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Secretly Recorded - Pharma Officials Gravely Concerned About Covid-19 Vaccines LT Dangers.

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posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:10 PM

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(post by Oldcarpy2 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by Oldcarpy2 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:30 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: marg6043

If Ebola had started running rampant like covid-19, people would be crawling over each other to get vaccinated, even if it was only 50% effective.

But people go through their daily lives not seeing hardly anyone they know dying from covid-19.

There is no sense of urgency with this barely lethal virus. Nothing that causes people to want to take the risk associated with being vaccinated with a drug that was just invented 10 months ago.

The fear mongers at the top of government, and the media, and here in social media, don't seem to understand that simple basic truth.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:36 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: tanstaafl
Dude, please... I have survived eight, count 'em, eight heart attacks. One was when I had 100% blockage in my left ascending cardiac artery... 100%! As in, there was no blood flow to that part of my heart! I have a stent to remember that little experience by. I have also had quintuple open-heart bypass surgery. I am now disabled due to low blood flow from a damaged wall of my heart.

Sorry to hear it, and I'm truly glad that you survived, but that is all irrelevant to my point that high cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, never has, never will.

That said, I should clarify - high cholesterol is not always good... but it doesn't cause heart disease or heart attacks, it is merely a symptom.

Cholesterol is an absolutely critical component of vital health.

Also, dietary cholesterol has absolutely ZERO to do with blood cholesterol levels.

The solution? The doctors got my cholesterol down to a manageable level. Once that was done, I stopped having heart attacks. When it got down to good levels, my heart started healing. Still a long way to go on that, but at least it is slowly improving.

Sorry, but lowering your cholesterol had nothing to do with stopping your heart attacks that is not what stopped you from having heart attacks.

Of course, in order to figure out what exactly did help, I'd have to know everything else you did, but of course I don't expect you to tell me any of that, and I don't expect you to change your mind.

But you are wrong. Massively wrong. Too bad you're stuck in a place where you can't even bother to consider the possibility, but in case I'm wrong, here are a few videos that explain it:

Controversial thoughts: When high cholesterol is GOOD!

Cholesterol: friend or foe

Think red meat causes cancer? Think again!

I know of which I speak on that subject very well, thank you very much. I lived it firsthand.

I'm truly sorry for your experience, and more importantly that it apparently poisoned your ability to consider alternatives on the subject. Hopefully that will change.

Now, perhaps inflammation can also cause clots... but in my case it was simply extremely high cholesterol. If you don't believe it, then I pray you never go through what I went through. It's a sucky way to learn a lesson.

Not worried about it thankfully... I couldn't care less what my cholesterol is...

More importantly, stop spreading the dangerous falsehood that high cholesterol is good for people. It's not just a lie, it is dangerous.

No, it is the truth, and the reverse is what is dangerous...

The longest and most relevant study on the subject is the Framingham study, and that study proves unequivocally that those with higher cholesterol lived much longer, and those with lower cholesterol died much sooner.

Believe it or not, it is the truth.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 04:58 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: marg6043


posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: PaPaTaco

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

So, a couple of big pharma guys are anti vaxxers, big deal. Some of them are flat earthers too, there are even some pedophiles in big pharma. They're not that hard to find.

It's like rocket scientists who believe in flying saucers, biologists who are also creationists, or computer programmers who think Alexa isn't spying on them. Smart people can be wrong some times.

In situations like this the majority is usually right. When 99.99 percent of scientists say the shot is safe then it probably is, and that 0.01 percent is just a lunatic fringe that goes squatching at the weekend

Yup I'm an Antivaxxer and a Flat Earther... Gonna crucify me too with your cognitive dissonance known as hate?

Don't straw man the truth/evidence with your appeal to athourity/majority... And don't gaslight the situation... You're not the victim here.

No, I'm going to copy and paste your response on to Twitter and then rate the responses in order of how funny they are.

You're not a victim here, you chose to do this knowing what would happen.

I'm not going to be the victim because I choose not to let your unvaxxed self near to me.

Latest stats show 51000 dead I. England over the last 6 months. 4 in 5 of those were unvaxxed. Only 640 were double vaxxed. Only 0.0067 percent of people had serious side effects.

That's not gas lighting, it's a resounding success for the shot.

Dude, cool, great, awesome.

Then all of us unvaxxed will eventually die because we’re idiots and you’ll have no worries. Will that get you control freaks to leave all of us the hell alone? My god, buddy, you took the jab and you’re happy about it. Congratulations. Go stroke yourself.

Like, we get it. You’ve stated your point ad infinitum. The vaccine works 100% of the time and is 100% safe and requires no questioning, whatsoever, and anyone who disagrees is a moron. Do you want a trophy? What do you want? What is required to satiate your ego’s thirst for control so the rest of us can stop being bothered by your presence?

Move on. You’re insufferable.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:13 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: balanc3

I think the revenue big Pharma is making should be withheld in a kind of escrow fund towards future treatments of vax damages and likely settlements to those that are and will be inevitably harmed by the vax.

That was my first red flag warning, when the pharmaceuticals were given immunity. That should never happen! People have a right to the court system, and that agreement stole our right away.

Of course, that's far from the only rights that have been taken from people over this planned biological weapon.


posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:30 PM

Can we please talk about the topic?????

Secretly Recorded - Pharma Officials Gravely Concerned About Covid-19 Vaccines LT Dangers.

You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!
edit on Wed Sep 29 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Sorry to hear it, and I'm truly glad that you survived, but that is all irrelevant to my point that high cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, never has, never will.

It did in my case.

That said, I should clarify - high cholesterol is not always good... but it doesn't cause heart disease or heart attacks, it is merely a symptom.

Cholesterol does cause heart attacks. Cholesterol is a very thick substance, whereas blood is fairly thin. Too much cholesterol thickens the blood, causing it to become less viscous and less able to flow freely. That makes it easy for calcium compounds to bind with the cholesterol and create the clots.

That's greatly simplified, but I think it gets the point across without too much medical-speak.

Cholesterol is an absolutely critical component of vital health.

Yes, it is. Our entire body is made of cholesterol. That's what forms cellular membranes.

I will remind you that water is also absolutely essential for life as we know it... but too much will drown you.

Our bodies are a balance between different chemicals. Sodium, for example, is another thing that is critical for good health. But potassium is as well, and the two chemicals form a balance. Too much sodium can also be considered as too little potassium. It's the same way with cholesterol... there is more than one type of cholesterol, and the different types exist in a balance.

Also, dietary cholesterol has absolutely ZERO to do with blood cholesterol levels.

You are correct... kinda. There is a correlation, but it is far from linear. Cholesterol is broken down in the digestive tract and only the nutrients from it are absorbed... these are reassembled into human cholesterol as needed. Excess blood cholesterol is excreted into the colon and passed out of the body as well, and that is where high blood cholesterol levels begin. Most people who are obese also have difficulty with that excretion process... that's why fiber works so well, as it cleans out the digestive tract.

In my case, the problem was actually an excessive amount of a protein the liver uses to regulate blood cholesterol. Liver cells absorb LDL cholesterol using structures on their surface that bind to it. These structures then are absorbed into the cell and reappear. There is a regulatory protein that inhibits these structures from reappearing, and the medicine I take that actually works, does so by using antibodies against these regulatory proteins.

In other words, diet would not work for me. Statins did not work for me. Exercise did not work for me. What worked was correcting the chemical imbalance.

In most people, diet does play a role, but you are correct that dietary cholesterol is not blood cholesterol.

I'm truly sorry for your experience, and more importantly that it apparently poisoned your ability to consider alternatives on the subject. Hopefully that will change.

It's not that I won't consider possibilities; it's that in my case the correlation was undeniable. High blood cholesterol = regular heart attacks; lower blood cholesterol = no heart attacks. That kind of correlation is hard to argue with. In addition, there was (and is) no inflammation in my system when I was having regular heart attacks. As a matter of fact, I picked up a staph infection during the operation that actually coincided with less heart problems!


posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: [post=26137155]AaarghZombies

So, a couple of big pharma guys are anti vaxxers, big deal. Some of them are flat earthers too, there are even some pedophiles in big pharma. They're not that hard to find.

It's like rocket scientists who believe in flying saucers, biologists who are also creationists, or computer programmers who think Alexa isn't spying on them. Smart people can be wrong some times.

In situations like this the majority is usually right. When 99.99 percent of scientists say the shot is safe then it probably is, and that 0.01 percent is just a lunatic fringe that goes squatching at the weekend do know you are on a conspiracy web site right?

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: PaPaTaco

How do you control the masses? with propaganda play over and over with the media outlets now turned tabloids for the Democrats and pharma.

The scaremongering campaign was intensive, cruel and with intend, no information, even I believe in the first months that actually we were going to die, after all Closing the entire world and the economy of the US will make everybody be on the edge.

It worked perfectly, then the powers that be needed to get Trump out of the picture, because while he was for the jabs he would never have forced them on people like the senile rat in the white house that is nothing but a puppet been manipulated.

Now people is more aware they know is all crap, the scaremongering has made many paranoid, but for the rest the actual people that do research and get informed are a danger and need to be punished for not following the rules.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 08:32 PM
Da reply to: AaarghZombies

Lol where are you getting your sources from? Your feelings?

Show me where a couple of big pharma guys are "anti-Vaxxx".

You mentally ill #s, call everyone that doesn't want to take a experimental Vaccine that hasn't even completed its studies yet anti vaxx, yet the same person you call anti vaxx has probably gotten 99% of vaccines.

posted on Sep, 29 2021 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

So, a couple of big pharma guys are anti vaxxers, big deal. Some of them are flat earthers too, there are even some pedophiles in big pharma. They're not that hard to find.

It's like rocket scientists who believe in flying saucers, biologists who are also creationists, or computer programmers who think Alexa isn't spying on them. Smart people can be wrong some times.

Your comparisons are an absolute joke. This is the single largest and most controversial topic in human history. Sorry don't get to brush this off as two guys who happen to work within the very industry that is perpetrating the single greatest lie in human history as "two anti-vaxxers".

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

So, a couple of big pharma guys are anti vaxxers, big deal. Some of them are flat earthers too, there are even some pedophiles in big pharma. They're not that hard to find.

It's like rocket scientists who believe in flying saucers, biologists who are also creationists, or computer programmers who think Alexa isn't spying on them. Smart people can be wrong some times.

Your comparisons are an absolute joke. This is the single largest and most controversial topic in human history. Sorry don't get to brush this off as two guys who happen to work within the very industry that is perpetrating the single greatest lie in human history as "two anti-vaxxers".

Oh, I do get to brush it off, because this a small group of kooks saying things that are easy to debunk. 99.99 percent of scientists say that this is safe, and most of the ones who don't have a long history of being anti vaxxers or supporting fringe conspiracies so they have exactly zero credibility.

I've seen this before, these things crop up every few years and the looney minority makes a fuss and are debunked by everyone else.

Hole in the ozone layer
Mmr and autism
Global warming
New smokers and vapping
Flouride in the water

This is just another doom porn fueled fear flap where the 0.01 percent get their panties in a bunch and try to take on the establishment with no evidence.

I'll tell you what. You set a date by which the shot should be proved safe or dangerous. Maybe 5 years after the first shot was given, or similar, and I will add it to my diary. On that date if I'm wrong, and the shot is proved dangerous I will message you and admit that I was wrong, and if its proved safe by that date you message me with a similar apology.

Let's say... 10 percent of vaxxed people are killed by it, or maybe 20 percent suffer an injury requiring a month to recover. And its published by fox and one large European news group.


posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

99.99 percent of scientists say that this is safe,

Do you have a link?

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