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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 01:36 PM
File under "Could be something... could be nothing!"

Re 6 posts with ELECTION DAY in

There is an un-considered alternate meaning to ELECTION - Definition of ELECTION

: an act or process of electing the election of a new governor
b : the fact of being elected her election to the Senate
2 : predestination to eternal life
3 : the right, power, or privilege of making a choice

There's not much bigger a "right, power, or privilege of making a choice" than to be a juror in a murder trial?

Therefore do the following all refer to Jury judgement day in Kyle Rittenhous trial?:
"[-1] Election Day" - #4079
"+1 [election day]" - #4294
"Election Day +1" - #4587
"election day +1" - #4738

Re_read the following with this in mind:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ca0923 No.9252896 📁
May 20 2020 12:53:32 (EST)
Fear [vote-by-mail] and obey [stay inside or face death or arrest] tactics push will end +1 [election day].
Release of convicts from prison [evil releases evil].
Do these people care about your well-being?
Do these people love America?
Do anything to regain power?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No.9991332 📁
Jul 17 2020 16:47:13 (EST)📁
C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.


a) Timestamp encodes today, Nov 17th.
b) 11.4 on Julian calendar = 11.17, today, on Gregorian calendar
c) Is today zero-day? Will we have "[massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts]"?

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Caled

Caled, we've discussed in the thread how tunnels from Gibraltar link to the African continent... as well as how tunnels worldwide need to be flooded to finish off the evil within them.

Here's a theory:

Maybe the Gibraltar KEYSTONE is the PLUG HOLE to flood tunnels world wide?

1) Consider that the Mag5 Earthquakes at 10km may not have just been blocking tunnels - they may also have been connecting tunnels to allow a single flood to fill them all?

2) If the tunnel running across the Straits of Gibraltar was breached to allow the Mediterranean and Atlantic Seas to flood it, then this would have 2 effects;
a) The Atlantic Sea level would drop - since there is a "dam" underwater, at the Straits of Gibraltar, the lowered sea-levels would mean the mediterranean was no longer "topped up" by the Atlantic,
b) The Atlantic sea level drop could reveal Atlantis?
c) If the Mediterranean also flooded into the tunnels then that would also drop beneath Dam level and it would dry out to become land again?
d) This "drying out of the Mediterranean" has happened cyclically before. From memory it's every 18,000 years.
e) This would mean that Europe and Africa would become a single continent and the lack of a "sea block" would change weather patterns to form more rain over Africa?

f) If this was actually the plan, then one would have to block off the Suez canal also.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
POTUS45 comms links to posts!

GEORGE NEWS on telegram posted this statement at 17:06:27GMT on 17th:
NOVEMBER 17, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

When the Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell, agreed to a two-month extension, he allowed the Democrats to get their act together and pass the $1.2 Trillion "Non-Infrastructure" Green New Deal Bill, which is a disaster for America in that only 11% of the money will be spent on REAL Infrastructure, with most being spent on Green New Deal nonsense, with big tax increases. Its actual cost is over $2 Trillion, but the bigger disaster is yet to come in the next, much larger version of the Green New Deal, which some people say will be $5 Trillion. This was all allowed by Mitch McConnell's incompetence and now I understand that a couple Republican Senators may get on board so that they can have yet another and even bigger victory, for the Democrats, while at the same time ensuring massive Inflation and the destruction of our Country as we know it. This is what happens when you allow a guy who lost an Election to take over the Office of the President. He obviously had no mandate, but they're changing our Country and everything it stands for. Mitch McConnell couldn't stop the first Bill so 19 Senators, including himself, joined in. That's what he does—if you can't beat them, join them. If he wasn't so stupid and didn't give the two-month extension, he could have stopped it all. Now he and his RINO friends will allow a much bigger and far worse Bill to pass, ruining our Country while giving the Democrats a great political lift, all at the same time. People, with the help of the Fake News Media, have already forgotten about the horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal, an economy and jobs that are in shambles, and so many other things. The good news is, they can't forget about Inflation because it's hitting them right in the face. This is the Broken Old Crow's fault. He could have won it all using the Debt Ceiling—they were ready to fold. Now the Democrats have a big victory and the wind at their back. McConnell is a fool and he damn well better stop their "Dream of Communism Bill" and keep his Senators in line, or he should resign now, something he should have done a long time ago. Use the Debt Ceiling like it should have been used, you Old Broken Crow, to do so would hurt our Country far less than this horrible Bill. Any Republican in the House or Senate who votes for this Bill will never ever get a Trump Endorsement. Thank you, and good luck!

On a limb here. My intuition says one needs the key code for this one, and he who has it was delivered a huge message. Too much is redundant in they way folks create a ton of fluff to hide the main point. Wild guess, the reversal on Broken Old Crow suggest they were given two chances, now the decision is final - whatever that is.

Basic anagram "OWL Cord Broken." We know what that means.

There are a bunch of numbers as well, one of which matters but which one?

Funny, no spending "bill" ever says "with compound interest the total bill will be: 'can never be paid off with fiat currency."

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I was looking at Telegram and saw a picture of Gibraltar and their flag while talking about their high vaccination rate and skyrocketing COVID cases. I was kind of shocked:

Their flag is a red castle with a key.

Gibraltar is home to the Rock of Gibraltar.

"When World War II broke out in 1939, the authorities evacuated the civilian population to Morocco, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, and Madeira so that the military could fortify Gibraltar against a possible German attack. By 1942 there were over 30,000 British soldiers, sailors, and airmen on the Rock. They expanded the tunnel system and made the Rock a keystone in the defence of shipping routes to the Mediterranean.

In February 1997, it was revealed the British had a secret plan called Operation Tracer to conceal servicemen in tunnels beneath the Rock in case the Germans captured it. The team in the rock would have radio equipment with which to report enemy movements. A six-man team waited undercover at Gibraltar for two and a half years. The Germans never got close to capturing the rock and so the men were never sealed inside. The team was disbanded to resume civilian life when the war ended."

The keystone.

Reminded me.

So to be clear. This was in July, the symbols suggested Durham would be arriving in port soon to deliver the goods. Opposition refrain was "yeah yeah yeah, maybe a report, but com'on man..."

So, in September Sussman.
So, in November Danchenko.

Mid November, those who picked apart both indictments have concluded Durham is not issuing a "report" but has the DNC, Clinton's +++ at least in his sights, but maybe McCabe and more on the russia russia russia end alone.

Conclusion one: Symbols pointed to the events we are seeing now.
Conclusion two: Orchestration is WELL BEYOND a guy in a basement, or even a team in a basement.
Conclusion three: No way in hell one can explain this to someone not rooted in the foundation of reading this level of symbolism.
Conclusion four: It takes the unity collective of Anons to build and see the bigger picture.
Conclusion five: We miss A LOT given what is going on, so what else is going on behind the scenes?
Conclusion six: What an EFFING RIDE!!!!

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Broken Old Crow
Bank of China

Are there any connections there to Mitch? His sister-in-law is on their Board of Directors.

I'm not familiar with this source, but I found the article noteworthy.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 02:57 PM
National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon

Glennon argues that democracy in the United States has trended towards mere symbolism, as the Constitution and the rule of law have been eroded by national security concerns and unelected bureaucrats. Glennon draws from the theories of British writer Walter Bagehot (1826–1877), who discussed the structure of British government in his book The English Constitution (1867). He argues that Bagehot's thesis of a "double government" in nineteenth century Britain also applies to the U.S. today.

Why has U.S. security policy scarcely changed from the Bush to the Obama administration? National Security and Double Government offers a disquieting answer. Michael J. Glennon challenges the myth that US security policy is still forged by America's visible, Madisonian institutions - the President, Congress, and the courts. Their roles, he argues, have become largely illusory. Presidential control is now nominal, congressional oversight is dysfunctional, and judicial review is negligible. The book details the dramatic shift in power that has occurred from the Madisonian institutions to a concealed Trumanite network - the several hundred managers of the military, intelligence, diplomatic, and law enforcement agencies who are responsible for protecting the nation and who have come to operate largely immune from constitutional and electoral restraints.

Pg 117:

The objection will no doubt be heard that the need for specialization and the appeal of “technocracy”—rule by experts—is nothing new. Indeed, “the roots of technocracy go back to the Enlightenment, with its emphasis on reason, science, technical rationality, and technology.”

Is not national security duality merely a contemporary manifestation of the challenge long posed to democracy by the administrative state -cum-technocracy?

An unrestrained security apparatus has throughout history been one of the principal reasons that free governments have failed.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 03:36 PM
Nobody saw that coming...

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 03:37 PM
Interim ARCHIVE PAGES FOR PART 38 OF THREAD - grouped in 20 page zipfiles and held on Dropbox

ATS Thread pt38 P1 to 20
ATS Thread pt38 P21 to 40
ATS Thread pt38 P41 to 60
ATS Thread pt38 P61 to 80
ATS Thread pt38 P81 to 100
ATS Thread pt38 P101 to 120
ATS Thread pt38 P121 to 140
ATS Thread pt38 P141 to 160
ATS Thread pt38 P161 to 180
ATS Thread pt38 P181 to 200
ATS Thread pt38 P201 to 220
ATS Thread pt38 P221 to 240
ATS Thread pt38 P241 to 255

KU V21.67 171121 to 4953 incl DECODE tools
(This version includes Huma Abedin tweets on a new tab)

I'm catching up on the Linked Web Pages from Threads 36/37 and hoping to post an updated Master Archives link later tonight.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

So why hasn't law Enforcement gone after the people buying or unloading these bricks every time there's a riot expected to happen? I mean they have been going after people yelling at city and school board officials?

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Much bricks needed to Build Back Better.🙄

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Oh wow that's cool. I remember as a kid wondering why numbers went from 10 to 11 to 12. Why not eleventeen and twelveteen.

I am still waiting to hear from my Primary Physician. He seems to be having problems getting my report from that night. I will not be going back to that hospital again! There is a newer hospital in the larger town close to me that has the best doctors and equipment!

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Attorney general Barr didn't care, and you expect attorney general Garland to care?

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Don't really care if the AG gets involved or not. I'm talking about the local boys since these events affect the local communities.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: carewemust

Don't really care if the AG gets involved or not. I'm talking about the local boys since these events affect the local communities.

I think a few of the perpetrators unloading bricks, were identified and arrested in Washington DC last year.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: crankyoldman

Broken Old Crow
Bank of China

Are there any connections there to Mitch? His sister-in-law is on their Board of Directors.

I'm not familiar with this source, but I found the article noteworthy.

Great find QOS, that is really juicy and seems to fit if we connect Evergrande, Bitcoin, Debt Ceiling, Tether etc.

I have this odd feeling that someone, or something, has been artificially holding things off... WH or BH no idea. Team Joe bum rushed this signing for a 3 second PR victory lap, air now gone, so there were other reasons for it and the tone of DJT's reply seems to suggest trap.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Nobody saw that coming...

They need to send the Street crew down to claim them then. We need the DOJ to review the cameras and find these rioters who are claiming to be mostly peaceful if they so much as pick one up and keep it, and the find the owners of the trucks that made the deliveries. Trace back who paid for them to be there.

Better yet pour concrete over them and lock them in place
edit on 17-11-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 05:45 PM
There is a kerfuffle in the Rittenhouse Trial.

Seems the Prosecution sent the Defense a crappy copy of a key video on purpose.

What is shocking to me, and I don't see mentioned yet, is that said Morbidly Obese Prosecutor has the EVIDENCE on his personal phone!

So a high profile trial and he sent the defense their copy of a key video from his phone? His phone?

We've reached that point I warned about the day the iPhone came out. It would destroy and entire generation's ability to critically think, it would turn them into mind dead zombies at some or all levels, it would rewire the minds of people and turn them into addicts,,,, and now we see it in full effect.

Folks can't drive, travel without darpagoog/phone telling them were to go, how to get there, what to do when the get there, how to pay for what they do, record what they do and sooooooon it will be the only way they can travel at all.

Phone = Vax Passport.
No Phone = no life.

Exactly as I saw it coming. This does not surprise me one single bit.

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 05:46 PM
Nov 17, 1973: Richard Nixon - announces "I'm not a crook" in Walt Disney World Room.

Nov 17, 2019 – The the so-called patient zero COVID-19 is traced to a 55-year-old man who had visited a market in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. CCP Post

18 U.S. Code § 713 - Use of likenesses of the great seal of the United States, the seals of the President and Vice President, the seal of the United States Senate, the seal of the United States House of Representatives, and the seal of the United States Congress.

Apparently the reason the seal was blurred is that the source video is from @TheDemocrats and they can't include the seal since apparently that would imply endorsement.🤪🙃

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 06:00 PM
They will just file the video evidence along with the Jan 6th videos and the 911 Pentagon and nearby gas station videos and all the others evidence that this is all a set up deep in some vault in the side of some mountain.
We will never see it.

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Nobody saw that coming...

They need to send the Street crew down to claim them then. We need the DOJ to review the cameras and find these rioters who are claiming to be mostly peaceful if they so much as pick one up and keep it, and the find the owners of the trucks that made the deliveries. Trace back who paid for them to be there.

Better yet pour concrete over them and lock them in place

posted on Nov, 17 2021 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I think the Prosecutor used his iPhone on purpose - knowing that it would reduce the video quality when emailed or MMSd from an iPhone?

It gives him the excuse "I selected the full quality drone footage - it wasn't me that reduced quality, it was the iPhone"?

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