County Results When Compared to State Results – Why?

We’ve recently uncovered something else very peculiar embedded in the Edison data from the 2020 Election. What we can report today is that the county totals as reported by Edison do not agree with the state totals.

Why do the county totals not flow with the state totals? Shouldn’t they align? Shouldn’t they move in unison with the state reporting?

Good question!

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: vkey08
Something that came up last evening after I posted the inkjet comment.

Got a call back from the person that handles making sure the election ballots for the major elections are printed in the state I live in. Thy informed me that they neither use inkjet nor laser printers to print the ballots that go out to people that request an absentee ballot, but rather use a company that prints them using an offset printer such as when money and newspapers are printed.

There is a plate made and the printer prints.

No lasers, no inkjet and no distinguishing marks, just regular, offset printing.

Like every single FEDERAL election is supposed to be apparently.

Hope that helps. (I didn't know this either until last evening)

Using plates to print would make sense for the text that will be on every ballot. But there is some stuff that is unique to every ballot, like a serial number, right? At least on the envelope.

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