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The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform

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posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I'm just glad someone is watching this time. I wasn't sure if that was still allowed.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
BREAKING: Georgia State Election Board Calls Emergency Meeting as Fulton County Unlawfully Creates “Team of Monitors” for 2024 Election That Was Not Approved by the State

The Georgia State Election Board has called for an emergency meeting today, July 12.

The move comes in response to reports that Fulton County officials have unlawfully established a team of monitors for the upcoming 2024 elections without state approval.

“BREAKING: The Georgia State Election Board has scheduled an emergency meeting today. Why? Because corrupt Fulton County officials have created a team of “monitors” for the 2024 election that HAVE NO APPROVAL FROM THE STATE. They’re getting ready to cheat. Again,” former Newsmax and OANN White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson wrote on X.

Former Trump administration chief spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, confirmed this on social media platform X, stating:

“In response to SEB2023-025, Fulton County and Raffensperger’s office are trying to ram through a ‘monitoring team’ that would put those who helped cover up 2020 in charge of observing Fulton County in 2024.”

Harrington further detailed her concerns about the proposed monitoring team’s members.

“The list includes Ryan Germany, Raffensperger’s general counsel in 2020 Matt Mashburn, former SEB member who sicced the FBI on the author of the SEB2023-025 complaint Monica Childers, who worked on the hand count audit for Voting Works, whose software ARLO included fraudulent entries amounting to at least 4,081 false Biden votes,” Harrington wrote.

a reply to: network dude

My guess is that if this hired group of illegal election "monitors" are allowed to work the election, we will witness a security team that is there to essentially intimate the legal election monitors, much like what happened in some places in Pennsylvania in 2020.

edit on 12-7-2024 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 11:07 PM

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:24 AM
Independent Investigator Yehuda Miller Asks Elon Musk To Help CO. County Clerk Tina Peters By Examining Her Hard Drive Copy of Dominion Voting Machine —Elon Responds

This article is all over the place. Elon supports Trump as President and doesn't like ballot marking devices or tabulators because he believes they have too many security vulnerabilities. Elon wants paper ballots only and same day hand counting, but this article is supposed to be about Tina Peters and her criminal trial which starts this Wednesday, July 31st, so let's jump into that.

Here's how I remember things:
1. Tina Peters had a copy of her county's election server made after the election, since one of her duty's was to preserve election records.
2. Dominion went around Colorado shorty after the election and "updated" all of the election servers.
3. Tina Peters had a copy of the same election server made after the "update".
4. Both copies were viewed side by side at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium, and these appeared to show that changes had been made to the official electronic voting record.

Back to the article:

Yesterday, independent investigator extraordinaire Yehuda Miller created a video specifically designed to catch Elon Musk’s eye.

The awesome conservative commentator George Behizy retweeted his video to his 217K followers. Yehuda Miller is most well-known for being the king of uncovering dirty deeds by corrupt elected officials like Michigan’s dirty AG Dana Nessel, via FOIA requests.

In his video below, Yehuda can be seen wheeling up in a Tesla Cybertruck. As he exits the space-age-like vehicle, Miller makes his way to the back, where he holds up what he claims is the hard drive containing evidence Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters helped investigators obtain from a Dominion voting machine she allowed them to access. Tina Peters, who is a gold star mom, is now facing up to 20 years in prison for what many claim was an act that was perfectly legal under CO. state law.

Yehuda Miller begins, “We are in the national cyber crisis, our electronic voting machines are essentially one big black box. We would never know what was inside a dominion voting machine if not for a brave 68-year-old Goldstar mom named Tina Peters, who had a duty as the election Clark and Mesa Colorado to preserve the election records. When she believed they were coming to destroy the records, she imaged the hard drive for the whole world to learn the truth.” Miller pleads for Musk to help get to help save Tina Peters and get to help de-code the contents of the hard drive.”Now she faces 20 years [in prison]! Her trial starts next week, Elon—this is a personal appeal to you. Your technology expertise can be the deciding factor here.”

Please reach out—to everyone watching this!” Miller says as he holds up what appears to be a hard drive. Miller then pleads to X users to help him get Elon’s attention so he can implore the tech genius to help save the innocent election clerk, whose stated intent was to ensure the election equipment used in the 2020 election could be trusted. “Let’s unleash the power of X to save Tina Peters!” Miller says as the video ends.

I’m not sure how to help. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 23, 2024 Elon Musk responded by saying he doesn’t know what he can do.

Over 1,000 “X” users, including Yehuda Miller, were quick to tell him what they thought Elon could do. Yehuda responded: “Thank you for replying to this, @elonmusk. All we need is for your world-class engineers to analyze the data and reveal the truth about the machines to the world.

AZ US Senate candidate Kari Lake responded to Elon, explaining who Tina Peters is: “Tina Peters is a Gold Star Mom and an Election Integrity Patriot.”

Another “X” user wrote, “All voting system code should be open source,” a sentiment most voters would agree with, but not likely to become a reality anytime soon.

Diligent Denizon explained to Musk: “I think he’s asking you to use xAi or one of your other engineering companies to look under the hood and see how they’re potentially cheating or unsecured.”

“X” user Adam Lowitsz suggested Musk help but find a way to protect himself, as Dominion appears to have successfully sued others for questioning what’s under the hood. “Before you do decide to help check with your legal department first, the Democrats are already going after you heavily. It’s probably best to outsource it to another company and donate to that company . This affords you legal protection and separates you from direct involvement,” he wrote.

Here's a documentary about Tina Peters and her case: Selection Code

Yehuda Miller is following and reporting on Tina Peters' trial via his "X" (Twitter) account linked above.

We are praying for you Tina, may the grace of God be with with you. You are a brave soul and courageous seeker of truth and justice." target="_blank" class="postlink">Tina Peters Trial Thread
edit on 25-7-2024 by IndieA because: Added Thread Link

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 11:33 AM
GOOD NEWS! Slimy Stephen Richer Ousted as Maricopa County Recorder after Years of Controversy and Questionable Maneuvers

Fake conservative Stephen Richer, who was bankrolled by an anti-Trump billionaire, was ousted as Maricopa County Recorder after years of controversy and questionable maneuvers.

In June Stephen Richer came out of the closet and announced his support for Joe Biden.

The man is now free to be himself after he was ousted in the Arizona primary on Tuesday night. Unfortunately, he will still sit in office to spoil another election before he is sent out to pasture.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 10:28 AM
JUST IN: New Unredacted MI State Police Report Reveals Several Other Cities and States Where Shady Dem-Funded GBI Strategies Was Operating In 2020

Last week, independent investigator Yehuda Miller obtained a 112-page report on the 2020 election cycle GBI Strategies/Empower MI voter registration investigation. Thanks to Yehuda’s great work, we’ve been able to uncover some of the details that were previously hidden behind redactions, as this report has fewer redactions than the report we shared in our reporting on August 8, 2023.

So, to summarize, according to the most recent MSP report, during the 2020 election, GBI Strategies was operating in Michigan, Washington DC, Chicago, IL, Georgia, Iowa, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

Three of these states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida have been at the center of multiple voting fraud controversies since the 2020 election.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 10:58 AM
With jury selection and opening statements, Tina Peters’ criminal trial is underway

After three postponements, the long-awaited trial of former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters is finally underway. Fifteen jurors — eight women and seven men, 12 jurors and three alternates — were selected Wednesday after two days of vetting by Mesa County District Court Judge Matthew Barrett and attorneys on both sides.

If convicted on all counts, Peters could face up to 20 years in a state prison and be fined millions of dollars. She pleaded not guilty on all counts, saying the charges are politically motivated.

On Tuesday, Edminister repeatedly attacked the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, often citing the “700 articles” that have been published regarding Peters’ various legal problems. Edminister went on to tell jurors that newspapers are designed to publish articles to get attention and don’t care whether they’re biased or not.

“Unless (the prosecution) can prove each and every element of the charges, she’s not guilty,” he told jurors. “Assure me you will hold the state to their burden (of proof).”

Two of Peters’ former staff have pleaded guilty to their roles in the scheme and have agreed to testify against Peters.

Prior to the proceedings beginning on Wednesday, approximately 30 Peters supporters had gathered outside the courtroom, hoping to find a seat inside the courtroom. Mesa County sheriff’s deputies stood in the hallway and inside the courtroom. At one point, Ricky Schroder, known for his career as a child actor, verbally accosted a Daily Sentinel journalist, before being asked to move on by a sheriff deputy.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:56 PM
“Georgia Owes President Donald Trump an Apology” – Fulton County to Addess Voter Fraud Issues in 2020 Election in Wednesday Special Hearing

“Georgia owes President Trump an Apology” says election integrity expert Joe Rossi in Fulton County.

More evidence came out recently summarizing the corruption and fraud in the 2020 Election in Georgia.

A hearing will take place this morning in Georgia to discuss the corrupt acts that occurred in Fulton County in the 2020 Election.


GA State Election Board will discuss SEB2023-025 this morning

17,852 votes counted with no ballot images

20,713 original votes from tabulators out of thin air

3,930 duplicates counted and inserted via intentional human intervention.

a.k.a. FRAUD — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) August 7, 2024

“Georgia owes President Trump an apology”—Joe Rossi discusses the fraud uncovered in Fulton County during the 2020 Election. Instead of apologizing, the corrupt politicians in Georgia are covering up their crimes and working with the corrupt DA Fani Willis to indict President Trump for claiming that the election in the state was stolen.


How 3,930 duplicate votes were fraudulently added to the 2020 Election results in Fulton County “Who in the room thinks that’s accidental?” — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) August 7, 2024

edit on 7-8-2024 by IndieA because: Fixed Hyperlinks

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 05:48 AM
Former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters GUILTY on influencing public servant charges

Tina Peters was not found guilty of everything she was charged with, but was found guilty on a lot of the charges.

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: kwaka

Could have been a planted setup to make people automatically think all election challenges by "Conservatives" are frivolous.

But this may actually be proving elections ARE in fact tamperable !! 😊

posted on Aug, 13 2024 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Tables turn in 2025. They are petrified by what the country will learn! 😬

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 03:21 PM
Chairman James Comer Launches Investigation into Gov. Timothy Walz Over Ties to Chinese Communist Party Following VP Nomination

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has initiated a high-stakes investigation into Minnesota Governor Timothy Walz, who was recently announced as Kamala Harris’s running mate.

The inquiry comes amid growing concerns over Governor Walz’s reported connections to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) entities and officials.

In a strongly worded letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Chairman Comer requested a comprehensive review of all information, documents, and communications related to Governor Walz’s engagements with CCP-affiliated entities and officials.

The investigation will also examine any advisories or warnings that the FBI may have provided to Governor Walz concerning the CCP’s influence operations targeting U.S. political figures.

“The CCP has sought to destroy the United States through coordinated influence and infiltration campaigns that target every aspect of American life, including our own elected officials,” said Chairman James Comer.

“Americans should be deeply concerned that Governor Walz, Kamala Harris’s vice-presidential running mate, has a longstanding and cozy relationship with China.”

“Mr. Walz has visited China dozens of times, served as a fellow at a Chinese institution that maintains a devotion to the CCP, and spoke alongside the President of a Chinese organization the State Department exposed as a CCP effort to influence and co-opt local leaders. FBI briefers recently informed the Committee that the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force investigates CCP activity that is similar to China’s engagement with Governor Walz. The American people deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with China goes,” he added.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 03:24 PM
Alabama Secretary of State Discovers THOUSANDS of ILLEGALS Registered to Vote in November’s Presidential Election

It doesn’t even have to be a swing state… State officials have discovered over 3,000 illegal voters registered on Alabama’s state voter rolls. This report comes following Secretary of State Wes Allen ordering the removal of all non-citizens from the election database.

During the officials’ review, the state found a whopping 3,251 individuals with ‘alien registration numbers’ who were registered to vote – despite it being a federal offense. The U.S. Constitution and federal laws unequivocally stipulate that only U.S. citizens are entitled to vote in federal elections.

Secretary Allen’s decisive action to remove these non-citizens from the voter rolls is a necessary step to rectify this situation. However, the discovery raises critical questions about how such a lapse occurred in the first place.

According to reports from WAFF, the exact method by which these individuals were able to register remains unclear.

However, reports have surfaced showing that Democrat and Biden-regime-funded NGOs have been providing instructions and collecting registrations when processing illegals who have just crossed the border. Illegals have also been able to pick up registration forms at Welfare and other government assistance offices in at least 46 different states, according to the NY Post.

edit on 16-8-2024 by IndieA because: Added info

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 06:02 AM
Wall Street Apes

Georgia Elections Are What We Can Expect All Over America If We Don’t Secure Our Voting

Founder of True The Vote, Catherine Engelbrecht “We went through the voter rolls and we recognized that just based on residency, there were 364,000 ineligible voter records.”

“But what they didn't do in certifying and recertifying and all of the audits and all of the things, all of the great efforts that they say they went through, they never went back to look and see how how those 364,000 ineligible voters voted. And so now what we know Is it 67,000 of them did vote”

“So it was a cover up”

Video in the link.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 07:16 AM
Again, thank you IndieA and the rest of you that continue to update this thread.

Some of us are still reading along!

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 01:39 PM
BREAKING: Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs — Counties Must Withhold Certification Until Fraud is Addressed

The Georgia Election Board has voted 3-2 in favor of a new rule mandating that election workers compare the total number of ballots cast with the total number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.

This rule aims to ensure that every vote cast in the state is legitimate and that any discrepancies are thoroughly investigated before election results can be certified.

Under the rule, if discrepancies are found in any precinct—where the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voter IDs—the counties are required to withhold certification of the election results until the suspected fraud is fully investigated and resolved.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:53 PM
CISA, FBI assert election infrastructure’s fortitude despite ransomware threat

Released on Thursday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the PSA comes ahead of the November 2024 presidential elections. It acknowledges the growing cyber threat landscape due to the increased digitization of U.S. voting records and sophistication of cyberattacks, but emphasizes the overall security in election technology.

“Ransomware affecting state or local government systems could render certain election related functions temporarily inaccessible and cause election officials to revert to back-up processes and systems,” the advisory reads. “While this could impact the speed of certain processes, it would not impact the security or accuracy of the processes around the casting and counting of votes.”

Federal officials have discussed election security ahead of November as an area of concern, but have also reiterated the intelligence community’s preparedness to handle cyberattacks.

“While ransomware continues to be a significant cybersecurity concern, it is important to note that security measures put in place by election officials and election vendors ensure these incidents will not impact the security of the vote casting or tabulation systems and processes,” said CISA Senior Advisor Cait Conley.

posted on Aug, 21 2024 @ 03:07 PM
Ohio Secretary of State’s Office to Investigate into Algorithms Allegedly Placed in the Ohio State Board of Elections Registration Files

Jerome R. CORSI, Ph.D. tells The Gateway Pundit, “We have cracked the Enigma Machine of Democratic Election Fraud.”

And officials are taking the findings seriously.

Brian Katz, Ohio Public Integrity Division Director, announced on Monday that the Secretary of State’s Office will investigate algorithms placed in the Ohio State Board of Electionss voter registration file.

Katz writes, “My understanding is that you have knowledge of certain algorithsm embedded in the state’s voter registration database that could allow for the manipulation of mail-in voting records or other election datea.”

Katz told Dr. Corsi, “I ask that you provide this evidence as soon as possible to our office’s Election Integrity Unit.”

The God's Five Stones website published a paper by Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., who documented when working with the New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), clear evidence that an algorithmic code has been placed onto the New York State Board of Election’s (SBOE) voter registration database that alters voter identification numbers (IDs) that allow the creation, voting, and hiding of falsified voter registration that could be used in a mail-in ballot election fraud scheme.

On July 27, 2024, Paquette published on his substack an update showing that the New York SBOE had recently changed all their voter ID numbers, providing evidence that the Spiral Cipher that Paquette originally detected remains operative today.

In addition to New York State, Paquette has detected evidence of algorithmic alteration of SBOE voter registration roles in as many as 13 additional states, with algorithmic coding confirmed in both New Jersey and Hawaii.

While it is premature to assert that the algorithmic alteration of SBOE voter registration databases has been used to conduct election fraud, coding alteration of SBOE voter registration databases is inherently suspect of malevolence that needs to be investigated further before the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 03:29 PM
US Supreme Court Upholds Arizona’s Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote

On Thursday the US Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision partly granted a request from the Republican National Committee to make Arizona enforce measures requiring people to show proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote.

The vote was 5-4 with Justice Amy Coney Barrett joining the far left court justices in the opposition.

The voter registration law will immediately go into effect ahead of the upcoming November election.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 03:31 PM
Robert Kennedy Jr. Slams Hypocritical Democrats: ‘The DNC in Chicago Is Claiming to Defend Voting Rights While Spending Millions to Keep Me Off the Ballot’

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused his own party of blatant hypocrisy regarding voting rights. He asserts that while the Democratic National Committee (DNC) publicly champions the cause of voter access, they are simultaneously engaged in efforts to suppress the opponent’s candidacy, including him.

Kennedy Jr., who is facing significant resistance from party insiders, claims that the DNC and various state-level organizations are employing underhanded tactics to undermine his campaign.

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