a reply to:
Aye this maybe Glasgow, Scotland and its not happening here yet , but our human rights are being trampled on , we are being discriminated against for
our own free will choices , look at the human rights charter , which was enshrined after WW2 to prevent any of that # from happening again.
the SNP face a legal challenge over the vaccine passport
SNP faces crushing
setback – Sturgeon could be dragged to court over 'ridiculous' scheme
Scotland: Legal challenge to Scottish Government’s Covid vaccine passport plans
as it is considered unlawful , I wrote to my MSP James Dornan and I was told that if vaccine passports come into play by 1st october any outdoor event
with 10,000 people or more would require a vaccine passport , I asked immediately if this included protests and I have yet to receive a reply I also
noticed that Holyrood now has a protest exclusion zone around it.
as for Australia , they are stopping people from protesting with force
as for me well what happens to one happens to all
all for one and one for all , just because some have chosen to vaccinate doesnt mean I wont stop fighting for their freedoms afterall you are my
brothers and sisters in humanity
I will not sit here and follow orders from government who are corrupt to the core and have been for decades
and will not follow orders from "authority" who claim to assert laws over me when Im a lawful being by my nature.
I just cant believe so many decided to get a vaccine on advice from government when these are the same #s who steal our wealth , subject us to all
sorts of ridiculous laws , and generally lie and cheat us almost every day.
The nazis didnt come to power over night and their horrific laws enacted in one foul swoop it crept in bit by bit , first the medical community and
then once they had the doctors in tow , it got nasty fast.
but like I said , I will fight for your freedoms and those of every human on earth, I have a horse in this race as my family members have also taken
the vaccines and I sit here every day hoping that they are ok and that nothing happens to their bodies down the line