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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 09:13 PM

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 09:15 PM

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 09:16 PM

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 09:17 PM

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 09:25 PM

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: angelchemuel

If it is borne out, no Pope then there will be no Catholic Church.

The Pope is not the Church.

Nor are the Prelates and Bishops.

Nor are the many child rapists in their midst.

Put on the Armor of God and take another look at the situation.


Stranger things in 2022.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

MSM is stunned and perplexed that Nunes is giving up so much to run a Trump media startup.

Nunes = American Hero.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I believe JE could have been turned a long time ago, but it's hard to judge him....he represents everything that's wrong with Western society.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Yea, he remains a mystery. I think he took over for Roy Cohn or one of those guys in one aspect of the operation in that circle, while G-Max served another purpose and now someone has replaced both Epstein & G-Max.

Retired crew:


Sounds eerily similar to Bob Lazar's description.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Justoneman

I learnt a lot of techniques right here.

Me too.

Including some from both of you!

The one thing common to both national and local politics is the FOIA/RTK process. I had the benefit of my wife being trained in the first class offered by the state when the law came in 2006, she was the new secretary of our old small town. We had a rocky road there and spilled over into our new town when they both conspired against us.

So later in 2011 timeframe I got their emails, and other documents that were redacted with a magic marker. My wife noticed she could read right through the marker! My lawyer laughed like a little girl when I showed him. I can't make this stuff up, they are that dumb.

The best lol is when I explain how, back then, people would put anything that popped into their heads in an email, they sent it thinking nobody else would ever read them. I punched right thru that pre-Assange mindset with post-Assange techniques! Not that it's about me, but so many issues and situation have mirrored between here and IRL. Experience within those two worlds build upon each other and reenforce the message. Q would be proud of the thing he inspired.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 11:55 PM
Oh daskakik..oh ye of little faith. I, too, have faith you'll come around...

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
In my opinion though, this counts as a FUTURE PROVES PAST simply because KU posted a picture of the Pope next to a tombstone exactly 4yrs in advance of a news item rumouring that the current Pope is dying!

Or the ones who published that story trolled you because they knew some people would make that connection.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe
Not with how things are going.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I was here when you were first learning your foia skills, and appreciated that you shared it here.

Still do.

Haven't had a need for any of that in my activities yet, but may someday.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

Maybe I'm not explaining myself well.
I asked Rel, now I'll ask you, what conceivable event/situation would cause no next Pope to be elected? I can't imagine one, can you?


posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I can think of a couple, but one that comes to mind is if the people that are responsible for electing the next Pope are killed in the same event. If something did happen to this Pope, and the Cardinals met to choose the next Pope, but one of them blew a bomb instead, then I think it might be months even a year or two before a new Pope is chosen. While I might be wrong here though since I don't know much more than anyone else when it comes to safeguards that the church has in place for Pope elections.

We can also assume that if something "Biblical" in nature happens (ie a massive Earthquake near or centered at Vatican City, or something along those lines) then a delay in voting in a new Pope might take place. So, it could happen, but I doubt anything like those events would happen since the chances are so remote.

I'll stay away from non-worldly events like a rapture or something along those lines since the chances are even more remote, but also, I don't think a new Pope would matter in that case.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Imagine the Pope being arrested along with many Prelates and Bishops.

Imagine the Church's involvement in MK Ultra is made public.

Imagine the revelation when the faithful suddenly understand that the Elite in the Church are Satan Worshiping a/hats.

That is all highly likely.

Catholics will still believe in Jesus, remember, the Pope is not the Church, only a rotten figurehead.


posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

That theory also makes a lot of sense to me litterbaux!

Lurk less... when you're not mingling with @catturd2?

Talking of catturd2 and space, a couple more signals have cropped up overnight - both of which need proof graphics:

1) @catturd2 retweeted a video, at 03:28:41, that Il Donaldo Trumpo first tweeted, at 20:44:00:
a) Video is 1:13 mins = 11.3 MARKER,
b) Is a YMCA sppof of Putin's video call with Biden,
c) contains references to DEFCON BLUE, YELLOW, RED and WHITE levels (5, 3, 2, 1),
d) Il Donaldo Trumpo to catturd2 DELTA is 06:44:41:
#644 = FREEDOM flag
#4441 = The wait will soon be over.

2) Space Systems Command (@USSF_SSC) tweeted a 52 second video that is chock-a-block full of comms, at 00:42 on 8th:
a) I need to generate a large proof graphic for this one over the next few hours,
b) Uses timestamps, gematria, video artefacts and links to many posts on the MAP,
c) Seems to link to Antarctica and the cabal and Mr Pool meetings there, as well as space ship pyramids,
d) Points to EBS on Saturday, December 11th?

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:27 AM
Thanks to Mother for bringing this to my attention:

Another Hit Piece on UK TV last night - "The Cult of Conspiracy: QAnon"

A look behind the curtain of one of the most prominent conspiracies of modern times - QAnon. From the biggest names in the game, to the frontline digital soldiers waging war, director Ben Zand seeks to understand conspiracy theories on a human level, and what sets people on such a divergent path of lies - not just in the USA, but also here on our own doorstep.

I've not had time to bother watching it but I'd make the following observations:

1) This was put on in primetime, just after the "watershed",

2) Although it was shown on Channel4, Ben Zand, is a BBC British-Iranian journalist,

3) Was he distancing from BBC by showing it on Channel4? In case there's kick back?

4) As we know from Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's 5 year spying prison sentence in Iran, there is a high likelihood Zand is also a deep state operative,

5) Ben Zand's life partner is VICE News journalist Isobel Yeung

a British long-form documentary correspondent. She has covered a variety of stories concerning major global issues such as world conflicts, terrorism, mass detention and genocide. She has also reported on social issues in developing countries such as gender roles, women's rights (e.g. in Afghanistan), and mental health. Her work has earned her two Emmy Awards and a Gracie Award.
Born on 2 November 1986 in Salisbury, England to an English mother and Chinese father from Hong Kong, Yeung was raised and spent much of her early life in Salisbury.

After graduating from the University of Nottingham in 2009, she moved to China and freelanced for a number of print publications and also TV channels, including International Channel Shanghai and China Central Television.[citation needed] In 2014, Yeung was hired by Vice News and relocated to the United States, settling down in New York City. With Vice, she has predominantly been an on-air correspondent and producer for their flagship shows airing on HBO, specializing in long-form content and interviews. She is well-known for covering stories on gender discrimination and sexual consent in the U.S. and abroad. She has been dating journalist and director Benjamin Zand since 2017.

Obviously "Nothing To See Here... Move Along!"

edit on 8-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Some cult. I've been reading this thread for two years and no one has tried to make me drink Kool-Aid yet

what sets people on such a divergent path of lies

Tiresome. Yes, there is a lot of false information shoved around. It is called "disinformation" and governments use it against each other and against their own citizens all the time. But what Ben should take note of is that many anons don't knowingly repeat disinformation. From what I've seen, most here are not in the business of misleading others. Digging into the background of the high level creeps who are poisoning the function of our societies is not "lying". Pointing out reports and other documents of potential interest to others is not "lying". And when we figure out something is bogus, that gets announced and everyone moves on.

Sounds like Ben is the one knowingly engaged in disinformation operations.

edit on 8-12-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

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