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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 04:23 PM
The New Schindler's List...πŸ™„

Swiss-German link

Here's an Austrian Job listing for fascist youth party seeking people for administrative tasks related to the fines coming in.

(Note: Goog translated from German): πŸ™ƒ

Your tasks:

Preparation of penal orders based on the federal law on compulsory vaccination against COVID-19

Processing of appeals against the penal orders and preparation of the penal findings administrative tasks

Arrange for executions (if administrative penalties are not paid)

Employment requirements

health aptitude
valid 2G proof
impeccable past life
Austrian citizenship
very good knowledge of the German language, both spoken and written

In accordance with the program to promote women decided by the Linz municipal council, women are particularly invited to apply. Women will be given preference if they have the same qualifications.

Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the historical book [PDF]

And there we have it from chief ghoul on the darkest day...NOTHING to do with health...

The pendulum has got to eventually swing the other way and blast all this authoritarianism nonsense off the planet.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
The New Schindler's List...πŸ™„

So losing your livelihood and not being able to feed your family is now an inconvenience. Sounds like they are declaring war for 2022

I guess the democrats also think racism is also an inconvenience since racism is about making a set of people into a second class of citizens.

Democrats message : Come on African Americans it was only an inconvenience to have to ride in back of the bus, use different bathrooms, and not being able to enter key establishments .

edit on 361231America/ChicagoTue, 21 Dec 2021 16:36:38 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Wow ... that is interesting. To quote part of what you presented (also quoted) that bothers me most:

anthrax is being genetically engineered by a researcher, whose name was redacted in the release, so that it will express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is the part of the coronavirus that allows it to gain access into human cells.

SO they will engineer an anthrax bacillus to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. They can do that, no problem.

But, what does that mean?

There will be anthrax leading to all the usual anthrax symptoms upon infection, that will test POSITIVE for the spike protein on immunoassay testing, at a minimum. At worst, the spike protein would over-activate a patient's immune system, causing additional problems above the normal anthrax infection, possibly worse in those previously-exposed to either the original COVID-19 and/or the vaccines.

Question on conclusion: are they potentially trying to make a more lethal anthrax, or to use anthrax to 'kill' people, while using POSITIVE spike protein tests to blame it on COVID-19?

Damn. Evil bastards. I don't like any of this.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 04:51 PM
Alongside holding hands is an energy aspect of 2012 dec 21st which back then threw me but allowance to overstand came soon after, a few moons, and that is so so so so much happened and carry on as normal preveiled but not, as such, time constraints created here create potentials once future now entered = soon future has us clearing n transmuting , learning much experimenting and experiencing the now-won, the QO quantum open happening, if one can Imaging being in the just ahead and behind at same time, the now. Sensing and seeing many being stopped ( many facets ) and nothing happening because being ahead of ones timelines and alls timelines cannot be in place yet, lol the slow quickening, though frustrating for some , most are well enough know thyself to carryon being.

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Humans as currentcy moving to humans as water, an evolving human facet atm underway imo, watch the water and ten days of darkness may be strongly connected, ten days being highly xlent and positive ( only saw it as neg timeline till recent ), am getting an at present ten day timeline, halfish way in and another ten day timeline promptly after, a day after going or taking us into new year, a day between giving a, us a mirror day with 10 either side = 21, may involve a take down of the false 12 moon Calends also ( tax as such completed ), am getting huge much completion, one aspect is foul water coming alive, nurture energies of many facets everywhere = outside healing assistance ? unsure but huge nurture energies second half of energy book 10 1 10 into 2022.

Energy of Cosmic Dog has also reared it's head biggish, Dog = family-loyality-love n Cosmic = letting go to renew-end of-calm of previous.

Very positive and glitches everywhere regards neg timelines n sad souls.

a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Hey, check the date on that document you linked earlier about anthrax being modified to present as coronavirus. September of 2020. This is some research they're doing now. DARPA is currently trying to disguise posions as coronavirus.

FFS, does Q's plan call for them to sit around and do nothing while our own Government conducts bioterrorism on Patriots?

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
There's been an anthrax attack on the ReAwaken America event. Codemonkey was asking for prayers for several of his friends. Don't have a link and can't post a picture. They sprayed anthrax into the event through the duct work. Also saw video of it.

Enough is enough. Something needs done about this and like right now. Several people are hospitalized and may die over this.

Did you know the CDC has an Anthrax Vax? Not readily available to public but for high risk persons. It’s also a treatment for post Anthrax poisoning.

Yep. I was serving in the military when we had that Anthrax scare several years ago. They started giving us a six course vaccine and then abruptly stopped midstream. Several people got sick and it's a scandal in and of itself that doesn't get enough attention. Many people are now suffering neurological effects that they believe came from that incident.

CDC = George Costanza Latex Salesman

Lack of accountability is the root of the problem. IMO

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

I concur.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Sounds to me that between this "covid fear" and these new Anthrax attacks, the ground is set for the Plague to make a re-emergence with nobody by "The Chosen" getting the proper treatment due to misdiagnoses of plague for "covid". The Chinese can now rest peacefully since they can now deny deny deny their inability to contain the plague in the Hubei Province just like they did for the outbreak in the 14th century.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

This is why I have stated so many times in the past that the people behind "KU" might have started out good, but by holding on to the information and not exposing it like they should have, might have corrupted themselves in the process.

They may not have intended to become corrupted, but by being gatekeepers to all the information rather than flow-masters of the information, they have effectively become that which they started out fighting against.

As people are dying, the people behind "KU" are choosing not to release all of the information, but instead are sitting quietly by as the population are told to "Trust the Plan" which none of them actually is aware of. The people behind "KU" are in a situation where they can either expose the truth to the masses or prevent the masses from knowing the truth and allow the guilty to stay hidden.

As I have said in the past and will re-iterate here: "I do not believe that the people behind "KU" intended to be corrupt, but by becoming gatekeepers to this information they have corrupted themselves by hiding the truth from the masses".

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 06:22 PM
BBC reporting on GMAX trial

Ghislaine Maxwell trial jurors resume deliberations

A New York City jury has resumed deliberations in the sex trafficking and perjury trial of Ghislaine Maxwell following weeks of testimony.

Ms Maxwell faces up to 80 years in prison if convicted.

The jury withdrew for an hour of deliberations on Monday evening and returned on Tuesday to continue considering their verdict.

Less than an hour after resuming deliberations, the jury asked to review the testimony of three of the four women who accused Ms Maxwell of facilitating Epstein's sexual abuse.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 06:36 PM
Tracy Beanz on telegram reports on VOVID-19 impact on SPERM:

New study finds COVID-19 lowers sperm count, motility for as much as 3 months

β€œSARS-CoV-2 RNA was not detected in semen during the period shortly after infection nor at a later time. Mean progressive motility was reduced in 60% of men tested shortly (2 months after COVID-19 infection. Mean sperm count was reduced in 37% of men tested shortly (2 months after COVID-19 infection.

Because the study was performed during the first and second waves of COVID-19 infection in Europe, none of the men were vaccinated against COVID-19.”

Wonder if the synthetic spike proteins would have a similar effect? πŸ€”

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Evil mad scientists indeed. The insanity is our adversaries are cooking up biowarfare potions because they know that we know they are doing the same/similar Gain-of-Function weaponization. It's like a modern Manhattan project race for MADness (Mutual Assured Destruction) with DARPA goons in the front row.

Earlier post regarding lethal anthrax strain.

Mentioned in the article snipping πŸ‘† is Kanatzhan "Kanat" Alibekov aka Kenneth "Ken" Alibek, Russian biological warfare expert who defected to the US back in 1992.

Known for creating the most virulent strain of anthrax ever synthesized, known as "Strain 836" aka "biological Chernobyl".

One of their current subjects is reportedly Bacillus anthracis strain H-4. Its virulence and antibiotic resistance have been significantly increased using genetic engineering.

In August 2016, the journal Science reported that anthrax scientist Paul Keim of Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff) and colleagues had attempted to sequence the B. anthracis genome from two samples taken from victims of the Sverdlovsk anthrax leak.

Pray for no leaks in the brand new BSL-4 in Manhattan, Kansas.πŸ˜³πŸ™„

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:58 PM

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:14 PM

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:30 PM
LuCIAn Greeves and the CIAtanic Temple, spreading their usual sex-pest stupidity this Christmas season...

NY Post

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:51 PM
I’m getting the feeling our DOD better be top shelf in drone and remote combat. If we have to put a woke military into the actual battlefield, they will get destroyed.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’m getting the feeling our DOD better be top shelf in drone and remote combat. If we have to put a woke military into the actual battlefield, they will get destroyed.

Yeah, Trump spoke to this. They plan to use UFO technology at the end of this. But instead of the cabal's hoaxed tech (holograms and mind control devices), they got the real stuff.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Trump is appreciative that the guy who stole the election from him gives him credit for the vaccines? Wow I'm getting warm fuzzies from all the love flowing between these two...

The process of healing is only going to happen when the criminals are brought to justice and the American people are freed from all the pain and suffering we have endured at their hands.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 10:59 PM
Armygirl on telegram reports that Il Donaldo Trumpo's following count hit 7,777, at 03:53GMT (see my decode last night re chuck grassley 3:53 tweet!)

I checked and the following number has now dropped to 7,775:

7+7+7+5 = 26... #26

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147449624 πŸ“
Nov 1 2017 00:41:54 (EST)
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

edit on 21-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

A lot in your post but what caught my imagination was the Oscar goes too section.

I would say the Oscar for best production of money goes to the Little drummer idiot who has made Sandman enough money to live for the life of leisure in style.

The Oscar for best production has to go to the blonde who came in disheveled and weak looking with smeared glasses and yucky hair to sell her victimhood story that no one in the story supported the claims. Not even her closest friends at the time of the "rape". She was pitiful and played the pitiful victim to a T.

The Oscar for comedian would go to AOC, She is a riot of the three stooges variety sans the violence, just looney as hell.

If they gave one for dumbass it would go to Baldwin.

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