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The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform

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posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 07:09 AM
Just FYI... nothing new worth posting this morning. Lots of opinions and people saying this, that or the other thing, but nothing of substance to post.

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Just FYI... nothing new worth posting this morning. Lots of opinions and people saying this, that or the other thing, but nothing of substance to post.

Are you starting to realize that everything said so far is an opinion and not fact yet?

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 11:02 PM
The anomalies being found by the Ninjas aren't opinions. They're facts. Not all of them are necessarily informative. Some may simply be record keeping errors by Maricopa County, or even by the Ninja's themselves.

I take anything about the hacking of Dominion machines with a grain of salt. I think it's a rabbit hole designed to trap peoples' minds so they don't look at other things. And the focus on it is guided misdirection. Like Boadicea was saying about the MyPillow guy and his informants. Give a determined person data that leads nowhere, and that's exactly where all their determination will take them.

If you don't have a narrow hypothesis, then on the surface Ninjas just look like they're grasping at straws.

And technically they are. Because they're just looking for stuff that is out of the ordinary.

But we've got ballots that fall far below Runbek's printing standards. Even without printer stenography to prove that they DID print a ballot, we can still look for evidence that some were NOT printed by them, and find it.

Logan said many ballots were printed in a manner that wasn’t lined up perfectly, potentially creating a situation where ink bleed could alter votes on the other side of the ballot.

“It can potentially cause an over vote. It can potentially cause you to vote for someone you didn’t intend to vote for,” Logan said, referring to a method called “kinematic artifact detection,” an untested method of authentication. “The bleed of one side’s bubble can go to the other side and get within the area where other votes are taking place.”

Logan said the issue might have been present on tens of thousands of ballots. However, the county maintains an offset will not affect votes.

The elephant in the room here. Nevermind whether the ballots will read right.

Doesn't that tell you Runbek didn't print them?

We've got false voter registrations (unless you think a 58% non-identifiability rate is normal in a list of legitimate voters...)

What evidence is there here, that we should be looking for, and that we haven't found?

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

If the Arizona Attorney General doesn't try harder to get to the bottom of why there were thousands of illegal votes counted as legal votes, he might as well resign.

If Brnovich is "trying hard", he needs to communicate this to the millions of Americans who are watching Arizona developments.

However...A search on AG Mark Brnovich's name tonight indicates that his focus is on combatting Biden's horrible immigration and vaccine policies. And he's having success doing so. It's helping his resume tremendously.

I suppose AG Brnovich could be indebted to Joe Biden, and any fraudsters who got him elected President, instead of exposing their treason?

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: vkey08

Are you starting to realize that everything said so far is an opinion and not fact yet?

Nope. I'm still waiting for you to prove it. You keep spewing this crap but never pony up anything to show me how wrong I am. You keep coming in here to harass and mock and insult, but never come up with all the awesome possum hard hitting facts and truth. I keep asking... I keep waiting... I keep getting nothing but more crap.

You're so sure of yourself, it's gotta be easy to do... post all those links that show the AZ Supreme Court didn't slap down Adrian Fontes like a flapjack on a griddle! Prove to me -- and the whole world -- that NO LAWS WERE BROKEN. You must have news reports... or video clips... or court decisions that prove to me how right you are and how wrong I am. Easy peasy, right?

So what ya got besides trash talk? Come on... Dazzle me with your brilliance! Show me how it's done!!!

I'm waiting... we're waiting... the WHOLE WORLD IS WAITING! Now is your moment...

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 05:57 AM
Senate committee issues subpoena for Madison election records from 2020 election

A Wisconsin Senate committee has issued a subpoena for Madison election records as part of an ongoing investigation into the 2020 election.

State Republicans announced plans for their own investigation in late October after the non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau shared a report outlining inconsistent administration of election law based on surveys of ballots from around the state.

According to LAB’s report, Madison City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl was the only clerk to decline to let the LAB physically handle absentee ballot certificates, citing chain-of-custody concerns.

“Having to sign the third subpoena in the history of the Senate is not something I take lightly. It’s unfortunate and concerning that a few people running elections think they are more important than the electorate,” Kapenga said. “I sign this with the full effect of the law behind it. We are not playing games, and there will be consequences if they don’t comply.”

Let me think here for a moment... I'm trying to figure out if this is a fact or an opinion.... Hmmmmm... let's see...

Is this someone saying, "In my opinion, I think this subpoena should be issued"? No. No, it's not.

Is this someone saying, "In my opinion, I think this subpoena was issued?" No. No, it's not.

Is this someone outright stating that this subpoena was in fact and in deed issued? YES! Yes, it is!!!

Whew! Glad I got that all figured out... This is FACT.

If I could, I would quote from the actual LAB report at the Wisconsin Legislature website, but it only loads to page six and then closes itself out, and gives me a "not secure" page. How very very odd, eh?

Here is a handy dandy summary of that report though:

WI Audit Report: Results Certified Despite Illegal Ballots

And here's an independent report from The Voter Integrity Project for anyone's perusal: The Wisconsin Report

Here's a link summing up their findings:

Wisconsin Election Report: Fraudulent Votes Nearly Eight Times Margin between Presidential Candidates

And let's not forget this:

Racine Co. sheriff accused WEC of violating election laws

Quite a bit of inconvenient FACTS to consider in Wisconsin these days...

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Brnovich is still a wild card in my mind. I don't have any confidence in him, but neither am I certain that he cannot be trusted either. He's made all the right noises the few times he's spoken of election integrity -- but those times are few and far between.

For what it's worth, Wendy Rogers recently provided an update, and said that his office is investigating but cannot/will not speak of the investigation until it is complete. And although Jovan Pulitzer's report on the paper ballot analysis has not been made public, it is purportedly in their possession, and is being included in the investigation. It has also been stated that the investigation will not be complete until the examination and analysis of the routers is complete and can be included in the investigation.

We do know that the AG's office has interviewed Adrian Fontes, because he was helpful enough to go crying to the media about it:

Arizona AG's Office Investigating 2020 Election

Brnovich is currently running for the U.S. Senate. He has some stiff competition. In my opinion, his win or loss for the Senate nomination will rise and fall with this investigation, and I think he knows it too.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 07:42 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 07:57 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

If the Arizona Attorney General doesn't try harder to get to the bottom of why there were thousands of illegal votes counted as legal votes, he might as well resign.

If Brnovich is "trying hard", he needs to communicate this to the millions of Americans who are watching Arizona developments.

However...A search on AG Mark Brnovich's name tonight indicates that his focus is on combatting Biden's horrible immigration and vaccine policies. And he's having success doing so. It's helping his resume tremendously.

I suppose AG Brnovich could be indebted to Joe Biden, and any fraudsters who got him elected President, instead of exposing their treason?

If he's not in bed with them, then he'd better hurry up and get to the bottom of it. Otherwise, next time he's up for election, 200,000 votes for his opponent will mysteriously appear at 3 am.
edit on 16-11-2021 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2021 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 06:16 PM
Really? Seriously? You can't use your little brain and reason it all out yourself, you need a woman to explain it to you?

I think that if you really tried hard enough you would see that I am right, as nothing has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt anywhere in any court, it's all conjecture. That is all I have to say actually, I need to prove nothing.

YOU need to prove that it IS fact, something so far no-one has done.

originally posted by: Boadicea

a reply to: vkey08

Are you starting to realize that everything said so far is an opinion and not fact yet?

Nope. I'm still waiting for you to prove it. You keep spewing this crap but never pony up anything to show me how wrong I am. You keep coming in here to harass and mock and insult, but never come up with all the awesome possum hard hitting facts and truth. I keep asking... I keep waiting... I keep getting nothing but more crap.

You're so sure of yourself, it's gotta be easy to do... post all those links that show the AZ Supreme Court didn't slap down Adrian Fontes like a flapjack on a griddle! Prove to me -- and the whole world -- that NO LAWS WERE BROKEN. You must have news reports... or video clips... or court decisions that prove to me how right you are and how wrong I am. Easy peasy, right?

So what ya got besides trash talk? Come on... Dazzle me with your brilliance! Show me how it's done!!!

I'm waiting... we're waiting... the WHOLE WORLD IS WAITING! Now is your moment...

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: vkey08

Really? Seriously? You can't use your little brain and reason it all out yourself, you need a woman to explain it to you?

You haven't brought anything but conjecture and rhetoric to the discussion. WE GET IT, you hate Trump and this is somehow all about him in your mind. GOOD FOR YOU!!!

I think that if you really tried hard enough you would see that I am right, as nothing has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt anywhere in any court, it's all conjecture. That is all I have to say actually, I need to prove nothing.

Boadica, right or wrong has brought source after source after source. Your simple words don't discredit any of it to the wider discussion.

YOU need to prove that it IS fact, something so far no-one has done.

This is not a court. This is a discussion board. You may not be convinced and thats fine, however as you've brought absolutely nothing to the table, your words mean squat.

posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: vkey08

Really? Seriously? You can't use your little brain and reason it all out yourself, you need a woman to explain it to you?

There you go making wrong assumptions again... In this case quite sexist.

But yes, I do need a woman to reason it out and understand it for me, and THAT WOMAN IS ME! Not you.

I think that if you really tried hard enough you would see that I am right, as nothing has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt anywhere in any court, it's all conjecture. That is all I have to say actually, I need to prove nothing.

YOU need to prove that it IS fact, something so far no-one has done.

We both know you can't do it. But you couldn't just do your own due diligence and admit it, could you?

I can. Following is the ruling of the AZ Supreme Court in re Arizona Integrity Alliance vs Adrian Fontes, Maricopa County Recorder, et al

Written Ruling of the Supreme Court of the State of Arizona

We hold that the Recorder acted unlawfully by including the New Instruction with mail-in ballots. The Recorder does not have the constitutional or statutory authority to promulgate mail-in ballot instructions, nor does he have the authority to create voter guidelines for correcting overvotes to ensure that they will be counted. Rather, with respect to overvotes, the Recorder has a non-discretionary duty to provide the Overvote Instruction authorized by the Arizona Secretary of State, 2019 Elections Procedures Manual (“2019 EPM”).

And the County Recorder, continued to break the law and defy the Supreme Court Order:

Following the August 4, 2020 Primary, the Attorney General received complaints from mail-in voters who had received the New Instruction with their ballots. As a result, on August 11, the Attorney General notified the Recorder that the New Instruction was unlawful and demanded that “the instructions accompanying the early ballots” comply with the law. Then, on August 17, Plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to the Recorder also demanding that he refrain from including the New Instruction with mail-in ballots. However, on August 24, the Recorder advised the Attorney General and Plaintiffs that he would continue to include the New Instruction.

This is FACT as admitted by the defendant, Adrian Fontes, and documented by the Attorney General and the Supreme Court.

Accordingly, we conclude that the Recorder did not have the authority to promulgate the New Instruction. And even if the Recorder had such authority, he did not follow the legislature’s prescribed procedure for adopting election rules and instructions.

Because Plaintiffs have shown that the Recorder has acted unlawfully and exceeded his constitutional and statutory authority...

...because the Recorder’s action does not comply with Arizona law, public policy and the public interest are served by enjoining his unlawful action.

The County Recorder broke the law. The County Recorder admitted it. The County Recorder brazenly and blatantly defied both the Attorney General and the Supreme Court's orders to cease and desist.

FACT -- not opinion. PROVEN and ruled on by the Supreme Court.


posted on Nov, 16 2021 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Your post was both informative and reassuring that there are top-ranking judicial authorities in Arizona who aren't afraid of their shadow. Thank-you.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Your post was both informative and reassuring that there are top-ranking judicial authorities in Arizona who aren't afraid of their shadow. Thank-you.

We do have some officials and authorities with brass pairs -- male and female! -- but something else that's become increasingly obvious is that we need to pay more attention to who has "standing" to take matters to court, and expand the number and type of people with standing to sue. And we especially need to ensure that political parties are not the only ones with the standing to sue for redress of grievances in election matters.

The case in Virginia regarding the acceptance of mail-in ballots without the last four digits of the SS# was legitimate, and the judge stated that it was illegal, but it was dismissed because the plaintiffs were not authorized to sue under the law. The Republican party was and is qualified, but they made no effort to do so.

We The People should not be dependent on politicians and government officials to do what is right with no legal standing to sue for ourselves.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 07:18 AM
Oh my! Some more inconvenient FACTS... specifically admissions of guilt in breaking election law:

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Wisconsin Election Officials Admitted to Telling Election Officials to Break the Law Before 2020 Presidential Election

"I have had discomfort...the day I had first suggested this that we will be essentially telling the clerks to break the law."

But that's exactly what they did:

The Wisconsin Election Commission voted 5-1 to order nursing homes to break election laws during a Zoom meeting that was only posted to the public 1 hour before the vote.

When one commissioner raised concerns:

“The thing I’m afraid of is possible fraud in nursing homes…where you have whomever filling out these ballots…I think that’s a problem.”

WEC’s Ann Jacobs scoffed at concerns family members should be notified ballots would be sent directly to nursing homes

“Don’t you want the families to know what’s going on here?”

Families found out AFTER the election that invalid votes were cast in their loved ones’ names.

WEC admitted Special Voting Deputies have to visit nursing homes & be witnessed by Dem & GOP observers, & "the law prevents absentee ballots from being mailed" to nursing homes without SVD visits

“The other thing we did was told municipalities they didn’t have to follow the state law when they were going to propose closing a polling place…

“We need to go back to following the law but…”

Ya think???

Too late now though to stop the fraud that has already taken place:

The elderly mother's right to register to vote were REVOKED 5 years before the 2020 election after developing a degenerative brain disorder

Yet the son discovered his mother had “cast ballots in the Aug 11, 2020, Partisan Primary and the Nov 2020 General Election.”

There are videos at the link of these Commissioners making statements admitting they were breaking the law, but they aren't YouTube, and I don't know how or if we can load other video platforms.

However, this is the same criminal activity which the Racine County Sheriff investigated and revealed in a press conference not too long ago:

County Sheriff in Wisconsin Reveals Evidence of Election Law Felony Violations

Racine sheriff recommends charges against 5 state election commissioners

All of the above is FACT. Not opinion. Not speculation. Not conspiracy theory.


posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Brnovich is still a wild card in my mind. I don't have any confidence in him, but neither am I certain that he cannot be trusted either. He's made all the right noises the few times he's spoken of election integrity...

Wow, a politician saying exactly what people want to hear and doing nothing to back that up. What. A. Total. Shocker.

Are all of you tired of being lead around by the nose yet? Has it gotten old for you? Do any of you think they're gonna tick-tock out some sealed indictments and lock them up?

It's like watching a battered spouse go back for more.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 07:34 AM
Just a few more things this morning...

Wisconsin is really pushing the envelope here... Another "rule" created out of thin air by local officials, NOT state legislators, and therefore a violation of election law:

OUTRA GEOUS! After Massive GOP Interest – Wisconsin Election Officials Are Now Requiring All Poll Workers Be Vaccinated for Upcoming Election

I haven't dug into this yet, but there is plenty of background info and substantiating links in the article:

Walls Are Closing in On Green Bay Officials and Their Relationship with Election Mystery Man Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit reported back in March that Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich gave the keys to the arena where ballots were stored before the the 2020 election to far left radical and former Facebook employee Michael Spitzer Rubenstein.

The Gateway Pundit then reported that disclosed emails revealed that Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Wisconsin state lead for the National Vote at Home Institute, was given secret internet access to the hotel convention center where ballots were counted in Green Bay.

Then in October a group of local Wisconsin patriots who call themselves ‘Wisconsin HOT’ uncovered another major elections scandal in Wisconsin. A Racine Clerk worked with a former Facebook employee to create an app to track votes in real-time before the 2020 election. The former Facebook employee was Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein. Rubenstein asked to get into ‘WisVote’ per an email obtained by Wisconsin HOT.

Last week a new formal complaint was filed against Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich on Friday for mishandling the 2020 November election.


Thank goodness election investigations and audits continue in Wisconsin!
edit on 17-11-2021 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Wow, a politician saying exactly what people want to hear and doing nothing to back that up. What. A. Total. Shocker.

Are all of you tired of being lead around by the nose yet? Has it gotten old for you? Do any of you think they're gonna tick-tock out some sealed indictments and lock them up?

I'm sick and tired of lots of things and lots of critters... but I'm not giving up and I'm not giving in.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll have something pretty exciting to report later today... but no promises. We'll have to wait and see if it happens or not!

It's like watching a battered spouse go back for more.

Battered spouse syndrome isn't exactly wrong, but it's not exactly right either. Definite similarities -- although we might see slightly different similarities!

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Boadicea

It's like watching a battered spouse go back for more.

Do you have experience with that?

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